Dajin royal family

Chapter 486 Ordnance Loss

Chapter 486 Ordnance Loss
The charcoal fire was burning blazingly, and some air-conditioning was added to the room, but it didn't seem too cold.

"Your Majesty, for this year's autumn harvest, the Si Nong Temple has officially completed the delivery. At present, three granaries have been filled. Excluding the part of military pay and relief to the victims, there are still 30 shi of grain available." Zheng Shanyuan, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs , while roasting on the fire, handed over the old sticks.

There was a brazier in the middle of Ziwei hall, and the six ministers and Jiang Chengxiao sat around the brazier like this.Yu Qingze and Du Ruming were recording related matters behind, while Nanji's face was sinking like water, and he was holding the horizontal knife tightly in his hand.

"In addition, the taxes and taxes of Bingzhou and Beidi counties have been collected. There are 100 million copper coins, more than 50 million end cloths, more than [-] bolts of silk, and more than [-] tons of cotton."

At present, Bingzhou and Hebei are occupied by the Jin Dynasty. Because Bingzhou has been less affected by wars, people's livelihood has recovered quickly.The first generation of Yuyang County in Beidi recovered earlier, and it has gradually recovered this year.As for the land of Hebei to the south of Hejian County, it will have to wait until next year.

What is fought in war is logistics, and what is fought is food and grass.

The reason why the Jin Dynasty must win the battle is partly because of the bravery of the soldiers and the hard work of the generals.The other part is the hematopoietic function of Jinshi.

Li Fazhu and others in Qingzhou are not engaged in production, and their foundation is weak. If they are forced a little bit, they will fall into the situation of life and death.

Put the old note on the desk, picked up a pen and wrote the word 'reading' on it, then closed it and put it aside.

Wei Shijian, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, picked up the memorial on the case table and offered it with both hands.

Jiang Chengxiao took it, and heard Wei Shijian report: "The Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple have jointly investigated 37 criminal cases, and the ministers have finished talking about [-] unjust cases."

The end of the year is approaching, and the things reported by the six ministers are what happened in the country this year. Jiang Chengxiao asked a few questions while listening, and sometimes ordered some officials to do things poorly, and ordered Dali Temple to investigate.

Two hours passed, and the report on the six departments was basically completed.

At this time, Nan Jiyun also followed Jiang Chengxiao's instructions and served tea to the six ministers one by one.

"This year, thanks to a few adults who have dedicated themselves to governing the government, I am so grateful and disrespectful." Jiang Chengxiao said with a smile on his face.

Pei Ju smiled and said: "We can't be praised by the king, we just abide by our duty."

King Zhao's trust in the three families of Zheng, Pei, and Wang is still clear to Pei Ju. Judging from the Zhongzheng election alone, the king is still more willing to reuse Bingzhou scholars.

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, talking and laughing with the six ministers while flipping through the memorial.

At this time, Wei Chijiong, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, suddenly said: "Your Majesty, there is something to do."

"Your Majesty Yuchi, just say what you have, don't have to worry about it." Jiang Chengxiao said casually without raising his head.

Yu Chijiong pursed his lips, and said: "My lord, some time ago, the generals of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry eliminated a batch of iron knives. For some reason, I found someone in the commercial market who was trading these things."

The memorial fell on the table, Jiang Chengxiao suddenly raised his head and looked at Yu Chijiong.

"Are you sure?!"

Zheng Shanyuan, Wang Hong, Pei Ju, and Wei Shijian all discovered that something was unusual.They all stared at Yu Chijiong, selling arms without permission, which is a capital offense.

Li Chungong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, cupped his hands and said: "I am sure, there is a secret mark of the Ministry of Industry on the handle of the knife."

Jiang Chengxiao slapped the case table, and angrily scolded Li Chun: "How do you do things! All the obsolete ordnance is hoarded in the workshop of the general prison, how can it grow wings and fly out!"

Li Chun quickly cupped his hands and bowed his head, "I'm guilty! I'm guilty!"

Jiang Chengxiao gritted his teeth, his face full of hatred for iron.

"Gu will give you three days. The Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of War will all cooperate with your actions. You must find out who is secretly reselling obsolete ordnance for Gu. If you can't find out, you can go back to Liaodong for Gu. !"

"I obey!" Li Chun lowered his head and sighed heavily.

Wang Hong squinted his eyes, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this person is able to steal arms from the general supervisor, presumably the general supervisor, or there must be an internal response in the Ministry of Industry, this matter is not simple."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "Master Wang's words are not unreasonable. If there is no careful internal work, this matter will be impossible. I'll have to see what kind of bewitching rice worms dare to sell armaments. How dare you!"

Yu Chijiong said: "Your Majesty, the matter of Taiyuan cannot be bypassed by the magistrate of Taiyuan. I ask the magistrate to allow the magistrate of Taiyuan to cooperate in handling this case. Be sure to find out the flow of ordnance in the commercial market."

"That's right."

At this time, Pei Ju suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, since Mr. Li has investigated the case, who should take charge of the affairs of the Ministry of Industry?"

Jiang Chengxiao pondered for a while, before he said: "The end of the year is coming soon, presumably the Ministry of Industry should have nothing serious to do, let the left servant of the Ministry of Industry act as the agent for now."

Hearing this, Pei Ju's pupils shrank imperceptibly, and then repeatedly said yes.On the other side, Zheng Shanyuan looked happy, and the left servant of the Ministry of Industry was his son Zheng Renguo.

If this matter is done properly, it may make a difference!

Thinking of this, Zheng Shanyuan was suddenly full of energy.

Wang Hong frowned secretly, the left servant of the Ministry of Industry, isn't that exactly Zheng Renguo.

Not long after, the six ministers withdrew.

Jiang Chengxiao stood up and stretched his body.

Du Ruming said: "Your Majesty, 30 shi of grain will be enough to pacify Qingzhou next year."

Yu Qing reminded: "Although 30 shi of grain is enough to calm Qingzhou, but at that time, maybe we should face Yuwenshu and Nanchen. According to news, Nanchen is now going northward, and may soon be in Qingzhou Bordering, we must guard against it when the time comes."

"In addition to Qingzhou, the same is true of Guanbei." Jiang Chengxiao said: "So we have to wait a little longer. At present, we still have to focus on defense against Yu Wenshu."

This is also something that can't be helped. With the expansion of the territory of the Northern Jin Dynasty, it is inevitable to confront those big forces.

But that's exactly what he expected.

Du Ruming said: "We can step up contact with Xiao Liang and let them involve Nan Chen in the south. For the safety of the north, they will definitely ask us to attack Yu Wenshu."

"Yu Wenshu will fight sooner or later, he must." Jiang Chengxiao murmured twice.

Forming an alliance with Xiao Liang now can guarantee that they will not be besieged by Yu Wenshu and Chen Qiujin, and thus be forced to withdraw from the Central Plains.

"You go down and make up your plans for next year. If you really have no choice, you can wait a little longer." Jiang Chengxiao said.


At this time, every step must be taken steadily, otherwise it will be bad if Yu Wenshu seizes the opportunity.

Now Guan Zhong and him maintain a tacit understanding, and neither side will have any thoughts about the other.

Wei Hong wiped out Zhou Niu'er next year at the latest, and he will definitely fight Li Yuan at that time, and next year is also Jiang Chengxiao's chance, and he must solve Yu Wenshu before Guanzhong decides the winner.Otherwise, once Guanzhong is unified, the situation will become complicated.

At present, the territory of the Northern Jin Dynasty has expanded to Guanbei, and even penetrated into Lingwu County. After the unification of Guanzhong, the army will definitely lead the army to retake these places.

Next year will be a very important year.

After Du Ruming and others left, Jiang Chengxiao said: "You should always follow up on the matter over there. Li Chun may not be able to solve this case. If he encounters difficulties, you might as well help him secretly."

Nan Jiyun nodded, "This subordinate understands, so...do you want to control that person in advance?"

"No need." Jiang Chengxiao waved his hand, "If you intervene, those old guys may not be able to see some clues. It's best to let nature take its course. Besides, the crime is clear and cannot be refuted."


Jiang Chengxiao walked to the table and picked up the Moyu paperweight.

"Give this to Li Chun, and he will understand."


Nan Jiyun took the Moyu paperweight and retreated slowly.

Jiang Chengxiao let out his breath slowly, grinning at the corner of his mouth.Now that the net has been cast, it depends on whether the old fish are willing to go in.

It's impossible not to go in. These guys look like the same family on the surface, but they are more sensitive to some things than anyone else.

Even if you don't go in, it's not over yet.

After half an hour, Nan Jiyun came back.

"My lord, Mr. Li is grateful to the lord for his love and protection. He has already understood and will definitely do his best to investigate the case."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "In addition to Li Chun, there is pressure from the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple to solve the case within a time limit."

"My subordinate understands."

Jiang Chengxiao walked to the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the Jinyang Palace in the distance through the rising and falling terraces.

(End of this chapter)

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