Chapter 446

As the Black Eagle Army killed one back and forth, the Lu army's formation was completely chaotic.The Lu army who had been besieging the main battlefield suddenly became flustered because they were attacked from the rear, and seeing the black eagle banners crossing back and forth in the formation, it was like a no-man's land, and their hearts were ashamed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the generals of the Northern Jin Army led their troops and horses to fully cooperate with Wei Zhongzheng's counterattack, and went directly towards the big banner of Hu Yu.

But outside, Yu Chijing saw Wei Zhonghao's performance and knew that the time was ripe, so he immediately led the army to attack from the front, breaking his heart!

A funny scene appeared. Three hours ago, the Lu army surrounded the Northern Jin army, but now it has become a 'sandwich' encirclement.

On the battlefield, the Northern Jin army that was originally surrounded cooperated with Wei Zhongzheng's cavalry to attack the central army where Hu Yu was located, while on the periphery, Yu Chijing led troops and horses to attack the surrounded Lu army.

As a result, the Lu army was immediately killed and defeated.

Seventy percent of the soldiers and horses led by Hu Yu were ordinary people who had not been forcibly recruited for a long time. Not to mention the tactics, even the most basic equipment was very poor. Facing the well-equipped Northern Jin army, how could they be opponents? The rear was attacked, and these soldiers either surrendered or ran wildly, regardless of military orders and laws.

One drives two, drives one battalion. Finally, it becomes a large-scale rout!
If a person runs for his life, he will not pay attention to whether it is his own or the enemy, just like a herd of mad cows, run desperately!
Whoever falls behind is unlucky.

Seeing the soldiers fleeing, Hu Yu dared not love to fight, and ordered the general to withdraw immediately before making another plan.

Yu Chijing didn't give him this chance, he kept staring at Hu Yu's big banner, and led his troops to hunt down Hu Yu fiercely.

In this battle, Hu Yu's [-] army was defeated, and the soldiers under his command either died or surrendered. In the end, Hu Yu collected the remnants of the defeated army and only [-] people remained.

Two days later, Fazhu Li saw the seriously injured octopus, and when he heard the news that the Western Front was defeated and Yu Chijing led [-] troops to kill him, he vomited blood and passed out on the spot.

When he woke up leisurely, his eyes just stared at the curtain blankly, and his thoughts drifted to nowhere.

Seeing this, Wang Shunde at the side couldn't help but feel sad. If he could still stand against each other, he still had the strength to fight. With the defeat of Hu octopus and the encirclement of the Northern Jin army, the current Lu army is at the end of the road.

"My lord, please take care of yourself."

Except for this dry sentence, Wang Shunde didn't know what to say at this time.

Although there are many examples of the weak defeating the strong, most of them are established when the situation is not clear enough and the opposing coach lacks talent.

From the beginning, the Lu army was not qualified to defeat the strong with the weak. Not to mention the strength of the Northern Jin army, the surrounding environment alone was not enough to give the Lu army a chance to come back.

The rush of time, insufficient military strength, and harsh environment can all become the facts of the defeat of the Lu army.

"My lord, it's not a crime of war or conspiracy, it's fate." Wang Shunde sighed.

Li Fazhu's disastrous face forced a wry smile.

It is indeed fate, but it is also a 'crime of conspiracy'. He shouldn't have crossed the river to capture Liyang warehouse without knowing the location of the Northern Jin army.

All these failures should be attributed to Li Yang's defeat.

After Li Yang's defeat, his elite was exhausted, and Qingzhou's people were in chaos. Qu Rang and others took the opportunity to support themselves, and he had no chance to unify Qingzhou.

It's not that he never thought about attacking Qingzhou, but he didn't dare, because he knew that no matter if he attacked Qu Rang, Shan Ding, or Chi Ju, he would be besieged by the other two.

Under this fragile balance, he chose to find trouble with Yu Wenshu.

But what he didn't expect was that the speed of the Northern Jin Army was too fast, and their unification of Hebei was too fast. He had to suspend the war with Yu Wenshu and face the Northern Jin Army instead.

Under the hasty challenge, there was this result, which was within his expectations.

Now that I think about it, the reason why Jiang Chengxiao confronted him and was unwilling to attack by force was because he was sure that Yuchi Jing would be able to defeat the octopus on the western front.

"Sir, you and I know each other well, I don't want to see you fall into the hands of thieves, pack up and leave quickly."

Hearing this, Wang Shunde's expression froze, and he immediately shook his head and refused.

"My lord, stop talking, I am willing to follow my lord!"

Fazhu Li looked a little relieved, but he still didn't hold out hope.

"You and I both know that we can't resist the Northern Jin army, so why bother to support it and make others cheaper for nothing."

"What does my lord mean?"

Li Fazhu's eyes showed resentment, "Although I am dead, I will never let Qu Rang and others feel better. These short-sighted people, I want them to taste the feeling of being defeated and dying!"

Camp of the Northern Jin Army.

"Your Majesty, you can send a large army to attack Yu Wenshu, and at the end of this battle, you will think you will win!" Yu Chijing cupped his hands excitedly.

Jiang Chengxiao showed a touch of relief on his face, and raised his hand to signal everyone.

"This time General Yuchi defeated the octopus in the first battle. The time has come for us to fight Li Fazhu. It's time."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chengxiao made a series of appointments, and the generals of various armies led their troops to prepare for war.

Depress his heart, hurt his strength, and hinder his help.

The time for a decisive battle is ripe, the morale of the three armies is strong, the fighting spirit is high, and the morale of the army is available.

The [-] troops of the Northern Jin Army took advantage of the night to launch a decisive battle, massacring the Lu army like fallen leaves.

In this decisive battle, the Northern Jin army went smoothly beyond expectations. Along the way, the soldiers of the Lu army quickly surrendered with little resistance. The Northern Jin army took down the Lu army's camp with a flat push.

It was dark and moonless, and the torches were intensively lit.

"Your Majesty, Li Fazhu and his general Hu Yu committed suicide in their tent."

Jiang Chengxiao was riding on the horse. Hearing the news reported by his subordinates, his eyes moved slightly, and immediately said softly, "Got it."

Wei Zhongyu came on horseback, clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, all the soldiers under Li Fazhu's command have been controlled, and they are waiting for your majesty's orders."

"Leave this matter to General Yuchi."

Immediately, Han Su came to report that they had found Li Fazhu's confidant counselor Wang Shunde in the side tent.

"He didn't escape?" Jiang Chengxiao was a little surprised.

In fact, what was even more surprising was that the decisive battle tonight was so smooth that the Lu army was taken down with almost no soldiers.

"No, he said he wanted to see you."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and immediately ordered: "Contain Li Fazhu's body, and bury it with the county prince's ceremony, and don't humiliate his body."


He did this not because he admired Fazhu Li, but because he wanted to bury Li Fazhu's body generously to appease the hearts of the surrendering soldiers.

The effect was also obvious. The soldiers who surrendered heard this and shouted for King Zhao's benevolence.

If Jiang Chengxiao divided Li Fazhu's body into five horses, then these soldiers who surrendered would probably riot out of fear, which would not be worth the loss.

Partial account.

Jiang Chengxiao took Nan Jiyun to find Wang Shunde.

The eyes of the two made slight contact, and Wang Shunde's eyes showed a little surprise. This king of the Northern Jin Dynasty is really young.

"I've seen King Zhao." Wang Shunde gently cupped his hands.

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and immediately dismissed the guards in the tent.

"What do you have to say?"

"Your Majesty wants to kill me?" Wang Shunde asked back.

"I don't have this idea for the time being. The leader of the thieves, Fazhu Li, has already been punished. Although you are guilty, you will not die."

Wang Shunde cut to the chase and said, "King Zhao, do you know why you were able to take down the Lu army tonight?"

Jiang Chengxiao looked Wang Shunde up and down, and smiled slightly.

"If you don't tell me, I can guess one or two."


"Fazhu Li knows that he is not a lone opponent. He may be able to survive for a few days, but he will not be able to escape death in the end. If he surrenders, he can minimize the loss of our Jin army and prepare for the subsequent suppression of Qu Rang and others. In other words , Li Fazhu is not optimistic that he can live, he is going to die, but he wants to use Gu to pull a few backs."

Jiang Chengxiao paused, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Right."

Wang Shunde smiled wryly and nodded.

"That's right, that's true. May I ask the king if he is willing to be used once?"

"That depends on your performance. If you perform well, maybe I will hand over Qu Rang and others to you on the day the city breaks down." Jiang Chengxiao said slowly.

Wang Shunde's face turned serious, and he cupped his hands and said, "The foreign ministers are willing to cooperate with the king in reorganizing the Lu army to surrender and recover the defenders of the counties."

"Okay, Gu has ordered someone to bury Master Li with honors from the county government. You should go and have a look."

"Thank you, my lord!" Wang Shunde thanked him sincerely.

After Wang Shunde left, Nan Jiyun whispered: "Master, will he cooperate?"

"He will, because he has no other choice now. Li Fazhu is also a ruthless person. He would rather be cheap than Qu Rang and others. It seems that they have indeed caused too many obstacles to Li Fazhu." Jiang Chengxiao said with emotion.

If it weren't for the corrupt situation in Qingzhou, how could he have captured Li Fazhu so smoothly.

Qu Rang, Li Fazhu, and Shan Ding, these three parties were on guard against each other and refused to accept each other, which gave Jiang Chengxiao a chance.

In other words, if Yu Wenshu hadn't been restrained by Wang Kuoxiong and others, he could have won one or two counties when he entered Qingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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