Dajin royal family

Chapter 472: The Beginning of Season Autumn

Chapter 472: The Beginning of Season Autumn
Regarding the matter of counterfeiting silver coins, the ministers present were not very worried, because once they were caught, they would immediately kill the Yi tribe, which was unambiguous.

Now that the Northern Jin Dynasty is so stable, no one has the guts to fake it.

Of course, except for hostile forces.

Wei Shijian worried: "If the enemy creates fake silver coins to circulate, what should we do?"

Jiang Chengxiao said: "There is no way to prevent this matter, but it can be controlled. The silver dollars we make should help the common people identify the true and false."

"Weight?" Wei Shijian questioned, "The amount of copper in the silver dollar reaches one tael, how to identify it?"

"Three ways." Jiang Chengxiao said slowly: "First, we have to work hard on the silver dollar itself. The reason why fake copper coins can be made is because the mold of copper coins is not difficult to make, so when we are making silver dollars, The molds must be so finely detailed that those who mint their own coins cannot imitate the molds."

The current Hongye Tongbao copper coins, in fact, only have the words "Hongye Tongbao" on the coins, and the others are gone. It is easy to get the mold out.

This time to make silver dollars, Jiang Chengxiao planned to make a lot of things on it, so detailed that the artificial molds that were minted privately were in pain.

To put it bluntly, it is to improve the craftsmanship.This is a long-term and meticulous project, and it has to be done slowly.

"Secondly, we will set up official offices in the four commercial markets in the east, west, north, and south to identify fake silver dollars. Once fakes are found, they will be arrested and killed immediately. These officials can be transferred from the Taifu Temple. They are responsible for making silver dollars. suitable."

"Third, encourage the people to report fake silver dollars, and reward them immediately once they are discovered."

In fact, Jiang Chengxiao knows that there is no way to stop the fraud, it can only be controlled.

Of course, making silver dollars is not his whim, but for 'economy'.If Silver Dollar does succeed in the end, his enemies will have a hard time.Moreover, merchants will also use Northern Jin silver dollars as the currency for transactions, which is a matter of many benefits.

After listening to King Zhao's words, the six ministers fell into deep thought, looking for possible loopholes.After four hours of deliberation, the matter of silver dollars was finally finalized.

Regarding how meticulous the silver dollar itself is, everyone discussed again.

At this time, Jiang Chengxiao brazenly plagiarized the coin templates of later generations.

First of all, one or two silver dollars are engraved with the four characters of "Dajin Silver Dollar" on the front and "Peach Blossom" on the back.

Regarding why it is peach blossom, Jiang Chengxiao has a selfish intention. He likes peach blossom, and the flower pattern is extremely complicated and cumbersome to make, which is helpful for the common people to distinguish the true from the false.

Are you not afraid of trouble?

Do you have trouble identifying the authenticity of coins?

Secondly, engrave four small characters on the front and back of the silver dollar, namely the word "Zhou" in bronze, the character "Qin" in Xiaozhuan, the character "Han" in running script, and the character "Jin" in regular script.

These four words made Jiang Chengxiao, Pei Ju, Wang Hong, and Zheng Shanyuan.Each of the four people wrote one as a template.

The width and area of ​​silver dollars must be strictly regulated.

Originally, Jiang Chengxiao wanted to write a few words on the side of the silver dollar, but considering that the technical requirements might not be met for the time being, he gave up.

The five-coin silver dollar is about the same, but smaller and lighter.

After hearing Jiang Chengxiao's thoughts, the six ministers were dumbfounded. Coins can still be played like this. It is the first time in ancient times to engrave peach blossoms on silver coins.

Be good, it's no wonder the king has so much confidence in Yinyuan, and his feelings have been prepared for a long time.

With these series of operations, those who counterfeit silver dollars must not go crazy.

No, it should be the Taifu Temple who went crazy first, and they probably died when they made the mold.

It's not just a matter of just making a mold out of it. Considering that there are so many fonts on the silver dollar, and there are peach blossoms, it is very important to control the quantity.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that Taifu Temple will not be able to make such a mold in a short time." Zheng Shanyuan smiled wryly.

The idea is good, but the craftsmanship may not keep up.

Jiang Chengxiao said indifferently: "The Taifu Temple is in charge of the currency, not for them to mint copper coins every day. The appearance of fake copper coins on the market is not unrelated to their inability to improve their skills."

Bureaucrat, you have to put pressure on him, otherwise he will eat and drink to die.

Everyone thought to themselves; His Majesty has set the tone. If Taifu Temple can't complete the task, His Majesty will probably get angry.


Then Jiang Chengxiao looked at Yu Qingze beside Du Ruming, "Minister Neishi, you are responsible for following up on this matter."

"The minister takes orders."

Du Ruming was preparing for his marriage, and Jiang Chengxiao didn't intend to increase his workload.

The silver dollar matter was basically finalized, and the Taiyuan county magistrate was extremely busy.

To be honest, as the county magistrate of the capital, Taiyuan County Magistrate Zhou Yu is actually walking on eggshells.Although Taiyuan has a lot of crude oil and water, there are also many officials who can't stand it.

Maybe one day he will offend the powerful while walking, so Zhou Yu is actually very cautious in his errands.

When King Zhao's personal guards informed Dongshi of the discovery of the fake money, Zhou Yu immediately mobilized all the servants of the county government to investigate in the four cities without saying a word.

Fake money is a big deal, and if he can't handle it well, he will have to hang up and leave.

After a careful search, many merchants who sold stolen money in Taiyuan were found, and a few counterfeit money were caught along the way.

Then, Wei Shijian, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, fully inherited the strengths of his brother Wei Shilun.

The Yi tribe!
Copy the house!

On the day of the execution in September, on the day of the execution in September, the people watching the excitement gathered at the north gate, watching the executioner raise the knife with a "click" and the head rolled down, clapping and applauding.

Participating in the September Zhongzheng selection, Cui Yunmo, who was born in the Cui family of Qinghe, saw this scene and subconsciously closed his eyes.

So bloody!

"Brother Cui, let's go to the inn first."

Beside him, Zhang Hong, who was born in the Zhang family of Qinghe, tugged at his sleeve, obviously feeling uncomfortable.


The two turned around and left, squeezed out of the crowd, and headed towards the inn.

On the way, the two of them couldn't help discussing the Zhongzheng selection.

After the Northern Jin Dynasty took Hebei, all the gentry in Hebei took refuge in King Zhao, and naturally sent outstanding children from the clan to join Zhongzheng and serve as officials in the court.

In Jiang Chengxiao's view, the Jiupin Zhongzheng system is a tasteless piece of rubbish that blocks social development.

The imperial court set up Zhongzheng officials in counties and counties to select talents.

How to choose?
First look at the family background, the family has been a high-ranking official, and those who were born in the noble family have a resume.

The second is to look at moral character, which is very simple, that is, whether the life style is good or not, and whether the usual behavior conforms to the core values ​​of the imperial court.

The third grade.

This kind of system is a joke in the Jin family where the aristocratic family is rampant.

Whether you can do it depends not on these, but on your origin.If you come from a powerful family, then you can do it, and you can easily be designated as the "upper third rank" and then enter the capital to participate in the selection of "Da Zhong Zheng Guan".

Others, small local families, county prestige, barely mixed into the "third grade", that is to burn high incense.

As for the 'lower third grade', it was prepared for poor families.

There is no poor family in the top rank, and no family in the low rank, that's how they came.

Whether it is Cui Yunmo or Zhang Hong, no one knows whether they have real talents and learning.

It can only be said that it is rare to see a salted fish like Du Ruming turn over in 50 years.

"I heard that the official of the Dazhong this time is Lord Wang, Minister of the Ministry of Officials." Zhang Hong said.

Cui Yunmo said: "Master Wang is a famous Confucianist all over the world, so it is reasonable and reasonable for him to be an upright official."

"I'm afraid Mr. Wang will be partial to others when the time comes." Zhang Hong curled his lips.

"You mean Mr. Wang will promote Bingzhou scholars?"

"That's needless to say, I heard that many officials in the imperial court are from Bingzhou. We have too few seniors in Hebei. I'm afraid we won't be able to get good officials this time."

Cui Yunmo hesitated and said: "Master Cui Wenxuan, the Inner History Order, Mr. Gao Xun, the Grand Master, and Mr. Lu Huaishen, the doctor of imperial history, are all from Hebei."

Zhang Hong sneered, "What's the use of that? Do you know that everyone now refers to the six ministers as the six ministers of Tiange, except for King Zhao, who are the biggest six. Among the six ministers, Lord Wang, Minister of Officials, and Lord Pei, Minister of Rites They're all from Bingzhou, who do you think they are?"

Having said that, Cui Yunmo couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Doesn't King Zhao care about this?" He lowered his voice and asked.

Zhang Hong shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, I heard from others that in order to appoint our Hebei people to enter the court as officials, the king discussed with hundreds of officials several times in Tiange and Dachao, and finally let several adults enter the court." Center, I am afraid that the king will not say anything to Mr. Wang and Mr. Pei."

Cui Yunmo gritted his teeth, "Is there nothing we can do?"

"This is not necessarily the case. The more it is, the more we Hebei scholars must unite, otherwise it will be more dangerous." Zhang Hong said.

"Brother Zhang is right, let's go to the inn quickly and discuss with the students from Hebei."

"it is good."

The two couldn't help but hastened their pace and left.

(End of this chapter)

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