Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 127 Conception

Chapter 127 Conception
The joy brought to the people of the capital by the victory of the officers and soldiers over the slaves has not completely subsided, and the news that the two wealthy families of Cheng Guogong and Xiangcheng Bo were uprooted in an instant spread quickly.

This topic was discussed everywhere in the streets and alleys of the capital. When it was known that the two families had privately sold the imperial armaments to Jiannu, the public opinion among the people overwhelmingly sided with the imperial court.This behavior of eating inside and out is the most disgusting, and almost everyone supports and sympathizes with the emperor.Not to mention the slaves who stole the master's property, they also stole the master's food and sold it to the rascals who often came to the master's house to blackmail and rob. This kind of person should be cut to death.

The case of Cheng Guogong caused a huge shock in the remaining Xungui Mansion.The hereditary uncle of more than two hundred years disappeared like this, and while the nobles were saddened by the death of the rabbit, they also felt incomparably fearful of Chongzhen's cold-blooded and ruthless.Except for Yang Wuhou and others who had stood on the emperor's side for a long time, the rest of the nobles severely warned their family servants to behave like a man with their tails between their legs. Fuchu.The tenant rents of all the nobles were reduced to fourteen, so that the tenant farmers finally had enough food to fill their stomachs.

While watching the excitement, the civil servants were also secretly frightened by the emperor's tricks.Everyone present at that time, except Li Banghua and Chang Ziyu, believed afterwards that the emperor might have tolerated the two families for a long time.After confirming that the existence of the Yongwei Battalion could eliminate the uncertainties of the Jingying Battalion, the emperor seized the opportunity to make a thunderous blow and caught one of the two families by surprise.Zhu Chunchen and Li Guozhen didn't expect such a random disaster, even if they had prepared in advance, they couldn't withstand the joint attack of Yongweiying, Dongchang, and Jinyiwei.The emperor has really changed. He is no longer the irritable, suspicious, and fickle emperor. He has become wise, steady, well-behaved, unfathomable, and difficult to deal with.

A few days later, the convoy of the Four Seas Trading Company finally returned with a full load, bringing back a large number of livestock such as horses, cattle, donkeys and sheep, as well as fur, herbs, and felt.Dried cheese and other materials were snapped up by a large merchant in the capital within a few days, and then distributed to various parts of Daming by the merchants.

The first outing of the Four Seas Trading Company was a great success, the reason is very simple: Although Fan Yongdou and others were punished, the shopkeepers under the names of the eight companies were all safe and sound.These people are veterans who have been in business for many years, and they are very familiar with several trade routes and Mongolian tribes.Under the dual effects of Sihai Commercial Bank giving them a salary increase and revealing their background, everyone worked extraordinarily hard, and wanted to win the first prize in front of the new owner so as to be appreciated by the promotion.As for the old clubs who have died, although they are not bad, everyone is trying to earn money to support their families. Although the old clubs are gone, life must continue, right?It doesn't matter who is the boss, as long as everyone can benefit from it.

Four Seas Trading Company has two shopkeepers, one from Xinlehou and one from Taikangbo's residence, both of them are housekeepers of foreign affairs in the residence, and they are in charge of various businesses in the residence on weekdays.Although I haven't done too much business, the principles of big and small businesses are the same, especially if this kind of framework is complete, as long as you assign someone to the general chapter of the business, even if the manager makes a random decision, it will be rejected by the shopkeepers below. Need to be in charge of accounts and personnel.Anyway, Chongzhen has never been in business, and he knows little about it. He adopts the strategy of not being suspicious, and he doesn't care if there is something tricky in it, as long as it doesn't go too far.Chongzhen thought he couldn't do the bastard behavior of wanting the horse to run and asking the horse not to eat grass.People don't follow you for selfless dedication, they also want money to support their families, don't they?

This time the property of Zhu Chunchen and Li Guozhen was confiscated, and Chongzhen made a fortune.Both of them have accumulated for several generations, and their family wealth is very rich, especially Zhu Chunchen.Dongchang copied more than 52 taels of cash from his home, and dozens of other restaurants, cloth shops, grain shops, rice shops, and salt shops. Under the name of Four Seas Trading Company.The capital, with a population of one million, is the largest city in the world, gathering countless wealthy, dignitaries, merchants and tycoons.These shops are all located in prime locations in the capital, and if they are properly managed, they can still earn a considerable amount of income every year.

Li Guozhen's family property is slightly inferior to Zhu Chunchen's, but he also copied more than [-] taels of cash and several shops.The two families have hundreds of thousands of acres of land in the suburbs of Beijing. These fields have not yet been assigned to the emperor, and Chongzhen has other plans.

Looking at the list of ransacked houses, Chongzhen smiled happily, and impulsively wanted to search all the powerful civil servants in the capital, as well as all the noble families except Xue Lian and others.But this idea was suppressed by him as soon as he came up, he didn't want to die.He is not afraid of corrupt officials, and the current system is difficult to eliminate the existence of corrupt officials. Even if all the so-called corrupt officials are killed, who can guarantee that they will be replaced by clean officials?Even if the replaced people are clean at first, but what about in the future?

Being an official for thousands of miles is only for money, and everyone has selfishness.Mature people talk about interests, while naive people talk about feelings.I am not afraid that you are greedy, but I am afraid that you are not capable and do not do things for the people.Rather than letting clean and pedantic people take power, it is better to let people who have personal moral disadvantages, but can do practical things, eat their own meat and let the people drink soup.

In the time-traveling text, those people who go back to the ancient times to kill and kill are simple-minded people. It is not bad for people with that kind of IQ to survive two episodes of the fifty-episode TV series.

Killing is only a method for a specific period of time and cannot become a routine. What's more, in the past, even the emperor could not do whatever he wanted, and he could only do it occasionally. Balancing the interests of all parties is a qualified emperor's art.

How to make most people feel that their interests have not been seriously damaged can the country run smoothly and always move forward. As the leader of a country, the emperor must grasp the direction and not let the country get out of control. All strategies The formulation of the law must be considered comprehensively, and the overall situation should be grasped with a high-level attitude, rather than killing to maintain the operation of the regime.

In Chongzhen's plan, the most important thing is to formulate a strict multiple supervision system to prevent the occurrence of large-scale corruption.In this era when imperial power does not go to the countryside, the prefecture and county level is the lowest level of government that directly faces the people. It has great power and should be supervised the most.

Pojia county magistrate Miemen Fuyin, this common saying vividly expresses the rights of this level of chief official.

Chongzhen intends to wait until the domestic situation is completely stabilized before delegating the supervisory system such as the Inspectorate and Jinyiwei to the prefecture and county level.Adopting the practice of later generations, every prefecture and county must send supervisory censors and Jinyiwei. While supervising the chief officials, the two must supervise each other.Because of the natural hostile nature of Wenchen and Jinyiwei, it is basically impossible for the two or even three to collude with each other, and they are on guard against each other. This will better restrict the rights of state and county officials and prevent corruption to the greatest extent.

The Ministry of Punishment and the Dali Temple will also send permanent agencies to the local area, and the criminal and prison litigation is under the jurisdiction of these two departments.When a major homicide case is tried, the local censor and Jin Yiwei must observe and record it, which is also a way to restrict the abuse of power.

Local officials are mainly responsible for civil affairs and are not allowed to intervene in judicial affairs, which greatly weakens the rights of local officials and further narrows the channels for them to use power to collect money.

Decentralization, this is Chongzhen's plan.

Most of the current censors are of the nature of walking acupoints, and each province has only one patrol censor.Even if he is diligent and competent, how many prefectures and counties can he travel in a year when the traffic conditions are extremely inconvenient?What can a few days in one prefecture do?It is easy to be fooled by the local officials, let alone the behind-the-scenes transactions.Therefore, the supervisory censors must be stationed in local prefectures and counties, instead of walking around and letting some censors take the opportunity to make a lot of money.

There are also subordinate officials in prefectures and counties. These talents are the biggest culprits of accumulating public grievances.Even if the county magistrates are honest and fair, but because they seldom go out of the yamen, they are easily concealed by the subordinate officials.What's more, these people are all local people, and they have entangled relationships with each other. Some subordinate officials have worked in the yamen for generations, forming a huge network of relationships and huge power. The oppression suffered by ordinary people comes directly from these People, and the people will eventually attribute their grievances to the court.

These people are the most troublesome for the favorites.Whether it is maintaining local law and order or collecting taxes in summer and autumn, all government actions related to the people must be carried out through these people. How to supervise and limit them and ensure the existence of fairness and justice to the greatest extent is a bit complicated.

So far, Chongzhen has only thought of opening the ascending channel.

Because the subordinate staff were not from a professional background, they had no hope of being promoted for life, so they put their minds on making money.If they can have a future and become officials, coupled with other measures to restrict them, the harm to the common people should be reduced or mitigated.But if the upward channel for these people is opened, it will inevitably infringe on the interests of those scholars.In this era of literati ruling, it is unwise to offend all literati in the world. Do you want to kill and kill like some mindless traversers?Want to kill everyone?What is the difference between that and the Mongolian, Yuan, and Qing Dynasties?Is it interesting for Han people to kill Han people?Don't you allow others to say no?

Alas, just thinking about it gives me a headache, Chongzhen thought as he rubbed his temples with both hands.

 System reform is quite difficult, and killing alone cannot solve the problem.The massacre will only break the backbone of the nation, just like the literary inquisition of the Qing Dynasty. Who dares to say no in the end?Today's two updates, please recommend more collections, thank you friends for rewarding.

  Now the little pink who is always on the line is really disgusting. Do I mean the current dynasty when I say later generations? **** Makes people want to slap him to death!

(End of this chapter)

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