Chapter 123

On the seventh day of February in the third year of Hongye, the emperor worshiped heaven and earth at the altar, and Chi You, the leader of the army, personally conferred the three-army talisman festival on the left and right Xiaowei. The Jin army was divided into two groups. , To deal with the Turkic soldiers and horses of the Dulan Department.One, led by General Zuo Xiaowei He Ruofan, entered Bingzhou to deal with the Turkic troops of the Ministry of Li.

Since the reform of the military system last year, all soldiers and horses in the country have been under the control of the twelve guards, and each guard has a full establishment of 5 soldiers and horses.However, this does not mean that the Jin Dynasty has only 60 troops. These 60 are only the elite stationed in the capital, and the rest of the government soldiers from all over the country are not among them.

Among them, there are 100 cavalry teams, each team has 1 people, and every ten teams is a battalion, a total of ten battalions, with a total of [-] cavalry.

There are 100 infantry teams, each with 3 soldiers, and every ten teams is a battalion, a total of 1 battalions, with a total of [-] infantry.In addition, there are [-] soldiers in total, such as heavy soldiers, logistical soldiers, and equipment soldiers.

Among them, the mixed formation was disrupted, divided into vanguard army, left wing army, right wing army, central army tent, and logistics supply army.The vanguard army is mainly scout cavalry, and its strategic mission is to find the enemy and find the garrison camp.The left and right wings are ready to support at any time, and the central army tent is mainly responsible for commanding the battlefield.

Haohao Tangtang's team left Chang'an City. Every soldier had a serious look on his face. The three armies were orderly and meticulous. Even if relatives and friends were shouting on the road, the soldiers could only turn their heads and look at them, and could not leave without authorization. team.

"Sanniang, I saw the prince, it's the silver-helmed general, he is the one under the banner, the one on the black horse. Yes, Sanniang is that person." Kou Yu and Yuchi Chifan stood in the wine shop Looking around on the attic, Kou Yu suddenly found Jiang Chengxiao's location, and quickly pointed it out to his girl.

Yuchi Chifan searched around and finally found the figure, she covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying.Although he promised himself in every possible way in the letter, when he actually watched him set off for the battle, his heart was still messy and uncomfortable.

Jiang Chengxiao was wearing bright light armor and a silver helmet on his head, astride a purebred war horse produced in Hetao.The Mingguang armor is very heavy. The helmet, cape, heart mirror, girdle, arm guards, belly armor, gown belly armor, guard feet, armor boots, a set weighs forty catties.

Mingguang armor is the most sought after armor in the Jin army, and only the scale armor can match it.Those who can wear bright armor are absolutely elite soldiers, and the rest of the general soldiers can only wear leather armor, wooden armor, white cloth, soap silk and other cloth armor.

The left and right Xiaowei armies left Chang'an City, and gradually divided into two teams, heading north all the way and heading northeast all the way.Behind the two armies was a long line of luggage, in addition to soldiers, there were more than 20 peasants conscripted to transport food and grass.

On the Shuai flag all the way to the northeast, there is a word "He" written in Dou Da. This is the army led by General Zuo Xiaowei He Ruofan, and Jiang Chengxiao is right next to He Ruofan.

He Ruojuan is more than 40 years old this year, with a red complexion, slender and powerful arms, which makes him a big iron gun weighing more than 80 kilograms.This person had fought with Zhao Wang for decades. It was not until Zhao Wang was transferred back to the capital last year that He Ruofan followed him back to the capital. After the reform of the military system, he was appointed by the emperor as General Zuo Xiaowei because of his accumulated military achievements.

"Why, little guy, do you miss your family?" Seeing Jiang Chengxiao wandering around, He Ruojuan thought he was reluctant to leave Chang'an, so he joked.

Just as Jiang Chengxiao was about to shake his head, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't adapted to the weight of the helmet, and said lightly, "No, I was just curious about military affairs, so I looked around."

He Ruoyu laughed loudly and said: "You said that it was wrong for you to let go of a good son, why did you want to go to Bingzhou with our group of Qiu Ba to suffer the punishment? They did it for food and military merits. What about you? You are not short of money, and you have a title Is it okay to stay in Chang'an honestly and enjoy the blessings? You young people are really becoming more and more incomprehensible. If you are not blessed, you will suffer, alas!" He Ruofei sighed heavily, It seemed that he was really persuading Jiang Chengxiao earnestly.

"The general is just joking. Zuo Xiaowei has strict discipline and a well-organized military appearance. How can he use the word Qiu Ba to insult him? Forgive me, the general will not agree." Jiang Chengxiao did not directly respond to He Ruojuan's words.

He Ruojuan glanced at him, turned his gaze to the front, and said seriously: "Now that we have spoken, the old man will no longer play riddles. Although King Zhao entrusted you to the old man, there is no lack of care in his words, but the old man will not Because you have broken the iron law of the army, if you violated the military law or escaped in front of the battle, I will definitely behead you before the battle and will not tolerate it. As for your father, I will make atonement with death in order to repay the support of King Zhao Grace."

There was no lack of cold and murderous tone in his words, and the iron blood of a soldier rushed towards him.

Jiang Chengxiao himself knew the reason why King Zhao put him in Zuo Xiaowei, it was nothing more than to let him be plated with gold, he had a lot of knowledge, and he never planned that he would be able to make meritorious service in this battle.

"Don't worry, general, the discipline in the army will be clear at the end." Jiang Chengxiao replied solemnly.

He Ruoyu nodded and said: "As a general of hussars, I would have handed over two battalions of Qingqi to the left wing army to stand by."

Jiang Chengxiao was taken aback for a moment, this was different from what he had guessed, isn't he a hussar general in vain, why would he hand over two thousand cavalry to himself.

"Why, you don't have confidence?" Seeing him hesitating, He Ruoyu's voice became cold.

Jiang Chengxiao came back to his senses and said seriously: "No, I have confidence."

"Go, get familiar with military affairs as soon as possible." He Ruoyu issued the order to evict guests.Jiang Chengxiao gave a military salute, turned his horse's head, and led his own soldier Zu Yan to the position of the left-wing army.

A sub-general smiled and said, "General, you are showing favoritism."

He Ruoyu glared at him, and the old god said at ease: "If he can't even control the two battalions, he should come back as soon as possible and be a useless counselor."

Ya Jiang smiled embarrassingly, "If this prince really ran away on the battlefield, would you really be able to do it?"

He Ruoyu ignored his words, and instead gave an order, "The three armies must speed up and go to Bingzhou within five days."

The army left Tongguan from Jingzhao County, crossed the Yellow River and entered Hedong County. In the next five days, they marched across three counties and entered Loufan County, and finally stationed in Jingle County, the prefecture of Loufan County.

The Jingle County Yamen was converted into a temporary main camp by He Ruojuan. After all the troops were stationed, He Ruojuan called the generals to discuss matters.Above the lobby, the general, two junior generals, more than a dozen hussar generals, and chariot generals all gathered together.

"General, everyone is here." A sub-general counted the number of people, and then said to He Ruoyu.

He Ruojuan nodded, got up and walked to Kanyu map, pointed to a pass above Kanyu map in Loufan County and said: "Three days ago, Loufan Pass was lost, and all [-] Turkic soldiers and horses from the Ministry of Rites entered Loufan County. The whereabouts of Fan County are unknown, according to the reports from the scouts that I will send out, it is very likely that Jiao Li is attacking Tucheng County, what do you think?"

A chariot general stood up and clasped his hands and said, "General, if the Ministry of Agriculture has really captured Loufanguan, then Tucheng County will not be able to stop the [-] Turkic soldiers and horses. It is estimated that they have already left Tucheng by this time." City and county."

Another hussar general said: "General, Tucheng County is surrounded by mountains, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is impossible for the Turkic cavalry to capture Tucheng County in two days. If they send troops to rescue, they may be able to resist. .”

He Ruojuan turned his gaze to Jiang Chengxiao.He hasn't seen Jiang Chengxiao much in the past few days, because he didn't pay much attention to him after he was sent to the Left Wing Army. Fighting with the soldiers of the Qingqi Battalion.

"What's Jiang Huanqi's opinion?" He Ruoyu suddenly asked.All of a sudden, everyone in the lobby looked at Jiang Chengxiao.

This Jiang Hussar was weak in appearance, and he was not particularly outstanding in the eyes of a group of mid-level officers. There were not many people who paid attention to him, but there were faint rumors that this person had a good status, and he should be the second generation of the rich and powerful who came down to be gilded.Everyone is not close to him, but they will not trouble him either.There are some people who I look down on in my heart, but everyone keeps it in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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