Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 123 Retreat

Chapter 123 Retreat

According to the rules of the Eight Banners, when returning from an expedition, whoever can bring back someone else's corpse, the family must take out the corresponding property to express their gratitude.

With the acquiescence of the Ming army, the packers stepped forward and carried back the bodies of the fallen Qing soldiers.Due to the hot weather, the body could not be preserved, so the ashes could only be cremated and brought back. As for being unable to identify whose ashes were, is that important?Anyway, his relatives did die.

Azig looked at the hundreds of clay pots loaded into the carriage, feeling extremely angry.

When did the Qing Dynasty suffer such a big loss?These damned smart dogs!If one of the Eight Banners dies, I will take revenge by beheading a hundred Ming soldiers!

After I go back, I will definitely be ridiculed by Lao Ba!Maybe he will cut down his cattle record and property under his own name on the grounds that the loss is too heavy and the prestige of the Eight Banners is insulted!

If I said that what I encountered was the elite of the Ming army, it would even arouse the dissatisfaction of other banner owners!

There are still elites in the Ming army?The elite of the Ming army were all lost in the battle of Dalinghe!
Since then, my Qing Dynasty has never lost against the Ming army!

no!Can't let it go!This group of Ming army is not yet fully mature, but the embryonic form of the elite has already appeared!When this Ming army grows up, I am afraid that I, the Qing Dynasty, will not be able to compete with the Ming court for the world!

The servants of the aristocratic family watching the battle in the arrow tower at the head of the city were startled by the loud noise of the Hongyi cannon at first, and then they saw the guns slaughtering the archers of the Qing army. How tragic and terrifying the battlefield is, one life after another is killed instantly, not at all like what is said in the scriptures, talking and laughing, the enemy's defeat is as simple as our army's victory, the victory and defeat are really piled up with corpses of.

The horn of the Qing army blew again, and Geng Zhongming's Han army banner divided troops and rushed to the horse-rejection formation on the two wings of the Ming army.The difference this time is that the archers of the Qing army followed up to cover the Han army flag and dismantle the barriers against the horses, while the Mongolian Eight Banners of Gengar and Danba prepared behind, and rushed to the battle as soon as the horses were rejected.

The gunners of the Ming army sat on the ground to rest, drink water and eat while the Qing army cleaned up the corpses in order to preserve their energy. The physical loss caused by the extreme heat was very large, so it was necessary to replenish water and nutrients in time.

The Han army flag quickly approached the remaining horse-rejection obstacles from both sides.This time all the Han army flags were dispatched, with more than [-] people on each side, preparing to destroy the rejection horse in one go, regardless of casualties.

At this moment, the cannon fired at the top of the city.The last time it fired were the four cannons facing the phalanx of firecrackers, and the two cannons pointed at the front of the repelling horse did not fire.Seeing that the Qing army made a big move, Sun Yingyuan didn't hold back anymore.Following his order, amidst the loud noise, two projectiles whizzed out from the muzzle, drew a trajectory, and smashed towards the front of the rejecting horse formation respectively.

The projectile fell to the ground and jumped twice, taking the lives of more than ten Qing soldiers, and dozens of people were injured.According to the medical conditions of this era, the wounded are almost equal to the dead.

Knowing that the cannons were fired slowly, the Qing army still rushed forward regardless.

The archers of the Ming army behind the refusal formation had already set up more than ten "hundred tigers running together", and following the order of the battalion officer, these more than ten ancient rocket launchers were ignited at the same time.With the rapid burning of the fuze, a howling sound resounded through the sky, and more than 1000 long arrows shot out, scurrying aimlessly in the air and then turned around and pierced towards the Qing army crowd on the ground.

The Qing army never expected that in addition to being hit by cannons hundreds of steps away, it could also be covered by bows and arrows.Amidst the wailing and exclamation, hundreds of Qing soldiers were shot by arrows, and hundreds of people were killed on the spot.

The flags of the Han army were all the original Ming army brought over by Geng Zhongming and Kong Youde when they defected. Although the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved under the strict military regulations of the Qing army, the original cowardly nature is still there.Seeing that more than [-]% of the staff had been reduced before taking up the battle, the speed of the forward rush suddenly slowed down, and the soldiers in the front row began to dawdle.

A Han army flag leader walked through the crowd, raised a knife and knocked down a soldier who was hesitating in the front row to the ground, and shouted sharply: "The one who doesn't shrink back will die!".

Only then did the soldiers of the Han Army Banner continue to swarm forward.

There are also many gunners in the Han Army Banner, but they all use old guns, and their shooting range is far worse than the new guns and gunpowder of the Yongwei Camp, let alone the range of bows and arrows.If they wanted to line up and shoot, they were afraid that they would be overturned by Ming army archers before they reached the range, so the Qing army sent archers from the Eight Banners as cover.

These archers of the Qing army all have long bows and heavy arrows, and their arrows are precise, and their shooting range is slightly longer than that of the Ming army.When they were [-] steps away from the Ming army, the Qing army's archers stopped, and [-] archers bent their bows and set up arrows, and shot at the Ming army.

The shield-hands of the Ming army held up a large shield to cover the front of the formation, but dozens of Ming soldiers still fell to the ground after being shot by arrows. At this time, the flag soldiers of the Han army had already entered within [-] steps.Immediately, the archers of the Ming army fought back quickly, and the long arrows of both sides were flying back and forth in the air.

This time the Ming army grenadiers did not move forward.The archers of the Qing army were too powerful. If a hundred grenadiers went to the front of the formation, they would all be killed or killed in the blink of an eye.Following the flag of the Chinese army, the spearmen began to move forward, ready to fight the enemy hand-to-hand.

The remaining refusal horses were quickly destroyed by the Qing army, and the archers on both sides also tried their best to withdraw. After paying the price of nearly a thousand casualties, the Han army flags on both sides finally made a smooth road between the two armies.

The casualties of the Ming army came from the archers of the Qing army. Although the damage to the Han army flag was huge, due to the range of the bows and arrows, they could not reach the archers of the Qing army, so they could only be beaten passively.In the end, a total of more than [-] casualties were caused, including the shield hand, and the casualty rate reached more than [-]%.Fortunately, the archers were well protected, and the cotton armor they wore was mixed with many iron pieces, which reduced a large part of the damage.Except for those who were directly killed by arrows in the head and neck, the rest of the injuries were not serious, but they had already lost their combat effectiveness.

The Mongolian Eight Banners in the distance had already mounted their horses, and the soldiers of the Han Army Banner retreated from both sides. The Mongolian Eight Banners began to drive their horses forward, with nearly [-] cavalry on each side.

As the speed of the war horse gradually increased, the cannon at the top of the city fired again.

The projectile ignored everything in front of it, and plowed a bloody trench among the cavalry that was charging intensively.The powerful kinetic energy generated between the high-speed forward movement of the war horse and the projectiles that also rushed forward after landing took away the lives of dozens of Mongolian cavalrymen, but it could not stop the momentum of the galloping cavalry.

Three thousand Ming army spearmen formed a square formation of five rows at the front and back, and cuddled tightly together. The soldiers in the front row inserted the tail of the long spear more than one foot into the ground obliquely, stepped on it firmly with their feet, and held the barrel of the gun with both hands and pointed forward. , the second row put the spears on the shoulders of the soldiers in the front row, and the entire phalanx was like a hedgehog, which was daunting.

More than 30 short and thick tiger squatting cannons had been placed more than ten steps away from the front of the spear phalanx, and two tiger feet were firmly nailed to the ground by long iron nails.More than a hundred pieces of mixed small projectiles of lead and crushed stones were stuffed into each barrel, and then the top was pressed by a large lead weighing [-] taels. There were two gunners behind each gun. The torch squats and waits.

The range of the tiger squatting cannon is only more than [-] steps, and the coverage of more than a hundred shotguns fired by each cannon is close to five feet, and the lethality is very huge.

This kind of gun is usually used to charge infantry, because once the tiger squatting gun is fired, it can be said that there will be no living things within a few dozen steps ahead, and the gunner can retreat calmly after finishing shooting.

But if it is used against cavalry, even if the cavalry in the front row is swept away, the cavalry in the back row will follow one after another, and the gunners cannot evacuate at all.Using tiger squat guns against cavalry can only be used once, and it is almost impossible for the gunner to survive.

However, if there is no obstacle to block it, the cavalry rushing at high speed will soon break away from the infantry formation after paying the casualties in the front row, and the ending can be imagined.

The gunners of the Yongwei Battalion knew that it was a dead end, but they still received orders to place the artillery in front of the formation.

The Qing army had rushed a hundred paces away, and the speed of the horse had reached its peak. After a few breaths, it would rush to the front of the formation.

With the sound of a sharp horn, the gunners ignited the fuzes and ran quickly to both sides. Then there was a loud bang, and gunpowder smoke everywhere, slowly covering the battlefield.

Hundreds of riders in the front row of the Mongolian Eight Banners have already bent their bows and set their arrows more than a hundred steps away, and are ready to shoot their bows and arrows after a few breaths.They are not familiar with the tiger squatting guns placed by the Ming army, and even if they knew it, they couldn't avoid it. Where do you want to hide when the cavalry is charging?

More than [-] shotguns sprayed out in a fan shape, and the cavalry of the Qing army within a radius of more than a hundred feet were devastated. In the hole, blood spurted out like a spring, and the dry land quickly absorbed the blood, and the area became muddy in an instant.

As the gunpowder smoke filled the air, the horses on the ground and the bodies of the Qing army became new roadblocks, and many who rushed after were tripped to the ground.The Mongols are worthy of being a nation on horseback. The cavalry behind them reacted quickly, and they rode their horses across the obstacles on the ground one after another, and never tripped again.But while doing so, the speed of the horse naturally slowed down greatly, and the gunners of the Ming army were able to withdraw safely.

Azig issued an order to withdraw troops.The fight can't go on, the advantage of the cavalry is gone, can't it be hard to hit the spear?I can only withdraw and speak later.

The willpower of the Mongolian Eight Banners was much weaker than that of the Manchu Eight Banners, otherwise they would not have been conquered by the small number of Eight Banners.After hearing the clarion call to withdraw the troops, they all charged their horses and ran back in a circle in front of the Ming army's formation. They were bombarded by cannons again on the road, leaving more than a dozen corpses behind and returning in embarrassment.

The Zhengbai Banner cavalry who were facing the firecracker phalanx also got off their horses. They originally wanted to wait for the Mongolian Eight Banners to break through the spear phalanx and force the pikemen to rush into the firecracker phalanx before rushing in from the front, but they were defeated on both sides.

The Qing army rushed from Juyongguan to Changping, and after several battles, they were exhausted under the scorching sun.Upon seeing this, Azig ordered the entire army to drink water and eat, and then discussed countermeasures with Abatai and others.

Abatai opened the mouth first and said: "We can't fight any more! As I said earlier, let's go east and join forces with Tan Tai, break through several county towns and grab some supplies, and return to Shengjing immediately! The Ming army in Changping is really weird!"

Geng Zhongming, who had been silent all this time, cupped his hands and said: "My lord, what Baylor said makes sense! I always feel that the Ming army came prepared this time, as if it was specially waiting for us to fight. Take advantage of the damage now It’s not too much, I think it’s better to avoid it before talking about it!”

Geng Geer said: "Jun Wang, let's go east. If the sons and daughters die, they will die. They will go back and burn them and bring them home! If we continue to fight, we will lose even more, so we will be wiped out." This Ming army, how many troops do we have left? If the other Ming army comes, I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave!”

Danba also persuaded: "Your Majesty, we are here to grab things, not to fight for our lives! If our lives are gone, what is the use of things? Fortunately, the Ming army does not have a large cavalry, and they can't stop us if we leave. , let’s withdraw!”

Azig bowed his head with a sullen face and remained silent.

He was really unwilling to leave.Lost so many people, and finally got nothing, what will happen to me when I return to Shengjing?The warm-hearted Duoluo Wuying County King is gone, the main banner is not to say that it's okay, anyway, I can only be my younger brother Duoduo, and no one else can get involved.But Lao Ba will definitely take the opportunity to take away Niu Lu under his banner. This is the rule of the Eight Banners, and everyone will speak for themselves.

But what Abatai and the others said made sense, and a decision had to be made.

Azige ordered bitterly: "Let Baoyi gather up the body, come back, burn it and pack it up, let's go east and join forces with Tan Tai! I don't believe this Ming army dares to follow!"

 The hit rate of firecrackers and tiger crouching guns is based on the basis of dealing with group cavalry charges. I roughly set this at about 20.00%.It cannot be compared to killing a person with tens of thousands of bullets in modern warfare. Now it is all skirmish tactics, which are completely different concepts from the intensive charge in the past.At this time, if it is a loose cavalry formation, it is difficult to cause damage and threats to the dense infantry, so infantry and cavalry are all in a tight formation.Everyone can imagine the picture, if you are riding a horse alone, dare to charge three soldiers holding spears?

(End of this chapter)

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