Dajin royal family

Chapter 240 The Grand Dynasty

Chapter 240 The Grand Dynasty ([-])

The weather in September has not completely faded from the heat, but the light can't warm the cold Guangming Temple, and the breath of the chilling wind is faintly lingering.

Jiang Chengxiao glanced at Lu Huaishen, his current condition was no different from that of Cui Shili before, and the look of despair was hard to get rid of.

Although the emperor didn't touch him, Lu Huaishen knew that the emperor just let him off for the time being. Who knows how much Lu Liang confessed.

The figure on the throne said little, but controlled the overall situation, and everything was doomed from the very beginning.


A sigh, contains how much helplessness.

Years go by like water, and the prosperity will be gone. Looking at the cold and clean floor, Lu Huaishen felt a little nostalgic, maybe next time, he will leave.

The sadness of the death of the rabbit and the fox inevitably grew in the hearts of the other ministers.

Be it Pei Ju, Zheng Shanyuan, or even Wang Yi, who has been neglected all this time, the three of them couldn't help but feel desolate in their hearts.

This time it was Cui Shili and Lu Huaishen.

What about next time?
Maybe Li Zitong, Cui Wenli?
Or maybe, it's themselves.

Who knows, the king on the throne can no longer tolerate anyone who hinders him.

Jiang Chengxiao thought to himself, at this point, this grand meeting should be over.

The emperor denounced the Cui family with the incident in Qingzhou, suppressed the Lu family with the assassination case, and wiped out the prince's right and left arm, maybe it's time to stop.

However, the facts are always beyond Jiang Chengxiao's expectations.

While the ministers were sympathizing with Lu Huaishen, or gloating over his misfortune, a censor slowly stood up, went to the middle and bowed, "The official censor Yu Zheng has something to play!"


Twelve jade trees moved lightly in the wind, and the corner of the emperor's mouth curled into a sneer.

Yu Zheng straightened his face and said loudly: "Your minister impeached Gao Xun, Prime Minister of the Left. Gao Xun condoned his younger brother Gao Chuan, governor of Bohai County, to act recklessly in Bohai County, encroaching on the fields of the people, and his grandson Gao Lie recklessly killed civilians." , the crime is obvious, heaven and man will see it together, the people of Bohai have suffered from the high family for a long time!"


At this moment, the Hall of Light is extremely quiet.

Zheng Shanyuan's pupils shrank sharply, he swallowed, and looked at Yu Zheng in disbelief, as if he had misheard just now.

Not only Zheng Shanyuan, but also Pei Ju, Wang Yi, Li Zitong... and even dozens of Guanzhong nobles, and officials from the wealthy southern clan looked at Yu Zheng in disbelief.

The prince was like a balloon that had been drained dry. Hearing Yu Zheng's words, he raised his head to look at his father on the throne, and his heart was filled with waves.

This was something he hadn't expected.

Dumbfounded may be used to describe the ministers in the Guangming Palace at this moment. Gao Xun has not been impeached by Ren Guben for many years.

The same is true for Jiang Chengxiao. He originally thought that the emperor's ultimate goal in today's dynasty was to win Cui Shili or Lu Huaishen, but he didn't expect that there would be Gao Xun.

That's Zuo Xiang. It may be a bit too much for one person to be under one person and over ten thousand people, but he is definitely the emperor's close minister, not to mention Gao Xun's past achievements.

If Yu Zheng didn't have the emperor's consent, how could he, a royal official, dare to impeach Gao Xun on such an occasion.

With this.

What is a copy, the evidence is conclusive, and the detailed rules are the copy.

To put it simply, Yu Zheng was impeached after a long-planned plan and a secret investigation.

Although Doctor Yushi is in charge of supervising all officials, if he does not have the emperor's consent, how can he have the authority to investigate the prime minister?

Smart people know that this is what the emperor meant, but he said it through Yu Zheng's mouth.

After Yu Zheng's voice fell, he took out the memorial from his sleeve and cupped his hands.

A Weng walked over slowly, took the memorial, and handed it to the emperor.

Gao Xun was actually a little dazed at this moment, because he didn't expect that one day he would be impeached by Gu Ben, and this person was Yu Zheng, the imperial historian.

After the emperor finished reading the memorial, his eyes fell on Gao Xun, "Does Gao Aiqing have anything to say?"

"The minister is wronged!"

Gao Xun immediately cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, this matter"


Yu Zheng interrupted Gao Xun's words, and said: "The lower officials received the censor's report and went to Bohai County to investigate in person overnight. There are personal and material evidences. Why don't Prime Minister Gao take a look with his own eyes?"

The emperor gave the memorial to A Weng, who then passed it on to Gao Xun.

After Gao Xun finished reading it, he almost lost his footing. A series of blows gathered and exploded at this moment. He never expected that Bohai County had been investigated clearly.

How could this happen, why didn't I receive any news in advance?
Just like a person standing on the shore watching a person struggling in the water, when he himself was suddenly pushed into the water, he was stunned.

Not only Gao Xun was dumbfounded, but most other officials were also dumbfounded.

They all thought that after Cui Shili and Lu Huaishen were dealt with, the matter should end here, but the emperor actually moved another one.

The core ministers moved three at once today.

More importantly, these three are all princes!

At this moment, Pei Ju no longer dared to peek at the emperor on the throne.

He was scared.

In addition to being afraid, he thought of a terrible thing.

Perhaps the emperor's goal from the beginning was Gao Xun, cutting off his wings and cutting off his back.

Not only Pei Ju, but Zheng Shanyuan also lowered his head firmly, as if he didn't hear it.

Those who were in the game were at a loss, and those who watched the show felt a biting chill.

The Guangming Palace was quiet, and none of Gao Xun's officials dared to stand up, because Yu Zheng had already presented the evidence, and it was by surprise. In addition to the lessons learned by Cui Shili and Lu Huaishen, they chose to remain silent.

Jiang Chengxiao swallowed, the emperor's move was beyond everyone's expectations.

Now only Gao Xun is left in the prince's family, who can intercede for him?
Who is willing to stand in the united front with Gao Xun?

Gao Xun's hand holding the memorial trembled slowly. Every crime described above was justified and well-founded, and the details were complete. He had no way to refute it.

As if he had aged ten years all of a sudden, Gao Xun, who was already old, seemed very lonely at the moment.

Gao Xun unconsciously swayed his body like fluff in the wind.

Compared with other people's fear, confusion, fear.Qi Wang was very energetic, he never thought that Gao Xun, an old man, would be able to have what he is today!

Immediately, King Qi said: "Father, according to my son's opinion, Prime Minister indulges his younger brother, and his grandson fishes and meats the common people. He should be punished for harming one side!"

No minister would be surprised that King Qi jumped out to add insult to injury. It would be strange if he kept his mouth shut.

Compared with King Qi, the ministers wanted to see what would happen to the crown prince.

"What does the prince think?"

The emperor asked the prince again.

This time the prince seemed much calmer and did not behave like the previous two times.He stood up unhurriedly, walked to Gao Xun's side, and bowed to the emperor.

"Returning to my father, my son thinks that this matter should have nothing to do with Prime Minister Gao."

The emperor's eyes lit up slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but it quickly disappeared, and he still asked calmly, "What proof?"

The prince said: "Doctor Yu Zheng's so-called connivance is just that Gao Chuan or Gao Lie used Gao Xiang's name to act mischievously in Bohai County, not from Gao Xiang's original intention. May I ask Mr. Yu, do you have concrete evidence that Gao Xiang condoned him? Brother, grandson?"


Yu Zheng hesitated a little, then shook his head honestly, "No."

The crown prince nodded, and continued: "In that case, only Gao Chuan or Gao Lie made the mistake. Prime Minister Gao may have committed the crime of lax discipline, but that is justifiable."

"How can it be extenuating?" King Qi retorted.

"Gao Xiang has worked all his life for state affairs, and his mental strength is exhausted. Isn't it justifiable for him to care about one thing and lose another?" The princes fought each other.

Prince is different.

Jiang Chengxiao was secretly surprised, this was driven to a desperate situation by the emperor, do you want to fight hard?

Cui Shili was taken down, and the prince chose to remain silent.

Lu Huaishen was taken down, but the prince still chose to remain silent
When it was Gao Xun's turn, the prince finally couldn't keep silent.

Thinking about it, Gao Xun is the crown prince's greatest support in the court. If he is suppressed by the emperor and leaves the court because of this matter, then the crown prince will completely return to the original point from then on.

Without Gao Xun in the court to shelter him from the wind and rain and contact the courtiers, his situation would become the same as that of King Qi.

All blind all blind!

So what if he has the title of the East Palace?
After hearing what the crown prince said, Gao Xun took a look and grinned slightly.The heart is warm, the prince will remember him after all.

"According to what the crown prince said, are Master Cui and Master Lu justified?" King Qi asked.

"Gu never said that." The prince retorted with a smile.

The first two cases have already been settled, so he will not be fooled by King Qi to question the emperor's decision.

 Thanks to the crazy runner for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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