Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 173 Guess

Chapter 173 Guess
The comprehensive renovation plan of the capital city is in full swing. The road surface replacement project has been fully rolled out in the east and west cities, while the south and north cities are currently building public toilets according to the plan.

This is also a targeted decision made by officials of the Ministry of Industry after inspection.

Rich in the east, rich in the west, poor in the south and cheap in the north are the status quo in Beijing.

Most of the main roads in the east and west cities are already paved with bricks and stones. What we need to do now is to harden the dirt roads in some corners and narrow alleys. Therefore, the amount of work is relatively small, and it is expected that all construction will be completed within a few years.

Since the east and west cities are populated by officials and merchants who are either rich or expensive, the floating population is relatively small, and the sanitary conditions are already quite good. Therefore, the public toilets and other public health facilities built by the Ministry of Industry in these two cities are also few, as long as they are sufficient.

Most of the transformation is in the north and south cities.

Most of the million people in the capital live in these two places, and various large-scale commodity markets are also concentrated here. The plan to transform the capital also directly benefits the people of the two cities.

After the joint rectification of Jinyiwei and Shuntian Mansion, the phenomenon of littering and defecating indiscriminately has basically disappeared; occasionally, it is also caused by outsiders who have entered the city, and this can be ignored.As time goes by, even if a foreigner comes to the capital and sees such a fresh and clean environment, some of his indecent behavior will subconsciously restrain himself.

This costly project required a large number of manpower, and the cost was paid by Chongzhen from internal funds.Whether it is purchasing or hiring labor, all settlements are made in cash, and Jin Yiwei sends people to supervise the entire process, basically eliminating embezzlement and embarrassment.

Of course, local residents in the capital are the first choice for hired workers. The timely payment of money will improve and enhance the quality of life of many families.

The money that flows is money. If it is piled up in the warehouse cellar, it is just useless metal, which has lost the attributes it should have.

After a large number of public toilets are built, Shuntian Prefecture will hire people to clean them up.According to the decree of Zhu Youjian (named later), people from poor families are given priority in employment. This kind of meager but long-term income will also benefit some poor people who do not have a fixed income.

The public toilets in the eastern and western cities are spacious and comfortable, with bonsai flowers and plants hanging inside, and some decorations such as calligraphy and paintings hanging. Incense is set off all year round during the day to ensure that there is no smell inside. The hired workers in charge of cleaning are also dressed in uniform. blue tunic.All these actions will give people who go to the toilet a sense of ritual, which is also specially arranged to satisfy the big family who pay attention to face, so that they can't help but say: pay attention to it after going to the toilet!

A millionaire who is worth a million dollars is out and suddenly feels anxious. He can't run home again to deal with the emergency, right?What's more, it's too late.

The luxurious public toilets on the side of the road are both convenient and elegant, and you will be satisfied.

Of course, after the three emergencies are resolved, you have to pay, not much, five copper coins; if your whole family has a monthly subscription, you only need two taels of silver, whether it's the young master or your family's servants and maidservants, you can come alone or in a group. Do it ten times a day.

Of course, big families will choose to pay a monthly subscription, even if they don’t go in once a year, they still have to pay a monthly subscription. Who is short of dozens of taels of silver a year?Otherwise, if it spreads out, I can't afford to lose that person.

These incomes are enough to cover the cost of hiring workers, and they can also be profitable. As for the profitable money, of course, it is used for daily maintenance.

The public toilets in the northern and southern cities do not charge any fees and do not have any additional facilities, but cleanliness is a must.

In fact, before the renovation of the capital city, the phenomenon of littering was not uncommon. The whole city was relatively clean, and dirty was relative, not absolute.

In Paris and London during this period, the streets and alleys were full of filth, and it was common for everyone to defecate everywhere.You are walking on the street, maybe a pile of filthy things will fall from the sky and hit your head.

High heels were invented in this special environment.

A lady in a long dress went out wearing flat shoes, and when she got home, the skirt was full of feces and urine, disgusting?
How to do?
Raise the heel.

Thus, the popular high-heeled shoes were born, and parents no longer worry that you will be stained with shit when you go shopping.

After reading Hong Chengchou's playbook and detailed battle report, Zhu Youjian felt disappointed.

The unbeatable Xiaoqiang still ran away.

But this time, he didn't go to the Central Plains to continue to harm Daming, but went to the north of the Great Wall.

This result is acceptable. According to Li Zicheng's natural combat attributes, it is inevitable to go outside the Great Wall and kill each other with the Mongols.

There is no possibility of peace between the two parties.

Although Li Zicheng and the others are rebels, they have always regarded themselves as Ming people. They also regard the Tuzi Jiannu outside the Great Wall as savages with unchanged animal nature, and look down on these outsiders from the bottom of their hearts.

What kind of sparks will be created once the two parties who have developed the good habit of looting meet?

It's good to have the dog's brains out.

Zhu Youjian is not worried that Li Zicheng will grow up outside the Great Wall.The Mongolian tribes outside the Great Wall are all very poor. How can they have all kinds of strategic materials needed for war?If there were, they would have broken in and looted.

How can you develop without supplies?

Can a knife cut someone without a gap?Where can I make a bow and arrow if I can't shoot it?
If you can't even eat enough, how can you have the strength to fight?

Many Mongolian tribes still use arrows made of animal bones. How can there be iron materials to make weapons and arrows?
Do you want to spend money to let Yansui Town and Outer Mongolia buy the head of the thief?Especially bandit leaders such as Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin.

Well, you can try.

It doesn't matter if the Mongols don't know the bandit leader, they can be identified by their attire and armor, and they can also be identified by the bandits.

The head of the bandit is 1 taels, plus [-] shi of grain.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

If there are dates and no dates, it will be a shot.

It is a pity that Li Zicheng was not killed this time.

Zhu Youjian pondered for a long time, and felt that the main reason was the contempt of the officers and soldiers.

After all, Hong Chengchou and others were people at that time, unable to realize Li Zicheng's great destructiveness and harmfulness, but just regarded him as a leader of thieves.

In the eyes of everyone, the little-known Li Zicheng is far behind Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong, and even Tuo Yangkun.

This has resulted in subjective indifference, killing those who can be killed, and it doesn't matter if they can't be killed and escape.

Only he, the traveler, knows the truth of the facts, but he cannot tell the truth.

Just run away, now that the situation in Daming has been completely reversed, even if Li Zicheng didn't run away, he would not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed in the end, and he no longer has to worry about being forced to hang himself.

Do you want to cut down the crooked neck tree?
With the country basically stable, vigorously developing the people's livelihood and economy, and improving the living conditions of the people of Ming Dynasty can be put on the agenda.

The embryonic stage of capitalism began to emerge in the Jiangnan area in the middle and late Wanli period, and various workshops began to appear one after another. A few wealthy households invested in opening workshops and hired workers to produce various commodities.

But it is only a budding, and today's social system seriously restricts the development of this emerging thing.

Because emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business is still the mainstream of society, and the status of businessmen is very low. After making money, businessmen have to spend a lot of money and seek shelter from official circles.

The idea of ​​emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce has penetrated into everyone's bone marrow.

After making money, businessmen do not invest in expanding production scale, but purchase land and rent it out to obtain stable income.

In addition, the peasant households in Ming Dynasty are too poor, and it is a problem to maintain food and clothing. How can they have spare money to buy various commodities?

It was only in desperation that the prosperity of maritime trade came about.

The domestic demand is not enough, and the sales of products can only be solved through export.

Another situation is that many nimble small businessmen and small business owners in Jiangnan want to expand their production capacity, but they lack enough money in their hands.

In fact, the salt merchants in the Jianghuai area, in addition to the stable income of salt profit, they also have another important income, that is usury.

Salt interest can guarantee them long-term, sustainable and stable profits, but usury allows them to obtain huge profits in a short period of time.

Today's usury is not one share and two shares as in later generations, but double or even several times, which is commonly known as "Donkey Rolling".

The lender lends you 500 taels, and you have to repay 1000 taels or even higher when it is due.

There are not a few families in the south of the Yangtze River whose families have been ruined because of borrowing.

This method is no different from that of thieves. They are both open robbery, but the means are different.

To put it bluntly, the most important thing is to develop agriculture first.

Only when agricultural productivity is greatly improved and the food and clothing problems of most people are solved, will it bring a stable foundation and continuous impetus to economic development.

What needs to be considered now is the whereabouts of Wu Sangui and Zu Dale.With the entire territory of Shaanxi basically pacified, the Liaodong cavalry had no reason to stay in Shaanxi.

Zu Kuan and Li Chongjin are still following Lu Xiangsheng to suppress Zhang Xianzhong and other troops in the Huguang area, so there is no need to consider the possibility of them returning to Liaodong for the time being.Moreover, judging from the current performance of the two, it is still possible to win over from the Liaodong Group.

Li Chongjin, in particular, was originally a marginal figure in the Guanning Army, far inferior to Zu Kuan, who was rooted in Hong Miaozheng, and he was promoted only by virtue of his military merits.

After all, you Guan Ningjun has a good reputation, you can't just ask for money, you don't have any generals you can fight, right?

But it is impossible to say that Li Chongjin, who has been neglected within the Liaodong Group for a long time, has no dissatisfaction in his heart.

Although he was transferred to the Central Plains area by the Ministry of War to suppress bandits for just over a year, he has accumulated meritorious service and been promoted to the position of deputy commander-in-chief, which is much faster than he was able to get to guerrilla warfare after many years in Liaodong. He will get it soon, which Zu Dashou will not give him.Only their nephews and relatives have always been able to take the important position of holding a heavy soldier.

With the support and support of Sun Chuanting, Hong Chengchou finally pacified Shaanxi. It was really hard work for many years.Without his support, Ming's situation would have deteriorated long ago, and this victory would temporarily ease the courtiers' dissatisfaction with him.

When Lu Xiangsheng pacified Huguang, in terms of qualifications and merits, a bachelor should be enough to reward them for their merits, and Sun Chuanting could justifiably be rewarded with the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of War and become a high-ranking official of the first rank.

Both Wu Sangui and Zu Dale are representative figures in the Liaodong Group. Their loyalty to the Guanning Army is far higher than to the imperial court, and it is impossible for them to completely separate from Liaodong.

Since it's out of control for the time being, let's put it back.

Zhu Youjian has asked Luo Yangxing to send Jin Yiwei to go deep into Liaodong in various identities to find out as much information as possible.

Asking the court for money for various reasons can be temporarily tolerated, but if there are traffic thieves, this is simply unacceptable to Zhu Youjian.

If this really happens, there is no need to keep this army.

What does the house thief want him to do?
Zhu Youjian has an intuition that there must be some kind of shady business between Guan Ningjun and Hou Jin, but there is no evidence to confirm this.

Let's hope my intuition is wrong, otherwise it is too scary.

 Thank you book friends for your heartfelt rewards. I hope that everyone who reads the book will vote for me. The recommendation has been ranked around [-] for a long time, which is really ugly.

  Back to Kai Kai Lingyun’s question: The 200-year imprisonment of Chinese people’s thoughts in the Manchu Qing Dynasty was outrageous. Although the atmosphere in the Ming Dynasty was not as open as it is now, it was not closed to the perverted behavior of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, not to mention that public toilets were mainly built in civilian areas. .If there is no public toilet, how convenient is it for residents to go out or go to the city to do business?
(End of this chapter)

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