Dajin royal family

Chapter 184 The Ins and Outs

Chapter 184 The Ins and Outs
Mei Si felt that she was cruel enough a long time ago. It wasn't until one day that her master gave her a piece of paper with ten kinds of torture written in it, that Mei Si knew what it meant to be "there are people beyond people and others beyond the sky."

Compared with his naive means of extorting a confession, the ten tortures entrusted to him by his master are simply the punishments of hell.Still, he loves it.

In the dark and narrow room, a candle flickered on and off, just like Conjoli's fragile life, it seemed that it could be extinguished silently in the darkness at any time, without the slightest splash.


Conjoli's screams seemed to be the cry from hell, the voice was trapped in the dark and narrow room, like a trapped soul.

Mei Si caressed the tweezers in his hand. This was a strange object made by skilled craftsmen according to the drawings drawn by the master. He had never heard or seen this kind of thing called "nail clippers" by the master.

But this thing is really easy to use, especially when pulling out nails, a whole piece of nail can be pulled up with a little force, and the refreshing feeling of the whole process makes people addicted.

Carefully put the whole piece of Conjoli's thumbnail in the box, Mei Si picked up a pinch of green salt from the small jar with two fingers, picked up another small jar filled with water, and put the green salt in the box. It went in, and then shook slightly.

Stepping forward, under Conjoli's trembling gaze, he slowly poured salt water on the bloody thumb.

From the moment the salt water entered Conjoli's skin, his neck bound by chains instantly straightened up, as if all the meridians in his body were being straightened by an invisible force, and the pain that pierced his heart made his eyeballs protrude beyond the bulge of ordinary people. rise.Dense bloodshot eyes filled his eyeballs, and there was a miserable howl in his throat.

At this moment, he wished that this devil-like man could kill him.

Mei Si enjoyed Conjoli's miserable howl, feeling that it was the most beautiful piece of music in the world.He finally understood why his master thought he was qualified for this position, it was really suitable for him.

"I really didn't lie to you, I've told you all I know. Oh please. Please. Ah!!!"

As if she didn't hear what Conjoli said, Mei Si lightly picked up a silver needle, stirred it in the salt water, then put the candle in her hand, took Conjoli's other hand, and grabbed his With one finger, gently and gently pierced the silver needle through the gap between the nails.

That kind of texture is as sharp as a sword inserted into the soil.

Concholi was trembling all over, his voice was blocked in his throat, and under such stimulation, all feces and urine flowed out, and a strange smell immediately permeated.

But Mei Si didn't seem to notice anything, gently picked up a small porcelain bottle on the table, and poured out two red pills from it.It was melted in water and Conjoli was forced to drink it.

Concholi didn't care, it was because he drank this strange potion that he became extremely energetic, no matter how much he was tortured, he couldn't pass out.

However, Mei Si's strength was much greater than that of Conjoli, and she forcefully forced Conjoli to drink it.

Then, Concholi saw Mei Si pick up the strange object that caused him so much pain, the object that could pull out his nails.He suddenly trembled and said, "I said, I said, I said everything, please don't, please."

Mei Si froze, looked at him with some disappointment, then put down her things, walked to the door and opened it.Outside stood Nan Jiyun and Hu Gebao who had collapsed on the ground.

Although I didn't see how Conjoli was tortured with my own eyes, Hu Gebao's heart ached when he heard his miserable cry. That tragic sound didn't seem like a human being could make it at all, like a devil howling.

Mei Si nodded to Nan Jiyun to indicate that it was all right, Nan Jiyun lifted his leg and walked in, Hu Gebao accidentally caught a glimpse of Mei Si's eyes turning on him, and immediately shook his head in shock, "I didn't betray the prince, I didn't betray you Son!"

Mei Si chuckled, obviously so gentle, but in Hu Gebao's eyes, it was simply a devil's smile.

In the room, Nan Jiyun asked, "Who is the official of the imperial court who traded with you?"

Concholi panted heavily, and said weakly, "I don't know his real name, but I just heard the servants around him call him Ghost General."

"Ghost General?" Nan Jiyun raised his eyebrows, "I don't have time to spend with you here, if you don't tell the truth, you will know what will happen."

Hearing this, Concholi hurriedly said: "I really don't know his identity, I just heard him say that someone in the Ministry of Industry is his uncle. By the way, I remembered, once I heard a servant next to him Call him General Wei. At that time he was very angry and reprimanded that servant, but I didn't take it seriously, because I just wanted to buy ordnance, and I didn't care about the rest. That's all I really know about that man, trust me , you believe me, you believe me!!!"

At the end, Conjoli almost roared out, because he saw the previous devil pick up the object that pulled out his nails again.

"Where do you usually trade?"

"Not fixed." Conjoli shook his head, "Most of the time they are outside the city, because the ordnance inspection is very strict, they can only be shipped out of the city in batches, and we all finish it in a Zhuangzi outside the city trade."

"The location of Zhuangzi."


After asking for half an hour, Nan Jiyun asked again: "Why did you ask us to protect you? Since that person dared to sell you arms, he should be able to protect you."

Conjoli replied: "It was like this at the beginning, but now it doesn't work. The man told me that all transactions must be terminated and that I should leave Chang'an immediately. He said that someone above noticed this."

"Then why don't you leave?"

Conjoli remained silent for a while, at this moment, he felt something grabbing one of his hands, and then saw the devil pull out one of his nails again, and the great pain spread through his heart and lungs again.

"I say!!!"

Mei Si chuckled, picked up the complete nail and waved it in front of his eyes.Kang Qiaoli had already shed tears of pain, "Because there is still a batch of military equipment hidden in Chang'an City, waiting for me to transport it out of the city, and the third prince will not allow me to leave Chang'an."

"Why are you not allowed to leave Chang'an City?"

When asked here, Concholi felt that he didn't have to hide anymore, so he revealed everything.

"The old king of Tocharo is about to die, but no heir has been established. Now there are three people in the country who are capable of inheriting the throne, namely the eldest prince, the second prince, and the third prince. Among them, the third prince is the weakest. According to the order of the prince, it is necessary to obtain armaments from the Jin Dynasty to fight against the eldest prince and the second prince. However, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty is neutral about the Tocharo matter, so I have no way to buy the Jin Dynasty’s armaments from the outside. That's the only way. Now is the critical moment, the third prince forbids me to leave."

"Where are the ordnance hidden in Chang'an City?"

Concholi cried and said: "My lord, I have really said everything, please let me go, I am willing to give you all the slaves and money, but I must hand over the ordnance to you." Third Prince, otherwise my family in Tocharo will definitely not survive, please."

"Don't tell me, you will die now." Mei Si smiled sadly, picked up the jar containing green salt and shook it by his ear, and there was a "rustling" sound from inside.

That voice seemed to grab Conjoli's heart, he really couldn't stand that kind of inhuman torture.

"I said, I said, that batch of ordnance is hidden in the secret room of my shop." After finishing speaking, Concholi seemed to be drained of all his strength.

He really regretted it, but he knew that there was a Chang'an dignitary standing behind Hu Gebao, but he didn't expect that person to be so ruthless.He shouldn't have taken this step, or spending some money to get through those guards is better than this.

Nan Jiyun and Mei Si looked at each other and understood each other's meaning.The two walked out of the room, Nan Jiyun said: "Don't let him die without the master's order."

"I understand, he must be raised fat and white." Mei Si smiled lightly.

This smile made Nan Jiyun's stomach queasy for a while, but he still nodded expressionlessly, then stretched out his hand and carried Hu Gebao who had passed out, and left.

(End of this chapter)

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