Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 118 Meeting the Enemy

Chapter 118 Meeting the Enemy
Chongzhen, who was sleeping, was awakened by Wang Chengen.

Chongzhen put on his clothes and got out of bed, yawned and got dressed under the service of the maid. Wang Chengen had already briefly described the emergency military situation.

After Chongzhen washed his face with cold water, he suddenly felt refreshed, and finally came.If nothing else, the leader of the Qing army was Azig, who was known for his bravery.

In his previous life, Azig led the army into the army, and after breaking through more than ten counties, he plundered more than [-] people, more than [-] taels of gold and silver, and countless grains and cloths.Before leaving, I asked the rear team to cut wood to make boards, wrote a letter saying "all officials are free", and returned to Liaodong triumphantly. What about this time?

Chongzhen ordered in a deep voice: "Let Luo Yangxing start spreading the news! I want to make the saying that Jurchens are invincible become a joke through the ages!"

Tall and thin, with broad shoulders and a thin waist, Azig, wearing a double-breasted mail armor, looked at the beacon fire on the top of the mountain with a sullen face.He originally wanted to attack the pass at night, and then took the opportunity to catch Changping, dozens of miles away, by surprise, but now he has been exposed.

Azige, who had just been crowned King of Duoluo Wuying County by the starling Huang Taiji, was just at the time when he was full of ambitions. He fought with his father Nurhachi since he was a child, and made countless military exploits.

This time he commanded fifteen full-stacked cattle records for his Zhengbai Banner, five cattle records for the Xianglan Banner, ten cattle records for the Two Red Banners, twenty cattle records for the Mongolian Zhengbai Banner, and Geng Zhongming's Han Army Banner. , there are thousands of coats, a total of 8000 people broke through the customs, the purpose is to plunder more population and materials, and enrich the strength of the Eight Banners.

Since it is no longer possible to make a surprise attack, it is better to attack directly after dawn.

Azig didn't pay attention to the Ming army at all.Isn't the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Liaodong called iron cavalry just huddled in the city and dare not come out?

The official army in the mainland is far worse than the Liaodong Ming army.When Chongzhen broke his mouth in the second year, the Eight Banners robbed the capital all over the place, and finally retreated after being plundered.The Ming Dynasty gathered more than a dozen general soldiers, dozens of guerrilla generals, and nearly 20 troops. No one dared to challenge at the door of their own house.

Azig ordered the whole army to rest and eat on the spot after entering the pass, and then launched an attack after the sun was completely bright.

Seeing a steady stream of people pouring into the side wall from outside the pass, Azig was filled with pride.This time, we must grab more money and food from the population, and let the ruthless starling see that the two white banners of himself and his younger brothers Dorgon and Duoduo are the first in the Eight Banners.Even if you forcibly take away the flags bordered with yellow and yellow flags and exchange them for white flags, no matter how you change them, you will not be able to take away the hearts of the two white flags!
The sky has gradually brightened, and the Qing army sent out sentries to the surrounding areas, and then the whole army rested and ate.

In Azig's camp, Rao Yubeile Abatai and his son-in-law Yang Guli, Zhengbai Banner Dutong Tan Tai, several commanders of Xianglan Banner and Zhenghong Banner, Mongolia Zhengbai and Xiangbai Banner Gushan Ezhengeng Geer, Danba and others are discussing the next action plan.

This deduction is the result of a collegial meeting of the Eight Banners.Originally, Huang Taiji wanted his son Hauge to be the commander-in-chief, commanding the two yellow flags, the Mongolian two yellow flags and the Han army flag to enter Daming to plunder.

However, this decision was strongly opposed by the two white flags of Azig and Amin, the owner of the bordered blue flag.The reason is that Hauge was young, and he suddenly became a general in command, so he might not be able to convince the crowd.The Eight Banners currently have an overwhelming advantage over the Ming army. If Hauge leads the army to enter the country to obtain property and misses this time, the blow to the morale of the Eight Banners will be devastating, which in turn will also boost the power of the Ming army.

Of course, Azige and others don't want to see Huang Taiji designate Hauge as his successor.In their eyes, the Eight Banners can achieve today's achievements because of their one-shot fighting.Apart from your father Khan's brilliance and prowess, what military exploits does your Huang Taiji have?We are fighting bloody battles outside, you are just coming up with ideas behind the scenes and taking care of the logistics.Isn't it the result of my patience that you ascended to the throne of emperor?
It's all right for you to be the emperor, and you want your son to be a prince, this is absolutely impossible!
That kid Hauge is arrogant and reckless, and his victory in battles is nothing more than the ability of his subordinates to command. What qualifications does he have to be above these uncles?

Because Daming's population and materials are taken by anyone, and the Ming court is weak, and the Ming army's combat power is unbearable, so everyone wants to lead troops in to grab a few in order to strengthen the strength of their own banner.Only when you have the strength will you be eligible to compete for the throne in the future, forget about your son Hauge, can't all the good things be given to your family?
In the end, with the support of his brother's two white flags, Amin's inlaid blue flag, and Daishan's two red flags, Azig won the command of the army.Huang Taiji had no choice but to compromise, but he hated Daishan and Amin in his heart.

Rao Yubeile Abatai said: "Your Majesty, after the army has eaten, I will take the lead to fight Changping. It will be enough for the Majesty Majesty and his son-in-law to hold the battle for me. I will teach the Majesty Majesty to go to the city to rest in two hours!"

The [-]-year-old Yangguli is still in good spirits, and he said in a loud voice: "Rao Yubaile has a noble status, how can he be a vanguard? I'm an old man and I'll take the lead!"

The rest of the commanders, Gu Shan Ezhen of Mongolia, also spoke out to ask for a fight.The top rewards are the most, and you can take the lead in looting after breaking the city, and you can get more supplies.As for the resistance of the Ming army, they have ignored them. They have fought many times. The Ming army basically fired a round of arrows and was defeated by the cavalry.

Azig waved his hand, and the tent suddenly fell silent. Everyone was very afraid of the violent and irritable Azige.

"Mrs. Tan, you take five cattle records of the original flag, five cattle records of the inlaid blue flag, five cattle records of the two red flags, plus a thousand packs of clothes, and head east to fight Huairou, and then go south to fight Shunyi. Xianghe, and then retreated. The rest of the people followed the king, broke through Changping and forced the capital, and then divided the troops to the south, attacking Liangxiang, Fangshan, Gu'an, Yongqing and other places, and turned back when they robbed enough! This time, we need to grab more food And craftsmen, if you have food, you will be stable, and if you have more craftsmen, you can make guns and arrows. Leave after eating, don't delay!" Azig ordered.

Yang Guli opened his mouth and said: "Your Majesty, do you want to leave some soldiers and horses to look west? There are many frontier troops in Xuanfu of the Ming Army. If we delay in Mingdi for a long time, I'm afraid they will take advantage of the opportunity! "

Azige said disdainfully: "The year before last, I led troops to attack Harashen Mongolia, and went west to Wanquan, thousands of miles away. There was a general in Xuanfu who led 3000 people out of the side wall to meet me, and told me to kill me as soon as I charged. Get off your horse! What kind of nonsense frontier army! Don't guard against him, just be afraid that he won't come!"

Just after dawn, martial law began in the capital, and the news that the army of founding slaves broke through the Juyong Pass and entered the bandits quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys, and the entire capital was panicked.The Jisi change in the second year of Chongzhen is still in sight, and Jiannu unexpectedly entered the bandits again.If Changping is broken, Jiannu can drive straight in with his troops and approach the capital. Could it be another catastrophe this time?
Prices in the capital began to rise rapidly. Whether it was a large family or a small household, they rushed to purchase daily necessities such as rice, flour, oil, salt, etc., in case the Jiannu besieged the capital again. When the water transportation was cut off, the food did not know what it would look like.

The price of food in the capital has risen to the price of one tael of silver and one stone, and the momentum of the rise is extremely rapid. Although the rest of the oil, salt and vegetables have not increased much, they have also begun to rise.This is only the first day when the news came out. If Jiannu raged in Gyeonggi for a long time, the price of one tael of silver and one stone of rice would increase several times.

Just when almost everyone was worried, a news spread quickly among the high-ranking officials and nobles: the emperor wanted to send people from various families to Changping to watch the scene of how the officers and soldiers smashed and built slaves.

Because the news was passed on by Jin Yiwei, although the high-ranking officials who received the news were all shocked, most of them were still planning to send their cronies to Changping.Go and see if it suits the situation, whether the legendary Brave Guard can really defeat the fierce Jiannu.

At that time, the Desheng Gate in the north of the capital had just opened, and a large group of people in green clothes and hats rushed out of the city gate on horseback or in carriages, heading straight for Changping, dozens of miles away.

Along the way, everyone was surprised that they didn't see a commoner fleeing from the north to the capital.Could it be that after Changping has been captured, the city cannot be massacred?No, if the city is already broken, why are there so many Jin Yiwei on horseback?
With fear of the unknown, everyone did not dare to disobey the order of the master, so they could only bite the bullet and rush forward.Along the way, everyone looked around, turning over and running away as soon as they found something was wrong.

What they don't know is that the Yongwei Battalion has camped near Changping for more than a month, and has placed thousands of people in the city to prevent the sneak attack of Jiannu.After the beacon fire was lit, the whole army assembled, and an hour later, the army had already entered the city.

With the cooperation of Jin Yiwei, both the east and west gates of Changping were closed, and the people in the city were ordered to close their doors and not enter or leave.After the Yongwei Battalion took turns to eat, they went out of the north gate to line up in units of battalions, waiting for the arrival of the Qing army.The sentries rushed back and forth, sending the detected information back to the Chinese army continuously, and the war was about to break out.

 When Huang Taiji became emperor, there were less than 2 people in the Eight Banners of Mongolia, of which less than [-] soldiers.The Han Army has not yet established the Eight Banners, only one Han Army Banner, the number of which is unknown.There will be a slight difference between the novel and the historical fact, but it will not be too exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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