Dajin royal family

Chapter 447 Join forces to fight the enemy

Chapter 447 Join forces to fight the enemy
Yu Wenshu never had any hope of whether Li Fazhu could stop Jiang Chengxiao. He knew how strong the Northern Jin Army was.

Promising Li Fazhu to contain the Northern Jin army was just a matter of convenience for him. His real purpose was to solve Wang Kuoxiong and Zhu Jie.

What he didn't expect was that when he was pretending to 'send troops', there was news from Tongguan that Wei State began to increase its troops on a small scale.

This made Yu Wenshu feel a sense of crisis, and immediately transferred the troops that had threatened to contain the Northern Jin Dynasty to Chousang for defense.

In the battle against the south, Yu Wenshu won every victory, and Wang Kuoxiong and Zhu Jie were beaten by him and fled in embarrassment.

Seeing that a complete victory was about to be achieved, Yu Wenshu, who was preparing to celebrate, suddenly received news from Qingzhou.

Li Fazhu was defeated and committed suicide!
Yu Wenshu, who got the news, was silent, and at the same time, a strong crisis arose in his heart.

He knew very well that there was a deadlock between himself and the Northern Jin Dynasty, and there would be a battle in the future. Seeing the Northern Jin unify Hebei and defeat Li Fazhu, his uneasiness grew stronger and stronger.

Xu Yixin walked into the side hall and saw Yu Wenshu staring at Kanyu map in a daze, he understood what happened because he had also received the news of Northern Jin's defeat of Fazhu Li.

"My lord, are you worried about Jiang Chengxiao's entry into Qingzhou?" He walked over and asked, clasping his hands.

Yu Wenshu nodded, and said in a solemn tone: "A plate of loose sand in Qingzhou can't stop the Northern Jin Dynasty. In ten months' time, Qu Rang and others will surely follow in Li Fazhu's footsteps. At that time, the Northern Jin Dynasty will take Qingzhou. Jiang Chengxiao uses this as a springboard. It surrounded me on two sides, but in fact I have to face Xiao Tong and Chen Qiujin after defeating Zhu Jie and Wang Kuoxiong, and if I am not careful, it may lead to disaster."

After listening, Xu Yixin didn't think of a solution for Yu Wenshu immediately, but summed up the previous things.

"My lord, the Northern Jin unified Hebei, and taking Qingzhou was a helpless thing. Let's talk about the bandits in Hebei first. Who can be the opponent of the Northern Jin Dynasty? Jiang Chengxiao's horses are excellent, the soldiers are brave, and the generals are not idle. How can those violent bandits be able to resist."

"Let's talk about Qingzhou. Since Li Fazhu's defeat in Liyang, Qingzhou has lost the opportunity to unify Qingzhou. Li Fazhu was the one who had the most hope of unifying Qingzhou. But after he lost power, how could Qu Rang and others give up? The reason why there was no internal strife, but It's all due to their own fears. It can be said that the reason why the Northern Jin Dynasty was able to take Hebei and Li Fazhu so quickly was because they had seized the opportunity."

"If it weren't for Zhu Jie, Wang Kuoxiong and his like to restrain the lord in the south, in the land of Qingzhou, we might not be able to get a share."

Yu Wenshu was also a little annoyed, "What you said is very true. On the one hand, you want to fight Zhu Jie and Wang Kuoxiong, and on the other hand, you must guard against Wei Guo, and you must also be wary of the Northern Jin Dynasty that may attack at any time. Alas, there is nothing for me."

Xu Yixin said: "My lord, you don't need to worry. Once Jiang Chengxiao wins Qingzhou, although it will pose a threat to us, the threat from Nanchen is even greater. Once the Northern Jin Dynasty shows signs of continuing to go south, we might not be able to join hands with Nanchen to work together. Plotting the land of Qingzhou."

"Nan Chen?" Yu Wenshu sneered, "Sir, it's not that I look down on them, you see what's their use, the power of a country, the violent bandits and water bandits who have been fighting for several years, are still trapped in the southeast corner, counting on them It's better to pray to the sky that Jiang Chengxiao commits suicide on the spot."

This, Xu Yixin was a little embarrassed, but Nan Chen did have some problems; are Xie Shufang, Shen Xing and others really that difficult to deal with?
"My lord, no matter how you say it, it is necessary to unite with Nan Chen, not to mention that they can contain the Northern Jin Dynasty, but if we only destroy Wang Kuoxiong and Zhu Jie, we will definitely face Xiao Liang, so we need Nan Chen even more." Chen help."

Yu Wenshu thought for a while, looked back and forth on the Kanyu map several times, and nodded.

Judging from the current situation, the Northern Jin Dynasty has already half-stepped into the Central Plains battlefield. In this competition, the two key players are actually him and Jiang Chengxiao.

If Jiang Chengxiao pointed the finger at himself after taking Qingzhou, then he must make peace with Nan Chen and work together to deal with Jiang Chengxiao.

"Sir, on Chen Qiujin's side, I hope you can take care of me."

Xu Yixin cupped her hands and said, "My lord, don't worry, this subordinate will definitely handle this matter properly."

After Li Fazhu's defeat, Jiang Chengxiao quickly took control of the surrounding counties with the help of his counselor Wang Shunde, and Beihai County, Qi County, Jibei County, Dongping County and other places were successively brought under control.

However, his current forces are concentrated in Qi County, and the control over these places is very weak, no matter who invades, he can take them down.

Of course, he didn't think about these now.If he didn't wipe out the violent bandits in Qingzhou, he wouldn't go to appease these people now.

After entering Licheng, Jiang Chengxiao did not continue to attack the violent bandits in Qingzhou by taking advantage of the victory. Instead, he first reorganized his soldiers and supplemented his own troops to ensure that the [-] troops in his hand were all elites under Li Fazhu's command. Sent home.

Needless to say, the food consumed by the [-] army, the logistics have been consumed a lot during the battle, so Jiang Chengxiao rested in Qi County for more than ten days, waiting for the food and grass to gather before launching an offensive.

As the news of Li Fazhu's defeat spread, Qu Rang and Shan Ding couldn't sit still.Although they hate Li Fazhu, it doesn't mean they don't hate the Northern Jin Dynasty.Now that Li Fazhu is defeated, the two of them will definitely be the next target.

Xintai is located at the junction of Lu County and Langya County, and belongs to Langya County.

On this day, Shan Ding led [-] soldiers to the location ten miles east of Xintai.Here, Qu Rang has been waiting for a long time.

In order to cope with the Northern Jin Dynasty, they chose to meet instead of communicating through letters.

Soldiers gathered around, Qu Rang and Shan Ding walked into the pavilion.

"Congratulations brother for winning Pengcheng County." Qu Rang clasped his fists with a smile.

Shan Ding also clasped his fists and said, "Brother Qu laughed, Meng Changtian was defeated, and Donghai County is already in Brother Qu's pocket."

Qu Rang was slightly complacent, but he said modestly: "Oh, although Meng Changtian was defeated, he was not caught, and he fled to Xiapi County. There will be more to fight in the future."

The two put high hats on each other, chatted a few words, and turned to the topic.

"Brother Qu, the Northern Jin Dynasty is coming menacingly, it's hard to deal with it." Shan Ding's eyes showed deep worry.

He didn't think he could beat the Northern Jin Dynasty. The opponent went south this time with [-] elites and tens of thousands of elite cavalry, which put him under great pressure.

Qu Rang nodded, "You are right. The Northern Jin Dynasty is as strong as the world. Jiang Chengxiao dominates the north of the river. It is difficult for a second force in the world to resist them."

"Then what should we do?" Shan Ding asked.

Qu Rang didn't speak, but glanced at the counselor Wang Yuanzhen.

Wang Yuanzhen understood, came out and cupped his hands and said: "General Shan, there are only two roads before us now, one is to surrender."

"Impossible!" Shan Ding immediately refused, "The Jin family is brutal, and there is no way I will surrender."

Wang Yuanzhen was not surprised by this, and continued: "The second is to take advantage of the fact that the Northern Jin Dynasty's foothold in Qi County is not stable, and we will join forces to attack!"

"What are the chances of winning?"

Qu Rang stretched out four fingers.

"Why is it only [-]%!" Shan Ding frowned.

Wang Yuanzhen said with a wry smile: "Northern Jin now has an army of [-]. These are not forced conscripts, they are all elite soldiers. Needless to say, their combat effectiveness. Second, they are well-equipped and have sufficient food, which is rare for us. Opportunity drags on, only by hitting fast and frustrating, can we have a chance."

Qu Rang said: "Li Fazhu's defeat is due to the problem of soldiers, and secondly, he divided his troops. If he concentrates 20 troops to fight head-on, even if he can't win, he will definitely not be defeated so quickly. Therefore, we have to To absorb the experience of his defeat, we must win with one blow, if we drag on, it will be difficult for us to compete against the Northern Jin Dynasty."

"What about Chiju?" Shan Ding didn't agree immediately, but instead asked Chiju, "This time Qingzhou is in such a catastrophe, Chiju will definitely not stand idly by. If Chiju is added, what chance will we have of winning?"

Qu Rang said: "I have already passed the letter with Chiju, and he has already led the army here. We will be able to defeat the Jin army with a combined force of more than 20 troops!"

Shan Ding nodded slightly, "At this point we have no way out, the only way to go is to defeat the Northern Jin Dynasty, but I still want to remind, Brother Qu must not be careless because of the superiority of troops, Li Fazhu is a lesson from the past."

Qu Rang laughed, "Don't worry, even though the soldiers of the Northern Jin Dynasty are elite, we still have the strength to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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