Dajin royal family

Chapter 139 Up and Down 1 Heart

Chapter 139

Loufan Pass is located in the middle of the ancient Zhao Great Wall. Because of the terrain, it has been a dangerous pass since ancient times. There are steep mountains on the left and right sides, and the pass is located in the middle of the flat mountain road. Because of the Great Wall, it is basically impossible for Turkic people to climb mountains. Attack Loufan Pass from top to bottom.A tributary of the Yellow River named Sanggan River starts here, and to the west is Kaiyang County in Mayi County.

At night, in Lou Fan Pass. More than 5000 soldiers stood in the pass with spears in their hands. Hussar General Jiang Chengxiao and Chariot General Zhao Jiao stood on a temporary high platform. More than 5000 soldiers looked at the young general with burning eyes. Although the general was a little young, they also heard a lot of rumors from the cavalry brothers.

This time, in the area of ​​Yikou County, Loufan County, they wiped out the Turkic vanguard with fewer victories and more, and made great contributions to the general's support of Loufanguan.Therefore, the five thousand soldiers did not question the young general.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the torches were lit, illuminating the faces of the young soldiers. At this time, they didn't know what was ahead.

Jiang Chengxiao breathed a sigh of relief, raised his chest, and said in a loud voice: "I know everyone is very tired. After marching for a day and a night, some brothers have not closed their eyes to dig a horse pit outside Shanyang County. I also know that everyone must It’s very strange, why didn’t we go to recapture Dali City, but came back to Loufanguan. Yes, some brothers must have heard some news that there is a group of Turkic people in front. I can tell you now that there is indeed a group of Turkic soldiers in front .So how many do they have?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Chengxiao smiled slightly, "According to the report from the scouts, there are more than 20 of them, and the initial estimate should be between 30 and [-]."

The eyes of the five thousand soldiers were wide open, and low-pitched discussions sounded out one after another.This is more than 5000 Turkic soldiers and horses, and they only have [-] people. What should we do?
Many soldiers had the idea of ​​retreating in their hearts.

Zhao Jiao glanced at Jiang Chengxiao, he didn't understand, shouldn't he report the number of enemy troops as little as possible at this time, so as to stabilize the morale of the army, why did he still say so much, this kind of contrary approach will only break the morale of the army , and there may even be a possibility of a collapsed camp.Therefore, he kept giving Jiang Chengxiao winks, and even quietly pulled him to remind him.

But Jiang Chengxiao turned a deaf ear, and continued: "I know, you must be thinking about how to escape and how to save your own life, right?"

As soon as the words fell, a soldier in the front row was dissatisfied immediately: "General, we only have 5000 people, how can we defend [-] Turkic soldiers and horses, isn't this sending us to death!"

"Yes, General, this is death."

The soldiers suddenly shouted loudly.Zu Yan picked up the gong in her hand and slammed it hard, and the noisy scene was quieted down again with a "boom".

Jiang Chengxiao said loudly: "That's right, this is indeed death! But, brothers, before I ask you to think about a question, if we abandon Loufan Pass, have you ever thought about where these Turkic soldiers and horses will eventually enter? "

The soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, and the soldier who could not read a single word scratched his head and couldn't understand.Those who knew a word or two lowered their heads in deep thought, while the captain and the commander-in-chief, who were a bit oblivious, looked increasingly ugly.

"Let me tell you!" Jiang Chengxiao's tone suddenly changed, and he said sternly: "They will enter Taiyuan County to burn, kill, and loot. Take food, livestock, money, and even your wives and children will become Turkic slaves!"

"Brothers, please think about it. When those Turkic people rushed into your house, they stabbed your parents to death, treated your children with ropes tied around their necks like dogs, and abused your wives wantonly. , burn down your homes, and slaughter our compatriots!"

"These, am I right!"

The 5000 people were deadly silent. Although the soldiers in the back row might not be able to hear what the general said due to the distance, they also knew the content through word of mouth from the soldiers.The general is right. They have been listening to the old soldiers talking about the brutality of the Turks since they joined the army.

Zhao Jiao opened his mouth, because he found that after listening to Jiang Chengxiao's words, there seemed to be a picture in his mind, and a burst of anger went straight to his forehead.He couldn't help but glanced down at the soldiers below, and found that their breathing gradually became heavier.

After a long silence, another soldier said: "However, even if we resist desperately, we only have [-] brothers, and we can't beat [-] Turkic people. When Lou Fan Pass is broken, our family members will still be killed by Turkic people."

After the voice fell, the soldiers raised their heads and stared at the young general, wondering how he would answer.

"You're right, our 5000 people really can't hold Loufan Pass." Jiang Chengxiao first affirmed his statement.

Hearing this, Zhao Jiao couldn't help being anxious. At this moment, the soldiers' anger was brought up, and they should say something encouraging, so as to ensure their morale.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chengxiao said loudly: "But, we will never lose. Because we have this." As he spoke, Jiang Chengxiao pointed to his chest.

Under the bewildered eyes of the soldiers, he roared angrily: "Da Yu controlled the water, and the Foolish Old Man moved the mountain. Our ancestors did not retreat in the face of high mountains and floods. Are mere Turkic people more fierce than high mountain floods! The late emperor Wasn't the mighty Turkic Empire torn apart by us?"

"We are all citizens of the Jin family. Behind us are thousands of people from the Jin family. Among them may be your brothers' parents, brothers, and sisters. We are their first barrier and their The last barrier. Maybe we will all die in Lou Fanguan today, but our spirit will live on forever.”

"Your deeds will not be buried in these high mountains. You will become the pride of your parents, the role model for your children, and the monument of your clan. Although we die today, our spirit will become the soul of the Jin army!"

As he said that, Jiang Chengxiao pulled out the horizontal knife, cut his palm with a "stab" in full view, raised it high, and shouted: "Today, I will advance and retreat with all the brothers. Destroy people and die. If the Turks don't retreat for a day, I will stand on the top of the city forever, and the banner of the Jin army will never fall!"

"Kill all the Turkic dogs!" A hateful roar burst out from nowhere, and then five thousand soldiers spread like a tide in an instant.The sound of "Kill all the Turkic dogs" resounded unknowingly.

Even the general is not afraid of death and wants to fight the Turks, what else is there to be afraid of? As the general said, if they escape, they will become a disgrace to their parents and relatives, and they will always bear the bad name of fugitives.Their children will never hold their heads up, and they will be ashamed of such a father.

At this moment, a cavalry rushed over and shouted: "Hurry up, the imperial court has sent [-] troops to help, and it will be reached in three days!"

Hearing this, five thousand soldiers were instantly ignited, and the shouts resounded endlessly.

Jiang Chengxiao slowly lowered his raised hand, looking at the excited soldiers below, the corners of his mouth hidden in the darkness couldn't help but curl up slightly.Sometimes, simple deception cannot reassure soldiers, and only by doing so can the best results be achieved.

Just like some lies can be exposed as soon as they are exposed, if he deceives these soldiers from the beginning that there are not many Turkic soldiers, then once the war breaks out, this lie will be exposed sooner or later, and the army will undoubtedly lose its morale.It is better to tell the soldiers at the beginning how many Turkic people there are.

"Jiang Hussars, that's great. The imperial court has come to aid one hundred thousand soldiers and horses. Now that the army's morale is available, we can win!" Zhao Jiao said to Jiang Chengxiao happily when he heard what the cavalryman said.

"General Zhao, don't you really understand?" Jiang Chengxiao glanced at Zhao Jiao speechlessly, and led him down the high platform slowly towards the top of the city.Zu Yan handed over the silk cloth, and Jiang Chengxiao bound up his palm casually.

Hearing his words, Zhao Jiao was puzzled at first, then startled, and then suddenly understood, he couldn't believe it and said: "The news about the reinforcements is false."

"Hmm." Jiang Chengxiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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