Dajin royal family

Chapter 124 Yikou Turks

Chapter 124 Yikou Turks ([-])

It was a bit unexpected for He Ruoyu to ask him to speak by name. At first, he thought that he, the hussar general, should be a soy saucer, but after these few days, He Ruoyu really asked him to lead two thousand Qingqi, and There was nothing restricting him, and it made him a little strange. Could it be that he misunderstood King Zhao's meaning.

Jiang Chengxiao pondered for a moment, and said: "It doesn't matter whether Tucheng County is taken or not at this time, we need to do two things at this time, the first is to recapture Loufan Pass and cut off the Turkic exit from Loufan County, The second point is to figure out where the Turkic targets are."

He Ruoyu nodded, and said: "The first point can be considered, and the second point is tantamount to farting. Of course, we need to find out where the main force of the Turks is. We can't run around like headless chickens."

"Hahaha!" All the generals laughed out loud because of the general's words.

Jiang Chengxiao didn't change his expression because everyone laughed, and corrected him: "The general misunderstood the meaning of the last general."

"Oh, tell me what Ben misunderstood."

Jiang Chengxiao gave him a military salute, walked to Kanyu map, pointed to Tucheng County to the north of Jingle County, and said: "Tucheng County is surrounded by mountains, and most of the army will have cavalry to win this county. It is not of much benefit to the Turks. Tucheng County is not a big county, and it is not rich. The Turks are not very interested in this county. If they march from Tucheng County, then the target must be Chunsun County in the south. Use this place as a springboard to enter Taiyuan County to snatch property."

The hall fell silent, and many people took another look at Jiang Huanqi.

He Ruoyu was silent for a moment, and said: "It is possible that the Turkic people went south this time to plunder property. The real rich counties are all gathered in Taiyuan County. You can say that."

"What if the Turks didn't march from Tucheng County?" asked a sub-general.

Jiang Chengxiao thought for a while and said, "There is a [-]% possibility that the Turks will march from Tucheng County, because once they enter Yanmen County from here, they will go to the plain of Pingchuan. This long and narrow plain leads directly to Taiyuan. The possibility is very high. Big. But there is another possibility, the Turks may go south to attack Jingle County, which is closer to Taiyuan.”

"One road is suitable for cavalry marching, and the other is a shortcut. This is the idea of ​​​​the last general."

His guesses are all based on one point, that is, the target of the Turks is Taiyuan.Because the wealth of Taiyuan is several times that of other counties, if the Turks go deep south, it is impossible not to take Taiyuan as a target.

He Ruojuan pondered for a moment, and immediately ordered: "Jiang Huqi, General Zhao, and General Xue, order the three of you to lead two battalions of your own troops to march in the starry night. You must rush to Yikou County to garrison at dawn tomorrow, and you must stop the Turks from attacking." People entered Taiyuan County."

Yikou County belongs to a county seat on the boundary line between Loufan County and Yanmen County. This is also a county seat built on a plain. If Turkic people go to the plain, they will definitely pass through this county seat.He Ruojuan sat firmly in Jingle County and divided his troops into two groups. No matter which route found the Turkic people first, the other side could support them as quickly as possible.

Of course, this is not over yet, He Ruoyu said again: "General Han, you lead 1 people to Loufan Pass, and you must retake Loufan Pass for the general, cutting off the escape route of the Turks."


All the generals took orders and retreated one after another.

Returning to his tent, Jiang Chengxiao took out a map, this map was rubbed by He Ruoyu for each of the leading generals, it simply marked a few mountains and a winding river , and the approximate locations of several counties.

He roughly measured the distance between Jingle County and Yikou County. According to the speed of his two battalions of Qingqi, he could arrive at dawn tomorrow.

"Let the two school lieutenants come to the big tent to discuss matters."

He Ruoyu gave him two battalions of light cavalry, with two school lieutenants under him, and these two school lieutenants were responsible for conveying his general orders to the brigade commander and team leader below.

Not long after, two captains rushed over.

"General." The two school captains entered the big tent and bowed to Jiang Chengxiao.Although they thought that Jiang Chengxiao was here to be gilded, and that he was weak and had no force, but since the general asked him to command Qingqi, they naturally wouldn't say much.The ranks and ranks in the army are orderly. As for "disobedience", that is Qiu Bagan's fault. A real soldier always obeys the orders of his superiors.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "All the brothers in the Qingqi camp pack up their luggage immediately, pack lightly, and bring three days of dry food and clean water. We have to rush to Yikou County before dawn."

Captain Mao said: "General, are the Turks in Yikou County?"

Jiang Chengxiao glanced at him coldly, "This is not what you should ask, if you have any questions, please ask them now."

Captain Mao swallowed, did not dare to question, and followed another captain to leave the big tent.As soon as he got out of the big tent, Captain Mao immediately snorted coldly: "What a big smelly shelf, how dangerous it is to march at night, doesn't he know that?"

Another school lieutenant, surnamed Wei, said: "He is a general, we just listen to him, and he is responsible for any mistakes."

The two of them didn't take a few steps, and they met two generals head-on, it was General Xue and General Zhao who were in the big tent before. The two hurriedly saluted, and then went down to convey Jiang Chengxiao's order.

Knowing that General Xue and General Zhao had come to discuss military affairs, Jiang Chengxiao quickly invited them into the tent.General Xue is in his thirties, tall and strong, and the two battalions under him are heavy cavalry.The two battalions under General Zhao are infantry. In terms of arms, He Ruojuan has arranged for them completely.

General Zhao said: "Jiang Huqi, the infantry under my command will not be able to keep up with you, so I discussed with General Xue that the light cavalry battalion will go first, the infantry will be in the middle, and General Zhao will lead the heavy cavalry to follow behind. What do the hussars think?"

General Xue said: "To reach Yikou County tomorrow, we can only go east along the river."

Jiang Chengxiao pondered for a while, and then said: "I have thought about it carefully, if the three of us separate our forces, once we encounter Turkic soldiers and horses on the way to Yikou County, it is inherently unfavorable. Yikou County is recovering, what do you two think?"

General Xue and General Zhao thought about it, and it seems that there is no problem in doing so. Anyway, they will return to the original state when they arrive in Yikou County, which is not considered to be a military formation. The two readily agreed.Afterwards, the three of them discussed the mixed soldiers and horses, and finally decided to let Jiang Chengxiao lead a battalion of heavy cavalry and a battalion of light cavalry first, and the remaining battalion of light cavalry was in the middle to deliver the news.

After doing all this, Jiang Chengxiao asked someone to find a middle-aged man in Jingle County who was familiar with the mountain roads at night, and recruited him to lead the way in the name of the imperial court.

Before nightfall, Jiang Chengxiao took the lead and led two battalions along the river to Yikou County, followed by a thousand light cavalry and a thousand heavy cavalry.Because the roads on both sides of the river are narrow and can only accommodate two horses in parallel, the march must be methodical.

In order to ensure the safety of the front, Jiang Chengxiao sent ten Qingqi scouts to explore thirty miles ahead, and every time a scout came back, Jiang Chengxiao would immediately let another ready scout take over.

It was his first time fighting a war, and it would be a lie to say that he was not nervous, so he tried to kill all the hidden crises he could think of.Among them, the biggest crisis is the intelligence work. If the intelligence work in the war is not done well, it is equivalent to sending half of one's life away.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the torches lit up one by one, as if drawing an orange line on the edge of the dark river.

That night, Jiang Chengxiao was very nervous, and when he was hungry, he casually ate two bites of the pancake with clear water to satisfy his hunger.At this time, there was no fermentation technology, and the flatbread was made of dead flour, which was hard and unpalatable, but fortunately, the portion was sufficient, and it was the best choice for dry food.

After nothing happened overnight, they arrived at the plain area when the sky was just turning pale. Thirty miles to the north was Xiurong County, not far from Yikou County.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden "dong dong dong" vibration in front of him, Jiang Chengxiao's face changed, it was the voice of a cavalry!
(End of this chapter)

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