Dajin royal family

Chapter 183 The Golden Scepter

Chapter 183 The Golden Scepter (2144)

Datongfang, which means Datong in the world.I have to say that this name really bluffed many ignorant and ignorant businessmen from the Western Regions at the beginning. They all thought that the Jin Dynasty was an open and friendly kingdom of heaven.However, this self-proclaimed peace-loving celestial kingdom beat Turks repeatedly, and went to the Western Regions to force small countries to pay tribute.

What, you're not coming?
Give you a chance to reorganize language expression.

What, you are not convinced, you are the master of the Western Regions?
Hit, hit until you take it.

Of course, this is a story that happened in the period of the first emperor. The so-called Pei Ju's management of the Western Regions is actually a story of "I come, I see, I conquer" in essence.The Western Regions were originally not just 36 countries, but after the period of the first emperor, there were only 36 countries left.Today's current target is not in the Western Regions, so they are not in any danger for the time being.

Under the friendly invitation of the Jin Dynasty and the temptation of silk and tea, merchants from the Western Regions poured into the Central Plains one after another.After dealing with each other for a long time, the Hu merchants in the Western Regions discovered that the people of the Jin Dynasty were very interested in slaves of different colors, so the slave trade quietly flourished.

The reason why it is quietly is because the Jin family advocates that everyone is a citizen of the Jin family and everyone is equal. As long as you recognize the culture of the Central Plains, you think the father of the Jin Dynasty is the most powerful.I envy the most, and I like the culture of Jin Dynasty father the most.Congratulations, you are also a member of the Jin family.

Of course, this is just the mouth of the officials of the Jin Dynasty. In fact, you are rubbish.If it weren't for being able to make money from these Hu merchants in the Western Regions, whoever recognizes you as a member of the Jin Dynasty will give you face if you don't smash your head.

In fact, the people of the Jin family are quite xenophobic, from top to bottom, from the inside out.Even the Confucianism, which prides itself on the unity of the world, also hates aliens.All this is due to the result of being ravaged by the Rouran people in the previous dynasty. Basically, if a Hu merchant dared to bump into a slightly normal Jin family citizen on the street, it would be a violent beating, even if the bureaucrats saw it It will be treated as if you didn't see it.

Although Hu merchants are not angry, who would have trouble with those shiny silver?When I went to the merchants, the value of silk tea from the Jin Dynasty traded back to the Western Regions doubled by more than ten times, and then the value doubled by more than ten times when I returned from the slave trade in the Western Regions. Isn’t it good to make so much money?

In recent years, the nobles of the Jin Dynasty especially liked Kunlun slaves, followed by Silla maidservants.

The Kunlun slave is extremely dark in complexion and short in stature, but strong and capable, with a docile temperament.The Kunlun slaves are generally from Lingnan, Linyi merchants of the Jiaozhi generation. They have robbed the Hu merchants of the slave trade in recent years.

The second is Silla maidservants. Although they are average in appearance, they are obedient and sensible. After receiving systematic training, they are good servants. Moreover, they don’t need to lose money if they accidentally kill them, and they don’t need to care about the court’s investigation.Those who sell Silla maidservants are usually businessmen from grassland tribes. After all, they are very close to the Silla Peninsula, so they are easy to do.

A little more bleak is the slaves of the Western Regions in the hands of Hu merchants. Although they are tall, they are not very popular with the nobles of the Jin family.

Concholi looked at the slaves from the Western Regions locked in the cage, and then at the cage that had been sold out by the Linyi businessman next door, and sighed.The Linyi businessman seemed to have heard his sigh, turned his head and gave him a mocking smile, then whistled and left with his hands behind his back.

"Hmph, a lifeless dog." Concholi picked up a ladle of water and poured it into the cage with a "splash", scolding: "Useless things, you don't know how to behave well when the nobleman comes, and if you can't sell them, you'll lose them." chop you up."

He scolded this sentence in the language of the Western Regions, and the slaves could understand it, and they curled up in fright.

At this time, a voice suddenly came, "Brother Kang, you are so angry, do you want to go to the Red Court Building with me to extinguish the fire tonight?"

Hearing the sound, Kang Qiaoli turned his head immediately, and sure enough, he saw Hu Gebao standing there with a smile, followed by two burly men.

"You're back!" Conjoli's face brightened, and he hurried over and asked in a low voice, "How about that?"

Hu Gebao sighed inwardly, and then a look of joy appeared on his face, "It's done! The nobleman has promised to see you."

"Really, where is it!" Conjoli hurriedly asked.If this matter is done, his benefits will be too great.

"Didn't I tell you just now?" Hu Gebao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Conjoli nodded in understanding immediately, and hurriedly said, "Then let's go!"

"Oh, don't worry." Hu Gebao held him back.

Conjoli was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"You just go to meet the nobleman empty-handed?" Hu Gebao said meaningfully.

"Hey! I almost forgot, wait for me, I'll be right there!" Concholi slapped his head and walked quickly into the shop.Not long after, he came out with a black cloth package in his arms.

Hu Gebao didn't even ask what was in the package, and left with him.The two men behind him looked at each other, and followed him leisurely.And behind them, dozens of figures guarded around Conjoli's shop.

Langya County Government Mansion.

"Husband, this stone is really beautiful, it is so warm, it is even more beautiful and rare than jade."

In the dormitory, the eldest grandson Qingyi lightly tapped the blood ruby ​​with her jade finger, her eyes sparkled with intense interest.

Jiang Chengxiao knelt upright on the soft cushion, concentrating on writing and practicing calligraphy. After hearing Madam's words, he said: "Madam can play with it at any time if you like, but remember not to touch this thing with water at will. After all, it can dye the water into blood red. There is a universe inside."

Changsun Qingyi nodded in agreement, "What Husband said is true, but this thing is so rare, Husband is really willing to give it to my concubine?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chengxiao looked up at her with affection in his eyes, "As long as you are happy, everything is worth it."

"Husband." After listening to his words, Changsun Qingyi seemed as sweet as eating honey, with moist eyes, and said softly: "Husband really hates it to death, always saying shameful things to tease others."

Jiang Chengxiao chuckled, "It's not teasing, I just want my wife to be happy."

Changsun Qingyi pursed her lips, walked over and leaned into his arms, and said in a low voice: "It's worth dying for my husband as a concubine."

"Say stupid things again." Putting down the pen, he hugged her tightly.Jiang Chengxiao said slowly: "Don't worry, I've already sent more people to find Sun Shichang, and the results should come soon. This time I'm going to Qingzhou, and I'll be back in ten months. You, stay in the mansion to take care of your body. No You must be thinking wildly, do you hear me?"

"Well, the concubine obeys my husband."

She stretched out her hands to hold her husband's handsome face, her eyes were blurred, and red clouds appeared on her pretty face, and she kissed him shyly and coquettishly.

When the distance between the lips was no more than one finger away, the voice of the servant girl Pei'er suddenly sounded outside the bedroom: "Ah Lang, Nan Jiyun said he has something to report."

The sticky and ambiguous atmosphere seemed to be blown away by a gust of cold wind, Changsun Qingyi blushed and hurriedly got up, "Husband, Jiyun must be looking for you urgently, go quickly."

"Hmm." A certain county lord snorted in a bad mood, then suddenly kissed his wife on the cheek while she was arranging her clothes, and then left with a smile amidst the madam's coquettish voice.

After leaving the dormitory, I saw Nan Jiyun and Zu Yan standing on the porch, and saluted immediately when the master came over.

"Well, have you found out what that person does?"

Nan Jiyun said: "Master's guess is correct, that man is indeed a slave and arms trader."

"Oh, tell me more about it."

"The man's name is Kang Qiaoli, and Tucharo's real name is Qiuci Qiaoli. After our interrogation, we found out that he was originally an abandoned citizen of Kucha Kingdom. After leaving Kucha Kingdom, he entered Tucharia and killed Tuchar The Huolo merchant later replaced the original man. Using this identity, he sold Tocharian slaves to our court, and then secretly traded with others the weapons eliminated by our army and sold them back, supporting the third prince of Tocharian to seize power. "

"The blood ruby ​​in his hand and this golden scepter are all assets given to him by the third prince."

Said, Nan Jiyun opened the black package in his hand, revealing a scepter made of pure gold.

The calmness on Jiang Chengxiao's face disappeared, and he picked up the golden scepter with a solemn expression.

Good guy, the scepter made of pure gold is very heavy. There is a depression at the top of the scepter, which should be inlaid with blood rubies.

He remembered that the blood ruby ​​seemed to be given to Hu Gebao to find the way. Things told me that Hu Gebao would be unlucky at that time.

Fortunately, Hu Gebao is smart and explained everything.

"How much does that person know about Tocharo?" Jiang Chengxiao handed the golden scepter to Nan Jiyun.

Nan Jiyun said: "He only said that he was responsible for providing arms and funds to the third prince, but he was not very clear about the others."

"Huh!" Jiang Chengxiao ordered: "He has concealed a lot, go tell Mei Si, don't kill him, and let me interrogate him slowly. Not only about Tocharo, but also who he is with in the court. In the transaction, don't let me miss anything!"

"Yes, my subordinates will go now."

 Thanks to the red makeup fox for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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