Chapter 128
In Huangzhuang, where Chongzhen first visited, Jinyiwei gathered thousands of women and children from all over the country, and the area of ​​Huangzhuang was gradually expanding.

The soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion received generous rewards after winning this time, but most of the soldiers are lonely. Now the military supplies are abundant, and all kinds of vegetables, meat and eggs are uniformly purchased from Huangzhuang by the quartermaster. Supervision, soldiers are not allowed to leave camp without reason, and everyone has money and has nowhere to spend it.There is no need to mention drinking and gambling. Once discovered, the cold-blooded military judge immediately beat [-] military sticks in public. The second offense was locked in a newly built small dark room for three days, and the food was rationed.

There used to be energetic people in the army who deliberately violated military regulations, wanting to see what was in the small black room.Anyway, with rough skin and thick flesh, it doesn't matter if you are beaten by military sticks. The important thing is to show off and win a reputation in the army.

As a result, on the third day, when two soldiers from the Youshi Military Law Department dragged someone out of the dark room, a sturdy, promising young man's eyes became dull and he looked thinner.The soldiers in the same army asked what was going on in the black room, and someone became terrified and switched to other things. Since then, that person has never violated military regulations.

In view of the fact that the soldiers were young and hot, and had nothing to do except training, Chongzhen decided to find wives for them. There were ready-made women, and there were plenty of women in Huangzhuang.

In an era when family succession exists as the primary task of every family, everyone thinks that getting married and having children is the most important thing for people.With a son, I have an inheritance in this world, and I will have the face to see my ancestors even after I die in the future.

In this turbulent period, soldiers may be killed or disabled at any time in battle. Many officers and soldiers are not afraid of death, but are afraid that they will not leave their offspring after death.

After receiving an order from Chongzhen, the Ministry of Industry sent people to start building villages and houses on the original Zhu Chunchen's farm, preparing to live in the soldiers who would marry in the future.

The generals and soldiers of the Yongwei Camp and the Beijing Camp have one day of rest every ten days, and the soldiers who get married in the future can go home nearby.

Chongzhen didn't intend to let them fall in love, besides, this era doesn't pay much attention to love, just raising children to live.Love falls asleep and falls asleep, doesn't it?
For the women gathered from all over the Huangzhuang, finding a support in troubled times, no longer living alone in the world, this is happiness, and this is the reason for peace of mind.If there had been no war, it would have been enough to marry Wang Ermazi from the east of the village and Zhang San from the west of the village, but he would have been content to marry an officer with a monthly salary.

As for the widows with children and daughters, they are even more grateful to the imperial court for worrying about the rest of their lives.I originally thought that the rest of my life would be to raise my children, help my son marry a wife and have children, save a dowry for my daughter to marry, and then I could live up to my dead husband and in-laws.I didn't expect that this old man would be able to marry an officer, and he had just won a battle and was praised everywhere. It was a good thing that could never have been imagined.I heard that the officers and soldiers are paid a full monthly salary, and the emperor rewards them from time to time.What a great thing. Finally, I don't have to take care of the children alone. The emperor is really the biggest benevolent person in the world.

It is an exaggeration to say that people are old and pearly. In this era, girls are usually married at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Most of these widows are only in their early 20s, and most of them have one or several children. In future generations, they may not have graduated from college.

The soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion were all elated when they heard the good news.With a daughter-in-law, you will have your own home, and you will have your own concerns. Next year, you will almost have your own flesh and blood.Thinking of children, that wonderful feeling made many soldiers excited.

Many of these soldiers were veterans in their thirties, and many of them were orphans who had fled.I thought it would be like this in this life, maybe I would die in the next battle.Although life and death don't matter, I always feel that something is missing in my heart.This time, the emperor showed his kindness, and was able to bestow his daughter-in-law with these lowly bastards. This is really a blessing from the previous life.

What happened with the baby?better!Just after getting married, there is someone called daddy, which saves me busy work.It doesn’t matter if you are ugly or handsome. Women who have given birth to children show that they are in good health. It’s okay to have a few more children. As long as they can take care of the family and children, they don’t have to worry about dying for the money they earned. , seeing the emperor must kowtow a few more times.

Those soldiers who didn't get their wives were also very greedy, but the commander-in-chief said, and the emperor agreed, as long as everyone fights bravely, there will be one wives for each of them, and everyone will have a share.

The confiscated fields of Zhu Chunchen and Li Guozhen are also on the east side of the capital, dozens of miles away from the Yongwei camp.The newly built houses are all one-entry courtyards, which are very simple to build.Manpower is also easy to find. The old and weak eliminated by the Beijing camp have formed a supply camp, and they can just draw people from it.There are plenty of manpower and money, and you can set up a century-old house before winter, and then use lottery to decide who will get married and move in first, so everyone will have no objections.

There were more than [-] people in the death camp in Xuanfu Town, and more than half of them died in the battle, and many of the remaining thousand people were also disabled.This time the death camp did a lot of meritorious service. It was their deadly battle and entanglement that made Jiannu's cavalry unable to exert their power, allowing the brave guard cavalry to exchange relatively small costs for Jiannu's greater casualties.

Chongzhen decided to merge the remaining soldiers into the Yongwei Battalion. The dead were given 50 taels of silver each, and returned to their original places after cremation.The disabled will be rewarded with 30 taels of silver each, and those who are willing to stay in the capital will be arranged in the Huangzhuang, and those who are willing to return to the Xuanfu will return with the remains of the fallen soldiers.In the end, the vast majority of disabled soldiers chose to return to their hometowns, and more than a dozen people from their hometowns who had no relatives chose to enter Huangzhuang. The Chongzhen government gave each person ten acres of land, as long as they were rented out, and the rent would be collected every year.Then they ordered people to build two large courtyards in Huangzhuang for them to live in, and found a few women to take care of cooking and washing for them.

Seeing that the autumnal equinox has arrived, it is already a bit chilly in the morning and evening.

Due to the triennial Spring Festival next year, some candidates from better families have rushed to the capital in advance to prepare for next year's imperial examination.

In fact, most of them came here for the relationship in the capital. They want to spend money to open up connections, attend more parties, and make more friends. Maybe some of the new friends will be on the list. Such a relationship is very likely in the future You can use it.

Chongzhen did not have a good impression of these future backbone forces of the imperial court.Many of these scholars have violated Xiu Qi Zhiping's original intention, and participated in the imperial examination purely for the purpose of becoming an official and earning money in the future.

The Four Books and Five Classics are of little use in governing the country, what the rulers need is practical ability.For this group of scholars who don't work hard and don't distinguish between five grains, it is the duty of an official to sit in the lobby after becoming an official. The trivial matters such as collecting taxes, money and food, repairing canals and digging wells are all urged by the clerks and office servants. You only need to recite poems and enjoy the moon with a group of gentry.Of course, occasionally I have to go to the countryside to be close to the people, so as to show that the court is enjoying the joy with the people.As long as the taxes paid every year are completed, the gentry are rich in rituals, and they continue to show filial piety to their superiors, and there are people in the court who speak for themselves, when the three-year period expires, they can continue to be promoted and make a fortune.As for whether the people under his rule are suffering from poverty or illness, that is something a saint should consider. Is the life and death of a group of untouchables so important?

Chongzhen has no objection to getting promoted and getting rich, but while focusing on self-interest, can you let the people under your rule get benefits and benefits?There is no contradiction between the two, right?

These candidates who came to take the exam can be regarded as the elite among scholars. As long as they are well utilized, the ruling party in the future may not necessarily be a talent.The key now is how to guide them to transform into practical talents. This process will take a long time, and the most important thing is how to start.

The supervision system in Chongzhen’s plan requires a large number of scholars. Among the thousands of candidates who will take the scientific examination next year, only a few hundred lucky ones will be selected, and the rest will go home and wait for three years. This is actually a waste talent.In this era when the illiteracy rate is over 90.00%, scholars do have a much higher vision and broader knowledge than ordinary people. It is a pity that these high-quality resources are left unused.

After thinking for a long time, Wang Chengen visited Wen Tiren's house at night.

A piece of news suddenly spread quickly in the rush for the exam: due to years of drought in the Ming Dynasty, the fields had no harvest, and the hungry people were everywhere, coupled with factors such as thieves raging, slaves and wolves, the imperial court wanted to keep the peace and comfort the people. Already very tight.In view of this, Shengshang intends to cancel Chongzhen's ten-year scientific expedition and postpone it to four years later.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar among the scholars.

The exam every three years is a grand event that many scholars are looking forward to, and ten years of hard study in the cold window are for this day.If they were lucky enough to make it to the list, it would be like a black chicken turning into a phoenix, and their identities would be different immediately.If next year's imperial examinations are cancelled, these scholars will have to wait another four years. By then, it is unknown whether the current backer will still be in court, and the possibility of being on the list will become smaller, and many older candidates will be even more It cannot stand another four years of waiting.The whole world knows that the situation is turbulent, but it is even more inappropriate to stop the test at this time. When the situation is critical, it is when my generation shows its talents. If I win the list, I should use my talents to sweep the Kou Anmin and comfort my life ambitions!
The candidates who came to Beijing from other places and the local candidates in the capital next year were all aggrieved.Many people spoke fiercely, bluntly saying that they must have been bewitched by treacherous officials in the court, and the Holy Majesty made such a move rashly under the condition of being deceived.If the imperial court acts like this, the people's hearts will be greatly lost, and the Ming Dynasty will be in danger of accidents.Many families have inextricable connections with court officials, so they also took the opportunity of visiting to criticize the court for this act of violating the will of the people, and tried their best to persuade these uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles and uncles to oppose the court. decision making.

Under the pressure of the turbulent public opinion, the cabinet ministers, the left and right censors, and the big and small Jiuqing sent to the emperor to discuss how to calm the turmoil.

In the main hall of Qianqing Palace, Chongzhen received the officials.

The chief assistant, Wen Tiren, took the lead, and after saluting, he played: "It is rumored that His Majesty intends to terminate the examination next year. Upon first hearing this, the old minister is deeply surprised. Whether this rumor is true or not, please enlighten me!"

 From today to October 40th, the monthly ticket will be doubled. If you have a ticket, can you give it to the younger one? There are more than 100 words, and the monthly tickets add up to only more than [-], which is really a shame.

(End of this chapter)

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