Chapter 444
At this moment, counselor Wang Shunde came in. "My lord, this subordinate is willing to lobby in person."

Hearing this, Fazhu Li shook his head, "It's useless, I and them are in conflict now, they wish I would be wiped out by the Northern Jin Dynasty, and if you go, you can only bring shame on yourself."

He didn't report his own situation, and all those guys had dissent, everyone wanted to lead the uprising army in Qingzhou, but everyone refused to accept each other.

"How do you know if you don't try? Are you going to sit back and watch the Northern Jin Dynasty attack us?" Wang Shunde persuaded: "My lord should know our current situation. Jiang Chengxiao is not a mediocre lord. He will be fully prepared and will not give us a chance, and even the subordinates suspect that he knows the current situation in Qingzhou, so he dares to stand on the bank of the river without fear."

Li Fazhu sighed: "I know what you said, I have never underestimated Jiang Chengxiao, but he is stronger than others."

Wang Shunde pursed his lips, and suddenly had a ridiculous idea in his heart.

"My lord, why don't I persuade Yu Wenshu."

Hearing this, Fazhu Li was a little startled, and then asked in confusion: "Why do you have such an idea, Fazhu Li and I did not have any good intentions in the strike, firstly, he was saving his own strength to prepare for the defeat of Wang Kuoxiong and others, secondly, He wants to use me to consume the Northern Jin army, how could he agree to you."

He was not optimistic about Wang Shunde's suggestion, and even thought it was a fantasy.

Wang Shunde said: "The lord said clearly, but Yu Wenshu should also know that with the current Qingzhou, there is no way to stop the Northern Jin Dynasty. If Qingzhou is taken by the Northern Jin Dynasty, Yu Wenshu himself will feel bad."

"I'm going to persuade Yu Wenshu to help each other. Don't ask him to agree, but ask him to Chen Bing Dahe, threaten Hanoi County, and not let the Northern Jin Dynasty attack us with all its strength. If it succeeds, maybe we still have a chance. If we can defeat the Northern Jin army, Yuwen Maybe Shuu will take advantage of the situation to attack Hanoi County, so as to weaken the Northern Jin Dynasty to the greatest extent."

Having said that, Li Fazhu was a little tempted.

"Okay, this time, please sir!"

With Li Fazhu's consent, Wang Shunde led his entourage and Yin Xin to Luoyang without saying a word.

Three days later, Wang Shunde arrived in Luoyang through various passes in the Central Plains, where he met Yu Wenshu and persuaded him to resist the Northern Jin Dynasty.

Wang Shunde's idea was approved by Xu Yixin. He felt that there was no problem with this move. He only needed Chen Bing Dahe to put on a show and force the Northern Jin Dynasty to defend Hanoi County, and they themselves had no loss.

Yu Wenshu thought about it and agreed, anyway, it doesn't matter much to him.

Bohai County, tired times.

Li Yaoshi led [-] cavalry to station here.

Across the big river, there is Qi County on the opposite side. What's interesting is that the dividing line between Bohai County and Qi County is not the big river. The scope of Bohai County extends to the south bank of the big river.

As ships densely covered the ancient ferry, it indicated that the war between the Northern Jin Dynasty and Qingzhou would break out soon.

In fact, Jiang Chengxiao did prepare in this way. Now that Qingzhou is in chaos, and they are guarding each other, when will they do it if they don't do it now?
Although there is a nail in it, it is hard to guarantee that it will change over time, and there are not many such favorable external environments.

Now that the battle in Guanzhong is still going on, Yu Wenshu is busy solving Wang Kuoxiong and Zhu Jie, which is a good time for him to solve Qingzhou.

However, a secret letter from Luoyang and a message from Pei Yuanyan made Jiang Chengxiao frown.

These two letters are about one thing. Yu Wenshu Chen Bing on the south bank of the Dahe River wanted to build a pontoon bridge across the Dahe River to attack Hanoi County.

This was what Jiang Chengxiao was worried about at the beginning, that is, when he attacked Qingzhou, someone was plotting to merge the state.

It's not that Bingzhou's defense system can't hold up, it's just that fighting on two fronts spans thousands of miles, which will bring too many variables.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Seeing Jiang Chengxiao's solemn expression after receiving the letter, Wen Yanfei asked beside him.

"See for yourself."

After handing the letter to Wen Yanfei and Li Yaoshi, he turned to look at Kanyu Map with a little worry in his eyes.

After Li Yaoshi read the letter, he thought for a while, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, the last general guesses that Yu Wenshu and Chen Bing Dahe have no more than two purposes."


"Yes, one is to put pressure on Hanoi County's defense and force us not to attack Qingzhou with all our strength. The second is to keep luck. If we can't take Qingzhou for a while, he is likely to attack Hanoi County."

Jiang Chengxiao stretched out his hand and clicked on "Henan County" on the map, "That's right, Yu Wenshu, a treacherous man, has exactly this idea."

Li Yaoshi went on to say: "According to General Mo, it is a fact that Yu Wenshu sent troops to attack Wang Kuoxiong and Zhu Jie, even if he does not fight, Wang Kuoxiong and Zhu Jie will not let him go, it can be said that there must be a battle among the three of them. Therefore, it is impossible to send a large army to attack Hanoi County, moreover, if Yu Wenshu really takes the risk to attack Hanoi County, there is General Pei over there, they will not get any benefits, so there is no need to worry."

Jiang Chengxiao said: "I know Yu Wenshu's careful thoughts, but what should be careful is to be careful. Send an order to General Pei to keep an eye on Yu Wenshu. If there is any change, notify me immediately."

"Yes." The guard took the order and left.

Wen Yanfei rubbed his chin, thought for a while, and said, "Your Majesty, Yu Wenshu wants to attack Wang Kuoxiong and Zhu Jie, and also threatens us with soldiers in Dahe, why didn't he notify Wei Hong in Guanzhong and let him get involved? "

Hearing this, Jiang Chengxiao's eyes lit up.

"What you said is interesting."

After being affirmed, Wen Yanfei continued: "As far as my subordinates know, Yu Binghong is no longer a threat to Wei Hong. The next step is for Wei Hong to deal with Li Yuan or Zhou Niuer. Zhou Niuer is a violent bandit who burns, kills and loots everywhere. , and there are Turkic people standing behind, Wei Hong is unlikely to lead an army to attack, this will give Li Yuan a chance."

"Li Yuan on the other side has a tacit agreement with Wei Hong to stop and wipe out other Guanzhong forces, and he won't do it for a while. At this time, Yu Wenshu's division of troops is just an opportunity for Wei Hong."

Jiang Chengxiao said: "That's the reason, but Wei Hong is not stupid. Now that Guanzhong is still undecided, he won't allocate too many troops to attack Yu Wenshu. However, Wei Hong can be notified about this matter, even if he just sent more troops to Tongguan , This will also bring great pressure to Yu Wenshu."

He entrusted this matter to Wen Yanfei. In fact, he was not optimistic that Wei Hong would obediently send more troops to Tongguan.

Now the major forces are maintained in a well-known 'tacit understanding' balance.

Wei Hong in Guanzhong was determined to unify Guanzhong and would not go out of Tongguan to provoke Yu Wenshu and the Northern Jin Dynasty.Yu Wenshu was the same, he didn't want to provoke Wei Hong and Bei Jin, he just wanted to completely eliminate the surrounding rebels.

Needless to say in the south, Nan Chen and Xiao Liang had a lot of quarrels, and the surrounding water bandits and the separatist forces in Shu were fighting badly. They didn't want to start a large-scale national war right now.

To put it simply, the forces with the support of the major families understand that now is not the time for a decisive battle, which will give other rebels a chance, so they all plan to eat the little shrimp first.

However, if Yu Wenshu made trouble for him, he would also try to find a way to make trouble for Yu Wenshu.

After all, the most important thing is to solve the Qingzhou matter now.

The night was dark and the wind was high, Han Su was dressed in armor, holding a horizontal knife in one hand and a shield in the other, standing on top of the ship.

The ship was not big, but a civilian ship. A ship could have carried 50 people, but because of the heavy armor of the soldiers, it could barely carry 20 people.

The twenty soldiers were neatly distributed, with ten on each side, every other soldier was paddling with an oar in his hand, and the soldier in front raised his shield to guard.

There was the sound of roaring water in my ears, and the surroundings were densely packed with ships from the Northern Jin Army crossing the river.

The night was dark, without a single torch lit, all the soldiers were sneaking in the dark.

Just as the first ship was approaching the south bank, there were bursts of rapid arrow sounds in the air, followed by the screams of soldiers and the sound of falling into the water.

"Enemy attack!"

"Raise your shield!"

A roar sounded in the dark night, surrounded by noisy sounds.

Not long after, soldiers on the ship began to counterattack with bows and arrows, and the two sides began to shoot arrows at each other.

On the north bank, Jiang Chengxiao was standing on the bank. He had already received the news that Fazhu Li had sent someone to ambush him.

"Order to forcibly cross the river."


Crossing the river will cause damage. This is a no-brainer, and we must attack by force.

Jiang Chengxiao clenched his fists and fixed his eyes on the distant south bank. The battle of Qingzhou had begun!

(End of this chapter)

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