Chapter 511
Hedong County, Hedong, here is also called Puban.

The hostility between the Northern Jin Dynasty and Guanzhong was not only due to the hostile relationship between the Shandong gentry and the Guanzhong nobles, but more importantly, geographical suppression.

This suppression is mutual.

If we really want to investigate, the root is still in the Qin and Zhao countries in the Warring States period.

Why do you say that, because the Qin State that occupies Guanzhong and the Zhao State that occupies Bingzhou are very similar to a certain extent.

Guanzhong, with Jingzhao County as the main area, is the Weihe Plain. Because of the well-developed water system, it is densely populated, and it has been the capital settlement of the dynasty for thousands of years, so it is very developed.And around it, the south is the Qinling Mountains, and the east is the Funiu Mountain and the Zhongtiao Mountain. In the east, there is only one way to go out of the customs in the usual sense.

Weihan passage between Tongguan and Hanguguan!

To the north are Baiyu Mountain and the Great Wall, Gobi, a natural defense system.

To the west is Liupan Mountain. It can be said that this kind of terrain perfectly surrounds Guanzhong. This is how the so-called "Wangba Jiye" came about.

On this basis, the rulers of successive dynasties occupying Guanzhong built the 'Four Passes'.

When troops leave Tongguan, Luoyang Basin in the Central Plains is advisable.If you go west to Xiaoguan, you can take the land above Lingwu County. If you go south to Dashanguan, you can take the Hanzhong Basin as a granary, and through Wuguan, you can enter the Nanyang Basin.

If the four passes are heavily armed, there will be no worries in the pass!

The so-called advance can be attacked, and retreat can be defended, which is roughly the case.

Bingzhou, needless to say, is close to the big river in the west, a natural barrier, surrounded by the Taihang Mountains in the east and south, and the Fenhe Plain in the middle. Relying on the Eight Xings of the Taihang, Bingzhou can also advance and attack, and retreat and defend.

But there is a place that is more sensitive to the forces that have occupied Bingzhou and Guanzhong in the past.


This place is inside the small sunken corner of the Chinese character '几'.

Why is it sensitive here? It's because you go east of the river, cross the Yellow River, and capture Pujin Pass, so that you can directly threaten Guanzhong, so you don't need to forcibly attack Tongguan!
To put it simply, pass through Hedong County, cross the big river, enter Fengyi County, and then there is the Weihe Plain of Yimapingchuan!

Similarly, once the forces in Guanzhong take over Hedong County, it will also greatly threaten the forces in Bingzhou.

At that time, Zhao State was killed by Qin Guokeng in Changping with 40 Zhao soldiers. This was not the root cause of Zhao State's demise, but the direct cause.

Fundamentally, it was because the Qin State had already crossed the river and occupied a large area of ​​Bingzhou land. Whether it was Zhao State or Wei State, there was no place to defend. How could they resist Qin Zhirui?

Relying on the four passes, the Qin State went out of Dashan Pass to take Bashu Hanzhong, went out of Wuguan to take the land of Chuxi, and went out of Hangu Pass to wreak havoc on the Central Plains.

If the four gates are closed, the six countries can only look at Hangu Pass and sigh.

Now, the same is true!
The war between Guanzhong and Bingzhou continued.

Based on the strength of his troops, Jiang Chengxiao took Hebei before the unification of Guanzhong, and even entered the Central Plains to fight for hegemony, but his eyes were always on Guanzhong!
No one knows the background of the nobles in Guanzhong better than him. Once Li Yuan or Wei Hong are unified in Guanzhong, they only need to close the four gates tightly, and within two or three years, they can quickly recover their vitality and then go out to fight for hegemony.

It is precisely because he is clear that he deceived the whole world.

Take out the bargaining chips of the [-] army and place them in the Central Plains to attract the attention of people all over the world.

His real goal is Guanzhong!

"Attack Yuwenshu with all our strength, and I am confident in taking Luoyang. But in this way, Ruming, have you ever thought about the collapse of the Central Plains and the unification of Guanzhong, how will Xiao Liang and Nan Chen treat my Jin family?"

In Puban Camp, the big tent was illuminated by drowsy candles, and three figures stood in front of the world map.

The man in the middle is tall and thin, just a back view, but it makes people feel the slightest pressure.

Du Ruming on the left is wearing a plain shirt and has a beard growing out of his chin. He has been traveling in Hedong County these days, and his face has more vicissitudes.

Slowly opening his eyes, Du Ruming looked at Kanyu Map and said: "At that time, the world will be divided into four parts, my Jin Dynasty will get two, Guanzhong will get one, Liang Guo and Chen Guo will get one. We must join hands, the unified Guanzhong will not leave the customs immediately, while they are resting and recuperating, they will send envoys to unite with Liang Guo and Chen Guo to jointly plot our dynasty."

Jiang Chengxiao chuckled, "That's right, because of this, Guanzhong and Gu must fight. This time is not only an opportunity for Li Yuan and Wei Hong, but also Gu's opportunity. If Guanzhong is unified, they will send troops to Hedong County to contain it at any time." us."

"Ru Ming, those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a region. Although taking Luoyang will strengthen our dynasty, it will not be of much benefit to the unification of the world. On the contrary, we will eliminate Yu Wenshu. When the time comes, Liang Guo, Chen Guo, The three in Guanzhong will definitely unite, and at that time it will be one country against the three countries. It will be disadvantageous."

"If we can win Guanzhong this time, the world will be sure."

With this sentence, Jiang Chengxiao said it with full confidence. After taking Guanzhong, the north will all belong to the Jin family. He can do whatever Guanzhong can do at that time!
The shock in Du Ruming's heart couldn't be overstated. Everyone thought that the king would win the Central Plains this year, but they never expected that the king's goal was actually Guanzhong.

Taking advantage of the fighting between the two heroes in Guanzhong, he used the [-] troops as a bait to create the determination of the Northern Jin Dynasty to attack Yuwenshu in the Central Plains, but secretly dispatched troops to gather in Hedong County.

After a while, he suppressed the shock in his heart, digested all the words of the king, and asked: "Your Majesty intends to use how many troops to attack Guanzhong this time?"

He didn't intend to persuade the king to stop, because he could understand what the king said, and he could see that once Yu Wenshu was defeated, the situation in the world would change.

Therefore, he agreed to conquer Guanzhong.

"One hundred thousand!" Jiang Chengxiao said lightly.

"One hundred thousand?" Du Ruming lost his voice. At present, the military strength of the Northern Jin Dynasty is maintained at about 30. In addition to the standing army standing in various places, there are only about 20 who often go to war. This time, the king has invested almost two-thirds of the country. of troops.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "Li Yaoshi has [-] soldiers and horses under his command, [-] heavy cavalry from Zuyan from Lishi County, and [-] soldiers and horses brought by Gu, and a hundred thousand troops."

The idea of ​​conquering Guanzhong was born when Li Yaoshi was not attacked by Li Yuan's army after he occupied Lingwu County.

When this idea came up at that time, his own heart was also violently concussed.

Because it sounds silly, and it's dangerous.

So he didn't tell anyone that every night, he silently watched the news sent back by Guan Zhongxizuo, holding a candlestick, standing in front of the Kanyu map and meditating.

After thinking of countless ways, preparing a lot of strategies, and finally finalizing the current plan.

Using the Central Plains War as a bait to confuse everyone, secretly preparing to conquer Guanzhong.

Why bait?
Because Li Yuan and Wei Hong are not fools, if the Northern Jin has not moved, the two of them will be very wary of the Northern Jin, and it is not impossible to even join forces to expel the Northern Jin.

So, Jiang Chengxiao took out a [-] army 'Stud'!

The effect achieved is very remarkable, and Guanzhong really lowered its vigilance because of the actions of the Northern Jin Dynasty, and they fought with all their strength.Now there are piles of corpses in Wugong County between Fufeng and Jingzhao County, and the two sides are biting each other inextricably.

This is exactly what Jiang Chengxiao wanted.

Now that the Central Plains War has been fought, no one would think that the goal of the Northern Jin Dynasty was not Yu Wenshu.

At this time, a voice sounded outside the tent.

"My lord, there is an urgent message from Guanzhong."

Nan Jiyun on the right immediately went out, took the letter back and handed it to Jiang Chengxiao.

Jiang Chengxiao read the letter, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Wei State was blocked in Wugong County, and was forced to withdraw its troops to Shangyi, and Pujin Pass dispatched [-] troops to march westward."

After reading it, Jiang Chengxiao gave the letter to Du Ruming.

After reading the letter, Du Ruming was secretly shocked that the king's intelligence network was so powerful that such secret information could be detected in time.

It seems that Wang Shang is going to go all out to attack Guanzhong this time.

"Your Majesty, Pujin Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although [-] troops were forced to leave, there are still [-] soldiers left behind. If you want to attack by force, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "You are right. If [-] soldiers stick to Pujin Pass, it will hinder our efforts for dozens of days. The only thing we need is the speed of soldiers, so naturally we can't waste time."

"What does His Majesty mean?"

"Don't worry, just take your time, Wei Hong and Li Yuan haven't decided the outcome yet." Jiang Chengxiao smiled, and immediately said: "How about the ship that Gu asked you to prepare?"

"Back to the king, more than 3000 civilian ships are already in place."

Only then did Du Ruming understand why the king asked him to come to Hedong County to gather ships, so it was for today's preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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