Chapter 119
Around Chenshi, Azig, under the protection of more than a hundred white armored soldiers, led an army to a place five miles outside Changping City.

He had heard reports from Tanma that a large number of Ming troops had already lined up outside Changping City, numbering more than [-].

When he heard the news, Azig was stunned for a while, and then burst out laughing.

The Ming army realized that this was what it should have meant, and the beacon fire in the early morning had clearly informed the Ming army of his whereabouts.But this Ming army came too fast, right?
Maybe it's a Ming army camped and trained here?Definitely is!If it weren't for the procrastinating efficiency of the Ming court and the timid fighting style of the Ming army, let alone a few hours, even a few days would not necessarily gather a large army to fight.

However, Azig still felt a little strange, and reported that this Ming army had a large number of people, and secondly, its armor was neat. It looked much more elite than the general Ming army. Where did this Ming army come from?

The Ming army is not afraid, what is afraid is that they hide in the city and dare not fight in the field.If these more than 1 people enter the city to defend, it will be difficult for him. Changping will give up if he can't say it, and then look for weakly guarded states and counties to attack.

Haven't this group of Ming soldiers heard of the prestige of the Eight Banners warriors?Should I admire or pity the chief general of the Ming army?It is enough for you to defend the city well, you have to bring your subordinates to die, well, today the king will fulfill you!

After dismounting from his horse, Azig boarded a platform made of wooden planks on a carriage, and looked down at the opposite side from a high position.

The Ming army on the opposite side set up three phalanxes, and directly opposite was a large phalanx, full of gunners.Gunners are divided into four rows, with about 800 people in each row, and the formation is very tight.

On both sides of the phalanx of gunners, there are two phalanxes with slightly fewer people. The weapons used are long spears, and they are also divided into four rows, with about [-] soldiers in each row.

In the end, there were a few small square formations, which could not be seen clearly because of the occlusion in advance. They were probably sword and shield players and archers.

This formation is commonly used by the Ming army, and Azig has seen it a lot.To his surprise, he did not see the cavalry of the Ming army.

Is it because of the dozens of steps of repelling horses placed on both sides of the phalanx?

This is really possible.

If you want to use cavalry to attack Ming infantry from the flanks, you must break through the horse refusal formations on both sides, which is not an easy task.

Within the range of fifty or sixty steps, there are densely packed with obstacles such as repelling horse antlers. It will take a lot of time to completely clear these obstacles. This is because the Ming army did not harass the soldiers who cleared the obstacles.Since the Ming army is arranged in this way, they will definitely send troops to protect these obstacles, and the small square formation behind is probably to deal with this.

After reading it, Azige got off the platform, summoned Abate, Yangguli and others, briefly explained the layout of the Ming army, and then ordered: "The firecrackers of the Ming army can only fight one round, Abate, You take a thousand archers and five hundred armored soldiers up, and let Baoyi push the shield chariot to cover the front. When you reach fifty steps in front of the gunner formation, the archers shoot arrows, and the shield chariot continues to move forward. When the archers shoot the Ming army into chaos, the armored soldiers go straight Break in and slash!"

Abatai received the order to go down to select men and horses. Zhengbaiqi Du Tongyong led Tan Taizai to fight Huairou before, and Abate became the No. 1 choice for the striker.

Azige continued to order: "Forehead son-in-law, you and Geng Zhongming led people to dismantle the rejecting horses on both sides separately! Geng Geer and Danba, you two each send five Niulu cavalry to the two wings, as long as the rejecting horses Destroy it, and charge immediately! The rest will wait for the order of the king, as long as the formation of the enlightened army is broken, the king will charge from that side!"

Sun Yingyuan stood on the top of a chariot watching the formation of the Qing army, feeling both excited and nervous.This is the first time he has commanded such a large-scale battle, and it is impossible not to be nervous.

Some time ago, the emperor's ardent instructions were still ringing in my ears: once the Jiannu were to fight, they must show the prestige and morale of the Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers, and even beat and disable the Jiannu!Break the myth of its full invincibility!Let everyone in the world know that our Daming army is the strongest!When Qing returns triumphantly, I will go out of the city ten miles to meet you in person!
With the blowing of the long horn, the Qing army on the opposite side began to move forward. More than 1000 Han people wrapped in clothes in the lead pushed hundreds of shield chariots forward slowly, followed by more than a thousand armored soldiers, holding hammers, axes and irons. Short soldiers like whips followed closely.

Hundreds of cronies of high-ranking officials gathered in the watchtower, nervously watching the lineup of the two armies below the city.

In the distance, various flags of the Qing army were fluttering with the wind. The rigorous formation and the high morale that could be felt several miles away made everyone tremble with fear.Fortunately, they are all in the city. Once the official army is defeated, Jiannu will not be able to attack the city for a while, and there is plenty of time to escape.

The coated servants of the Qing army are gradually approaching the formation of the Ming army pushing the shield cart.

Most of these clothed Han people were civilians looted from the interior by the Eight Banners. This time, they also returned to Daming with their own masters, but they appeared as hostiles.Many people's moods are very contradictory: they hope that their master will win, so that they can follow the master to rob money, women and food; if the master is robbing other slaves, it will reduce their labor burden, and maybe they will be promoted Become a steward.But faintly also hope that Daming wins, so that as long as he is not, he can be rescued by the officers and soldiers, return to the homeland where his ancestors lived, and be buried in the ancestral grave when he dies in the future.

However, when the two armies are at war, life and death are at an instant, everything is beyond their control, and they can only be resigned to fate.

Jiannu's one-wheeled shield chariot has a thick wooden plank in front and sacks filled with sand on both sides, which can be a good defense against the shooting of musket bows and arrows.They only need to push the cart a few steps in front of the gunner formation, and the heavy armored soldiers behind them will charge forward from behind.As long as the armored soldiers rushed into the formation, the gunners had only two options: flee or die.

Seeing that the shield car gradually approached within the effective range of the Hongyi cannon at the head of the city, Sun Yingyuan gave an order, and the soldiers around him raised a triangular red flag high with one hand.The gunner at the top of the city was already ready. After seeing the command from the chief general, the chief gunner put the tongs in his hands into the burning brazier. After more than ten breaths, the top of the tongs was burning red. The gunner leaned sideways and pressed the tongs. On the fuze of the fire door, the rapidly burning fuze penetrated into the gun bore like a snake.

In the sound of an explosion like a thunderbolt from the blue, thick smoke floated from the top of the city, and a black projectile shot out from the muzzle, drawing a perfect arc in the air, flying towards the city at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the formation of Qing army shield chariots two miles away.

In the blink of an eye, the projectile fell into the dense array of Qing army shield vehicles.The shells flying at high speed easily passed through the shield car's card-handling first, smashed the coated head of the cart, and then shredded the torsos of the people behind him. After landing, they quickly bounced forward, crossed In the sky above the second shield car, smashed the third shield car and the coats of the cart, the kinetic energy was slightly reduced and then bounced again, and after knocking over the fourth shield car, the kinetic energy quickly weakened and bounced again Afterwards, it took away several coated legs and arms, then rolled forward a few steps close to the ground, and finally smashed a coated foot and stopped.

Then three loud bangs sounded one after another, and three projectiles flew from the top of the city, and penetrated into the formation of shield vehicles one after another.After a group of people turned over on their backs, the packers pushing the cart stood still on the spot, and no one dared to push the cart forward any more. Abatai also felt a little hesitant, and did not urge to attack again, and the whole team stopped.

The scene in front of me was too tragic.The four projectiles destroyed more than a dozen shield vehicles, and four to fifty people were directly hit by the projectiles. They were all rolling and crying on the ground, all of whom were seriously injured with mutilated torsos and limbs.In this age of under-medication, this kind of injury means death soon.

That's not all.The wrecked shield chariot was smashed with pieces of wood, and the wrappers wore cloth robes. The pieces of wood splashed around pierced people's eyes, or pierced their chests and abdomens, causing more than ten wounds indirectly. For serious injuries, those whose arms and thighs were stabbed by the falling wood are already extremely lucky.

Azig looked at the scene in front of him with a sullen face.What he didn't expect was that there was a cannon at the top of the city, and it was the kind of Hongyi cannon that seriously injured his father Khan in Ningyuan.

The power of this kind of cannon makes people shudder. Father Khan was by his side when he was injured by the ricochet of the cannon. The teenage Azig will never forget that bloody moment.

The elite Ming army and the cannons at the top of the city made Azig doubtful: Could it be that the Ming army was prepared and knew that he would lead his troops to come?

But he immediately dismissed the idea.

impossible!Impossible!All this is a coincidence!Definitely is!
Thinking of this, Azig ordered in a deep voice: "Xitku! Take ten Baiba Yala up, and cut off the head of the cowardly bastard! Tell Abate! The Ming army's cannons take hundreds of breaths to fire. Hit again! They can't hit at all if they get close!"

Wearing white armor, the tall and strong personal soldier Xi Teku ordered ten white armor soldiers, urged the horses to gallop forward, and soon reached the front line.

Shitku got off his horse and drew a knife in his hand, rushed to the front of the armored crowd in the armored car formation, and slashed down with his long knife. A panicked man in the coat didn't even yell, and the big head fell Rolled to the ground, a foot of blood sprayed from the neck cavity, and the body fell slowly.

The ten Baiba Yala also drew their knives and slashed, beheading dozens of people in an instant.

All the coats were scared and ran away, Xitku raised his knife and shouted: "Shoot the one who is afraid! Go forward!"

Abatai was also battle-hardened, and after seeing Sitku beheading Bao Yi, he felt a sense of shame. How can a majestic Eight Banners warrior be afraid of life and death!He shouted orders to move forward, and under the threat of bloody long knives, the packers pushed the shield cart and started to move forward again.

Yang Guli led more than a thousand infantry under the banner of the Han army to quickly approach the rejecting horse of the Ming army.More than a hundred people in the front row held giant axes and long saws, preparing to destroy the horse-repelling formation on the flanks of the Ming army, and hundreds of people held wooden shields to cover them.After the sound of the cannon, the soldiers of the Han Army Banner had already approached the forefront of the rejection of horses.

Sun Yingyuan could see clearly from the high platform. With an order, the soldiers around him raised two black flags with both hands. The thousand archers behind the phalanx were divided into two groups. end.

Amidst Yanguli's shout, the soldiers with axes and saws began to destroy the horses in front of them.The archers of the Ming army were also in place. After a small square formation was formed, a short and piercing horn sounded, and five hundred long arrows flew into the air.

There was a crackling sound, and most of the long arrows were blocked by the wooden shields of the Qing army. Only a few arrows only penetrated the gaps between the wooden shields and hit the target, killing dozens of Qing soldiers.With shields as cover, the killing effect of bows and arrows is not great. The Qing army in the front row is struggling to chop, and more than ten horses have been destroyed. [-] Mongolian Eight Banners have started to line up, ready to mount an assault at any time.

The archers of the officers and soldiers fired several rounds and only killed more than a hundred Qing soldiers. Most of them were hit by arrows in the limbs, and the injuries were not serious.At this time, the Qing army had destroyed the fifty or sixty paces long horse rejection formation by nearly ten paces.The same situation also appeared on the other side. If this continues, within a quarter of an hour, the opportunity to reject the horse will be completely destroyed.

Sun Yingyuan decisively ordered the grenadiers to fight.Two hundred grenadiers in double-breasted cotton armor rushed to both sides under the leadership of the sentinel.

Yang Guli saw that the archers of the Ming army were exhausted, so he loudly ordered the front row to rotate and dismantle the rejected horses as soon as possible.The Mongolian Eight Banners behind them have already started checking their bows and arrows, ready to mount their horses and charge.

(End of this chapter)

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