Dajin royal family

Chapter 471 Currency Ideas

Chapter 471 Currency Ideas
As one of the nine temples, Taifu Temple is in charge of currency, Pinghuai, business tax and other matters.Strictly speaking, there are actually many overlaps between the government affairs of the Nine Temples and the Six Ministries.

For example, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Ministry of Criminal Justice investigates the case and makes a conclusion, and Dali Temple verifies the files and files them.

The people in Dali Temple felt that they were born of Er Niang, and they wiped the ass of the Ministry of Criminal Justice every day, so they often made trouble for the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

How to find the trouble, of course, is to pick the wrong place for the case handled by the criminal department.

People from the Ministry of Punishment called Dali Temple an idiot and a son of a bitch.Every day there is nothing to make troubles, and the tofu sellers in the West Market are more straightforward than the Dali eunuchs.

Similarly, the people from Taifu Temple and the people from Hubu were also very unhappy with each other.

Obviously they were the ones who received the money, but it turned out that it was the Ministry of Households who paid them their salaries. When receiving salaries, they still had to look at the faces of the officials of the Ministry of Households.

Every time the officials of Taifu Temple went to collect their salaries, the officials of the household department would deliberately disgust them. They could use silver but never gold, and they could use copper plates but never silver.

Officials from the household department also said, what am I in charge of?I am providing money and food to the king, and doing my best for the great cause of unifying the world. What Taifu Temple compares with me, can you compare?Can't compare, don't have the ability to know!
The people in Taifu Temple were upset. Every time they went to the Yamen and passed the household department, they would snort coldly and then spit.

Later, Taifu Temple learned to be smart. Don’t you like to give me copper coins? The taxes I collect are all settled in copper coins and then packed in sacks for you. You have the ability to exchange them for silver yourself.

Well, this kind of situation is relatively rare here in the Northern Jin Dynasty, and it was more common during the Xiandi Dynasty.

Disgusted among the various bureaucrats, it can really be said for three days and three nights.

Back then, when King Zhao was still the minister and the head of all officials, Jiang Chengxiao had the honor to observe the love and hatred between Jiusi and Liubu.

Therefore, when he heard that King Zhao was coming to Taifu Temple for inspection, Yang Yi, Minister of Taifu Temple, immediately called all the officials of the whole temple, and waited obediently in front of the gate of Taifu Temple.

In fact, Yang Yi is not worried that the people in the household department will disgust him, because he was born in Hongnong Yang's family, and now he is working with Xingyang Zheng's family.Zheng Shanyuan is also the Minister of the Household Department, so he, the Zhengqing of the Taifu Temple, is actually doing quite well.

Although it was for the Ministry of Accounts.

Not long after, King Zhao arrived at the yamen of Taifu Temple, surrounded by a group of officials, went down to the workshop in the yamen.

Yes, the minting base of the Northern Jin Dynasty was in Taifu Temple.

It can be said that the people here are in pain and happiness every day.They have to handle a lot of coins every day, but they dare not take any money.

Because of embezzlement or counterfeit money in Taifu Temple, I'm sorry, after being caught, I went straight to the barbarians without discussion, and whoever begged for mercy was in bad luck.

Yang Yi quickly figured out the purpose of King Zhao's visit, so he slowly reported the situation of Taifu Temple.

In fact, there is nothing to say, everyone performs their duties.

In the workshop, Jiang Chengxiao watched the process of making copper coins, and the only word in his mind was 'complex'.

The pottery fan that was first cast into coins is actually a mold.Then the pottery molds are overlapped, accumulated, and stacked in pairs to form a mold bag, and then the copper is melted into copper liquid and poured into the shape bag. After the copper liquid cools down, the shape bag is broken, and the copper coins are taken out, and then the burrs are polished to form a final shape. .

This set is very cumbersome.

But he just thought about it and complained in his heart, who told him not to be from engineering.

Forget about improving efficiency or something for now.

"Gu plans to make silver dollars, do you have any ideas?"

Yes, those damned bastards, the maggots in the toilet dare to fake copper coins, they must have the guts to fake silver and gold.

How to fake it?

That's too simple. Both silver and gold are currency with no fixed shape. Except for the official silver and gold, which are in the shape of long strips, the folk circulation is all broken silver or gold leaves.

Courageous guys dare to mix metals such as copper or aluminum into it when casting silver, and then wrap it with silver metal to confuse food and sound.

Otherwise, why would the common people take a bite of the silver or gold ingots they receive? Is he all right to grind his teeth when he is full?No, he just checked to see if there were other strange things mixed in by bastards.

In order to standardize coins, he planned to get a set of silver dollars to test the waters.

Of course, there are dangers in this. If someone exchanges fake money for real money, it will be bad.

So this matter still needs to be discussed in the long term, but this does not prevent him from coming to Taifu Temple to ask if silver coins can be made.

At first, Yang Yi was dumbfounded when he heard King Zhao talk about silver dollars.

He knows how to make official silver ingots, but he has never heard of silver dollars.

"My lord, what is a silver dollar?"

Jiang Chengxiao pursed his lips, and explained carefully and patiently for a while.

In fact, there is nothing to say, just change the shape of silver into a copper plate.

The slightly different thing is that there is no need to dig a square in the middle of the silver dollar.

Yang Yi's ability to become Minister of the Taifu Temple shows that he is still a smart person, so after hearing it, he immediately understood.

"Your Majesty, currency reform is not a trivial matter, do you want to discuss it with the ministers?" He reminded in a low voice.

"Gu will say, you tell Gu now, can you do it."

"Yes." Yang Yi was sure.

After listening to the king's explanation, he understood that this is the same as the process of making silver ingots, except that the mold used is different.

"May I ask your majesty, how much does a silver dollar weigh?"

"How many copper plates can one tael of silver exchange for?" Jiang Chengxiao asked.


It has always been a thousand copper coins.

Something is wrong?

In fact, no one really went out with a thousand copper coins, and the prices in the Northern Jin Dynasty were not so terrible.

Most of the time, it is broken silver or copper plates.

"Then weigh one or two more." Jiang Chengxiao said.

Yang Yi blinked, good guy, once this silver dollar is sold out, it is estimated that all silver dollars will be circulated in the market from now on.

"Also, you can make another silver dollar that weighs 'five cents'."

This is naturally done for the convenience of transactions, one tael equals ten qian, and half a tael equals five qian.A silver dollar weighing five qian is worth five hundred copper plates.

"Your Majesty, what if someone makes counterfeit silver dollars?" Yang Yi worried.

Get new silver dollars, that is for investment, in case unscrupulous merchants cheat the court of money by fraud, it will not be a loss to vomit blood.

"This orphan will discuss with the ministers. Now you bring someone to make two molds for the orphan first."

Well, the king has said it all, so Yang Yi can only take orders and lead people to work.

After clarifying the situation at Taifu Temple, Jiang Chengxiao immediately summoned six ministers to discuss this matter.

Involving currency reform is not a trivial matter, so the six ministers who came to Tiange to discuss politics have serious expressions.

In front of them, there was still that fake money.

None of the people present are idiots, the world is in chaos now, and there are a lot of counterfeit money. This kind of situation is completely expected.

It is understandable for the king to be wary of this matter. After all, fake money is rampant, and it is the people and the court that will be unlucky in the end.

The imperial court vomited blood at a loss, and the people did not trust the imperial court.

After hearing Jiang Chengxiao's silver dollar plan, the six ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, the king really had a fantastic idea, and such a thing as one or two silver dollars could be thought of.

"May I ask my lord, once this silver dollar is made, will the previous silver ingot system be abolished?" Zheng Shanyuan asked.

"No, the silver ingots are still kept."

It’s not good if you don’t keep it, and it’s not convenient to use all silver ingots. Although silver ingots are heavy, they are also convenient to store.

In this way, Zheng Shanyuan understands that the king wants to use the production of silver dollars to prevent counterfeit money.

In other words, use the convenient circulation of silver dollars to prevent counterfeit silver ingots from entering the market.

Pei Ju asked: "Your Majesty, I am worried that unscrupulous merchants will take the opportunity to use silver coins to spoil the king's plan."

Pei Ju had no objection to the issuance of silver dollars, he was just worried that if unscrupulous merchants exchanged counterfeit silver for silver dollars, wouldn't the court lose money?

Jiang Chengxiao said: "As Master Pei said, Gu already has a draft."

"Please make it clear, Your Majesty."

"All merchants in the four commercial markets in the east, west, north, south, and north must use silver dollars if they want to sell bulk goods in Taiyuan and pay commercial taxes. They must go to Taifu Temple to register and exchange for the same amount of silver dollars."

He plans to test the water in Taiyuan first, and if there is a problem, he can solve it at any time. When there is no problem in Taiyuan, he will slowly develop to other counties.

As long as those merchants take silver to Taifu Temple to exchange silver dollars, do they still want to participate in fakes?

That's not smart, that's old birthday stars drinking arsenic.

"Your Majesty is wise, in this way, the fake silver from Taiyuan will disappear without a trace." Wang Hong complimented.

How ruthless this move is. All the money traded by merchants in Taiyuan must pass through the hands of the imperial court. Do you still dare to participate in fakes?
Of course, businessmen can also choose not to come to Taiyuan for transactions.

However, it is estimated that no one will have trouble with money. Now the largest and safest place in the Northland is the commercial market in Taiyuan. With the stability of the Northern Jin Dynasty, if you don’t come to Taiyuan for business, why go to Qingzhou?

As an important town in the north, almost all the grassland materials needed by the Central Plains pass through Taiyuan.

There are also commercial markets in other places, but they are far less prosperous than Taiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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