Dajin royal family

Chapter 241 The Grand Dynasty

Chapter 241 The Grand Dynasty ([-])

After hearing the argument between the crown prince and the king of Qi, the emperor didn't reply to them, but turned to look at the officials: "What do you think?"

The ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, and for a while, no one dared to express their attitude at will.

The emperor's heart is unpredictable, who knows if this is the emperor's stalking, trying to catch all the officials who support the high minister.

At this time, Zhao Wang, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with the words of the crown prince. The high minister is loyal to the country, works hard for the government, and the children of the family are rebellious. If there is any oversight, we can forgive it."

Jiang Chengxiao glanced at Zhao Wang unexpectedly. How could this father who had been eating melons quietly jump out to plead for Gao Xun at this time? Isn't this the same as pleading for the prince.

After King Zhao spoke, Pei Ju also said, "Your Majesty, what King Zhao said is reasonable, but his younger brother Gao Chuan and his grandson Gao Lie made mistakes. It is really inappropriate to blame Gao Xiang for the crime."

This incident is different from the previous two incidents. Cui Shili was involved in treason, and any intercession would be a capital offense.

Lu Huaishen's grandson, Lu Liang, washed the horses for the East Palace and assassinated Zhao Wang's son. There are countless interests behind it, and it is still a death penalty to intercede.

Only this one, Gao Xun was actually not involved in it, and it was his younger brother and grandson who made the mistake, so it was logical to intercede.

What's more, the first one to speak was King Zhao.

Therefore, after King Zhao and Pei Ju spoke, other courtiers begged the emperor to forgive their sins.

Jiang Chengxiao still eats melons quietly, while eating, he does not forget to pay attention to the movements of the ministers.Most of the people who interceded for Gao Xun this time were officials from the noble family in Shandong. The nobles in Guanzhong and the nobles in the south were silent, as if they had not heard.

They neither said that it was worse, nor pleaded for Gao Xun.

The so-called staying out of the matter is nothing more than this.

Seeing that they were pleading for Gao Xun, King Qi pursed his lips and swallowed his words.

The prince bowed again and said: "Father, this matter is not the fault of a high-ranking minister. Please also pay attention to it."

"Your Majesty, the old minister acts upright and sits upright. If there is a son of the clan who commits a crime and commits a crime, it will be found that the old minister is indeed covering up, and the old minister is willing to be punished!" Gao Xun said seriously.

Because of the matter of Cui Shili and Lu Huaishen, he was in a trance for a moment and didn't figure out the key point. Now that most of his colleagues are pleading for him, his thoughts are clear.

Of course, what Gao Xun said did not mean that he must be innocent, the emperor knew this very well.

With Gao Xun's name, even if he didn't personally cover up, as long as Gao Chuan, governor of Bohai County, mentioned those officials a little bit, it would not be impossible for them to cover up for Gao Chuan because they were afraid of the leftist power.

The emperor looked at Wei Shilun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, "Wei Aiqing, what do you think?"

Wei Shilun is not a fool, no matter how entangled this case is, it is impossible to do anything to Gao Xun, he immediately replied: "I think that Prime Minister Gao should have nothing to do with this case, but his younger brother Gao Chuan and his grandson Gao Lie should investigate thoroughly, absolutely not Appease!"

Jiang Chengxiao curled his lips, Wei Shilun was getting more and more wilted, can you move the aura of the barbarians?
Zheng Shanyuan stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the veteran also thinks that this case should have nothing to do with the high minister, but the children of his clan are rebellious and regard the law as nothing, so it should be thoroughly investigated."

Seeing this, the emperor nodded, "Master Gao, you must discipline the children of the clan properly in the future."

As soon as this remark came out, Gao Xun nodded immediately, "I understand."

Jiang Chengxiao breathed a sigh of relief, it should be over now.

After all the ministers returned to the throne, the emperor said: "My dear friends, since Cui Shili has been relegated, who can be the Minister of the Household Department?"

Minister of the Household Department, this is a fat job.

All of a sudden everyone's eyes lit up, Xiao Dan, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, came out, cupped his hands and said: "His Majesty, Shen Qiu, the inspector of the household department, has both talents and virtues, and can be promoted to the position of servant."

Jiang Chengxiao: "."

Can't this kind of thing be discussed in Xiaochao? He has been holding back his urine for a long time.


Dugu, who hadn't said a word until now, couldn't sit still, he got up immediately and said: "Your Majesty, Shen Qiuzhi is a great talent, not as good as Hou Sijing, a doctor of the official department. I recommend Hou Sijing to be the servant of the household department."

Yu Shinan got up and said: "Your Majesty, Hou Sijing has a lack of personal virtue, and there are more than a hundred wives and concubines in the mansion. How can such people be in charge of the affairs of our court's wealthy households? I agree with Lord Xiao."

Dou Wei, the British public, can't sit still anymore, and such an important position as the Ministry of Household Affairs cannot be easily given to others.

"Your Majesty, Hou Sijing is dedicated to his duties and can be appointed as the servant of the household department."

Come, come, a new round of tearing has begun.

Jiang Chengxiao watched with cold eyes the fight between the nobles in Guanzhong represented by Duguzheng and the nobles in the south represented by Xiao Dan.

The servant of the household department, simply speaking, the second in command of the household department, apart from Shangshu Lu Huaishen who has been blacklisted by His Majesty, the servant is the most powerful.

Judging from the current situation, Lu Huaishen should not be able to hold the position of Minister for too long, and if he doesn't make plans now, when will he make plans.

Because the Shandong gentry had just been educated by the emperor in turn, no one dared to open their mouths to fight for this seat, and they all lost their momentum, watching Xiao Dan and Duguzheng quarreling with envy.

So, a new round of quarrel started again.

The Guangming Palace was in chaos again, and Jiang Chengxiao was sad in his heart, when will he be able to go down like this.

Hungry, thirsty, tired, and hurting my brain.

The noise became louder and louder, and Jiang Chengxiao even heard his teacher Yu Shinan scold Wei Hong for not being a son of the internal history, recommending a fool to His Majesty.

Civilized people sometimes quarrel like this. Everyone first reasoned, but they couldn't speak loudly, but they couldn't fight and started to fight.

Of course, the action here is not fighting, but pointing and cursing.After all, they are all civilized people and aristocrats, and there is no such thing as a countryman.

Jiang Chengxiao saw Xiao Dan pointing at Duguzheng to refute him, but Duguzheng didn't hesitate, and spit flying all over Xiao Dan's fingers.

Jiang Chengxiao thought to himself, the reason why the emperor wants to have a small dynasty is probably because these guys can't stand the quarrel like this every day, and there is no result in the quarrel.

It's all right if you say a few people in power are arguing, and the stinky fish and rotten shrimps will also quarrel next time. Anyway, they have to follow suit when their boss moves their mouths. It doesn't matter whether it is reasonable or not. Opinion.

So, the two sides quarreled over a cup of tea.

Seeing that they had no intention of stopping, the emperor immediately slapped the table with a 'bang' sound.

It is quite now.
Looking around, the emperor didn't intend to ask Xiao Dan, nor did he intend to ask Duguzheng, because if you ask one of them, the other will definitely object.

"Uncle Wang thinks who can be the servant of the household department."

The emperor asked King Zhao for his opinion.

As King Zhao, Duguzheng and Xiao Dan naturally wouldn't question it.

At this moment, all eyes were on King Zhao.

Zhao Wang was also unambiguous, stood up and said: "The position of the servant of the household department is related to the livelihood of the people. The person who holds the position must be loyal and selfless, and have a good reputation in the world. I recommend the great Confucian Wang Hong."

After the voice fell, the Taichang Temple Qing Wang Yi, who had been ignored by others, brightened his eyes.

King Zhao is a good man, he is really the pillar of the country!
Pei Ju also glanced at King Zhao unexpectedly. How could these two people who couldn't get along with each other get in touch?

Zhao Wang wants to recommend, either his old department, or Zheng Shanyuan's disciple, how could it become the Taiyuan Wang family.


Dou Wei said with a smile: "His Royal Highness Zhao Wang, Wang Hong is fine as a scholar. I am afraid that Wang Hong is not good at the calculation of the household department and the measurement of finance and land."

Zhao Wang was noncommittal, and did not respond to Dou Wei after speaking.

Now the most chilling thing should be Cui Shili. Before he leaves, the seat under his buttocks will be handed over to someone else in front of him.

But now no one pays attention to him.

"What does Guan Wang think?" The emperor looked at Guan Wang who hadn't said a word.

King Guan got up, thought for a moment, and said: "I think what Zhao Wang said is reasonable, Wang Hong may not be able to grasp it in a moment, but it is always possible to give him some time. Furthermore, in Wang Hong's virtuous name, Presumably he would never dare to do that kind of corruption."

A smile appeared on the corner of the emperor's mouth, and he looked at Wang Yi, "What does Wang Aiqing think?"

Wang Yi was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly got up, and said back: "I will obey your Majesty's order."

"Okay, since King Zhao and King Guan strongly advise, let's go to Wang Hong." The emperor gave the order in a casual manner, as if he had no choice but to choose Wang Hong.

In the end, after arguing for a long time, it turned out that the cheapest person was Wang Hong, which made many people unexpected.

Is the emperor finally planning to let Wang Hong go?

This point, Pei Ju wanted to know very much, and Zheng Shanyuan also wanted to know very much.

 Thanks to the crazy runner for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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