Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 121 Ambush 1

Chapter 121 Ambush 1
Abata led the remaining hundreds of archers and [-] armored soldiers to retreat first, and the Han army flags who attacked the two sides and refused to horse also fled back one after another.

The situation on Geng Zhongming's side was basically similar to that on Yangguli's side. He was also severely injured by the Ming army's grenadiers after dismantling most of the rejected horses.The only difference is that Geng Zhongming did not like to take the lead. In the Ming army, he was used to commanding the rear and was never at the front of the team, so he was not killed like Yang Guli.

After Azige heard the news of Yang Guli's death, without further ado, he ordered the head of the leader of the Han army flag to be beheaded.

After the battle started, Azig stood on the platform of the carriage and saw the whole battle clearly.

This Ming army is indeed an elite division, and the gunners do not panic when facing the enemy.Unlike the Ming army in the past, the Qing army was still out of range, so they hurriedly finished firing the firecrackers in their hands, then turned around and ran away, for fear of being beheaded by the Qing army after taking over.Instead, the array is neat, the order is strict, and the firecrackers in his hands seem to be more powerful than the original Ming army equipment, and the range is longer. Facing such an elite and numerous firecracker phalanx, Azig can't think of it for a while. Come up with countermeasures.

There is also the small group of Ming troops who threw landmines (Azig didn't know about Zhentianlei, so he thought the Ming army threw landmines). Although the number was small, their lethality was huge.

And this way of killing makes people both hate and fear.Even if you are the enemy of ten thousand people, you can easily be killed by this kind of landmine as long as you are separated by a certain distance.

The cannons of the Ming army didn't matter. Although they had a formidable reputation, the firing intervals were very long, as long as they rushed through the range covered by the artillery fire.

Abate was whipped ten times by Azige in front of everyone. Although Abate was ten years older than him and was his seventh brother, Azige always looked down on the seven sons born to his side concubine. elder brother.

The dignified Qing Dynasty Rao Yu Baylor, who had experienced hundreds of battles, was defeated without getting close to the Ming army, and his father Khan's face was completely humiliated by him.

Abatai felt resentment in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.He knew Azig well and knew how irritable his cheap little brother was.The eighth brother has become the emperor, but Azig still contradicts him face to face, not to mention he has always been discriminated against by his brothers.As the main general of the Southern Expedition, Azig might cut off his own head if he contradicted him face to face again and annoyed him.Remember this account first, and when you have the opportunity, you will definitely avenge your public humiliation.

Azige looked at the generals, and said, "Let's talk about it, then Zensheng will fight! Abatai, you talk first!"

Abatai shook his head when he heard the words and said: "Ordinary armor can't stop firecrackers, let alone the kind of thunderbolt explosion. This Changping is a hard bone, and half of his teeth might break out. King, I think I will wait for you." It's better to go east, and join forces with Tan Tai to make a fuss!"

Azige was noncommittal, and then said: "Genger, Danba, you two also talk about it, you have seen the battle just now, the strength of the Ming army is not low, how should we fight!"

Geng Geer said: "Your Majesty, the firearms of the Ming army are strong, but if you break through the wings and reject the horses, the gunners without cavalry cover are like lambs, and you should try to break through the horse-repelling array now!"

Danba said: "Genger's words are not bad. He sent people to harass the gunners from the front, break through the flanks to resist horses, and then the cavalry charged. No matter how strong the guns are, they can only hit once, and they may not be accurate!"

Azig pondered.What several people said made sense, the most important thing now is how to break through those repelling horses, otherwise the powerful cavalry of the Qing army would not be able to display them at all.

Although Abatai said it in frustration, it might not be unreasonable. Since he encountered a hard bone, why bother to gnaw it to the end?There must be only one such elite Ming army, and there is no cavalry yet.If they want to leave, their pawns dare not chase them at all. As long as there is no cover from cannons and repelling horses, the gunners who move the formation are like fish on the chopping board, and the spearmen can't protect them.

Tanma has already checked the vicinity, and to the west is the narrow passage between the side wall and Changping, which is not conducive to the march of the army.To the east is a smooth road. After taking down Huairou and going south all the way, is it possible that there are still such elite Ming troops stationed in Shunyi, Xianghe and other places?But if this Ming army is not destroyed, it will be like a thorn in the back, and it may become a serious problem in the end.

After thinking for a while, Azig said in a deep voice: "Whether we can defeat Changping or not, this Ming army must be destroyed! My Qing army has fought against the Ming army for many years and has never been defeated! The so-called Guan Ning Iron Cavalry The 10,000+ Ming army was beaten by my Qing Dynasty! If I can’t even take care of these thousands of people, it will cheer up the morale of the depressed Ming army! Besides, the gunners are easy to practice, so delay, The Ming Court is afraid that they will soon be able to train the same elite gunners again! If so, there is no chance for us, the Qing Dynasty, to compete for the world!"

Under the city of Changping, Sun Yingyuan was discussing with Wang Yuncheng of the Firearms Battalion, Li Zuo of the Long Spear Battalion, Fan Yu, a guerrilla of the Sword and Shield Battalion, and thousands of households from each battalion, discussing the next move of the Qing army.

Sun Yingyuan opened the mouth and said: "The loss of Jiannu was not serious in the first battle. Except for hundreds of archers killed by the firearms battalion, its main cavalry remained unchanged. A certain judge Jiannu will not let it go, and will inevitably launch a fierce attack. What do you think?"

Li Zuo said: "My lord, rejecting horses is a sharp weapon to separate Jiannu from our army, and our army is also a shield for gunners. Now seventy-eight out of ten of rejecting horses are broken, and Jiannu will definitely continue to use this method." How to deal with it, please show me the commander-in-chief!"

Wang Yuncheng opened his mouth and said: "What General Li Shen said is very true. Our troops rely entirely on the protection of long spears. Our troops are not afraid of the enemy's frontal charge, but worry about the flanks. If the enemy breaks through the flanks, it will be difficult for the firecrackers to turn. If they are attacked by them, the situation will be greatly reduced. Danger!"

After pondering for a moment, Sun Yingyuan ordered: "Take out the remaining [-] pikemen in the city and thicken the two wings respectively to ensure the safety of the firearms battalion; move the archers forward, behind the pikemen, and protect the archers with swords and shields. Send people Spread barbed caltrops on both sides before the horses are rejected, and the enemy will be slightly restrained when they charge. The artillery at the top of the city will fire when the enemy cavalry gathers to break up their formation! Hurry up and get ready!"

The time goes back to before Tan Taibu's ambush.

The Qing army has always paid attention to sentry and scouting, and its scouting horses are all selected from the army's elite. This time they went deep into the enemy's territory and were extremely cautious.

Mrs. Tan dispatched five Baiba Yala in her hands, led more than [-] cavalry and divided into two groups to go out in turn to investigate the enemy's situation.

The Qing army selected five to ten of the most elite out of 300 men per ox record, wearing sharp knives and wearing white armor, hence the name Baiba Yala.These white-armored soldiers are brave and sturdy men who have experienced hundreds of battles, and they can be called warriors with one enemy against one hundred.In the Battle of Saerhu that year, dozens of Baiba Yala rushed into the battle, causing the defeat of 2000 Ming troops.With these five white armored soldiers as vanguards, Mrs. Tan was very relieved.

Baiba Yala Dexi was about 14 years old, and he went to battle to kill the enemy at the age of [-], and made many military exploits after that.However, because of his alcoholism and repeated violations of military discipline, he has not been promoted to the official position, but his reputation for bravery is absolutely white flag.

This time he was ordered to lead the sentry, and he was very proud: he was also the leader of 50 people, and he won it all by his own ability.This time I must grab a few more coats and go back. The three coat slaves in my family of more than ten hectares of land can no longer serve, so I have to grab five this time.If there is a lot of food, you can make wine. Anyway, as long as you pay enough food for Qili, you can do whatever you like for the rest, and no one can control it.I have to grab a few more Han women to go home to serve me. Last time, that woman was too hot-tempered, so I slept with her for one night, and threw myself into a well the next day to die.The daughter of the Han family is really nice, her body is white and slippery, not to mention how comfortable she is to play with.I also need to take more silk and satin back home. The wife at home likes the silk and satin of the Han family the most. The women of the Han family are as slippery as silk and satin, tsk tsk.

Thinking of this, Dexi laughed heartily.

The white-armored soldier Su Mu who was riding beside him squinted at him, and reminded dissatisfiedly: "Dexi, we are in enemy territory, be alert!"

Dexi replied nonchalantly: "What enemy territory, the Ming army's bears are also considered enemies? I have killed hundreds of Ming soldiers, and I have even killed the generals of the Ming army! Here is the same as I am at home, just like me. I'm afraid I won't meet the Ming army!"

Su Mu knows that he has such virtues, and has never tolerated others talking about him. Although the Ming army is indeed vulnerable, but now that he has entered someone's house, there is no guarantee that there will be any accidents.

Two sentries got off their horses and entered the woods by the roadside to check. A few hundred paces ahead, several Qing soldiers were trotting on horseback, looking left and right from time to time, and another sentry was riding up a gentle slope on the north side of the road ahead. It's normal.

The Qing army who had just rode up to the top of the slope suddenly fell off the horse and rolled along the gentle slope for dozens of steps before stopping. a long arrow.

In the blink of an eye, Su Mu, Dexi, and another white-armored soldier Hara had already taken the weapon in their hands.

Dexi shouted loudly: "Meet the enemy! Twenty cavalry follow me forward! Ten cavalry shoot arrows!"

A Ming army cavalry figure first appeared on the gentle slope, wearing black armor and holding a spear, standing on his horse and looking at the Qing army downhill.Immediately, another cavalry appeared beside him and stood side by side with him, and then the cavalry of the Ming army who appeared continuously appeared side by side on the top of the gentle slope, standing still like a group of statues.

The Ming army knight who appeared first didn't say a word, raised his gun with one arm, and then charged down the hillside with his horse. The rest of the Ming army urged their horses to follow and rushed down.On the top of the gentle slope, figures of Ming army cavalry continued to appear, and then charged downward in a fan shape. Except for the gradually thunderous sound of horseshoes, no one made a sound during the whole process.

The distance between the two sides was about two hundred steps, but the advantage of the Ming army's horses going downhill easily brought up the speed of the horses, and the distance between the two sides quickly shortened.

Dexi was heartbroken.For the first time in his many years in the army, he had thoughts of despair. The pressure brought to him by the Ming army on the opposite side almost destroyed his will.

Ambush!It wasn't my own carelessness, some sentries had already climbed to the top to check, and the Ming army had already ambushed here!
I'm afraid I won't be able to go home this time!When I die, my wife will become someone else's wife, and my son will be used as a slave by others!The property and land in the family have also become the dowry for the wife's remarriage!
Dexi let out a desperate cry, like the roar of a dying beast.

The whole battle ended quickly. Wang Chengxian, a guerrilla from the cavalry of the Yongwei Battalion, led 35 cavalry to ambush the sentry of the Qing army, beheading more than [-] horses of the Qing army at the cost of [-] casualties.

Dexi, Su Mu and other Baiba Yala were indeed brave. In the past, they beat the infantry of the Ming army and hacked to their heart's content, but what they encountered today was a confrontation with the cavalry of the Ming army.

Personal bravery is of no use in this kind of confrontation where the numbers of the two sides are very different. Dexi stabbed to death a Ming army rushing from the opposite side with a tiger-tooth spear, and at the same time, he was shot three times and twice in the body, and died instantly. The war horses turned into meat paste.

After killing the first wave of scouts, Wang Chengxian led his team to continue to push forward and beheaded the second wave of more than [-] Qing troops. Five Baiba Yala, who were regarded as treasures by the Qing army, did not expect to be killed so easily. In the territory of Daming.

 Thanks to Yuanbao Mama 111, book friend 160223094822338, Mingyouxinsheng, Kaikai Lingyun, Dudao Mengzi, Jinmojin, SHAJIA and other readers for their rewards.The name of the cute kid is very graphic, haha.

  Reply to the book friend's question: Five hundred cavalrymen of the Ming army are fighting against dozens of Eight Banners soldiers. If you are an Eight Banners soldier, no matter how brave you are, do you think you have a chance of winning?Who does not despair in a hopeless battle? As for the Battle of Changping, it is only the beginning. The Qing army underestimated the Ming army's different firearms strikes and the morale of the enemy. The casualties of the Qing army were not very heavy. It's just people, more than 1 casualties and hundreds of casualties are not a big loss.

  The Ming army mainly lacked morale, and the Liaodong army had to defend and not move.The more than [-] Ming troops you mentioned are all scattered in the hands of various soldiers in various places. It is difficult to concentrate, and they all have their own defense tasks.The Yongwei Battalion has been very capable of fighting in history. Chongzhen took the Yongwei Battalion into his hands when he crossed the past, just to have an army he could rely on.What's more, this time it is relying on city defense, not a real field battle.

(End of this chapter)

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