Chapter 309

"The woman should know my situation at the moment."

Jiang Chengxiao turned his body slightly sideways, looking at the decorations on the windows leisurely, the light fell on the ground through the gaps in the windows, forming regular rhombus shapes one by one.

"Are you prophesying?"

Changsun Sheng also knew about the prophecy, because of this matter, the emperor raised and lowered his son-in-law, and although Jiang Chengxiao was made the servant of the Ministry of Rites on the surface, it actually took away his chance to lead the army.

Except for Jiang Chengxiao, King Zhao also closed his residence because of the prophecy, and has never seen anyone these days.

After all, the emperor was still suspicious.

"Your Majesty, I will figure it out." Chang Sun Sheng said bitterly.

Except for this sentence, he didn't know how to persuade him. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the prophecy was trying to drive a wedge between the emperor and Zhao Wangfu.

But the problem is, the emperor really believed it.

In fact, the reason why the emperor believed it was not because of the prophecy itself, but because of the prestige of King Zhao.

This is what the emperor fears the most.

The prophecy only aroused this contradiction, so that the emperor had to make a choice.

Jiang Chengxiao turned around and smiled softly, "Stop thinking about it, woman, cultivate yourself, Your Majesty is wise and mighty, and will definitely make me stronger."

Jiang Chengxiao himself felt that such words were fake, and he would have known to change the scene a long time ago.

Obviously, Changsun Sheng didn't believe it either.

"hope so"

Recalling what he had done in the past few years, Zhang Sun Sheng's worries inevitably increased a little.

After visiting Changsun Sheng, Jiang Chengxiao comforted Mrs. Changsun in the yard again.

After having dinner at Changsun Mansion, the two returned to Wudu Palace.

In the dormitory, the two sat on the couch.

"Husband, I've bothered you." Eldest Sun Qingyi said apologetically as she leaned into her husband's arms.

She also knew that her husband was not doing well recently, because she had been worrying about the prophecy for a long time.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Husband and wife are one body. How can we divide each other at this time?"

Patting his wife's little hand, he comforted softly.

"Husband, you are so kind." Changsun Qingyi enjoyed her husband's embrace, feeling very at ease.

This is her harbor, where she feels safe, as if all her troubles are avoided by this harbor.

Jiang Chengxiao smiled and said, "Madam is the best."

The eldest Sun Qingyi let out a shy sigh, and hugged her husband tightly.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked, some people just think they are noisy.

The people in Luoyang are happily preparing for the end of the year, but the people in Qi County are deeply trapped in the quagmire because of the banditry.

At this time, they don't care about the end of the year, they only care about whether they can have a bite of food.

Since Yu Wenhuaji was defeated because of his arrogance, the emperor issued an edict to dispatch Yu Wenhuaji to the rear to escort the grain and grass, and made meritorious deeds.

The important task of suppressing bandits in Qi County fell on Zhang Suguo, the governor of Qi County.

But the defeated soldiers in the hands of Zhang Suguo alone are not enough to resist the 10,000+ bandit soldiers at the foot of Huashan.

Yu Wenhua was defeated so badly that he had to abandon Tingshan County and return to aid Licheng.

In this way, Tingshan County was handed over to Qu Rang and Shan Ding, while Li Fazhu and Chi Ju's army on the other side also quickly captured Zhangqiu, and they are currently stationed in Huashan, thirty miles away from Licheng.

The army is overwhelmed!

Fortunately, the emperor sent Jiang Wei to lead [-] elite troops to support Qi County, which prevented Licheng from falling.

However, Licheng now has only 20 county soldiers at full count, and the imperial army is only [-], and the bandit soldiers have now expanded to [-] because they have taken in more refugees.

Not all the army of the imperial court was stationed in Licheng, there were [-] troops stationed ten miles southeast of Licheng, confronting Qu Rang and Shan Ding's rebel soldiers.

The remaining [-] were stationed twenty miles northeast of Licheng to guard against Li Fazhu and Chiju.

The two sides have also fought many battles these days, with each other winning or losing. Generally speaking, there is no final decision, and they are still testing each other to find the other's flaws.

Xue Yuxiong is a veteran. In the Jin Dynasty, where the stars are shining, he may not be the most dazzling, but he must be the most stable.

It was precisely because of his stability that after the house was killed in battle, the emperor appointed him as the deputy general of You Xiaowei.

Feel free to let him come to assist Jiang Wei in fighting against the bandits in Qi County.

On the right side of the Xiaowei camp, thousands of tents stand on the plain, four watchtowers stand tall at the four corners, and teams of cavalry patrol the periphery.

Chinese army tent.

"General Xue, how long will we have to wait? We have been confronted for such a long time. If things go on like this, the morale of the army will be unstable, which is not conducive to our suppression of the bandits."

Jiang Wei looked dissatisfiedly at the lieutenant general Xue Xixiong who was seated at the bottom.

After they arrived in Qi County, they hadn't fought a big battle. Every time they fought in small fights, and the order was exhausted, which made him very impatient.

In his opinion, the right guards are all elites, as long as the formation is deployed, how can a large-scale battle be lost to those refugees.

But Xue Yuxiong was too careful, and every time he said that the fighter plane had not arrived, which hindered him from launching a large-scale attack.

Facing Jiang Wei's dissatisfaction, Xue Yuxiong was very helpless, and could only explain: "General, there are still 10,000+ bandit soldiers in Tingshan County, and Zhang Suguo's [-] county soldiers can't resist it at all. Li Fazhu's battle with bandits will give Qu Rang and others a chance."

Jiang Wei said disapprovingly, "According to what the general said, if Li Fazhu and Qu Rang attacked us at the same time, wouldn't we all be unbearable?"

"Since this is the case, why don't we quickly defeat one of the thief soldiers, so that the current pressure can be greatly eased."

Xue Yuxiong shook his head, and said slowly: "You must not do this. The reason why the bandits are holding back now is because they don't want to fight to the death with us. Neither Li Fazhu nor Qu Rang want their own troops to fight us." Fight us."

"It is precisely because of the suspicion in their hearts at the moment that we have the opportunity to confront each other now."

Xue Yuxiong didn't say the next sentence, if the thieves really attacked them from two directions at the same time with one mind, they would really be difficult to defend.

Jiang Wei was dissatisfied and said: "General Xue, you are just doubting yourself. If the bandits really reach a consensus and march together, wouldn't it be dangerous for us."

"We might as well preemptively take down Li Fazhu first, and then turn to deal with Qu Rang."


Xue Yuxiong secretly rolled his eyes, slandering in his heart.

If they really moved, the thieves would definitely receive news. During this time, the scouts from all sides met in front more than once.

Seeing that Xue Yuxiong refused to enter, Jiang Wei was also a little annoyed, and immediately said: "This is not okay, and that is not okay. If we continue to fight for a long time, the imperial court will definitely punish us for our ineffectiveness in suppressing bandits. Then what should we do!"

Although he was the chief general, the emperor had warned him before he left not to violate Xue Yuxiong's opinion, so he couldn't make a statement in You Xiaowei.

What's more, he was leading the army for the first time, and most of the soldiers under him had little respect for him.

In this case, he could only move the emperor out to put pressure on Xue Yuxiong.

He didn't want to end in failure on his first expedition, then he would become a laughing stock, and the emperor would not give him another chance.

Xue Yuxiong knew that if he didn't give Jiang Wei an answer today, he would definitely not let it go.

"Don't worry, general. Let me ask the general first, what do the bandits lack the most?"

Hearing this, Jiang Wei was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "General Xue, what I'm discussing with you now is a military matter, please don't hold back."

How does he know what the bandits lack the most? What he cares about is how to defeat the bandits.

"I didn't push back!" Xue Yuxiong was also angry. This Wei Jungong is really stupid. He reminded him, but this guy still doesn't understand.

After finishing speaking, Xue Yuxiong didn't bother to play riddles with him anymore, and explained to himself: "Although the thieves are coming fiercely, most of them are hungry people. The production in Qingzhou has been seriously damaged. It is not the autumn harvest season. The food in their hands must be enough. If we can't hold it anymore, it will take two or three days at most, and the bandits will definitely fight us to the death."

"At that time, it was our chance."

"What chance do we have?" Jiang Wei was stunned and asked in confusion.

In his opinion, is there any difference between the dead fish and the broken net in a few days and the dead fish and the broken net now?Isn't it still a large-scale battle in the end, isn't it still a two-line battle?

Is there a difference?

Facing Jiang Wei who is naive and inexperienced in military affairs, Xue Yuxiong suddenly felt tired.

(End of this chapter)

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