Chapter 470
Regarding the issue of money, Jiang Chengxiao said that it has never been a problem.

Ever since he came back to life, what he thinks about every day is how to cultivate manpower secretly, how to pretend that his grandson poachs his cousin's corner.

King Zhao shouldn't be too rich back then, the rewards from Emperor Wu and Emperor Xian were countless. Jiang Chengxiao still remembered that when he counted his belongings last year, he found that he was simply a big landlord.

Before the world was in chaos, their family had tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land in Guanzhong, Bashu and Jiangnan, and more than 3000 tenants under their hands, not to mention gold, silver and jewelry.

After the world was in chaos, the fertile land in these places was sold for hundreds of thousands of gold, which became the capital for his army.

Now that his cousin is dead, he knows how expensive daily necessities are!
Of course, his personal property has always been separated from the court, and after he became King Zhao, he also had an internal treasury, an institution dedicated to his expenses.

The eldest Sun Qingyi is beautiful and smart, but the housekeeping is too strict, and basically a set of skirts will not be changed until it is full of patches.

In exchange for this, the bureaucrats of the Northern Jin Dynasty praised the queen for being diligent and thrifty for running the country, and she is a good queen!

Therefore, the official wives in Taiyuan dare not be too extravagant outside.Queens wear patchwork skirts, how dare you wear silk ones?Do you feel that your family has too much money and you want to donate it to appease the disaster victims in Hebei?

The good reputation has been won by King Zhao and the queen, but in fact, people in the palace think that the queen is too thrifty.

Jiang Chengxiao didn't think there was any problem, he himself was not short of money, he didn't have any desire for food and drink, and he didn't pay much attention to the clothes he wore, as long as he was comfortable to wear, he was fine, as to whether it was luxurious or not was out of his scope of consideration.

Furthermore, when it comes to extravagance, it is nothing more than the words 'eating, drinking and having fun'.

Jiang Chengxiao is not particular about eating and drinking. The food in this era really tastes so-so, just ask for a full meal.

Not to mention having fun, from his perspective, the so-called spiritual entertainment in this era should not be too boring, so there is no pursuit.

Under the indifference of this and that, the diligence and thrift of King Zhao and Queen were well-known throughout the Northern Jin Dynasty. The ministers said yes, and the people also praised them.

Under Changsun Qingyi's diligent and thrifty management of the house, the inner library had a little surplus, so she thought about making some summer clothes for the children in the family. According to Changsun Qingyi, buying cloth by herself and making some better ones was both thoughtful and thoughtful. Cheap and save money.

Jiang Chengxiao said, wife, are we saving too much?

Grandson Qingyi said that it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, and there is no extravagance and waste. The world has not yet been unified, so how can we be extravagant and indulgent.Husband is fighting hard outside, so she must take care of the house and save the money that should be saved.

Well, Jiang Chengxiao felt quite ashamed when he realized this.

In fact, speaking carefully, most of the money saved by Changsun Qingyi was used to help the family of soldiers who followed Jiang Chengxiao.

Ever since she took charge of the family, the Queen Mother Zheng took her eldest grandson Qingyi, and handed over to her eldest grandson Qingyi the tricks of how to raise domestic slaves back then.

Now the family members of the veterans in Xilifang can't wait to set up a longevity tablet for the queen.

Regarding this, Jiang Chengxiao himself probably has no opinion.

Although his wife is strict with money management, he has his own small private treasury.

Heart's 'pure tea' business is making a lot of money every day, and those things are sold to the grasslands, so they are not worth too much.In addition, the smuggled salt from Donglai County is still making money by smuggling it into Guanzhong, grasslands and other places.

Although he is not an engineering dog, the money he should earn is also unambiguous.

But generally speaking, he will not move the funds of 'Wall Ear'. This organization is now spread all over the world, spending money everywhere, but it is also establishing a smuggling network everywhere.Shu brocade from Bashu is sold to the north, medicinal materials from Liaodong are sold to the south, strange things from the Western Regions are transported to the Central Plains, the tea industry is full of flowers, and funds flow into his pocket continuously.

Therefore, he is not short of money to spend.

Therefore, under the bitter begging of his two precious daughters, Jiang Chengxiao took his two daughters to the Jiangnan merchant's shop in time to make some beautiful little dresses for his daughter.

As for the son?

Some clothes, but not bare back on the line.

It is poor to raise sons and rich to raise daughters.

Wunan and Chang Le were excitedly making dresses, while Jiang Chengxiao was bored drinking tea.Because it was a private action, the owner of the shop didn't know that he was King Zhao.

Having said that, since his cousin died, he started to manage the family, and then the world was in chaos, and the tax revenue in various places was actually not good at all.

Yesterday, when the Tiange was discussing government affairs, Zheng Shanyuan, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, told him that under the Northern Jin Dynasty, the income of the counties on the Bingzhou side was barely equal, while the Hebei side was losing money, throwing money, and throwing away grain. To provide income, there must be something to wait.

Jiang Chengxiao remembers very clearly that when Zheng Shanyuan said about Hebei, "The land of Hebei is thousands of miles away, and the people's livelihood is poor. If you live together for three years, you may be able to support yourself."

The unspoken meaning is that in that crappy place, people are dead, and I don't know how much money will be spent.

Those who manage money are usually irritable, and this is especially true for Zheng Shanyuan.No one wants money to flow out, and there is no sign of recovering funds.

Especially when Jiang Chengxiao went out to fight, the money was like running water, and the food was like dung, and he desperately mobilized to the front line.

Zheng Shanyuan feels bitter, every time he sees the granary being emptied, he feels like losing a child in his heart, maybe Zheng Ruyi won't feel so sad when he loses Zheng Ruyi.

Therefore, Zheng Shanyuan told Jiang Chengxiao that before the autumn harvest, it is best not to fight with others, otherwise there will be no money for food.

Well, Jiang Chengxiao is also quite depressed personally, the land has become bigger, he can't collect rent, and he has to throw money into it.

This home is not easy to be ah!
At this time, Jiang Chengxiao had to say with emotion; cousin really worked hard.

"This is fake money!"

A voice suddenly interrupted Jiang Chengxiao's train of thought. Looking for the sound, he saw the owner of the shop crying with a 'Hongye Tongbao' in his hand.

"Jiyun, go ask about the situation." Jiang Chengxiao frowned.


After a while, Nan Jiyun figured out the situation, but Jiang Chengxiao's face darkened.

There are no more than three kinds of money in circulation in the world, gold, silver, and copper plates.

Needless to say, gold and silver are hard currencies, and the recognition rate is relatively high. Generally, they cannot be faked, but copper plates are different.

The weight of Hongye Tongbao is "one coin". The first emperor issued this set of copper plates to inherit the "five baht coins" of the Han Dynasty.Unify all kinds of miscellaneous coins issued in hundreds of years since the end of Han Dynasty.

Copper plates, if water is injected when minting coins, will cause immeasurable chaos once they are circulated in the market.

After the world was in chaos, the imperial court lost control of various places, which led to the repeated prohibition of private coinage.

With Bingzhou and Hebei under the rule of the Northern Jin Dynasty, this situation can be avoided.In the south, in the Qingzhou area, the transactions in the black market can only be gold and silver.

Therefore, this fake money must have flowed in from outside.

The matter of the copper plate sounded the alarm for Jiang Chengxiao. If this thing is not prepared in advance, it will be difficult to deal with it once it happens.

"Go, inform Taiyuan County Magistrate about the matter, and ask him to bring someone to check it out for me. If you can't find it out within three days, let him go!"

"Yes." The guard took the order and left.

No wonder he was so angry. Copper coins are common money that circulates in the hands of ordinary people, and if something goes wrong, it will become a big problem.

It must be avoided in advance!

Thinking of this, he felt that maybe he should go to Taifu Temple to learn about currency.

Not long after, the two precious daughters bought more than a dozen sets of beautiful little skirts at one go and spent a lot of money. They hugged their father's thighs with happy smiles on their faces.

At this age, a girl has already begun to form an aesthetic, so beautiful things are naturally irresistible.

"If your mother knows, what should you do?"

Faced with their father's sudden question, the two girls' faces turned pale.

It was cool when I bought it, but whether I dare to wear it after buying it is another matter.

"Father." The two young mothers hugged their thighs in a tacit understanding, with pleading expressions on their little faces, as pitiful as they could be.

It looks like a cub born by a golden retriever.

Jiang Chengxiao laughed, picked up the two daughters, walked out of the shop, and put them on the carriage.

"Okay, I will intercede with your mother, but you must study hard with Mr. Liu, you know."


The two young ladies readily agreed, and then shrank into the carriage with their little skirts in their arms.

Jiang Chengxiao first sent his two daughters back to the palace, and then inevitably discussed with his wife kindly.

My wife is too good at housekeeping, and sometimes it is quite distressing.

Regarding the matter of her husband taking her daughter to buy a skirt, Changsun Qingyi looked very ugly. She didn't lose her temper with her husband, but the two girls were out of luck.

Knowing how to compare at a young age is not bad, and it must be extravagant when you grow up.

So she put away all the skirts and wore them during the holidays.

In this regard, Jiang Chengxiao said that there is nothing I can do.

(End of this chapter)

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