Chapter 308
There was a crisp applause from Jinhua Palace.

The maids and servants standing outside all shrank their heads and lowered their hands as if they had agreed for a moment.

The burning pain on his face reminded Jiang Yan that his concubine mother had really whipped him.

"Mother Concubine."

Before she finished speaking, Concubine Xiao slapped down from the sky again, and slapped Jiang Yan on the other cheek.

After the slap, Jiang Yan didn't dare to speak anymore, and obediently lowered his head, waiting for the concubine's lecture.

"Do you know why I hit you?"

Concubine Xiao's chubby buttocks landed on the couch, the whiteness of her chest rose and fell violently, and her pair of winking eyes looked very vicious at this moment.

"My son shouldn't go to King Wudu and say that."

Just now Jiang Yan spoke out the conversation between himself and King Wudu in front of Concubine Xiao, before his mother and concubine and him jointly reprimanded King Wudu for being arrogant.

He received two slaps from his concubine first.

"Do you have the title of prince?" Concubine Xiao asked angrily.

"No." Jiang Yan replied timidly.

"Do you have His Majesty's will to intervene in the government?"


"Then what qualifications do you think you have to instigate and order King Wudu to work for you?" Concubine Xiao slapped the couch.

Jiang Yan stopped talking, he understood what the concubine mother meant.

It is nothing more than that he is nothing now, so King Wudu ignored him.

However, he still refused to accept it!

"Mother and concubine often say that Jiang Chengxiao is a smart person, can't he see that the prince that father and emperor value most now is me?" Jiang Yan stared.

The crown prince stayed in Chang'an, the king of Qi was left out in the mansion, and all the ministers could see who the father favored.

Concubine Xiao didn't faint from the anger, how could she have given birth to such an arrogant and arrogant son.

"What do you know, when the Crown Prince and the King of Qi tried to win him over, he didn't agree, why should he serve you now, you are really deceived, stupid!" Concubine Xiao angrily scolded.

Jiang Yan said: "But now he has no military power in his hands, why does my son want to win him over!"

"Because he is a son of the clan that His Majesty values!"

Concubine Xiao first yelled at her worthless son, and immediately said: "Although His Majesty is keeping him in Luoyang, as long as the world's bandits are not eliminated, he will be reactivated by His Majesty at any time. There is nothing in him that can be criticized. Place, His Majesty will use him sooner or later, do you understand!"

"Your Majesty keeps him by his side now, first to polish him, and second, to suppress his arrogance, lest he get carried away when he is young."

"However, Erchen has shown his kindness to him again and again, but he has never responded to Erchen." Jiang Yan muttered.

Concubine Xiao sneered and said: "You are just a concubine prince, why should he value you and respond to you. You are indeed valued by your father now, but the prince can be ignored, how about you?"

This sentence made Jiang Yan stunned in place.

Yes, a prince can be neglected one day, let alone a prince who has no title.

"My son was wrong." Jiang Yan bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

He understood why Jiang Chengxiao ignored him.

Concubine Xiao got up, walked back and forth in the hall with a graceful figure, and suddenly, she stopped.

"Yes, in a few days it will be Mrs. Xiao's [-]th birthday. Mrs. Xiao will definitely invite him then, and I will go to meet him in person this time." Concubine Xiao made up her mind.

What Jiang Yan thought, Jiang Chengxiao didn't take it to heart at all.

He is not afraid of how Jiang Yan will slander him in front of the emperor. Now that the situation in the world has become tense, the emperor will not move him easily.

In other words, would the emperor believe what Jiang Yan said?
This palace is full of the emperor's internal guards, and it is estimated that Jiang Yan's words have long been placed on the emperor's case.

After the marriage matter was resolved, Jiang Chengxiao came to the Changsun Mansion without stopping.

Yesterday Changsun Qingyi told him that Changsun Sheng unfortunately fell off his horse when he was out hunting, and his old injury broke out, and he is now bedridden.

This fall from a horse is not a joke, it can really kill people.

Emperor Taizong Xiaowen's favorite son, King Huai of Liang, fell to his death.

The reason why this matter is recorded in the history books is not because of the identity of King Huai of Liang, but because after the death of King Huai of Liang, Jia Yi, who wrote "On the Passing of Qin Dynasty", also committed suicide.

When the servants of Changsun's mansion saw Jiang Chengxiao, they hurriedly said 'Master', and then led him to the inner mansion, where they met Mrs. Changsun.

After seeing the ceremony, Jiang Chengxiao asked Changsun Sheng about his injuries.

Mrs. Changsun didn't say anything, and led Jiang Chengxiao to the bedroom with a sad face.

At this time, Changsun Qingyi just came out with a copper basin, and when she saw her husband, she immediately lowered her head to hide the sadness on her face.

Seeing that her eyes were red and swollen, Jiang Chengxiao presumably cried hard.

Looking at it now, Changsun Sheng's condition must be very bad.

"Okay, don't cry too, leave it to the servants to do." Madam Changsun said, in fact, she herself felt uncomfortable, but her son-in-law was here, and she couldn't express it directly.

Changsun Qingyi nodded, handed the copper basin in her hand to the maid, and walked to Jiang Chengxiao's side.

"Husband, I made you worry."

Reaching out to gently hold her little hand, Jiang Chengxiao shook his head.

"It's okay, you go down and have a good rest, I'll go see the woman."

Walking into the bedroom, a pungent smell of traditional Chinese medicine filled the air.

The doors and windows are closed and the light is dim.

Across the screen, Jiang Chengxiao saw Changsun Sheng leaning against the wood with a haggard appearance, staring blankly at the red bow on the wall.

Hearing the movement, Changsun Sheng slowly turned his head.

"The blue sparrow is here." His voice sounded weak.

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, walked over and saluted.

"Woman, don't think wildly, Guanyin's maidservant has already told me everything, and I have sent someone to invite a good doctor, and it will definitely be cured."

He did send someone to invite Sun Shichang, but Sun Shichang was still developing his bruise medicine, frostbite medicine, etc. in Liaodong.

In other words, even if Sun Shichang came here and saw Changsun Sheng like this, would he be able to cure him?
"You have a heart, you are much better than that rebellious son." Changsun Sheng smiled gratifiedly.

As the saying goes, a married daughter splashes water, and he is already very satisfied that his daughter and son-in-law can come back to see him when he is seriously ill.

What's more, this son-in-law has a higher title and official position than him.

Jiang Chengxiao asked strangely: "Where's the auxiliary machine, haven't you come back yet?"

Jiang Chengxiao knew about the fact that Changsun Wuji went to Longxi to find his good friend Li Anmin.

But his father was seriously ill, and it was a bit unreasonable for him not to come back.

"Cough cough!"

Changsun Sheng seemed to be choked by the name Changsun Wuji, coughed twice, and waved his hand to tell Jiang Chengxiao to stop talking.

"Don't mention him, he's just an idiot." Chang Sun Sheng shook his head, with a hint of resentment.

Seeing this, Jiang Chengxiao naturally stopped the topic.

"Qingque, tell me honestly, what is the situation of banditry all over the world now." Changsun Sheng looked at his son-in-law.

"Woman, you should take good care of your health now, and others will take care of the violent bandits." Jiang Chengxiao tried to persuade him.

Maybe it's really Ai Wu Ji Wu, he loves his wife very much, so he even treats the eldest grandson's family with good looks.

Even if the eldest grandson Wuji ignored his sister-in-law and went to find his good friend Li Anmin, Jiang Chengxiao didn't hold any resentment.

Changsun Sheng smiled sadly, "Yeah, you're right, banditry has to be taken care of by others, so how could it be the old man's turn to worry about it, it's just that the old man thinks that others may not be able to take care of it."

"Why did the woman say such a thing?"

Jiang Chengxiao looked at Changsun Sheng in surprise.

Changsun Sheng complied, and said slowly: "Yu Wenhuaji, a villain, has no military talents. His father Yu Wenshu, a courtier, is a minister who is a disaster for the country!"

"Jiang Wei, the Duke of Wei County, is a fledgling, young and ignorant. Although he is assisted by Xue Yuxiong, it is difficult for His Majesty to hand over all the power of the army to Jiang Wei."

"The old man expected that within a month, Jiang Wei will be defeated!"

Jiang Chengxiao was slightly taken aback, although the emotional father-in-law is in charge of Sinong Temple, his heart is always in the world.

No wonder you fall off your horse when hunting, people are old-hearted.

Maybe there is also unwillingness, watching the violent bandits wreaking havoc in the place, but unable to raise troops to put down the bandits.

"Qing Que, the younger generation in the imperial court, only you can put down the bandits!" Chang Sun Sheng changed his voice, and looked at Jiang Chengxiao with burning eyes, as if he was expecting something.

Seeing this, Jiang Chengxiao couldn't understand what the old man was thinking, so he showed a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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