Dajin royal family

Chapter 485 Building a Free School

Chapter 485 Building a Free School (Thanks to book friends 2020-3598 for their reward)
The winter month has arrived, and the people of Taiyuan put on thick clothes one after another. It has not yet snowed, but the weather is very cold.

According to the people of Taiyuan, the colder the winter moon, the better the harvest in the coming year.

Siri Place.

Those who live here are the family members left by the sacrificed soldiers of the Northern Jin Dynasty.

An ordinary carriage slowly drove into the street, surrounded by several guards, and there was a complete martial law outside the street.

The carriage stopped, and Jiang Chengxiao walked down slowly with his wife, Sun Qingyi.At this time, the doors on the street opened one after another, and one head after another popped out.

They are either women, or old and weak, or children.

These people were wearing thin clothes, with yellow and thin faces, and there was a faint hint of awe in their expressions.

When they saw the eldest sun Qingyi, they all walked out of the house and bowed down.

"See the queen!"

Changsun Qingyi often comes here to condolences. These people know Changsun Qingyi and are also close to Changsun Qingyi.As for Jiang Chengxiao, they had no impression.

Changsun Qingyi hurriedly said: "Please hurry up, everyone."

After everyone got up, Changsun Qingyi introduced again: "This is King Zhao."

Hearing this, everyone immediately bowed again; "See Your Majesty."

Jiang Chengxiao raised his hand, "Get up, everyone."

The children stood up, secretly looked at Jiang Chengxiao with unfamiliar eyes, and hugged their mother or grandmother's dress tightly.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "You are all brave widows of my Jin family, here, please accept my solitary obeisance."

After saying that, Jiang Chengxiao bent down and bowed, and Changsun Qingyi followed Yingying to perform the Wanfu ceremony.

"Your Majesty, no!"

An old man on crutches came out in a hurry, with his hands outstretched, he wanted to help King Zhao up, but considering his humble status, he only helped him in vain. Great gift.

Jiang Chengxiao straightened his waist, and solemnly said: "Your sons, husbands, and fathers are all heroes of our Jin Dynasty. They fought and died for the peace of the world, and I will worship you all alone!"

Having been fighting outside, Jiang Chengxiao seldom came here to visit the orphans of these soldiers. During the Winter Moon Rest, he took this opportunity to come and visit.At the same time, I also brought some winter supplies to comfort these poor people.

"Every family, every household, three silver dollars, ten catties of mutton, and one stone of corn. Come quickly and get them." Nan Jiyun shouted.

Hearing this, these people immediately showed joy, and thanked King Zhao and Queen again.

The eldest Sun Qingyi distributed winter clothes from door to door, and often held the hands of the widows and chatted to learn about their hardships.

In the yard, the old man on crutches carefully invited Jiang Chengxiao into the house.

The so-called bare walls are probably the description of the old man's house. The old man is one of the three elders here. His surname is Jin, and his neighbors call him Jin Lao.In addition, two elders were bedridden and unable to move because of the cold weather.

After knowing this, Jiang Chengxiao immediately asked his personal guards to ask the imperial physician to come over and treat him.

"It's cold, why don't you buy a brazier?" Jiang Chengxiao casually knelt and sat on the broken cushion handed over by the old man, looking at the brazier at the door, he was very puzzled.

Old Jin sighed: "Your Majesty, I don't know something. My legs and feet are inconvenient. I don't have firewood. The brazier is useless."

"It's Gu Menglang." Jiang Chengxiao blushed slightly, and immediately called Nan Jiyun to solve the matter.

Mr. Jin told him about many difficulties. Most of them were old people who had no one to take care of them and felt that living was a burden.There are some people who can't live without it. After all, they still have children and grandchildren under their knees, so they can only struggle to survive.

These people have monthly pensions from the imperial court, and there is no major problem with food, but the children make them very distressed.

After all, these old half-foots have stepped into the coffin, and life and death are already bearish.But the children are different, they have not yet settled down in the future.

Jiang Chengxiao comforted: "Mo Jin is in a hurry, this time I'm here, I just have something to tell you."

"Please show me the king."

"Gu intends to build a free school here, and Gu will pay to hire a gentleman to teach the children to read." Jiang Chengxiao said slowly.

Hearing this, Boss Jin was overjoyed, and quickly got up to pay respects.

"Please get up." Jiang Chengxiao quickly helped him up.

Elder Jin was touched and said: "It's our good fortune that the king cares about us, my lord. Thank you, my lord, for your great kindness!"

Reading was something they had never thought about. Jiang Chengxiao's words made Mr. Jin tearful.For them, nothing is more important than getting their children to read.

In fact, building free schools is not Jiang Chengxiao's whim. He had wanted to establish colleges in counties and other places before, but considering that the world has not yet been unified, it is useless to do these things at this time, so the plan was shelved.

Coincidentally, this time he personally funded a free school to teach these orphans, and no one in the court would dare to object.

After the matter of King Zhao's construction of the free school spread, the people were all grateful.

"Husband, why did you suddenly establish a free school? What if no one is willing to teach these young children?"

In the carriage, the husband and wife finished their condolences, and Changsun Qingyi couldn't help asking after hearing about Yixue.

Jiang Chengxiao knew what his wife was worried about, so he comforted him: "Madam, don't worry, as long as you pay a lot of money, you can always find a gentleman who is willing to teach these young children. Besides, the free school is not my whim, but I have an idea long ago. its benefits."

Hearing this, Changsun Qingyi nodded.Although she didn't know what her husband was planning, since he did this, there was always a reason for him.Furthermore, such acts of benevolence and righteousness are not exaggerated.

"Husband, where should this righteous school be built?"

Jiang Chengxiao thought for a while, and said: "Don't worry about this for now, let the children study in Xilifang first, and if there is any change in the future, they will find another place."

This matter cannot be rushed. If it is a personal matter, the ministers of the court and the central government will naturally have nothing to say.But if it is brought to the stage, I am afraid that Pei Ju and others will inevitably refuse to talk about it.

Therefore, don't shoot, and enter the village quietly.

As long as this matter is not on the court's agenda, then what he does is his own business, and the court has no right to intervene.

He didn't expect to keep it a secret, as long as it was a private matter, I believe Pei Ju and the others had no reason to object.

After all, this was funded by him privately, and he did not touch a cent of the imperial court's money.

After returning to the palace, Nan Jiyun sent Li Yaoshi's good news.

"It was a good fight." Jiang Chengxiao smiled, folded the battle report, put it back in the box and sealed it.

"My lord doesn't seem to be surprised at all." Nan Jiyun said.

Jiang Chengxiao chuckled, and explained unhurriedly: "The strength of the Turks is nothing more than horseback riding and shooting skills. The elites of our Black Eagle Army are all brave enough to fight against the grassland people, and they are not inferior to the Turks. In addition , Li Yaoshi's battle formation is even more irresistible to the Turkic people, if they are not victorious, then I will be disappointed."

Speaking of this, Jiang Chengxiao remembered the news about Xie Yingjing in the good news.

As expected, the child did not disappoint him. When Xiao Mansion first met him, the boy who was trapped in the iron chain was released, and he was invincible ever since.

Compared to Xie Yingjing's expected joy, Qin Yujing and Wang Boju's were unexpected gains.

Shenju had mentioned Qin Yujing to him back then, and he was a rare general.Unexpectedly, after going around and around, he actually became a soldier under his own nose.

Not long after, Jiang Chengxiao got up and went to the inner room, put down the curtain, and a map of Guanbei appeared.

According to the information Li Yaoshi gave him, they should have already gone south to Lingwu County at this time. If there is no accident, the three places in Hetao are already in their hands.

At this moment, a personal guard walked in.

"My lord, Guan Zhong Yingxin."

Jiang Chengxiao took the letter and opened it, it said about Li Anmin leading the army to support Li Jishi.

"Su Dinghai, Wuwei County."

Jiang Chengxiao frowned, he didn't expect that Li Yuan would send an army of [-] to [-] to destroy Su Dinghai, this is not so good.

If Su Dinghai is wiped out, the passage to the Western Regions may be opened, and Li Yuan will have a great chance to go north to attack Lingwu County.

With this in mind, Jiang Chengxiao quickly wrote a secret letter to his personal guard, and ordered: "Urgently send it to General Li Yaoshi!"


Putting down the vermilion pen, Jiang Chengxiao stood in front of the Kanyu map with his hands behind his back, his eyes scanning the counties in Guanzhong up and down.

According to the current situation, Zhou Niu'er will last until the end of the year at most. By that time, the territory of the Northern Jin Dynasty will be bordered by the State of Wei in Guanbei, so we must be careful to deal with it now.

(End of this chapter)

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