Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 167 Thoughts

Chapter 167 Thoughts
In the Qianqing Palace, Chongzhen was reading Sun Chuanting's book of confession.

Sun Chuanting described in detail how he led the army to join Hong Chengchou until the extermination of Ma Jinzhong and other thieves in the northwest. After mutual identification and screening, all the brutal and vicious ones have been executed.

The rest selected more than 4000 people to join the army, of which [-] were assigned to the Lintao general Cao Wenzhao to lead and train them, and more than [-] were incorporated into the Qin army, temporarily under the command of the general Luo Shifang.

The remaining more than [-] people escorted Fengxiang and Pingliang Mansion to garrison fields, and dispatched dozens of officials from the governor's office in Xi'an to assist the two governments in managing garrison affairs.These Fuya officials are all participants in the successful farming of Xi'an, and have quite a lot of experience. With the assistance of these people, the matter of farming and reassuring the people in the two places should be successful.

Chongzhen greatly appreciated Sun Chuanting's above-mentioned measures. There are only a handful of provinces that can be down-to-earth and dedicated to the country.

Sun Chuanting is one of the few outstanding talents who can govern the army when he is on horseback, and calm the people when he is off his horse. He is the only one among the important ministers of Ming Dynasty who is versatile in both literature and military affairs.

Hong Chengchou is good at using troops, resourceful and decisive, but there is nothing outstanding in civil affairs.

Lu Xiangsheng is unparalleled in loyalty and bravery, with a deep sense of compassion for the scholar-bureaucrat, but his personality is soft and he is not good at fighting in the court.

Chen Qiyu has excellent strategic vision and is decisive and ruthless in dealing with things, but she is too selfish.

The rest, like Fu Zonglong, governor of Sichuan, Zhu Zhifeng, governor of Xuanfu, Wei Jingyuan, governor of Datong, Zhu Dadian, governor of Shandong, etc., although they have their own characteristics, they don't have much achievements.There is no problem for these important ministers to govern one side, but their ability to control the overall situation is hard to say.

The intensity of farming in Pingliang Prefecture should be greatly strengthened.

Pingliang Prefecture, located in the Hetao area, is densely covered with rivers. Although there have been severe droughts year after year, the water volume of many rivers has only decreased, and the flow has not stopped.

The Yellow River is full of harm, but only benefits.

With the famine and successive years of wars, the population of the northwest region has been greatly reduced. Apart from joining the thieves, the people affected by the disaster have gone south to flee the famine. Many no-man's lands have appeared in the entire northwest region.

This is most directly related to the inaction of the local government in the late Ming Dynasty.

Although the climate of the Little Ice Age was extremely abnormal, if it was properly managed, the number of people who rebelled, starved to death, or fled due to famine could be kept at an extremely low value.

Because during this period of Ming Dynasty, there was no rapid population growth as in later generations, and wasteland can be seen everywhere.

The low population is caused by many factors.Chongzhen believes that there are two main reasons.

First, the diet structure is too simple, and it is difficult for most people to maintain food and clothing.

Because of the extremely backward production methods, the grain output is too low. In the period when there is not enough to eat, let alone highly nutritious substances such as meat, eggs, and milk.

At this time, the vast majority of the people still eat two meals a day, and they still go hungry after working hard every day. Who has the mood and strength to reproduce?It is still a question of whether they will be able to live after they are born.

If the local government is diligent in its work, whether it uses the local treasury or summons the gentry to donate, as long as the money and food are used to organize the people to open up wasteland, build canals and dig wells, and organize disaster relief, no matter how severe the drought is, most of the farmland will not be destroyed. No harvest.

As long as there is something to eat, who will rebel?Who will leave home?Who will starve to death?

As mentioned in the previous article, there were about 2000 million people in the late Ming Dynasty. In this era without industrialized large-scale mining, groundwater resources were very rich.

It can be said that as long as the government spends some money to dig a few deep wells for each village, even if they are not digging wells in the fields, the hardworking people will find their own way to irrigate the fields.

Drilling a well only costs a few tens of taels of silver, and spending a few hundred taels can stabilize hundreds of thousands of people and prevent subsequent tragedies and tragedies from happening, but the officials don't even bother to do it.

In their eyes, grass people are really weeds. This year's crop will die, and next spring will grow a dense layer.

This problem is very simple and easy to solve, but the inaction of the government is what makes Chongzhen most angry. As a time traveler, he cannot tolerate large-scale human-caused tragedies.

Whether you come from a wealthy or poor family, every life must be respected.

These beings did not cry and fight for human rights at all. Their greatest wish was to have enough food and live.

He will emphasize this point in his edict to Sun Chuanting. For local officials who do not act, regardless of their rank or who is behind them, once they are discovered, they will all be dismissed from their official positions and fame.

It's not to make him an official, but to get rid of him.

Being dismissed from his official position and fame means that from then on, he will be a commoner and will not have any privileges, and all the fields under his name will no longer enjoy the preferential treatment of tax exemption.

Some people who do not have an official position may not care about it. As long as the fame is still there, after returning to their hometown, relying on the income they have earned from being an official for many years, and the relationship between classmates, teachers, etc., they can still enjoy wealth and glory, and the local government will still look at them differently.Officials and gentry, of course they can't be the same as grassroots people.

But if your fame is gone, you are no longer qualified to be an official. Even if you have money, you are just a rich man, and you are not allowed to be exploited by evil officials.

The achievements of hard study in the cold window have come to naught. I believe everyone can hardly accept it, but it is already like this, what can you do?

For these officials who have been expelled, their classmates and teachers should also be strictly supervised. If anyone dares to intercede for the offenders, sorry, Yizhou lacks a county magistrate. Go there and recite poems against the savages.

Do you dare to rebel?
Do you think the sage books teach you how to rebel?

Scholars failed to rebel for ten years, and enjoyed years of wealth and wealth. Ask yourself, do you still have the guts to rebel?I will be scared to death by myself!
The reason why those local thieves and rogues you look down on dare to rebel is because they have nothing but life.

They have never heard of the wine, women, and delicacies that you have enjoyed, and they have never read books, and they know very little about the outside world.

The ignorant are fearless.

Know nothing to be courageous.

The more I know, the more restrained I am when I do things, thinking before and after, afraid of this and that.

Thinking about thousands of ways at night, and still selling tofu after waking up.

It is these brave literati who are talking about.

Pulling away, Chongzhen withdrew his thoughts.

The second main reason for the small population is that the medical conditions are extremely backward.

Having a baby is like walking through the gates of hell.

In the later generations with extremely developed medical conditions, the infant mortality rate is not low, not to mention the present age without any medical assistance.

In Daming at that time, almost every village had a woman who was called a midwife in the west.

Wenpo's status is very high. In a sense, she is higher than the county magistrate in the eyes of the common people.

Because every family will face the problem of passing on the family line, the extremely ignorant people don't know how to deliver babies, they can only rely on the great gods in the village.

Although the Wen women are also illiterate, they are all talents with flexible minds and rich practical experience.

Of course, the initial experience was accumulated during childbirth. The stable women all have one thing in common: the family is prosperous.

Can give birth, and can be healthy adults, and then continue to reproduce offspring.

If you do too much, you'll know what's going on.

The great thinker and philosopher, the oil seller, once said: There is no one else, and you are familiar with it.

But no matter how experienced the women are, they can only help deliver babies without any follow-up medical assistance.

They are not doctors, but midwives, and they are midwives with simple and rude methods, killing or burying the kind.

At that time, the infant mortality rate was frighteningly high, and there were a large number of cases of two deaths due to dystocia.

Because there is no forceps.

Thinking of this, Chongzhen's heart moved, and he must start trying to make forceps as soon as possible. Although he had never seen it before, he could guess it from the name, so let the skilled craftsmen in the military prison build it.

He called Li Erxi who was dozing off beside him with his head bowed, explained the application method and general shape of the forceps, and ordered him to go to the Military Weapons Supervision to deliver the decree.

I hope my wild thinking can help more women.

Even if the child is born smoothly, various diseases, lack of nutrition, etc., have become the key factors for whether the child can become an adult.

Not to mention those major infectious diseases, even a small wind and cold will take away a fragile life.

But this problem is difficult to solve.

Daming is too short of a doctor.

How can there be a doctor in the countryside?

Only in the county town, there is a doctor's take-out medicine shop.

But now that the traffic is extremely inconvenient, the young child has an emergency, how did you get to the county?Do you have money for the doctor?
In the vast majority of cases, it is suffering, suffering.

Pray to God and pray to Buddha, and watch one's own child pass away. Such tragedies are repeated countless times every day.

Chongzhen sometimes wondered, what exactly would he do when he traveled to Daming?
Eliminate thieves and slaves, and then ensure the wealth and well-being of yourself and your descendants?
This is understandable, people are selfish.

But under this premise, can we give more consideration to the people who are struggling with hunger and cold?

The poor are alone.

Darth is conducive to the world.

If a person is alive and capable, if he only cares about self-interest and ignores others, what is the meaning of life?

I have transmigrated to the most honorable person of Ming Dynasty in principle, and I have countless resources in my hands. In this case, shouldn't it benefit all people?

In my previous life, I was just an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary. Although I have suffered countless setbacks and blows in reality, and I have seen many dark sides, my heart is still bright.

I also dreamed that one day I would hold great power, or have countless money, to help more people in need, and to leave more beauty for this world, but it is just a dream in future generations.

Now that God has given me such an opportunity, if I don't do anything else, my conscience will be eaten by a dog, and then the dog will die of poison.

I once dreamed of going to the end of the world with a sword, and I also dreamed of reaching the realm of worrying about the inborn worries and enjoying the joy of the world later.

What is the purpose of walking around the world with a sword?
Solve the difficulties of the people.

The current position no longer has to go to the end of the world.As long as I give an order, there will be plenty of sword bearers, and what will be executed are all my dreams.

Those childhood hero dreams.

The chivalrous dream of eradicating tyranny and helping the poor.

I will be the greatest hero in the world.

The great man is the country and the people.

 The death of Mr. Jin Yong made this world no longer a hero.

  What is this chapter called water?I'm expressing my own thoughts. Is it not water to hack and kill and search the house all day long?

(End of this chapter)

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