Chapter 138

As Yishaxie's vanguard, Zhisiguli has been going all the way south like a broken bamboo.There was a slight discrepancy with Jiang Chengxiao's guess, and he arrived thirty miles outside Shanyang County in the middle of the next morning.To attack Loufan Pass, one must pass through Shanyang County.

Zhi Siguli held a scimitar in his hand, his black face showed no expression, his eyes fell on the small town gradually emerging in the distance.According to the information that Jiaoli gave them, it should be Shanyang County, the prefecture of Mayi County.After marching overnight, the men and horses under him were more or less exhausted, so Zhi Siguli ordered 1 people to dismount, rest and replenish their strength, and prepare for the next journey.

He led more than ten riders towards Shanyang County, pulled the reins at a distance of [-] miles from Shanyang County, and rode on the horse carefully watching the flag on the city head.Contrary to what Jiao Li told him in the information, the flags on the city head of Shanyang County were flying, as if no one was stationed there.

"Captain, those Han people are afraid of us, and they don't dare to show their heads when guarding the city." A soldier saw the empty situation above the city, and immediately said disdainfully.

Zhisi Guli frowned, and did not let down his vigilance because of the soldiers' words.He followed the Khan in the Western Regions to fight against the Jin army. These Han people frequently plotted, like cunning foxes.What's more, they didn't encounter any resistance along the way, which made him suspicious.

Cao Li was clearly wiped out by the Jin army, how could there be no Jin army here, this is really unimaginable.No matter how bad it is, there should be one or two thousand soldiers defending the city.But why is there no one at the head of Shanyang County, but those flags are very dense.

Could it be a trick of suspicion?

Zhi Siguli stroked the short beard on his chin and thought for a moment. He felt that there must be something strange in Shanyang County. If there was a heavy army hidden here, wouldn't they be attacked by the enemy when they attacked Loufan Pass?
With this in mind, Zhi Siguli made up his mind to find out the situation in Shanyang County first.If there are really heavy soldiers hidden inside, then he will save a lot of trouble for Khan's army if he fights it down.If there are only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, taking Shanyang County can also be used as a garrison camp for Khan.

An hour later, as the horn sounded, the Turkic cavalry divided into ten columns, and galloped towards Shanyang County. Yang County was suppressed.

The first row of Turkic cavalry encountered a horse pit ten miles away from Shanyang City. They were caught off guard and immediately fell into the pit.The cavalry behind did not know what happened and fell into the pit.

Zhi Siguli rushed to the front, he pulled the reins at the first moment of the accident, looked at the soldiers who were rushing forward and fell into the pit, and immediately raised his hands and shouted: "Stop!"

The ten-thousand-thousand cavalry slowly stopped, looking at the Turkic people who died tragically in the pit, and then looked up at the still empty city of Shanyang, and immediately gritted their teeth: "These cunning Han people are indeed stationed here."

"But Lieutenant, there is still no one on the top of the city, why don't we rush in." A soldier suggested.

Zhisi Guli shook his head and said solemnly: "This must be a trap set by those Han people. They must have laid an ambush in the city. As long as we rush over, the Jin army will definitely appear."

He even guessed that this was an empty city plan by the Han people, and he suffered from such losses when he was in the Western Regions.Once he rushed into the city, the Jin army suddenly appeared outside, and combined with the Jin army ambushing in the city, he would definitely be severely injured by then.

"Send me an order to send someone to search the surrounding area."

"Yes." The soldiers took the order, and immediately called a dozen Turkic cavalry to leave.

"Captain, should we just watch like this?"

Zhi Siguli shook his head, and said: "Go on, send 3000 people to test the attack first, and make sure to see if there are any ambushes in the city."

With an order, the horn sounded again, and a group of [-] Turkic cavalry rushed out of the formation and rushed towards Shanyang City.This time, many of them saw a "human head" hidden in the top of Shanyang City, and they all took their bows and arrows from their backs, and shot towards the top of the city with their bows and arrows.A burst of black rain soared into the sky, and in an instant, one after another shot at the top of the city.Some arrows hit the city wall, while others entered the city.

Seeing this scene, Zhi Siguli, who was far behind, became alert immediately, there was indeed someone hiding in Shanyang City.At this moment, another change occurred ahead. Three thousand Turkic cavalry rushed for two miles and encountered a horse pit again.

"Tell them to suspend their march!" Zhi Siguli yelled.

Even after digging two horse pits, he couldn't believe that there was no garrison in this city even if he was killed.These damned Han people are really cunning, and they haven't shown their faces until now, making him confused for a while about the strength of the troops in the city.

The scene became quiet again. At this time, a Turkic cavalry came back from the front, came to Zhi Si Guli on horseback, and said: "Captain, the city gate is open, and no one is guarding the gate."

Sure enough, it was an empty city plan by the Han people, hum, if I hadn't encountered it in the Western Regions, I would definitely fall here this time.Zhisi Guli snorted coldly, and ordered: "The army retreats twenty li, and wait for my order."

To deal with this kind of empty city strategy, after suffering several losses, he gradually summed up some experience, that is to destroy the ambush outside the city, so that the ambush in the city will become a lone army.

"Hmph, I am the one who is favored by the great Changshengtian." Zhi Siguli glanced coldly at Shanyang County, and retreated twenty li with the army. I will win by myself.

Time passed gradually, and the cavalry sent out earlier returned.

"Captain, the surrounding area has been checked for [-] miles, and nothing unusual has been found."

"No?" Zhi Siguli was stunned for a while, how could this be possible, according to the development of the empty city plan, there must be a large number of people ambushing around, how could there be no abnormalities.

Zhisi Guli asked in disbelief: "Have you searched all of them carefully?"

"I searched everything carefully, and found no trace."

Zhi Siguli suddenly thought of something, and was furious. He was cheated. This was a real "empty city" trick.He suddenly ordered: "Siege the city in an all-round way, and chop up this group of Han Chinese!"

Following Zhisiguli's order, horns sounded one after another, and [-] Turkic cavalry rushed towards Shanyang County like a hurricane. Although they encountered another horse trap this time, Zhisiguli did not stop and led The army stormed Shanyang City.

There was no Jin army in Shanyang City at all, so in less than half an hour, Zhi Si Gu Li entered the city.However, after some searching, there was no one here, not even a dog, and they rushed into Shanyang County without any resistance.

When the soldiers told Zhi Siguli the situation in the city, his eyes were about to burst into flames. He knew that he had been tricked and wasted hours of time here.At this time, another soldier walked down the wall holding a "corpse" and said to Zhi Sigu: "Captain, the people on the wall are not human beings, they are all disguised by straw and clothes."

Hearing this, Zhisiguli pulled out the scimitar, split the scarecrow in half, and said through gritted teeth: "I must catch this Jin general and tear him apart!"

"Captain, since there is no Jin army in this city, they should all be stationed at Loufan Pass." A commander under his command said.

Zhi Si Gu Li's angry chest heaved and heaved, he turned around and ordered: "The order is for the whole army to move out, and Lou Fan Pass must be captured before Khan arrives tomorrow."


The Turks didn't stay in Shanyang City for too long, but after an hour or so, they rushed out of Shanyang City again and attacked Loufan Pass.

In the dark, a scout of the Jin army saw this, and he immediately got on his horse and drove back to Loufanguan by taking the trail.

Zhisi Guli rushed to the front of the team, he never expected that he would be deceived.He had been vigilant for a long time because of an empty city. If Sha Bodu knew about this, he would be laughed to death by that guy.

"Damn traitor, unforgivable, I will definitely tear you apart!" Zhi Siguli twitched his horse's buttocks furiously, the horse neighed, and the horse's hooves galloped wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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