Dajin royal family

Chapter 510 The Sneak Attack Failed

Chapter 510 The Sneak Attack Failed
Hanoi County, Guhe Yangcheng Camp.

In the main tent, Jiang Chengxiao's gaze quietly fell on the Central Plains sand table.

In the Central Plains battlefield, Yu Chijing led an army of [-] to station in Zhencheng, Dongping County, Zhao Jiao led an army of [-] to station in Jiyang, Jiyin County, and Wei Zhongzheng led an army of [-] to station in Chenliu, Liang County.

The [-] army is distributed in the east of Luoyang, restraining Xu Guo's frontal army.

After a while, a scout came to report that Xu Jun on the other side of Mengjindu was increasing his troops to guard against them.

"Explore again."


Pei Yuanyan, who was behind him, was very puzzled by his king's actions. If the king was going to use the eastern battlefield to "clearly repair the plank road" and sneak attack Henan County's "secret Chencang", but they have obviously been exposed now, and Yu Wenshu has already known their intentions , why the king is still so calm.

Could it be that the king has other preparations?
"Your Majesty, Yu Wenshu has taken precautions by increasing troops at the ferry, should we continue with the plan?"

Jiang Chengxiao looked away, smiled and shook his head.

"I didn't have much confidence in the sneak attack on Luoyang this time."

"Ah?" Pei Yuanyan was confused, "The last general doesn't understand."

"Hehe." Jiang Chengxiao smiled relaxedly, as if he had no regrets about his plan being discovered.

"The last time we forcibly crossed the river from Hanoi County to attack Xu State, they must have taken precautions. Moreover, Xu State knew about your garrison in Hanoi County. It's not surprising that they could guess it."

Looking at the calm king, Pei Yuanyan was puzzled and said: "In this way, aren't we going to focus on the frontal battlefield?"

Jiang Chengxiao pulled out the horizontal knife, took the white cloth handed over by Nan Jiyun, and wiped it quietly.

"Everyone in the world knows that there are only two ways for us to attack Xu State, either from Qi County to the east, or from the ferry along the river to cross the river. Now that we are Chen Bing, the counties of the Central Plains and Hanoi County, they must be able to Guess it. In this way, the fighter plane has actually been lost."

"Knowing the enemy's deployment, Xu Guo will be able to stabilize in the previous panic. Just like the current confrontation between the armies of the Central Plains, next, as long as Xu Guo increases troops to the counties in an orderly manner, they will be able to stabilize disadvantage, and prepare to counterattack.”

"In other words, now Yu Wenshu feels that I have taken out all the chips, and the victory or defeat in the frontal battlefield will determine our victory or defeat."

"That's right." Pei Yuanyan nodded.

"However, a knife that has not seen blood is the most harmful."

After the words fell, a white light flashed, and the horizontal knife cut off a corner of the table.

"The sword that has been unsheathed, the enemy is familiar with it, and if you try to catch it by surprise, you will not have such a good chance."

"What does His Majesty mean?"

"Since the sword is out of its sheath, hand-to-hand combat is just to make the enemy more familiar with us. Yu Wenshu is no better than the rebels. He has a lot of elites under his command. The old guy is smart. He will wait for the opportunity to reverse the situation in one fell swoop."

The horizontal knife was inserted back into the scabbard, and Jiang Chengxiao chuckled, "Then let the enemy continue to study the blades we have attacked, and hide the blades we have not sheathed."

"Your Majesty still has a surprise soldier?"

"Who are you referring to?"

"Who is it?" Pei Yuanyan was confused. What does "who" mean? Could there be other things? He doesn't know the army?

"If I were to face Yu Wenshu, then I would have no surprise soldiers." Jiang Chengxiao admitted frankly.

Now that the battle has been fought, the situation in the Central Plains has reached a stalemate, and the troops and horses of the Jin army have successively arrived at the designated positions he had previously calculated.The same is true here in Hanoi County, and there are no other hidden cavalry.

"Your Majesty, this?"

Pei Yuanyan felt that his mind couldn't keep up with the king's thoughts, and he didn't understand the connotation of what the king said today.

so tired.

Wait, what the king said was facing Yu Wenshu!
Is it?

An absurd idea inexplicably appeared in his mind, and he subconsciously looked up.There was a faint smile on the corner of Shang Wang's mouth, and he swallowed saliva through his parched throat.

"Your Majesty, the 'who' you are talking about can't be over there?"

"What do you think?" Jiang Chengxiao asked back with a smile.

Pei Yuanyan nodded.


Jiang Chengxiao laughed loudly, and said: "Yes, you are the first to know Gu's true thoughts, what do you think of Gu's thoughts?"

"Unexpected, very unexpected." Pei Yuanyan stammered.

If he wasn't afraid of being rude, he would like to say that this idea is crazy, even dangerous!
"Then do you think it can be done?"

Pei Yuanyan calmed down and continued to meditate.

After a while, he said in a deep voice: "If you want to succeed, I'm afraid you have to wait for the opportunity. You have to wait for them to decide the victory and defeat, and each is weak. Otherwise, our army will act rashly, and they will make them share the same hatred."

Having said that, Pei Yuanyan suddenly realized.

No wonder the king didn't panic at all after Yu Wenshu found out about the strategy of sneak attacking Henan County. If it was said that the king had planned it from the beginning, then all of this was actually in the king's calculations.

This 'who' is not Yu Wenshu, nor is it the Northern Jin Dynasty's hidden soldiers in the Central Plains.

"That's the case, otherwise Gu would not have time to have fun with Yu Wenshu here." Jiang Chengxiao sneered with his hands behind his back, his tone and attitude seemed to have no regard for Yu Wenshu at all.

Pei Yuanyan cautiously persuaded: "Your Majesty, you must be cautious about this matter. They are not Yu Wenshu. If they are invincible, I am afraid that our army will have to suspend the pace of conquest of Yu Wenshu."

Even, in his opinion, this decision is simply like a gambler.

Wouldn't it be good to wipe out Yu Wenshu in a steady and steady manner? Why take the risk?
Jiang Chengxiao glanced at him, as if he could understand what Pei Yuanyan was thinking.In fact, he stayed up for three nights before making this decision.

Because once this matter is successful, there will be no obstacles to the unification of the world. If he cannot win with one blow, then Yu Wenshu will have a chance to breathe, and the situation in the world will become confusing again.

But in his opinion, if those two guys are given a chance, then the real danger will be at that time. If this big plan fails, he will completely disable them to prevent this huge threat from rising.

What's more, he had actually discussed with Du Ruming and Yu Qing that after defeating Yu Wenshu, his situation would actually be even worse than it is now.

After all, when the Northern Jin Dynasty occupies the Central Plains and Qingzhou, there is no guarantee that Xiao Liang and Nan Chen will not join forces because of this.

Therefore, during this Central Plains war, he deceived everyone.

Presumably everyone saw that the Northern Jin army was fighting in full swing in the Central Plains, and they all felt that they had guessed right.

Ha ha!

"General Pei."

"The last general is here!" Pei Yuanyan shuddered.

"Gu left you 3 people, you must give Gu a good 'sneak attack' on Luoyang." Jiang Chengxiao said meaningfully.

Pei Yuanyan knew that the king had made up his mind.

"The general understands, please rest assured, the king, the general knows what to do!"

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "That's good, the remaining [-] soldiers and horses will be taken away by Gu, don't let Gu down."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the general will be absolutely heartbroken!"

That night, Jiang Chengxiao led an army of [-], entered Jiangjun through Zheguanxing, and then quickly went south into Hedong County.

On the other side, Pei Yuanyan asked people to build a pontoon bridge and headed from Mengjindu to the opposite bank.Xu Jun, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately launched a counterattack and stopped the Jin army.

The two sides fought all day and night, and the Jin army failed to cross the river!

When the news was sent back to Luoyang, Yu Wenshu laughed.

"The vicious bird is full of viciousness. It uses an army of [-] as a bait and wants to cross the river and attack Luoyang. It's really not a son of man. Don't take me seriously." Yu Wenshu held the victory report and sneered on his face.

The aggrievedness of these days finally has a vent.


"Did you think I would fall twice at the same place, little Zhuzi!"

Xu Yixin smiled and said: "Your Majesty is far-sighted, defeating the Northern Jin conspiracy this time will definitely deal a heavy blow to Jiang Chengxiao."

Yu Wenshu nodded, "General Zhao Yong's previous guess is also very important. This person made some mistakes before, but this time the merits and demerits are offset. Send an order for General Zhao Yong to go to Fengqiu to resist the Northern Jin army."

"Yes." The servant ordered, and slowly retreated.

Xu Yixin reminded: "Your Majesty, although the sneak attack plan of the Northern Jin Dynasty has been revealed, we still must not take it lightly. There are still [-] troops of the Northern Jin Dynasty to the east."

Yu Wenshu nodded with a smile, "Aiqing is right, but since I already know the plot of the Northern Jin Dynasty, I can start preparing for the counterattack. Otherwise, people in the world will really think that my Xu Jun is vulnerable."

That night, Yu Wenshu convened his staff and began to discuss a counterattack plan against the eastern battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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