Dajin royal family

Chapter 216 Unexpected joy

Chapter 216 Unexpected joy (2665)

Gao Xun: "."

Looking up and seeing Yang Taisu's indifferent eyes, he seemed to have eaten a fly.

"I made a slip of the tongue." Gao Xun hastily apologized sincerely to the emperor.

The emperor hummed, ignored him, and said to the ministers: "Since Prime Minister Yang also agrees, then."

"Your Majesty!" Lu Huaishen interrupted the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, Prime Minister Yang himself said that he is a warrior, and he doesn't know how to do it. Therefore, I think that this matter cannot be based on Prime Minister Yang's opinion. Please think again, Your Majesty."

Lu Huaishen, I have tolerated you for a long time.It's fine for Gao Xun to jump around, after all, he is still the prime minister, you, a minister of the household department, don't manage the money bag well, what are you doing here.Just when the emperor couldn't help losing his temper, King Zhao, who had been sitting quietly, finally made a movement.

I saw him cupping his hands and saying: "Your Majesty, this matter should not be rushed, it needs to be discussed in a long-term way. I think that these millions of civilians can't be forced to recruit all at once, and they need to be planned slowly."

The emperor frowned, Zhao Wang obviously disagreed with him, which made him very dissatisfied.It's fine if outsiders don't understand me, why don't you understand me?Don't you know that once I take a step back, these courtiers will make progress.

"King Zhao doesn't need to talk about it, I have already decided on the canal."

"Think twice, Your Majesty!" Gao Xun interrupted the emperor's words.

The emperor thought to himself; does Gao Xun really want to court death that much? He has repeatedly disobeyed me. The matter of the canal has been delayed from last year to this year, and he still wants to stop me. Do he want to stop me for the rest of his life?

"I can understand Gao Xiang's heart for the country. It's just Gao Xiang. This canal is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. Why do you stop me again and again." The emperor's tone was full of displeasure.

Hearing this, Gao Xun persuaded: "Your Majesty, although the canal is beneficial to the country and the people, the amount of excavation is too great for the people to afford. If the people are forced to conscript the people, I am afraid that it will cause turmoil. Your Majesty wants to dig the canal, and the minister does not object. I beg Your Majesty to allow some more time."

"How many years does Prime Minister Gao think it will take to complete?" the emperor asked blankly.

When Gao Xun heard that there was something going on, he quickly thought about it. After a while, Gao Xun replied: "I think 20 years is enough."

20 years. Is it enough?
The emperor laughed, as if Gao Xun said all the truth, he immediately shook his head and said without doubt: "No, 20 years is too long, I will give you five years at most, five years at most!"

"His Majesty!"

Gao Xun and Lu Huaishen were still admonishing to the death, unable to afford it, even the ministers who followed behind them were doing the same.

"Are you threatening me?!" The emperor stood up, pointing at Gao Xun and the others in shock and anger, "Are you still my ministers, or the pillars of the Jin Dynasty!"

"I will always be Your Majesty's subject, and I will always die for the Jin family. However, Your Majesty has done something, but I know about it but don't point it out. That minister is a treacherous and sycophant of the Jin family, a sinful minister through the ages!" Gao Xun replied sharply.

"whispering sound"

Yang Xiang repeated his voice softly, what he said was really hurtful, more than half of the courtiers in the court were slandered by Gao Xun's words.All the ministers who co-authored this court, except you Gao Xun, are all traitors and sinners through the ages.

King Zhao slowly closed his eyes and sighed quietly.

The emperor pointed at Gao Xun angrily, and kept saying "you, you, you"

He thought that he had regressed enough, but he didn't expect Gao Xun to be dissatisfied, and he wanted to dig the canal for 20 years. What kind of joke is this, who knows what will happen in 20 years.

The emperor flicked his sleeves, turned and left the royal study.

Even if the Xiao Dynasty is over, although the result is not satisfactory, the emperor is not happy, and some ministers are not happy.On the matter of the canal, the two sides are at a stalemate.

Zhao Wang rubbed his thighs, stood up slowly, glanced at Gao Xun who was still lying on the ground, and turned to leave.Unexpectedly, a voice behind him stopped him, "King Zhao, please stay."

The ministers looked at the prince who was chasing up, then at King Zhao, and then left the imperial study room with their heads down.The prince walked up to King Zhao and bowed.King Zhao didn't dare to neglect, and also returned a gift.

"What's the matter, His Royal Highness?" King Zhao asked softly.

The crown prince calmed down, looked at Gao Xun who hadn't got up yet, and said, "Does King Zhao think it's right or wrong for Prime Minister Gao to do this?"

Zhao Wang said silently, "I don't know."

"Why even you?" The crown prince said unhappily: "King Zhao, you are both the elder of the clan and an important minister of the country. You should not agree with your father on this matter out of emotion and reason!"

"I'm tired." King Zhao saluted the prince, turned around and walked away.

The prince stared at King Zhao who was leaving. He didn't believe that King Zhao didn't know the dangers of digging a canal. Why was King Zhao unwilling to stop his father? Could it be that there were no direct ministers in the Jin Dynasty who dared to risk their lives to speak up? what.

After the emperor left the Imperial Study Room, he hurried all the way to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"They're all a group of traitors!" The emperor overturned all the memorials on the table angrily, and the maids serving around fell to the ground one after another, trembling uncontrollably, for fear that the emperor would stare at them, drag them out and beat them to death.

Just when the emperor was angry and cursing in the Hall of Mental Cultivation because of the canal, Shen Guang came outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Hearing the sound of smashing from inside, he told him in his heart that it might be better to come back after a while.

However, the matter of Cui Yunxiang and Cui Qi is not a trivial matter, he dare not neglect it.Therefore, he still had to bite the bullet and let the servants outside the palace go in to spread the news.

Not long after, the sound of smashing inside stopped, and the servant came out to let Shen Guang go to see him.Shen Guang hurriedly tidied up his appearance and walked briskly into the Hall of Mental Cultivation. After entering, there were maids cleaning up all around.Without squinting, Shen Guang went straight to the bottom of the steps and knelt down on one knee, "Shen Guang, the inner guard, see Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wannian!"

The emperor was still angry, and sat on the couch, staring at Shen Guang for a long time, which made Shen Guang feel hairy. "You're back, what's the matter."

Shen Guang swallowed quietly, and looked around.The emperor understood what he meant and dismissed the maids in the palace with a wave of his hand.

Shen Guang reported: "Your Majesty, I led the internal guards to arrest the leader of the mob in Donglai County, Cui Qi. This person was once the king of Han's plotter, and later colluded with Fan Shang, the governor of Donglai County, to bring chaos to Donglai County."

"Cui Qi. Fan Shang" the emperor squinted his eyes and murmured twice, then continued: "Speak, explain everything that happened in Donglai County and Qi County clearly, without missing a single word!"

"Yes." Shen Guang quickly sorted out his thoughts, and told the truth about Qi County and Donglai County.Of course, as to why the officials of Qi County were found out so quickly by Jiang Chengxiao, he just said, "The son of King Zhao is very wise and accurate in solving the case." After all, his main focus was still on Donglai County.I don't know much about Jiang Chengxiao's plans.

After listening to Shen Guang's words, the emperor was really stunned for a long time.

"You said that Cui Qi was found from Cui Yunxiang's room? All the officials involved in the case in Qi County have been arrested?" The emperor asked again in disbelief.

"Yes." Shen Guang affirmed: "When the minister left, the prince still asked the humble official. He had already grasped the charges of covering up Ge Huan, the magistrate of Qi County, and asked what should be done. The humble official told him to deal with it according to the law."

"Okay, okay, okay!" The emperor got up with a happy face and said three "good" words, and then he couldn't stop laughing, "What a blue bird, this kid is really right, he is really my lucky star !"

At the beginning, he didn't expect Jiang Chengxiao to find out what was going on in Qi County. He just hoped that the boy would use the "right to cut first and play later" he had bestowed on him to make a big splash in Qi County, and attract everyone's attention for Yu Zheng who sneaked into Bohai County to investigate. attention.

But never expected that this kid not only found out about Qi County, but also attracted Cui Yunxiang to Donglai County, and let Shen Guang lead people to search Cui Qi from Cui Yunxiang's room.What's this?
This is a surprise!

Fan Shang from Donglai County, he already knew that this person had defected to the King of Han, and he guessed in his heart that the mob outbreak in Donglai County should have something to do with Fan Shang, but he didn't expect that Cui Qi who absconded was actually there , and attracted people from the Cui family to go over, ok, that's great!
"Where are Cui Qi and Cui Yunxiang now?" the emperor asked.

Shen Guangdao: "I have been detained in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, waiting for His Majesty's release."

"Okay, you take people to interrogate in person, and you must check them thoroughly for me, understand!"

Shen Guang nodded, "I understand."

After speaking, Shen Guang got up and left.

The emperor let out a long breath, and laughed as he looked at the empty hall.

 Thanks to the book friend 20190514163144785 for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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