Dajin royal family

Chapter 443 Qingzhou Situation

Chapter 443 Qingzhou Situation

In April of the first year of King Zhao.

The black eagle from Luoyang circled straight down and landed in the hands of the eagle slaves in Liyang, Jijun.

Seeing the red ribbon tied to the black eagle's feet, Ying Nu didn't dare to neglect, took down the letter and handed it to the knight to Liyangjin.

Jiang Chengxiao led his army all the way south, pacified the bandits in Qinghe and Wuyang counties successively, and rushed to Jijun to join Pei Yuanyan without stopping.

So far, the entire north of Dahe has been included in the territory of the Northern Jin Dynasty.

As we all know, the Yellow River presents the shape of "Ji", Guanzhong is below the middle of "Ji", and Bingzhou and Hebei are on the right of "Ji".

Bingzhou and Hebei are divided into two by the Taihang Mountains. Therefore, Hebei and Bingzhou are in the hands of Jiang Chengxiao, so it can be said that the entire north of the river is included in the land of Jin.

The densely populated areas of the Jin family are mainly Guanzhong and the banks of the Dahe River. Guanzhong has been operating for thousands of years, and it has been the capital city of successive dynasties. Needless to say, the population is too high.

Bingzhou and Hebei are the second largest population gathering places, and because of Luoyang's relationship, the population is even denser.

After winning Bingzhou and Hebei, the Yellow River became a natural barrier for Jiang Chengxiao's strategic defense line, and troops could be drawn from Taihang Baxing and stationed on the banks of the big river.

Now Liaodong produced war horses for him, and Bingzhou and Hebei provided him with soldiers and food, and the strength of the Northern Jin Dynasty suddenly increased.

The fly in the ointment is that Hebei has been severely traumatized by banditry. He must first invest in it to help Hebei resume production, and then he can turn Hebei into a hematopoietic base.

Time, about two or three years.

It is precisely because of this that after Jiang Chengxiao pacified Hebei, he did not rush to attack Qingzhou, but waited for work with leisure, while stabilizing himself, while waiting for the situation to change.

In fact, he is also waiting for the reaction from all over the Central Plains. He is not worried about Guanzhong. Yu Binghong is already dying, and Zhou Niuer is just a slave.

The only ones worthy of vigilance are Li Yuan and Wei Hong, but it's useless to think about it now, these two people don't plan to fight to the death, they both start to deal with other forces in Guanzhong with a tacit understanding.

Perhaps by this time next year, Guanzhong will be divided into two, and we must pay attention to it then.

However, the shadow he left in Guanzhong hasn't moved yet, and he won't let Guanzhong unify easily.

The water of the Yellow River is soupy for thousands of miles, as far as the eye can see, there is no end.

At Liyangjin Ferry, the army was majestic, with thousands of cavalry standing on the shore.

Looking at the roaring water of the Yellow River, Jiang Chengxiao in armor held a whip, got off his horse, and walked a few steps forward.

Behind him, Nan Jiyun, Pei Yuanyan, Wei Zhongyan, Han Su, He Fubo and others followed closely behind.

The weather in April has begun to heat up, and the breeze caresses the cheeks, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Jiang Chengxiao just stood on the bank of the Yellow River, looking at the water of the great river.No one knew what he was thinking at the moment, the generals were all waiting for his order.

In fact, the thoughts in his mind were very chaotic, he thought about a lot of things, and finally returned to reality, he has not yet unified the world.

It makes people laugh, but he is indeed like this at the moment, and he has inexplicable feelings in his heart.

It's a pity that his literary talents are not good, otherwise, if he recites a poem here, it may be recorded in the annals of history in the future.

Thousands of people were present, but it was extremely quiet.

The silence was finally broken by the sound of horseshoes.


Behind the knight was a small flag, which represented his identity as the flag officer, so he ran wildly and no one could stop him.

Kneeling on one knee five steps away from King Zhao, offering the eagle letter with both hands.Nan Jiyun took the letter and walked to Jiang Chengxiao's side.

"My lord, Luoyang Yingxin."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, took the eagle letter, and slowly opened it.There was a string of ciphertext on it, and he understood the meaning of it.

"Yu Wenshu has already stopped fighting with Li Fazhu, and is ready to deal with Wang Kuoxiong and Zhu Jie."

Pei Yuanyan thought for a moment, then hesitated, "What does your majesty mean?"

"What does General Pei think?" Jiang Chengxiao asked meaningfully.

Pei Yuanyan thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this is a good opportunity to attack Yu Wenshu, but the soldiers are exhausted from fighting all the way, and there is no guarantee that Yu Wenshu will not prepare to deal with us later, so we can't send troops easily at this time. "

Jiang Chengxiao slowly tore up the letter, "You are right, now is indeed not a good time to conquer Yu Wenshu, but it is a good time to deal with Master Li."

"I still don't understand Yu Wenshu's careful thinking. He just guessed that I would attack Li Fazhu. He stopped fighting with Li Fazhu. Firstly, he wanted Li Fazhu to have enough strength to consume me. Second, he took this opportunity to deal with Wang Kuo in the south. Xiong and Zhu Jie."

In short, maybe this is the tacit understanding between them?
Thinking of this, Jiang Chengxiao couldn't help but sneer.

This 'cooperation', he took over!

Originally, he was a little worried that Li Fazhu and Yu Wenshu would join forces to resist him, or even attack him, but he didn't expect Yu Wenshu to be so realistic.

Master Li, it's time to move.

"General Pei."


"You lead [-] troops to garrison the Dahe area, and pay close attention to Yu Wenshu's movements. I'm worried that Yu Wenshu will sneak attack, you have to be careful."

"Yes!" Pei Yuanyan clasped his hands and said, "The general intends to let Uncle He Fu lead his army to garrison Linqingguan in Hanoi County, and the general will stay in Ji County. No matter where Yu Wenshu attacks from, we will know the news immediately, and we can use it to Fastest support."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "It's possible."

Qi County, Li City.

Li Fazhu currently has only four counties firmly in his hands, namely Beihai, Qi County, Jibei, and Dongping.

These four counties are connected into one piece, attached to the big river.

When the Northern Jin took Hebei, Li Fazhu knew that he would have a battle with the Northern Jin, because the King Zhao was not a lord who got rich and settled down, but a lion who wanted to swallow the world.

Therefore, when Yu Wenshu proposed a truce, Fazhu Li immediately agreed. In order to meet the conquest of the Northern Jin Dynasty, Fazhu Li had to deal with it wholeheartedly.

Because this battle will determine his life and death.

If he wins, the Northern Jin Dynasty will retreat to the north of Dahe, and he will have time to annex other Qingzhou forces.If he loses, then he can only commit suicide.

Faced with the pressure brought by the Northern Jin Army, Li Fazhu hadn't slept peacefully for a long time, and the banks of the big river were full of his spies.

The more this happened, the more uneasy he felt.

Inside the hall, Li Fazhu was handling government affairs in a dragon robe.

However, his mind was on the Kanyu map. From time to time, he would get up and walk to the Kanyu map to look at it for a while, wondering where the Northern Jin army would attack from.

Not long after, the octopus came in.

"See Your Majesty!"

Li Fazhu looked away from the Kanyu map and raised his hand.

"Mian Li, you came just in time, how is the reorganization of the soldiers?"

Hu Yu replied: "At present, there are about [-] veterans, and about [-] recruits from the reorganization, and they have all been put into training."

Li Fazhu frowned, "Didn't you ask you to recruit [-] soldiers? Why are there only [-]?"

Hu Yu lowered his head and said ashamedly: "Your Majesty, the young and strong do not want to join the army, and flee one after another. We don't have much food in our hands, and we cannot feed an army of 10,000+."

Li Fazhu was silent, he had been fighting with Yu Wenshu, and the food had already been almost consumed.In recent years, Qingzhou has been robbed several times. The landlords have no surplus food, and the common people have no surplus food.

His current situation couldn't be worse. Surrounded by a circle of "insurgents" separatist forces with different intentions, Yu Wenshu in the Central Plains temporarily ceased fighting, but the evil birds in the north overwhelmed him.

"Heaven wants to perish me, Yu Wenshu?" He looked at the Kanyu map blankly.

Having come to this point, he can confidently attribute all the failures to that war in Li Yang.

It was precisely because of that war that his power plummeted. Qu Rang and the others gathered their troops to support themselves, and Qingzhou was torn apart.

He wanted to fight the Northern Jin Dynasty head-on, but secretly guarded against Qu Rang and others.

How to win?
If he had the support of the Dugu family before, but after Li Yuan raised his troops, the Dugu family did not give him another grain.

Perhaps, even if the Dugu family is willing to give him food, how can it be delivered to him with Wei Guo and Yu Wenshu in between?
Hu Yu cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, why don't we ask for help."

Hearing this, Li Fazhu's eyes suddenly sharpened.

"Help? Hehe, do you think Qu Rang will agree to it?" He sneered and punched the Kanyu map.

These short-sighted guys are very strong in the nest.

No one could clearly see the threat brought by the Northern Jin Dynasty. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to send troops to destroy Qu Rang and others now.

The reason why he attacked Yu Wenshu at the beginning was not because of nostalgia for old feelings, but because he was worried that if he attacked Qu Rang and others, it was hard to guarantee that others would not unite to resist him.

So he endured it, and turned to fight Yu Wenshu to expand his strength.

Later, when the Northern Jin Dynasty went south, he and Wang Shunde planned to reconcile with Yu Wenshu first, and try their best to solve the Qingzhou issue.

Yu Wenshu reconciled, but the Qingzhou matter was not easy to resolve.

The most important thing is that now Bei Jin is watching from the sidelines, if he dares to divide his troops to attack others, this vicious tiger will definitely jump out and attack him.


There is no place to move around, no time for him.

(End of this chapter)

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