Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 165 Bewitched

Chapter 165 Bewitched
About forty miles south of Huayin County, on a gentle slope in the Huashan Mountains, thousands of people are sitting or lying down to rest.

Since the surrender in Yan'an Mansion, Tuo Yangkun and Zhang Wenyao led more than 3000 men, under the care of [-] guerrillas Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie, all the way south to Xi'an.

Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie were so happy that they didn't have to work hard. As far as meritorious service and promotion are concerned, the two are more keen on money and beautiful women.

Originally, when they were fighting thieves, they were used to following behind the officers and soldiers of the brigade. When they saw a profit, they would move forward bravely, and if the situation was not good, they would immediately retreat first.

This kind of thing happened many times, which caused the two people to have a bad reputation among the officers and generals, and even their superior Zuo Liangyu hated them because of their behavior.

After being kicked by Hong Chengchou to Sun Chuanting's subordinates, the two restrained themselves at the beginning because they were not sure about the temperament of the new governor.

But after a long time, his lazy and lazy temperament reappeared. The Qin army trained every two days, but they did it once every five days;

Because their camp was not in the same place as the Qin army, Sun Chuanting did not know what the two men were doing.

Until one time when Sun Chuanting inspected the camp of the two men, he saw that the gate of the camp was wide open but no one was on duty. After entering the camp, the soldiers were playing money and gambling in groups, and the whole camp was full of smoke.

After inquiring about the whereabouts of the master and general, I learned that the two of them took their soldiers to a kiln in Xi'an city to drink flower wine.

Sun Chuanting was furious, and ordered Sun Zhi'an to take people to the city to arrest the two men and several soldiers, and then assembled soldiers, and in front of thousands of people, they stripped off their buttocks and beat them fifty times. Army sticks, and the heads of several soldiers were beheaded.Before leaving, Sun Chuanting put down his words, and if he dared to commit the crime again, he would be decisive!
The two of them took care of their wounds for half a month before they could recover quickly. After learning about Sun Chuanting's methods, the two of them became more honest. Although they still dealt with business in daily training, at least they didn't dare to go to the city for entertainment.

But Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie hated Sun Chuanting deeply in their hearts. The fact that they were beaten with army sticks made them feel very humiliated, and the killing of their own soldiers made their hatred even worse. avenge.

This time, after receiving an errand called escort, which was actually to monitor the thieves, the two secretly thought about it, thinking that Tuo Yangkun and Zhang Wenyao had rebelled for many years, and they must have gained a lot from looting. Before they officially became the official army, We must take the opportunity to hit them hard.

So the two expressed their thoughts to Zhang Wenyao and Tuo Yangkun overtly and secretly during the chat.

Zhang Wenyao and Tuo Yangkun naturally understood what they meant, and besides, as newcomers, although they were of the same rank, they inevitably lacked confidence in their hearts.

After discussing with each other, the two took out 1000 taels of silver and sent people to Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie's camp, saying that they had no money left in their names; Thousands or tens of thousands of people are waiting to eat, and gold and silver cannot buy food.

Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie were not willing to listen, in their eyes, this group of thieves must be fat sheep with family assets of hundreds of thousands or millions, and they only took out such a small amount of money to honor them, which is obviously looking down on them.

So the two began to ask Zhang Wenyao and Tuo Yangkun for money openly, and threatened that if they didn't pay, their heads might not be guaranteed when they slept at night.

Both Zhang Wenyao and Tuo Yangkun were startled and frightened. Although they knew that their words were mostly bluffing, they were also afraid that if they were really murdered, the court would definitely not vent their anger on them. Is it a thief?
People had to bow their heads under the eaves. In desperation, Zhang Wenyao and Tuo Yangkun each took out 500 taels of silver and sent them to their accounts in person, and complained that they really didn't have much money. This was the last savings. If you don't believe me, you can ask The rest of the rogue soldiers usually plunder mainly food and grass.

Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie couldn't believe it, they accepted the money, but their faces were so ugly that they almost came forward to beat and scold them.

Since then, along the way, Xu and Liu ordered their subordinates to beat and scold the soldiers frequently, and it became commonplace to skip meals.

Huang Chao, Tuo Yangkun's confidant, has been a thief for many years, and he was very impatient with the surrender and incorporation into the army.

So he found Tuo Yangkun and tricked him into rebelling with his subordinates. Taking advantage of the fact that the imperial army was in northern Shaanxi, he led his troops out of Tongguan and into Henan. There are high mountains and dense forests, and the terrain is dangerous. Not to mention suppressing the officers and soldiers, it is difficult to find them.

Although Tuo Yangkun was extremely resentful in his heart, he was still terrified when he thought of the power of the officers and soldiers he had seen and Gao Yingxiang's fate; he was afraid that after another rebellion, once he was suppressed by the officers and soldiers, he would never want to surrender again. possible.

Undecided, Tuo Yangkun approached Zhang Wenyao to discuss countermeasures, and Huang Chao also took the opportunity to encourage Zhang Wenyao to go back to Shaanxi together.

Although Zhang Wenyao was also angry at Xu and Liu's despicable behavior, he flatly rejected Tuo Yangkun and Huang Chao's proposal.

What are you kidding?It was so easy to get rid of the traitor's skin, and he became a high-ranking military general of the imperial court. Guangyao's lintel made people extremely proud, so why did he become a thief again?
I don't do it!

Zhang Wenyao warned the two to be patient for the time being, and when they arrived at the Xi'an Mansion, the imperial court issued an official certificate, then they would no longer have to be afraid of being blackmailed, and whoever dared to come to blackmail him could just punch him.

Seeing that Tuo Yangkun had listened to Zhang Wenyao's words, Huang Chao told a big lie in desperation: "Boss, I passed by Xu Zhong's camp the day before yesterday, and I happened to hear him and Liu Yingjie discussing the surrender of our group. Thief! Only after hearing this did I think of persuading the big boss to leave Shaanxi!"

Tuo Yangkun hurriedly asked: "What are they talking about? How much money do you want?"

Huang Chao sighed and said, "It's better to ask for money! What you want is our lives!"

Tuo Yangkun jumped up in shock, and asked repeatedly: "What do you mean? Who wants our lives? Brother Zhang and I are both guerrilla generals, how dare they want our lives?"

Huang Chao sneered and said: "That's what Xu Zhong said! As long as our 8000 people arrive at Xi'an Mansion, all the tribes will go to the fields, and all the leaders will be beheaded! Big boss, it's not Xu Zhong who wants our lives! It's the court who wants us Life!"

Tuo Yangkun was so frightened that his face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He muttered to himself: "It's not like that! You must have heard it wrong! The court will not keep its word!"

Huang Chao continued: "Boss, I will follow you when I fight you. When will I lie to you? The imperial court did not take action in Yan'an Mansion. It was because they were afraid that the news would leak and they would not be able to recruit other rebels! We are not Going to Xi'an Mansion, we are going to Huangquan Difu!"

Zhang Wenyao was going to refute Huang Chao, but seeing Tuo Yangkun's appearance, he knew he had believed it.

He has a close relationship with Tuo Yangkun and understands his nature.

Tuo Yangkun has no ambitions, and is suspicious by nature, his ears are soft, and he has no opinions. Huang Chao's amazing words made Tuo Yangkun, who was already suspicious, completely believe it. The imperial court sent troops to escort them back to Xi'an Mansion. For the purpose of killing.

Forget it, since you want to be a traitor again, then I, Zhang Wenyao, I'm sorry, I can only borrow my brother's head for use!
It took Tuoyangkun a long time to recover, and he slowly turned his head to look at Zhang Wenyao: "Brother Zhang, I just thought about it a while ago, and Huang Chao's words are probably true! The imperial court has no intention of letting us go! I have been fighting against the imperial court for many years. You have a lot of blood on your hands, there are civilians as well as officers and soldiers! Can the court not bear grudges?"

Zhang Wenyao nodded solemnly and said: "The big boss is right! Although we usually control our subordinates, we want money and life, but who can stop when things come to an end! The court wants to settle accounts after autumn!"

Seeing that the two leaders believed his words, Huang Chao was overjoyed. He added fuel to the fire and said, "The imperial court gave the two leaders a title, and they are still of the same rank as Xu and Liu. When did the two thieves treat the two leaders as generals along the way? The two thieves still treat the leader as a rebel! If they are both officers and soldiers, how dare they extort money from others?"

Tuo Yangkun sat down slowly, and his expression returned to calm. He said: "Since we know that we are going to die, then we can't just die in vain! The court is not benevolent, so don't blame us for being unrighteous! Already!"

Huang Chao gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Middle! This is what the big boss looks like! The big boss just orders, I, Huang Chao, have nothing to say!"

Since Zhang Wenyao had an idea in his mind, he wanted to take the opportunity to make things worse so that he could get more credit for it in the future.

He said: "Boss, I have nothing to say about going out of Shaanxi, but now we are short of weapons, food and grass. Although the two thieves Xu and Liu don't have many troops, they are all armored soldiers. If we go against each other, we will let them go in the blink of an eye." Suppressed! How should this be done?"

Huang Chao slapped his chest and laughed, "Bosses, I have a clever plan! If it works, I'll have all my soldiers, food and grass!"

Although Tuo Yangkun lacked resourcefulness and was not a brave person, his biggest advantage was that he treated his subordinates generously and was good at listening to other people's opinions. To put it bluntly, he had no ideas in his heart.

As soon as he heard that Huang Chao had a solution, he hurriedly asked, "Brother Huang, what's the plan? Tell me! If we succeed, brother can't treat you badly!"

 I strongly recommend it today, adding a new chapter, thank you for the editor and friends who supported this work, thank you Jin Mojin for your reward, and thank you book friend Long Ziyan for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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