Dajin royal family

Chapter 448 1-way horizontal push

Chapter 448

Qi County, Li City, Lu Wang Mansion.

Master Li's Prince Lu's Mansion was originally the mansion of the abolished King of Han. Jiang Chengxiao had been here before, and now that he came here again, he felt very sad.

"Pharmacist, do you still remember what happened in the second year of Hongye?" Jiang Chengxiao walked around in the garden of Prince Lu's mansion, and asked Li Pharmacist with a smile.

How could Li Yaoshi not remember that this place was a place of life and death back then.

"The general remembers that if the king hadn't been astute at that time, the general would have died here long ago."

"Yes, such a long time has passed in the blink of an eye." Jiang Chengxiao smiled lightly, "The so-called things are different, that's probably the case."

Pharmacist Li thought to himself, I'm afraid the king doesn't like this place very much.

At this moment, Nan Jiyun came to Jiang Chengxiao's side and whispered in his ear.

After listening, Jiang Chengxiao took Li Yaoshi to the lobby, and he set up a temporary camp in Lu Wangfu.

After all the generals were assembled, Jiang Chengxiao said: "I got the news that Qu Rang and others plan to join forces and start attacking from Beihai County."

"They are putting all their eggs in one basket." Wen Yanfei said: "If this happens, there will be defensive loopholes in Lu County and Donglai County."

"Although that's the case, their strength should be no less than [-]." Han Su said.

"Gu got accurate information, 23 troops."

After the words fell, the generals gasped slightly.But they are not afraid, maybe Qurang does have an army of 23, but their [-] Northern Jin army is not easy to mess with.

Wars are not simply won by a large number of people.

"Qu Rang did this because he wanted to fight to decide the outcome. He was afraid that he knew how Li Fazhu lost, and he wanted to avoid going down Li Fazhu's path." Yuchi said respectfully.

Everyone in the hall was slightly silent, each looking at the Kanyu map and thinking about the strategy.

Li Yaoshi said: "If the king's news is accurate and they want to attack from Beihai County, then we can send cavalry to distribute in various places and constantly harass them for supplies. If we fight head-on, we will lose."

After all, the opponent is an army of 23, and fighting with wheels can drag them to death.

"Yes, this is also a lonely idea."

Jiang Chengxiao smiled faintly, his face full of confidence.

Your teammate is mine, what do you use to fight me?

The war in Beihai County broke out very quickly, and the coalition forces of Qu Rang and others were in full swing, taking Yingqiu, Beihai, and Duchang successively without any hindrance, and approaching Yidu.

In the battles of the past few days, the Northern Jin army was defeated by Qu Yao and fled.

"Brother, this Northern Jin army has a false reputation and is vulnerable!" Qu Yao rode on the horse, looking at Yidu City, which was close at hand, with a disdainful expression on his face.

I thought how strong the Northern Jin army was, but it was mediocre.

Qu Rang also had some lingering doubts on his face. Is the Northern Jin Army really just like this?
Wang Yuanzhen persuaded: "The general should not underestimate the Northern Jin Army, this may be their strategy."

In fact, he didn't understand what the Northern Jin army was doing.

"What do brothers Shan think?" Qu Rang asked.

Shan Ding shook his head, "I don't understand what's going on, but it's better to be careful. If the Northern Jin army is so vulnerable, Li Fazhu will never be defeated."

"That's right, everyone should be more careful." Qu Rang's expression turned serious.

Because of being cautious, Qu Rang did not immediately order to attack the city after his troops arrived in Yidu, but sent a large number of scouts to search around. He knew that the Northern Jin Army had a large number of cavalry, so he did not dare to take it lightly, lest a cavalry suddenly appear behind him to attack Own.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Qu Rang, Shan Ding, and Chi Ju gathered together, surrounded by a circle of generals.

Qu Yao took the lead and said: "In my opinion, the Northern Jin army suffered too much loss in the previous battle with Li Fazhu, that's why the Northern Jin army did not attack us, but we have already caught them by surprise, so we should take advantage of the victory and pursue them now."

"General Qu is right!" Many of Qu's subordinates agreed.

They were still a little worried about fighting the Northern Jin army head-on, but judging from the past few days of fighting, the Northern Jin army is actually the same thing.

Qu Rang raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"What do Brother Shan and Brother Chi think?"

This time for the coalition, they did not choose a leader, because it was a matter of their life and death. Everyone had no interest in fighting for power and fame, and only wanted to defeat the Northern Jin army.

Shan Dingdao: "It's really strange, it seems that our fight all the way was too smooth."

Chiju looked at the Kanyu map in silence, and said after a long time: "Now the intention of the Northern Jin army is unclear, and we can't just sit and wait for death. Really missed the opportunity."

"General Chi is right!" Qu Yao echoed loudly.

Shan Ding said cautiously: "Don't be careless, Jiang Chengxiao is cunning, this must be his strategy, he must want to make us take it lightly, and then attack by surprise."

Because Shan Ding had a different opinion, and Qu made him a little worried, they stayed outside Yidu for a few days without attacking.

Five days later.

"The 23 army, people eat horse chews, and if it continues like this, Jiang Chengxiao hasn't repelled, we can't hold it anymore." Qu Yao said these words at the military meeting, and many people agreed.

Chi Ju said: "That's right, although we still have enough food and grass, if we continue to consume it like this, it will be disadvantageous."

At this time, Shan Ding also had doubts about his own thoughts. Could it be that the Northern Jin Army really couldn't hold on?

Qu Rang suggested: "Well, if we don't try to attack Yidu."

Hearing this, Shan Ding nodded, "Okay, let's try it first."

As the military order was issued, Chiju personally led [-] troops from the headquarters to attack Yidu.

The walls of Yidu City were wide and thick, and soldiers stood densely on the wall stacks. When they saw Chiju leading the army to attack, they immediately shot arrows to resist.

Shan Ding watched the battle enter a fierce battlefield, and his doubts in his heart were reduced a lot.

When they attacked Beihai County a few days ago, the defenders of the city led their troops to flee without much resistance. This surprised him, as if Beijin deliberately abandoned the city, so he suspected that Beijin was preparing something secretly. Maybe he wanted to lure them into a trap, and then surround and annihilate them.

But this time when they attacked Yidu, the situation was completely different. The Northern Jin Dynasty defended the city very tenaciously. After fighting for four or five hours, Chiju's soldiers were not allowed to climb the city wall through the ladder.

Is it really like what Qu Yao said?

Oh oh oh!
As the horn blew, the soldiers and horses of Chiju retreated like a tide.The corpses of soldiers were left all over the ground, the collapsed marching flag, and the city walls were covered with blood.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the waning moon climbed up the branches.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Chi Ju said: "This time the attack, the resistance of the Northern Jin Dynasty is very fierce, my soldiers can't conquer it, but suffered heavy losses, what a damn!"

He slapped his thigh fiercely in annoyance, his whole face was extremely gloomy.

Qu Rang comforted: "Brother Chi, don't be upset. Although Yidu was not captured this time, at least one thing has been proved, that is, Jiang Chengxiao really has nothing to do. He can only defend against our [-]-strong army. In this way, We can attack with free hands and feet!"

Shan Ding nodded, "I was always worried that this was a deliberate defeat by the Northern Jin Army to lure the enemy into deep, but after this battle, the doubts in my heart disappeared. Jiang Chengxiao should have suffered a lot in the battle with Li Fazhu, otherwise he would not Will go back and forth like this.”

Qu Yao laughed, and immediately said: "I said it earlier, don't be afraid, if you listen to me today, maybe we have captured Yidu by now, drinking and eating meat in the city!"

"Okay." Qu Rang interrupted the second brother, looking at Shan Ding with a slightly ugly face, "Brother Shan, don't pay attention to this idiot, tomorrow we will attack the city with all our strength."

Shan Ding nodded.

Chi cupped his hands and said, "Tomorrow I still have to see the two elder brothers."

Qu Rang nodded, "Brother Chi, don't worry, the soldiers under your command suffered heavy casualties today, and you will stay in the rear tomorrow. Leave the siege to me and Brother Shan."

"So, thank you Brother Qu for your understanding."

After half an hour, Chiju returned to his camp.

Jiang Lu said: "Brother, what is the master's plan and why is he so forbearing, we should cooperate internally and externally, won't we just take them down?"

"I don't know, but the Lord's order is for us to stand still and make sure that Qu Rang and others advance."

Jiang Lu frowned, "But if this continues, won't we be arriving in Qi County soon?"

"Perhaps, the Lord has his own considerations."

At this moment, one person entered the camp, and it was Jiang Qi who came.

"Brother, Ying Nu's letter." Jiang Qi took out the letter from his pocket and handed it to Chi Ju.

"No one saw it." Chi Ju said as he took the letter and opened it.

Jiang Qi shook his head, "Don't worry big brother, we have to receive four or five letters from Ying slaves every day, they won't doubt it."

Chiju took out the note, glanced at it for a while, and his face showed a clear look.

"I see."

He understood why the Lord wanted to retreat and abandon the city.

(End of this chapter)

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