Dajin royal family

Chapter 509 Central Plains War

Chapter 509 Central Plains War ([-])

Partial account.

Zhao Yong slowly removed his armor, revealing the white silk wrapped around his shoulders, and the dark red blood flowed down the collarbone.

"General, do you really want to hand over the military power?" The personal guard took the armor and put it aside, looking worriedly at the injury on Zhao Yong's shoulder.

What if he doesn't pay, he is not Yu Wenshu's son.

Zhao Yong took off his inner garment, and slowly loosened the silk covering the wound, revealing the bloody wound inside.

"That Jin general is very strong." With the help of his personal guards, he replaced Juanbo while recalling what happened during the battle.

The personal guard is slightly speechless, what time is this, the general actually still has time to reminisce about the last battle.

"Advance and retreat are well-founded, as expected of the Northern Jin Dynasty." Zhao Yong sighed with emotion.

The personal guard couldn't help but said: "General, according to the temperament of the two Highnesses, I'm afraid they can't stand the provocation of the Northern Jin Dynasty. What should they do if they go out of the city to fight the Northern Jin army?"

"I am no longer in charge of soldiers, so it is not my turn to worry about this kind of thing." Zhao Yong said lightly.

Looking at the blood-stained silk in his hands, Zhao Yong curled his lips, not regretting the loss of military power.In fact, he was a little powerless in the face of the Northern Jin Dynasty, and the opponent was not the rebels he had fought against in the past.

At this time, it is a good thing to step back and think about countermeasures.

But something unexpected happened to Zhao Yong. After occupying Dongping County, the Jin army did not choose to attack Dongping County by force.

Immediately afterwards, they received news one after another that Jiyin, Liangjun, Huaiyang and other counties fell one after another and fell into the hands of the Northern Jin Dynasty.

In fact, Zhao Yong had anticipated this situation, and the Northern Jin Dynasty did not want to forcefully attack Puyang, which had more than 5 people.

By May, the Northern Jin Dynasty had won many battles and victories against Xu.

As a last resort, Yu Wenshu could only continue to send troops to the eastern counties in an attempt to keep the Northern Jin Dynasty out of the hinterland.

At the same time, the overwhelming offensive of the Northern Jin Dynasty brought great confidence to Xiao Liang.

"Soldiers, use righteousness to win by surprise. Now that the Northern Jin Dynasty has a large army pressing the border, every step of the way, if you want to win with surprise soldiers, you still have to wait for the opportunity." Zhao Yong looked at the Kanyu map.

On this map of the Central Plains, the counties and important cities that Xu Guo fell to were all marked with black flags.Among them, Jiyang in Jiyin County and Chenliu in Liang County both had soldiers and horses from the Northern Jin Dynasty.

Contact the soldiers and horses of Dongping County. At present, Dongjun has fallen into a three-way siege.Although Xu Guo has successively deployed heavy defenses in the two counties of Xingyang and Yingchuan, the dominance is in the hands of the opponent.

In other words, whether to fight or not to fight is also a matter for the opponent to decide.

In the season of spring planting in May, if this stalemate continues, Xu Guo will definitely suffer heavy losses.He couldn't help but speculate that perhaps this was the strategy of the Northern Jin Dynasty, not rushing to fight to determine the outcome, and slowly encroaching on Xu Guo.

However, why is the Northern Jin Dynasty so confident?

Don't they worry about Qingzhou's red move at all?
"General, just got news from Luoyang that Qingzhou has lost contact with us." A personal guard came over.

Zhao Yong suddenly nodded, that's it, then it's all right.

"General, the army stationed in Daliang, Xingyang tried to fight Chen Liu's Northern Jin army, but was repelled. However, Chen Liu's Northern Jin army did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it. The army on Yingchuan side is also in a similar situation. Generally speaking , Now all the soldiers and horses of our dynasty are restrained by the Northern Jin Dynasty." The guard said in a low voice.

Zhao Yong sighed: "The soldiers of the Northern Jin Dynasty are brave, but the generals are steady and steady, it is difficult to deal with."

He felt very difficult, and now there was almost no hope of breaking the game, so he could only be beaten passively.This situation needs to continue to be stalemate until there is no solution to the Northern Jin offensive.

In other words, they should think about how to deal with Bei Jin's moves now.

I heard that several generals in the Northern Jin Dynasty were only [-] years old, so they really came out in large numbers.

"It's a bit strange." Zhao Yong rubbed his chin and murmured while looking at Kanyu Tu.

"What is the general saying?"

"Didn't you find out? Until now, we don't know the whereabouts of the Northern Jin King Zhao."

The guard thought for a while and said, "Maybe he is sitting in Taiyuan, so he didn't come here."

"Impossible." Zhao Yong denied it outright, with very serious eyes, as if he was sure that a beggar would reach out to beg when he met a rich man.

"According to that King Zhao's behavior, he will never stand on the sidelines in this Central Plains war. You must know that if this conquest of the Central Plains fails, it will be difficult for the Northern Jin Dynasty to conquer us next time."

Although this statement is somewhat wrong, it is indeed no problem when you think about it carefully.The Northern Jin Dynasty took advantage of the general situation of Nanchen and Xiaoliang fighting, Guanzhong was merged, Qingzhou was weak, and the Central Plains War was launched.

After this opportunity, Guanzhong will be unified, and Qingzhou will regain its vitality. If the Northern Jin Dynasty wants to launch a war in the Central Plains next time, it will have to consider Guanzhong's attitude and Qingzhou's obstruction.

Who is King Zhao?

Zhao Yong didn't think King Zhao would be sloppy with such a 'fighting opportunity'.

"Where does the general think he is?"

How did he know where it was? After the war in the Central Plains broke out, he had never seen the big banner that symbolized King Zhao.

However, he was sure that King Zhao must be paying attention to the Central Plains War, and he must be hiding in the dark like a poisonous snake, looking for an opportunity to deal a fatal blow to Xu Guo.

Where will it be?
Suddenly, his eyes swept over the "Xingyang County" on the Kanyu map, crossed the "Henan County" and landed on Hanoi County to the north of the river.

"not good!"

Zhao Yong suddenly realized something, his eyes tightened suddenly.


"Quickly, send someone back to tell His Majesty, be careful of the Jin army in Hanoi County!"


Since the Northern Jin Dynasty came, Yu Wenshu hadn't had a good rest, and he would ask about the battle situation on the front line every day. After learning that the Northern Jin Dynasty had subsided, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he was eating rice porridge under the service of the first emperor's concubine.

Xu Yixin walked in, cupped her hands and said, "See Your Majesty."

"Excuse me, did Xu Aiqing come here for military reasons?"

"Yes." Xu Yixin said slowly: "After the Second Highness led the army to Daliang, he resisted Chen Liu's Northern Jin army. Currently, the two armies on the front line are facing each other, and there is no change in the Northern Jin Dynasty for the time being."

Yu Wenshu's face softened, and he couldn't help but feel at ease when he heard such news.

The Northern Jin Dynasty's offensive was too fierce. Some time ago, Liang County and other places fell one after another, which made him restless. He once suspected that the Northern Jin Dynasty wanted to attack Henan County quickly.

"Okay, is there anything else?"

Xu Yixin nodded, "Your Majesty, General Zhao Yong sent someone to report, telling us to be careful of the Northern Jin Army in Hanoi County."

"Hanoi County!"

Hearing this, Yu Wenshu stood up suddenly, his eyes were startled and uncertain.

During this period of time, he was a little confused by Yu Chijing from the east. He actually forgot Pei Yuanyan who was stationed in Hanoi County.

"Have you sent someone to check?"

"Return to Your Majesty, I sent someone to go immediately after receiving the news."

Yu Wenshu nodded, and waved his hand to dismiss the concubines and maids in the palace.

Xu Yixin continued: "Zhao Yong guessed in the letter that the reason why Jiang Chengxiao did not appear on the frontal battlefield is that he may have secretly arrived in Hanoi County, where he was preparing to attack Henan County. At present, it seems that the Northern Jin Dynasty sent most of our troops to the battlefield. Containing the battlefield in the east, this kind of speculation is not impossible, once Pei Yuanyan of Hanoi County really forcibly crosses the river to attack Luoyang, the only soldiers that can fight in Luoyang at present are the left guard army guarding the imperial city."

"What an insidious vicious bird, no wonder he ignored Qingzhou's red move and frantically pushed forward on the eastern battlefield. It turned out to be this plan." Yu Wenshu's face was ugly.

Xu Yixin thought to himself; now that Qingzhou has lost contact, he must have been beaten back to Donglai County by the Northern Jin Dynasty, and the only one he can really rely on is himself.

"Your Majesty, no matter whether General Zhao Yong's guess is correct or not, we have to change our strategy to prevent the Northern Jin Dynasty from continuing to advance. Otherwise, our troops will be confined to the east. When Luoyang is empty, Jiang Chengxiao will lead the army to sneak attack. The consequences will be disastrous."

What matters at the moment is not whether Jiang Chengxiao has plans to cross the river from Hanoi County to attack Luoyang, but whether he wants to!

Now it was the Northern Jin Dynasty that took the initiative, and the opponents had flexible tactics to choose from. Before they defeated Yu Chijing's troops, it was difficult for them to use their hands or feet, or in other words, they could not organize an effective counterattack.

"Does Aiqing have a plan to retreat from the enemy?" Yu Wenshu asked.

Xu Yixin was silent.

Can there be any way to retreat from the enemy?
Xu Guo fought several battles on the frontal battlefield, but failed to win one, so he could only be forced to stick to the fortified city.The Qingzhou side has completely lost contact now, and there is no way for Chiju to contain the Northern Jin Dynasty.

Needless to say, Nan Chen, now that he and Xiao Liang are fighting fiercely, it is estimated that they will not send troops to the Central Plains to solve their predicament.

Close has no effect.

"I'm incompetent." Xu Yi felt ashamed.

Yu Wenshu gritted his teeth and was about to get angry when a servant rushed in, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the scouts are urgently reporting that there seems to be something strange in Hanoi County."

"What!" Yu Wenshu lowered his voice, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and then he covered it up again.

Unexpectedly, it was really guessed by Zhao Yong.

"Decree that officials of the fourth grade and above in the Beijing Central Committee immediately rush to the Political Affairs Hall to discuss matters!"


After the servant left, Yuwen said: "Aiqing, General Zhao guessed right, there is indeed a change in Hanoi County."

Hearing this, Xu Yixin smiled wryly.This is not good news.

(End of this chapter)

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