Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 122 Ambush 2

Chapter 122 Ambush 2
Tan Tai shot five long arrows in an instant, and faintly heard several screams coming from the forest.

The Qing army with the inlaid blue flag and two red flags is rushing fast, and the Qing army in the middle of the ambush has gradually stabilized its position. After several rounds of shooting in the forest, the long arrows have gradually become thinner. Tan Tai judged that there should be two thousand Ming troops in the forest. above.Because there are only a few hundred arrows in each round, according to the practice of the Ming army, the number of soldiers should be several times this number.

With the long sound of suona, under the cover of bows and arrows, a large group of Ming soldiers wearing bright red mandarin duck battle jackets rushed out of the forest.

This Ming army came from the front line of Xuanda, the Xuanda frontier army who was pardoned for participating in the smuggling of Shanxi merchants.

Since being pardoned by Chongzhen to form the death army, Yang Guozhu, the general of Xuanda, gathered more than 2000 soldiers who were involved in the incident, and selected brave people from them to serve as mid-level and low-level generals such as sentry officers and captains at all levels. The central government sent a thousand households to serve as the general of this army, and he trained every day.

These frontier soldiers who committed crimes were not old or weak in the army. On the contrary, many of them were notorious in the army.

Because how can the old and weak soldiers have the ability to organize, plan and participate in such major events?Even if you want to participate, people don't want you.A group of brave and ruthless people gathered around these strong men in the army, and some bold people even changed into plain clothes and personally led the convoy into the grassland to trade with Mongolia or the Jurchens.

This kind of smuggling process is extremely dangerous. Fights with bandits and horse bandits happen from time to time, and casualties are commonplace. Therefore, for safety reasons, there will be a large number of people every time they enter the grassland.Over time, these frontier troops spontaneously formed small groups, with as many as a hundred or as few as dozens of people, and the leaders were all middle- and lower-level generals such as sentry officers, hundred households, and team leaders.Some of them simply acted as guards for caravans going deep into the grassland because they lacked the capital to smuggle directly. If Chongzhen hadn't uprooted Shanxi merchants, the Ming frontier army would have continued to rot.

All the generals who committed the crime were beheaded, and all the frontier soldiers who participated in the incident were arrested and imprisoned.During this period, no one resisted. First, the consciousness of obeying the imperial power was deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Second, these 2000 people were not a whole group. There were hundreds of people and dozens of people alone. Who would dare to fight against the imperial army?

When these frontier military prisoners were gathered together, watching the former Shangguan beheaded with a knife in front of him, and hearing that all his family property was confiscated and his family was exiled, most of them fell into deep despair.I can't keep my own head, and the family property I have worked hard to save will fall into the pockets of others, and my wife, children, and children will also be exiled to a smoky place thousands of miles away, and the possibility of surviving is very slim.Only a small number of people don’t care. These people are homeless and jobless, and the money transferred from participating in smuggling is quickly squandered on eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

But most people couldn't accept this reality. Many people lost control of their emotions on the spot, some wept bitterly, and some wanted to resist and escape.

After being shot and killed dozens of people by the archers, these people became a little quieter, but their emotions were still extremely unstable.

Immediately, Zhu Zhifeng, the governor of Xuanfu, read out the emperor's imperial decree, the death penalty can be avoided, but he must win it with his life.

In this society where the family is the most important thing, the people at the bottom take it for granted to exchange their lives for the happiness of their family members, not to mention that as long as they survive by chance, they can exchange for military merits, the saint is really merciful.After more than 2000 people kowtowed to express gratitude, the death camp was formally formed.

After several months of training, this Ming army was transferred to Huairou to familiarize itself with the terrain.After the beacon fire at Juyongguan was lit in the early morning, the Ming army rushed from nearby to the forest to ambush.

The reason why they were not discovered by the Qing army sentry was mainly because they hid in the depths of the woods. The Qing army sentry only searched around the edge of the forest and left.The Qing army had always looked down on the Ming army, and it would have never occurred to them that such a remote place would hide a large number of ambushes.

Since most of the Zhengbai Banner Qing troops in the ambush circle were dismounted from their horses, the Zhengbai Banner Qing troops who were not within the range of the Ming army's bows and arrows could not charge, and were too close to the woods, let alone drive their horses directly into the woods.Niu Luzhangjing, the leader of the army, saw the opportunity quickly, and with an order, he led the remaining Qing troops to steer south and stepped into the fields overgrown with weeds.

This is to prevent the infantry of the Ming army from rushing out of the entanglement, and the second is to use the horses to make a way. When the Ming army comes out of the woods, they can turn over and urge the horses to charge.

The Ming army who rushed out first held a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, plunged into the Qing army formation, and a melee without formation began.

Among the five cattle led by Mrs. Tan, one was delayed, and two more cattle entered the ambush circle, and more than a hundred people were killed by bows and arrows. The remaining more than 500 cavalry had entered the field and fought with the Ming army. There are only about 600 people.

While Tan Tai stood up vigorously with his waist and legs, he smashed the longbow in his hand at a Ming army sword and shield hand who rushed over. The Ming army hurriedly used the shield to block. , the several-inch thick wooden shield cracked at the sound, and while the back of Mrs. Tan's right palm was dripping with blood, the huge impact shook the Ming soldier back a step.Taking advantage of his dazed moment, Mrs. Tan stepped forward and punched him again, directly turning his head to one side, causing his cervical vertebra to be broken.Mrs. Tan took the long knife from his hand, and slashed at the opportunity. A Ming soldier's arm was chopped off at the elbow.Mrs. Tan showed his supernatural power, killing and injuring five people one after another in an instant, and no one dared to approach him for a while.

The Qing army with the inlaid blue flag and two red flags finally arrived, but seeing that the field was in a melee, they could not urge their horses to charge. An awesome Qing army dismounted and rushed into the crowd with weapons in hand, while the rest of the Qing army in the front row rode on horseback and held bows in their hands, looking for an opportunity to shoot and kill the Ming army.

A Niulu in Zhengbai Banner, a few miles away, was driving his horse at a short pace, and a thousand coated carts in front were carrying the load, and were on their way.

Although the northern land in midsummer is not as hot and unbearable as the Central Plains, marching under the sun for a long time still makes people tired and irritable.

At this moment, Niu Luzhang Jing, the leader of the army, suddenly reined in his horse, looked up and looked around, and then, the ground trembled slightly.This Niu Luzhang Jing's face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly: "Enemy attack! Run forward with me!"

The Qing army rode their horses and rushed forward one after another. Niu Luzhangjing didn't care about the life and death of the packers, and rode his horses into the crowd.There is no way, there are hills and forests on the left side of the road, and fields with lush vegetation on the right side, there is no other way but to go forward.

The packers who were pushing the cart forward did not know what happened, and they were knocked to the ground by the horses without warning, and there was a sound of screams and wailing. 1000 people's coats plus carts to carry the load, occupying a road that is several miles long, how can we let it go in a hurry?

The shaking of the ground became more and more obvious, and the sound of galloping war horses could already be heard.Niu Luzhang Jing, who led the team, saw that the road ahead would be blocked for a while, so in desperation he ordered someone to pass on the enemy's situation, and led the team to turn to the back. Now he had no choice but to fight to the death.

General Xu Jin of the Yongwei Battalion led a team of [-] horses. After receiving a hidden sentry to inform the Qing army that the brigade had passed, he galloped out from the hiding place in the direction of Shunyi, and drove the horses slowly a few miles away from the rear of the Qing army. After mentioning it, he rushed to the Qing army.

Seeing the cavalry of the Qing army heading towards her head-on hundreds of steps ahead, Xu Jin clenched the long-handled brow knife tightly in her hand, lowered her body, and urged the horses to go forward.

After a brief charge, the 300 men of the Qing army fell off their horses before they reached half of the Ming army. After all, the difference between the two men and horses was as much as ten times, and the kinetic energy of the high-speed charge was simply incomparable.

Xu Jin slowed down the speed of the horse, looked at the coats in front of him who were running away in panic, and ordered the Ming army to collect these coats, and ordered them to remove the rickety carriages and other sundries on the road.Then leave fifty cavalry, supervise these coats to clean the battlefield, carry the casualties of the Ming army to the cart, and then go to chop off the heads of the Qing army, collect the armor and weapons, and rush south to Shunyi.

The scene of the scuffle by the woods was very tragic. More than [-] Ming troops rushed to the death, but the advantage of the Qing army's horses could not be used at all.The corpses of soldiers from both sides were everywhere on the ground, and the blood had turned a large area of ​​the road into mud.

The Qing army has gradually gained the upper hand. First, the number is superior, and second, the Qing army that participated in the war continued to shoot and kill the Ming army with bows and arrows.The Qing army used long bows and big arrows. The main arrows of the Ming army were either fatal or seriously injured, and most of them were directly shot to the vitals and died in battle.

Of the more than 500 Ming troops, there were only a thousand or so left. The Zhengbai Banner had nearly 100 casualties, and the Xianglan Banner had more than [-] casualties. Most of the Ming troops killed in battle were caused by blunt weapons.

The Qing army used to use heavy weapons such as heavy hammers, maces, and iron bones. No matter what kind of armor, as long as they were hit, they would either die on the spot or have their bones broken.

Both sides are red-eyed.What surprised the Qing army was that the original Ming army had begun to flee when the casualties exceeded [-]%, but now that the casualties are nearly half, they are still fighting to the death.

They don't know the origin of this dead army, and they don't know that the relationship between this Ming army is like family.Seeing the death of brothers who ate, drank, prostituted and gambled with him in the past, these increasingly decaying frontier soldiers inspired blood.Some soldiers had one arm cut off, but still slashed with a knife in the other hand; those whose face was cut off in half, rushed forward to protect the Qing army and held the Qing army tightly with both arms, so that their companions could kill the enemy; Some were stabbed in the lower abdomen with a spear, and their intestines were hanging outside, and they still slashed with their knives regardless.

After beheading more than ten people, Mrs. Tan was also pierced through her thigh by a long spear, and was also stabbed several times on her body. Fortunately, the armor was strong and no bones were injured.

He had been picked up by the Qing army with blue flags to the back of the army, leaning on a horse and panting heavily.

Where did this Ming army come from? I have never seen such a clear-cut style of fighting. If I continue to fight like this, even if I wipe out this Ming army, I will suffer heavy losses. How can I go to Huairou to rob?It's a pity that the Tanma in front of him, the five Baiba Yala entrusted to him by the king of the county must have been broken!How can I explain to the county king when I go back!
Just as Mrs. Tan was thinking about countermeasures, several horsemen rushed towards the west of the official road.Mrs. Tan raised her eyes and knew that it was the subordinate who was delayed, and an ominous premonition spread through her brain instantly.

After hearing the news that the rear team was raided by the cavalry of the Ming army, Mrs. Tan understood everything in an instant.

Not only was he in the ambush, but Azig's side would definitely not be able to please him!The Ming army came fully prepared this time!This time it is not a matter of how many people and supplies to grab, but how many people can be brought back!
 Alas, I had to fill in the hole I dug at the beginning. I really couldn't think of where to send troops, so I could only bring this Xuanda border army here.I have to explain the composition and combat effectiveness of this army. I really don't want to pour water, I can't find it at all.It's August [-]th, and there are two more chapters. I wish the book friends can reunite with their families, and the whole family is happy and healthy!Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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