Chapter 174
It is already a very cold season in Liaodong in October. A heavy snowfall a few days ago covered the vast northeast land in white.

In the Chongzheng Hall of the Imperial Palace in the center of Shengjing City, the regular eight kings' discussions are going on. The emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Huang Taijiu, is sitting on the dragon chair. Sit on both sides of the steps.

Azige, the king of Doro Wuying County, lost his troops and generals a few months ago, and lost his son-in-law Yangguli. It was given to the young Duoduo, and the three Niulu under his banner were divided into two yellow flags under Hauge.

Huang Taiji on the throne frowned and said: "Since Fan Yongdou and others in Zhangjiakou Fort were confiscated by the Ming Dynasty, there is no way to sell the products produced by our Qing Dynasty, and there are few supplies such as grain, iron, gunpowder and so on. I don’t know anything about the situation in the Ming Dynasty. Now there are furs, ginseng, and deer antlers piled up in the warehouse, which will have a great impact on our Qing Dynasty in the long run; what do the kings think about this? But if you have a good plan, you must speak up!”

The Jinshang Group headed by Fan Yongdou has provided great help to Jianzhou Jurchen in recent years.

Various materials produced in Jianzhou were distributed to various parts of Daming through Fan Yongdou and others, and then Shanxi merchants relied on the various relationships established in Daming to continuously transport all kinds of materials needed by Jianzhou.Later Jinneng developed from a poor and barbaric tribe to the present establishment of a country. In addition to amassing wealth by plundering everywhere, Shanxi merchants played an irreplaceable role in it.Of course, Shanxi merchants have also made huge profits from these business activities again and again, but this practice of sucking blood from their home country to support the enemy is disgusting.

Jin Yiwei's inspection of Shanxi merchants was tantamount to cutting off one of Hou Jin's arms.In the past year, the furs, giant trees, pearls and ginseng produced or looted by the various ministries of the Eight Banners have completely lost their market, so they can only be stored in warehouses.Fortunately, these materials can be stored for a long time, otherwise the loss of Houjin will be even greater.

And without the constant supply of Shanxi merchants to transport all kinds of urgently needed strategic materials in Jianzhou, the iron materials, gunpowder, and medicinal materials that were originally accumulated are scarce every day, but there is nowhere to replenish them.Liaodong has a huge demand for various raw materials, and it does not produce these materials itself. The current situation of sitting and eating is not a good sign.

These things that should have been turned into money and food are now dead things, and there is no value in putting them there. This kind of evil effect of only consuming but not earning money gradually emerged, which also made Huang Taiji and others uneasy. They realized that they must Find ways to change this situation as soon as possible.

The three Azige brothers, Dai Shan and others did not take up Huang Taiji's words.Since you are the emperor, you should worry about these things; if we offer a good plan, you will say that you think the same way in the end, you might as well watch the excitement from the sidelines.

Sanbeile Mang Gurtai said nonchalantly: "Without Fan Yongdou, there are Zhang Yongdou and Li Yongdou! Tell the servants below to inquire more, and then find a few merchants from the Ming Kingdom!"

Bei Le Yuetuo nodded and said: "Uncle Wu is right. Merchants in the Ming Dynasty love money very much. If they know that communicating with our country can make great profits, they will definitely sacrifice themselves! You might as well ask people to inquire more, and you should be able to find it. !"

Prince Rui Dorgon couldn't help but sneered and said: "Fan Yongdou and others have lived in Xuanfu Town for several generations. Because of their close connection with the border generals of the Ming Dynasty, they can go in and out of the frontier without hindrance; if they are Biewai merchants, they only need to get through It will take several years for all kinds of connections, even if someone is greedy for huge wealth, it is difficult to compare with him! This method is absolutely unfeasible!"

Prince Li Daishan echoed and said: "Old Fourteen is right! Once Fan Yongdou and others die, this road will be completely cut off. If we want to recover, it will be extremely difficult, we should think of other ways!"

Huang Taiji was very dissatisfied with the words and deeds of Mang Gurtai and Dorgon.

Although the eight kings are still discussing politics now, I am already the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. According to the regulations of the Ming Dynasty, no matter who other people are, they must say that they are holy before they can speak.But these brothers and nephews of his have always been so rude, obviously they didn't take him seriously as the emperor.No, in the future, we need to establish rules to make them understand the way of monarchs and ministers.

Prince Zheng Jierhalang said: "Although what Prince Rui said is biased, it cannot be said to be wrong. I feel that the road to Zhangjiakou Fort is temporarily hopeless. Now we can only start from Jinzhou and let the ancestors take all the burden. Just take it!"

Huang Taiji nodded in satisfaction.

It's still Prince Zheng who knows the etiquette, understands the superiority and inferiority, and is not as rude as these gangsters.

He opened his mouth and said: "Prince Zheng's words are very much in line with my wishes, but if I want to completely solve my Qing Dynasty's urgent needs, I'm afraid it will cost more money. Although my ancestors have communication with my Qing Dynasty, they can't be compared with Zhangjiakou Fort. What's more, although he has both ends, he is a high-ranking official of the Ming Dynasty, so he will have some scruples in his heart. But in the current situation, he can only rely on his family for the time being. It is necessary to pick someone who can speak well and bring him with him. Heavy bribery, the name of the ancestors' greed for money is well known, I will choose treasures from the treasury of the internal affairs to give it to him!"

Now that we have agreed on how to solve this matter, it is a matter of choosing the right candidate. In the end, everyone agreed that the son of the late consort Li Yongfang, the first-class viscount Li Shuitai, went to Jinzhou to meet Zu Dashou, and urged the ancestors to secretly help and relieve Jianzhou for a while. sleepy.

The two sides have been fighting for many years, and they are clearly opponents, but they are secretly connected with each other.In the previous battles between the two sides, many Liaodong Ming troops were captured by the Eight Banners and joined the Han Army Banner, especially some high-ranking generals. They have worked hard in the Liaodong Army for several generations and have a wide network of contacts.After being instructed by their masters, they secretly bought and bribed their former colleagues with gold and silver in exchange for some important information and materials.

The leaders of the Liaodong generals turned a blind eye to these things. Although they had no intention of directly collaborating with the enemy, they were happy to see the success of the Eight Banners.

It is precisely because of the scourge of Houjin that the Liaodong warlords have an excuse and a way to make a fortune.

Who in Liaodong doesn't know about Zu Dashou brothers' mansion in Jinzhou?Where did the rare treasures, famous flowers and plants come from?Don't they all use various excuses to ask the court for money and then buy it?
If the Hou Jin collapsed, where would Zu Dashou get millions of dollars a year in food and salaries?
What's more, there are those private methods.

There are big merchants from the Zu family and the Wu family who have taken refuge in them, and the commodities they distribute are basically from the Jianzhou territory. If these generals did not allow them, could the Jianzhou goods come to Daming territory?
In fact, these behaviors of Liaodong generals are no different from those of Fan Yongdou and others.The only difference is that they also know that there is an emperor and a court, so they dare not blatantly provide material help to Jiannu.The merchants under them can buy special products such as fur from Jiannu at a low price, and then transport them to the customs and sell them at a several times higher price, but they dare not bring back iron materials, grains and other materials to sell to Jiannu.

Note that I dare not be blatant. As for the small-scale and small-batch delivery of various materials, it is not uncommon, because Jiannu bids quite high for these urgently needed items. In the face of several times the profit, the smuggling was tacitly approved by the people behind it. Things happen from time to time.

After deciding who to contact Jinzhou, everyone continued to discuss the follow-up matters caused by Azig's defeat.

After Azig's defeat in the North, he spoke highly of the sharpness of the Ming army's weapons, the power of the cannon, and the orderliness of the lineup; he claimed that the reason for the defeat was not his own incompetence, but the prestige of the Ming army's weapons in Changping, which was far superior to the past. If the army is not eliminated, it is actually a serious problem for the Eight Banners.

Azige's words aroused the vigilance and attention of Huang Taiji and others.

In the descriptions of Azig, Abatai, the injured Tan Tai and others, the Ming army who defeated them this time was completely different from the original Ming army.Although the total number is only more than [-], the combat power is very impressive. The fire blunderbuss used by them seem to have a longer range than the original Ming army, and they pose a great threat to the infantry of the Eight Banners. The shielding effect is already very weak.

Huang Taiji and others have discussed this matter several times, but they have not thought of an effective countermeasure.

But this matter is of great importance, and it must be resolved as soon as possible.

Huang Taiji asked: "Prince Li, before the heavy snowfall, how many troops did Zhenghongqi bring back from the Mongolian Ministry of Khalkha?"

The best way to deal with the Ming army's musketeers is to use a large number of cavalry to attack, and Jianzhou Jurchen itself is a fishing and hunting nation, although there are elite cavalry, but the number is too small, and they usually use heavy infantry to break the formation of the Ming army when they fight against the Ming army , and then supplemented by fine cavalry charging.

If you want to attack with a large cavalry, you can only try to summon a large number of cavalry from various Mongolian ministries.

In order to deal with this Ming army that would fight again in the future, Huang Taiji ordered Zhenghongqi to dispatch [-] Niulu troops to launch an offensive against the nearby Khalkha Mongolian tribes that had not surrendered, and to subdue more Mongolian cavalry for his own use.

Daishan replied: "This time, Commander Leng Geli led [-] Niulu to march westward to Khalkha, and captured more than [-] cattle, sheep and livestock, with a population of more than [-], and more than [-] adult soldiers can be incorporated into the army. "

Huang Taiji frowned and said, "There are still too few soldiers. Now that it's winter, the heavy snowfalls will come one after another, and the roads will no longer be passable; when the snow melts in spring next year, the Xianghong, Zhenglan, and Xianglan flags will be all Send heavy troops to the west, and the Khalkha, Chahan, and Horqin tribes who disobey the Eight Banners will conquer one side, and if more people are to be taken captive, the Mongolian Eight Banners will send troops to join the battle!"

Yuetuo and others responded.

Huang Taiji continued: "I will let Haoge lead the army to the north, and go to the forest to catch more virgins. Taking advantage of the cat winter, all banners must step up to build weapons and arrows. After the Western Expedition next year, accumulate strength, and the next year I want to personally conquer the Ming Kingdom, and I will definitely destroy the Ming army in Changping, so that it cannot become a serious threat to my Qing Dynasty!"

Mang Gurtai then said: "There is not much iron material to make weapons and arrows, and there is not much food under my banner. The affairs of the ancestors in Jinzhou must be done early. Our Eight Banners have been short of everything in the past six months. We have gold and silver. I can't even spend it!"

Dorgon, who was silent for a long time, said: "You can't just rely on your ancestors, you have to go to harvest food! North Korea has food, and our two white flags are willing to send people to North Korea!"

Huang Taiji nodded in agreement: "Prince Rui's strategy is feasible! After the two white flags are dispatched to the court, they will not only have to collect food, but the North Korean gunners are very elite. Look for opportunities to catch more, and get more gunpowder guns by the way!"

Dorgon nodded in response, and seeing that there was nothing else to do, everyone dispersed and went back to their respective banners.

 Thank you for the rewards of the book friends, the master of the age, the son of the farmer and the farmer, and thank you for your subscription and voting.

  Thanks again to friends who supported this book in various ways.

  Thanks to Kai Kai Lingyun for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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