Chapter 166
Tuo Yangkun's tent was covered in blood and the ground was a mess.The heads of Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie had been chopped off, and the expressions on their faces were still full of anger and fear.

Several soldiers brought by the two were also beheaded. The aroma of wine and meat in the camp was mixed with the smell of blood, which made people want to vomit.

Tuo Yangkun invited Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie to drink in the tent, and in the name of giving him a big gift after drinking, he invited them from the army camp.

Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie didn't suspect fraud, and thought that Tuo Yangkun and Zhang Wenyao had softened under these few days of cruelty.

It was just getting dark, and the two happily brought a few soldiers to the banquet in casual clothes.

There were two banquet tables in the tent, Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie were accompanied by Tuo Yangkun and Zhang Wenyao in person, and the few soldiers they brought were accompanied by Huang Chao, Tuo Yangkun, and Zhang Wenyao's trusted aides.

When the wine was half drunk, Tuo Yangkun excused himself to get up and leave the table and left the tent. Zhang Wenyao deliberately pushed the chopsticks to the ground, and when he bent down to pick them up, he pulled out the short blade from the boot.

After he coughed, he squatted down and leaned forward suddenly. With strength in his waist and arms, he swung the arm holding the short blade, and the sharp short blade slashed across the throat of Liu Yingjie who was sitting across the corner of the table from him. Liu Yingjie's body It hit the ground backwards like a log, still holding a sheep bone in its mouth.

Before Xu Zhong on the other side could react, Zhang Wenyao yelled, threw the short blade out of his hand, and nailed it on Xu Zhong's shoulder. Xu Zhong screamed; Zhong intuitively felt that his eyes went dark, and he was knocked to the ground by the table mixed with cups, pans, and bowls of soup.

Following Zhang Wenyao's coughing, Huang Chao and others who had been prepared at the other table rose up to attack and killed several personal soldiers neatly.

Before Xu Zhong lifted the table and turned over to get up, Zhang Wenyao picked up a thick stump as a chair, and slammed it on the overturned table. Xu Zhong's sternum under the table was broken and he fell into a coma instantly; Huang Chao walked quickly from the other side Jumping over, he pushed the table aside with one hand, and dragged the unconscious Xu Zhong out. Another confidant of Tuo Yangkun, Han San, rushed over, chopping off Xu Zhong's head with a small hand ax several times. down.

Then Huang Chao, Han San and other cronies of Tuoyangkun led their respective [-]-plus troops into the army camp at night. Xu and Liu, who had been scattered for a long time and had no defenses, were killed and fled in all directions at night. Most of the weapons and armor were obtained by the rebels, and all the food and grass were also owned by the rebels.

Zhang Wenyao, who left from Tuoyangkun's tent in the name of returning to the camp to gather troops, came with his troops only after the officers and soldiers had fled.The reason was that the soldiers could not see the road clearly in the dark, and encountered several fleeing officers and soldiers on the way, which delayed time after a melee.Although Tuo Yangkun and Huang Chao were dissatisfied, they didn't want to investigate further.The big thing has already been done, and the right way is to find a way to escape from Shaanxi as soon as possible.

Zhang Wenyao had already arranged for a few cronies to ride to Fengxiang Mansion on the few horses they had.This matter must be reported to Sun Chuanting as soon as possible, then what I will do in the future will become an act of integrity under the governor's instruction.

From Pucheng, where they are now, to Fengxiang Mansion, there is a distance of more than [-] miles, and it can be reached in two days without sparing horsepower.He didn't care what Sun Chuanting did after receiving his report.It is not too difficult to send troops to hunt down or intercept them, because no matter where they go, they will leave traces that cannot be concealed.What Zhang Wenyao was waiting for was how he could get the most benefit from the arrival of the officers and soldiers.

According to Huang Chao's suggestion, they would rush from Pucheng to Huayin in the southeast, then turn east, and enter Henan through the mountains near Tongguan.

There must be officers and soldiers stationed at Tongguan. The kind of ancient grand pass cannot be broken by a group of mobs like them. It can only be bypassed from the nearby mountains. This is the shortest way to Henan.

If you go directly east from Pucheng, there are several cities in front of you, and no one knows whether there are officers or soldiers. Even if you bypass a few cities, you will still enter Shanxi.

If they go that way, they will be getting closer and closer to the army in northern Shaanxi. What they are thinking now is that the farther away from the army, the better. Henan is the best place right now.

According to the laziness and disorderly habits of the thieves, when they traveled from Pucheng to Huayin, the officers and soldiers would definitely be able to arrive.

Sure enough, the night after the rebels passed Huayin County, Zhang Wenyao, who was dragged behind, saw his cronies and Sun Chuanting's personal army, Sun Zhi'an.

The next day, the rebels marched to the south side of the Huashan Mountains. After crossing a valley and walking [-] miles, there is a big mountain near Tongguan, from where they can enter Henan.

Zhang Wenyao, Tuo Yangkun, Huang Chao and others are discussing the way forward.

From Pucheng all the way to Huayin, I didn't encounter any officers and soldiers along the way.The four gates of Huayin County were closed tightly, and the rebels who originally wanted to attack the county stopped thinking of attacking when they saw archers and young men all over the city.If it is delayed for a few days, there may be another army coming from the surrounding area, and they will not be able to leave even if they want to leave.

Zhang Wenyao said: "Big leader, the situation ahead is unknown. For the sake of safety, I will lead the headquarters to open the way ahead, and the big leader will be separated from me by ten miles. After I find out, I will send someone to inform the big leader. When the time comes, the big leader will lead the people." Just go ahead with confidence.”

Tuo Yangkun pondered for a while, but didn't notice anything wrong, so he nodded in response.

Zhang Wenyao returned to the back road to gather his troops, passed Tuo Yangkun's men, and headed towards the valley.

About an hour later, Zhang Wenyao sent someone to report that there was nothing abnormal in the road ahead, so Tuo Yangkun led his troops to follow up.

Amidst the shouting and cursing of Huang Chao and other leaders, it took less than half an hour for thousands of rebels to assemble. Then Huang Chao led his subordinates into the valley first, and Tuo Yangkun led the Chinese army to follow up.

This valley is surrounded by cliffs on both sides. The path in the valley is narrow and difficult, and only three people can walk in parallel. Fortunately, the rebels only had dozens of horses and did not carry extra luggage, so it was not difficult to travel, but the team pulled Seven or eight miles away, the rebel army in front had already turned the corner, and the rebel army behind had not set off yet.

Just half an hour after the last rebel army disappeared on the mountain road, the three thousand Qin troops who stayed behind in Xi'an Mansion appeared at the mountain pass.

Zhang Wenyao's confidant quickly rushed to Fengxiang Mansion to look for Sun Chuanting but failed, and learned that he was in Linggu County not far away, so he rushed to Sun Chuanting who was leading an army to besiege the bandits.

Sun Chuanting immediately ordered Sun Zhi'an to return to Xi'an Mansion with the people sent by Zhang Wenyao with the governor's warrant, mobilized [-] defenders to pursue the rebels, and ordered that all but Zhang Wenyao's troops be killed.

As for the fleeing Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie's troops, we can send people to gather them after we wipe out the rogues.Regarding the disposal of this batch of waste, Sun Chuanting sent a message to Yang Mingsheng: Disarm, and under the care of the Qin army, farmland and open up wasteland, Xu Zhong and Liu Yingjie sued the court for the crime of collusion with the enemy.

Sun Chuanting rewarded Zhang Wenyao's cronies with 30 taels of silver each, so that they would follow Sun Zhian back home overnight regardless of their fatigue.

Sun Zhian took a few soldiers and Zhang Wenyao's cronies, one on two horses, and rushed to Xi'an overnight with torches, and came back at noon the next day.After arriving, Sun Zhian showed the governor's warrant to Chen Yong, a guerrilla of the Qin army. Chen Yong immediately assembled his troops and rushed to the Huayin area two hundred miles away.

Regardless of their fatigue, Sun Zhi'an and the rest rushed to the area of ​​Huayin first, and met Zhang Wenyao who was trailing behind in the north of Huayin at dusk the next day.

After entering the valley and walking for less than ten miles, Huang Chao's people who were walking in front ran back in a panic to report that the road ahead was blocked, and Zhang Wenyao's people who were exploring the road disappeared.

Huang Chao ordered the team to wait in place, and he and a few little leaders separated from the crowd and rushed to the front.

On the mountain road ahead, boulders mixed with miscellaneous trees blocked the narrow road tightly.

Huang Chao struggled to climb up to the stone pile blocking the road and looked around. There were the same obstacles within more than a hundred steps in front of him. It would take half a day to clear these debris.

He got off the stone ramp and wanted to find the soldiers sent by Zhang Wenyao to inform him, but they had long since disappeared. He presumably sneaked to the front and ran away while no one was paying attention.

Needless to say, these obstacles were arranged by Zhang Wenyao in front, but why did he do this?

Before Huang Chao could figure it out, there was a rumbling sound from the steep cliffs on both sides, and boulders rolled down the mountain. The figure on the top of the mountain is shaking, but the face cannot be seen clearly.

The moment the boulder rolled down, Huang Chao suddenly understood: Zhang Wenyao had no intention of rebelling again!Tuo Yangkun and him were both fooled!Since he dared to block the way here, the officers and soldiers must have arrived later!
There was no suspense about the outcome of the battle. Huang Chao was smashed into a pulp by the momentum of the first wave of rolling down, and hundreds of rogues died with him; in the panic, the thieves rushed to the back road, trampled and squeezed, countless casualties .

It was not easy for Tuo Yangkun in the middle to control the chaotic situation. Seeing that the front road was blocked and the two sides could not climb over, he had to retreat and look for another way.

As a result, the thieves finally got out of the valley, but what was waiting for them outside the mountain pass was three thousand officers and soldiers with heavy armor.

Under 3000 firecrackers, [-] archers and long-range strikes in turn, only more than [-] thieves were left with casualties all over the ground.

Tuo Yangkun committed suicide with a knife, which was considered a heroic death.After being ordered by the officers and soldiers to abandon their weapons, the rest of the thieves knelt down and begged to surrender. Finally, without the ability to resist, they were ordered to be beheaded by the Qin army guerrilla Chen Yong.

When Zhang Wenyao led his troops out of the valley, what he saw was an incomparably tragic scene, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as corpses strewn all over the ground.

Zhang Wenyao's subordinates were all secretly thankful that they didn't follow Tuo Yangkun to rebel again, otherwise the one lying here would be his own corpse.

Chen Yong sent people to Huayin County to inform the county government, and asked the government to send people to bury the corpse and clean the battlefield.

County Magistrate Feng Qizheng was puzzled by the identity of this group of people who had just passed by a few days ago. After hearing a brief explanation from the officers and soldiers who came to pass the news, he realized that they were a group of thieves.

Although he was very dissatisfied that an officer guerrilla could arrange for him to work, but considering that he had just won the battle and might have something to rely on in the future, he held his nose and accepted the job.

 The state is really bad, I can't find the feeling.I also feel that the writing is poor, so please scold me hard, come on!
  Zhang Wenyao is a talent, and he will definitely reuse it. In history, Gao Jie and Zuo Guang first surrendered to the rebels, and later became the general soldiers. After the rebels surrendered, killing the rebels was even more ruthless.Just like the Ganshan Green Battalion in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it was all surrendered by the frontier troops of the Ming Dynasty. During the Kangxi period, the Ganshan Green Battalion was counted on to fight San Francisco.

(End of this chapter)

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