Dajin royal family

Chapter 215 Shameless

Chapter 215 Shameless (2565)

Zheng Shanyuan was directly carried down from the imperial study by the emperor, including people and cushions, because of heatstroke and coma.At first everyone thought that Zheng Shanyuan was playing dumb, but unexpectedly the old guy had heatstroke.Now, the emperor had no choice but to set his sights on Pei Ju.

Seeing the emperor's gaze, Pei Ju felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles.He was thinking, should he wear two more winter clothes today, imitating Zheng Shan, wishing to suffer from heatstroke and coma?
"What's Pei Aiqing's opinion?" The emperor asked Pei Ju with a smile on his face. Now you, Pei Ju, won't mess around, right?

Pei Ju felt bitter, could he agree to this matter?

Promise the emperor to dig a canal, and if it gets out tomorrow, he, Pei Ju, will be scolded by scholars all over the world as a traitor.Don't agree to the emperor, hehe, the emperor will definitely have to wear small shoes for him in the future.

But he is also a decisive person, and now the emperor asks him, he can't 'sunstroke'.Therefore, Pei Ju could only slowly walk out of the queue, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the matter of digging the canal can be discussed after the capital is moved."

and slime.
All the ministers thought at the same time.Lu Huaishen suddenly became unhappy, everyone is from Shandong gentry, and you Wenxi Pei is the leader of Shandong Qiwang, how could you get along with me at this time.He immediately reminded: "Lord Pei, the matter of moving the capital does not conflict with this matter."

Pei Ju: "."

Lu Huaishen, what do you mean, you want to drag the old man into the water even though you are against it?

The emperor nodded, "Yes, Pei Aiqing, this matter does not conflict with moving the capital."

Hearing this, all the ministers in the imperial study looked at Pei Ju again.Pei Yun looked at his elder brother worriedly. This is a question of death. No matter how the eldest brother chooses, it will not be beneficial to lean towards which side.

Pei Jin's heart thumped, his mouth squirmed a little, and he said, "Since Your Majesty wants me to speak, then I will speak out."

Hearing this, the emperor narrowed his eyes.Pei Ju is going to refuse, don't you agree?

Gao Xun, Lu Huaishen looked happy, Mr. Pei is indeed a loyal and upright minister!

I only heard Pei Ju say seriously: "Since the first emperor ruled the world and the exchanges between the north and the south have been strengthened day by day, your majesty's thoughts and concerns are actually things that will benefit the country forever. However, if the north-south canal is to be opened, it will not be successful in a matter of decades. Therefore , I think."

Hearing this, the faces of the emperor and all the ministers turned solemn, and Pei Ju wanted to show his attitude.

"I think"

Pei Ju suddenly fell to the ground, his hands and feet trembling uncontrollably, his eyes turned white, white foam overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and at the same time, traces of blood flowed out.

"Brother!" Pei Yun was the first to rush up, holding Pei Ju in his arms.Turning his head to the emperor, he hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Pei has suffered from heatstroke, please ask the imperial doctor to come and treat him!"


Gao Xun, Lu Huaishen, Prince, "."

Other ministers: "."

Pei Ju was halfway through talking, and was carried away from the imperial study room by the emperor with a mat because of heat stroke.

Dugu swallowed his saliva watching this scene, do these Shandong acid scholars have any shame?

The emperor's complexion was also very bad. Whether it was Zheng Shanyuan or Pei Ju, they were either pretending or they were still pretending.There is nothing to say about the ventilation design around the imperial study room, why don't others suffer from heatstroke, but you two suffer from heatstroke.

I don't believe it!
However, no matter how much he didn't believe it, these two people were carried down, what else could he say, he couldn't go up and take a knife to force them to express their views.

"Cough cough." The emperor sighed, and had no choice but to turn his gaze to Cui Wenli, the Minister of the Ministry of War beside Taichang Temple Qing Wang Yi.

Cui Wenli was born in the Cui family of Boling. He was not serving as the Minister of the Ministry of War as a general, but as a civil servant. He usually managed documents and sorted out the corresponding military registers in the Ministry of War.The current Shangshu of the Ministry of War is Li Zitong.

Seeing the emperor's gaze, Cui Wenli's face was calm.

Then the emperor's eyes passed him, because the emperor thought about it, Cui Wenli was a straight-hearted person, if he asked, the little old man would definitely object to him.

"Li Aiqing, what do you think?" The emperor asked Li Zitong with a smile.

Wang Yi: "."

Your Majesty, are you ignoring me like I am blind?

Li Zitong also had a dazed expression on his face, he planned to be a wooden man, secretly watching the emperor argue with Gao Xun, Lu Huaishen and others, why did he even ask him.

Although he is the Minister of the Ministry of War, his presence in the court is actually pitifully low, because the twelve guards are all in the hands of the emperor, and his Minister of the Ministry of War is only responsible for some grain transportation in the back, basically a mascot , if it weren't for the fact that the six ministers had a military department, he felt that the emperor would have withdrawn him directly.

Also, in Shandong Qiwang, although there are two heat strokes, there is still one more.He, the Li family of Zhaojun, just followed these six families to make soy sauce, so why is it his turn to express his opinion.

Facing everyone's eyes, Li Zitong said bravely: "I am not good at this way, I really don't know how to respond to Your Majesty."

He is not stupid, now it is clear that the emperor wants to complete the canal within three years, but the problem is that it will not be completed in ten years, if he agrees, he will be discussed by the government and the public tomorrow.

Rumors that the Minister of the Ministry of War does not care about the life and death of the people, that the Minister of the Ministry of War is a villain who flatters and greets him, that the Minister of the Ministry of War has a vegetarian meal in his corpse, etc. These rumors will definitely fill the entire court.By that time, he would have offended the people all over the world, and then the Li family of Zhao County would be poked at the spine and abused.

"Master Li is a loyal minister!"

Lu Huaishen sneered furiously, he had endured it for a long time, really for a long time.First Zheng Shanyuan, then Pei Ju, and now Li Zitong again, you guys are still going on, you are usually like dogs, when you meet, you will talk about 'brother', 'Shandong gentry is a family', one after another when it comes to critical moments Shrink your head.

Do you still want face!

The emperor gave Lu Huaishen a displeased look, he hadn't said anything yet, this old guy was quick to talk.

Li Zitong's face was flushed, of course he is a loyal minister, but would the emperor give up just because you are a loyal minister?
"Lord Lu, please don't insult me!" Li Zitong immediately pointed at Lu Huaishen, "What I'm good at is the way of arranging troops and defending the country. Digging canals, people's livelihood and other things. I, I'm really not good at it, you This is what a strong man can do!"

After finishing speaking, Li Zitong bowed down to the emperor, "I beg Your Majesty to be the master of this old minister. The heart of a veteran can be learned from the sun and the moon, and I beg Your Majesty to be the master!"

Prince: "."

Today he has finally seen the skins of these old foxes, one is thicker than the other, the shameless is more shameless, and the excuse is better than the other.

Lu Huaishen was so breathless by Li Zi that he couldn't help shaking.Why are these guys shrinking their heads like this one by one? Is this forced expropriation of the people really tolerable?
The emperor let out air through his nostrils and rubbed the acupoints on his cheeks.

"Okay, what is Master Li doing? This is the Imperial Study Room, not a restaurant or restaurant. Take a look at what you look like." The emperor said in a tired tone.

Li Zitong wiped his dry eyes, lowered his head and gently shrugged his shoulders.

Dugu opened his mouth lightly, these guys are really shameless.

When asked here, there was basically a stalemate. Gao Xun and others prevented the emperor from doing so, and the rest of the Shandong gentry were unwilling to express their views.As for the nobles in Guanzhong, it is not within the emperor's consideration.In desperation, the emperor could only look at Yang Taisu, Prime Minister on the right, "What does Prime Minister Yang think?"

What should come will always come, and there is no way to avoid it.

Yang Taisu looked calm, and in his heart he greeted Zheng Shanyuan and Pei Ju from their ancestors to their granddaughter-in-law.

"Your Majesty, I am a warrior, and I will obey your Majesty's orders." Yang Taisu expressed his attitude in a very bachelor way.

What else can be said, anyone can reject the emperor, but he can't.Because his current position is a bit in the way, the credit is a bit dazzling.

Chu Guogong. What kind of title is this? If you don’t obey the emperor, he will be wiped out in two years and go back to Hongnong to die of old age.Even the bandits in Guanzhong were subdued by the emperor, and he didn't think he could contradict the emperor.

Gao Xun immediately yelled angrily: "Mr. Yang, as ministers, we should correct His Majesty and assist His Majesty in governing the world. How can you act like this!"

The emperor glanced at Gao Xun with displeasure. Before he could be happy, you talked fast.What do you mean, I did something wrong?

Yang Taisu rolled his eyes and said, "Dare to ask Prime Minister, how do I behave?"


Gao Xun was speechless for a while, he was just about to refute, but he didn't want the crown prince to pull him quietly from behind.Gao Xun knew that it was the prince who was preventing him from continuing.

However, if you eat the king's salary, you should repay the king's kindness. If the king is wrong, how can you sit idly by as a minister.If you don't speak honestly and honestly, you are a traitor, a villain who flatters you!

"Doesn't Prime Minister Yang know how it will be a waste of money to use millions of people? Just after the snowstorm, it is time to prepare for farming and autumn harvest and restore people's strength. How can such a large number of people be mobilized at this time! What's more, within three years How can the north-south canal be opened up, a mere Zhengguo Canal, and it took decades for the Qin State to exert its power as a whole, so doesn't Mrs. Yang not understand such a simple truth!"

Yang Taisu was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Thank you, Prime Minister Gao, for correcting me."

Gao Xun was taken aback, Yang Taisu was cowardly so soon?

"It's not that Yang Xiang doesn't understand, it should be that I don't understand, I don't know history books!" The emperor's gnashing of teeth sounded in Gao Xun's ears.

 Thanks for the monthly pass of 1985z

(End of this chapter)

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