Dajin royal family

Chapter 140 Night Rocket

Chapter 140 Night Rocket
Of course it was false, his messenger soldiers only set off yesterday, and the beacon tower was only lit for two days, how could there be news of reinforcements so soon.The cavalryman was nothing more than his "entrustment". Telling the news to the soldiers when the will to die in their hearts was ignited was not only to stabilize the morale of the army, but also to make the soldiers hold the hope of "surviving" wholeheartedly. against the enemy.

He only told Zu Yan about this arrangement, Zhao Jiao didn't know about it, so now Zhao Jiao stood behind Jiang Chengxiao and hesitated for a moment.

"The general is really surprising." Zhao Jiao's face was complicated, and then he sighed quietly.If he didn't know this, maybe he would be like these soldiers, ready to deal with the Turks with full confidence.

The night had completely fallen. According to Jiang Chengxiao's order, there was no torch lit on the head of Lou Fanguan City. All the soldiers hid in the darkness and watched silently ahead.Jiang Chengxiao was dressed in bright light armor, with both hands resting on the top of the city wall, looking ahead.

Just now, the scouts sent out to monitor Shanyang County reported that the [-] Turkic vanguard had broken through Shanyang County, and now they were rushing towards Loufanguan, and the war was about to break out.

Until now, he has no regrets in his heart for staying here.He is very sorry for his life, but there are some things that cannot be backed down, especially in this situation, once he becomes a fugitive, his reputation will be ruined.Because, behind him, as he himself said, stood thousands of people from the Jin Dynasty.

"Master, eat something, you haven't eaten for a day." Zu Yan persuaded behind him.


Jiang Chengxiao nodded, took the noodle cake that Zu Yan handed over, and ate a few mouthfuls with clear water.At this time, Loufanguan was very quiet, unnervingly quiet, as if it was just before the storm, he felt depressed even after eating, so he took two casual bites and stopped eating.

"dong dong dong"

There was a sound of vibration, and the dough cake he placed on the top of the wall also vibrated.Right in front of them, a little bit of firefly slowly emerged, and then there was a "swoosh" sound in the darkness, followed by a "bang bang bang" sound suddenly behind them.

An arrow shot past Jiang Chengxiao's ear and nailed it to the wooden board. Jiang Chengxiao yelled: "Be alert! Enemy attack!"

There was an instant commotion on the top of the city, and the soldiers shot towards the fireflies with their bows and arrows, and the screams and the howling of the horses could be heard vaguely.

Jiang Chengxiao was standing behind shielded by several personal soldiers with shields. Through the gap, he saw torches getting closer and closer in the distance. At the same time, there were strange syllables in his ears, which was the language of the Turkic people. , they are ordering the siege.

The two sides first fired a round of blind shots in the dark, and then ignited the rockets together and shot towards each other with a tacit understanding. Those rockets hit the enemy and burned, or fell on the dry grass and burned, and the dark Loufan Pass was gradually illuminated.

Because the line of sight was not very clear, Jiang Chengxiao was unable to estimate the location of the Turkic people, nor did he know how far they were from Loufan Pass, so he ordered: "Decree, let the people below stick to the city gate, at all costs, must not Let the Turks in!"

The soldiers who received the order immediately went down to convey. At the gate of the city, according to Jiang Chengxiao's prior instructions, a group of soldiers had completely nailed the gate to death with rivets and planks. A gate, a total of 50 people on both sides crucified the gate.

Behind Loufanguan, the equipment soldiers prepared five trebuchets, and the soldiers brought huge stones and placed them on them. The knives cut off the tendons and ropes. With a sound of "Weng", the trebuchets threw the stones out without warning in the dark night. The one fell among the Turkic soldiers and horses, and caught the unknowing Turkic soldiers and horses by surprise.

When the boulder fell down, there was a big pit, and all the Turkic horses in the pit were sucked into meat sauce.Even Zhi Siguli, who rushed to the front, was knocked off his horse by the sudden boulder.Realizing the danger, his horses did not obey his orders and fled around in place.

"Kill me!" Zhi Siguli was extremely annoyed, and ordered the whole army to press on.

Teams of Turkic cavalry rushed on the narrow mountain road, and they shot towards Loufan Pass with their bows and arrows on their horses.What was returned to them was a more ferocious arrow rain. Countless Turkic cavalry were shot to death on the road before they approached Loufan Pass, and the screams were endless.

"Boom boom boom!"

The drums of war were thunderous, and a big battle broke out between the two sides at Loufan Pass.In this offensive and defensive battle, the Jin army took advantage of the terrain and kept using arrows to hunt down the Turkic cavalry who rushed over regardless of life and death, blocking them a hundred steps away from Loufan Pass.

In Loufan Pass, a fuyuan crossbow was ready. Three soldiers pulled the strings vigorously at the same time. Two soldiers put on special horse-hunting arrows. Then the angle was slightly tilted, and the strings were released fiercely. The horse-hunting arrows flew into the air. , In an instant, he drew an arc and rushed towards the Turkic camp.


Horse hunter arrows pierced through cavalry and horses, pinning them to the ground.

A hundred steps away from Loufan Pass, the Turkic people stopped in fear and looked at the dark Loufan Pass in fear. On the way to attack the city, all the Turks died in the hands of arrows and trebuchets. The terrible destructive power made them timidly stop their attack.

Zhi Siguli stood behind, looking at the hazy Lou Fanguan with a gloomy expression.A soldier beside him persuaded: "Captain, the terrain here is not conducive to our attacking the city, not to mention that it is dark at this time, and everyone can't see the enemy clearly. Let's attack the city tomorrow."

After the battle just now, Zhi Siguli realized the severity of this pass, and he also understood what the soldiers said.Just wait until dawn, can they break through?The news that Jiaoli gave them clearly explained the importance of Loufan Pass. If they could not take it, they would not be able to enter Taiyuan County, let alone Central Plains or Chang'an.

"Decree, the whole army presses up and attacks the city again. Everyone carries a shield, and their arrows will be exhausted!" Zhi Siguli gritted his teeth and ordered again. He must take it down before Ishaxie Khan arrives. Lou Fanguan.

As the horn sounded again, the Turkic cavalry began to charge again.This time they did not frantically shoot left and right against the Jin army at Loufanguan, but rushed towards Loufanguan with their shields on top of their heads.

This time they did not fall in the first round of arrow rain, and quickly approached Loufanguan, but suddenly there was a sudden change when they were fifty steps away, and a huge horse trap suddenly appeared, and the Turkic cavalry exclaimed. Fall in and be pierced to death.The cavalry who rushed up from behind hurriedly grabbed the reins, and when they stopped charging, the arrow rain surrounded them and was shot into a sieve again.

Because of the darkness, Zhi Siguli couldn't see clearly what happened in front of him, he could only hear a scream, and then the torch was extinguished, returning to tranquility again.

"Captain, it seems that the Jin army has set a trap ahead, what should we do now?"

Zhisiguli slapped the soldier on the face with a huge force, and threw the soldier down to the ground in the dark. Zhisiguli yelled: "What are you, you keep making noise, I will chop you up!" Believe it or not!" He was originally angry because of the Shanyang County incident, but now that he has been attacking Lou Fanguan for a long time, his heart is even more angry.

The soldiers looked at Zhisiguli in fear, and rolled and crawled on the ground begging for mercy.

Seeing the appearance of the soldiers, Zhi Siguli suddenly had a plan, and ordered: "Send a group of people, don't ride horses, don't light torches, and quietly approach Loufan Pass from both sides."


After a while, a group of people approached Lou Fanguan quietly from both sides.Since the Turks did not attack, the Jin army stopped shooting arrows, and just watched the distance very warily.The sudden silence made Jiang Chengxiao very disturbed, because he found that the torches in the distance went out at the same time.

"No, they must be planning something." Jiang Chengxiao thought to himself, quietly walked up to the top of the city, stretched out half of his head to expose his eyes, and looked at the dark mountain road.

"Come here, find two excellent archers and shoot an arrow every ten steps to the sides."

The soldiers passed on the order, and two infantrymen with excellent archery skills came to the top of the city and shot arrows at the sides. Because of the darkness, they could only light fire on the arrows and judge the distance based on the light of the fire.The two pawns started working from left to right, shooting seven or eight arrows in a few breaths.

"Ah!" There was a scream in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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