Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 180 Disputes

Chapter 180 Disputes
While the people in the capital were immersed in the joyous atmosphere of the New Year, Lu Xiangsheng, who was far away in Huguang, was leading his army to trek among the high mountains.

After defeating Gao Yingxiang and the remaining troops of Zhang Xianzhong in the First Battle of Shouzhou, after a few days of short repairs, Lu Xiangsheng led his troops to follow Gao Yingxiang to the west.

When passing through Runing Mansion and Nanyang Mansion in Henan Province all the way, Lu Xiangsheng divided his troops and mopped up the small group of bandits who fled from Shouzhou to the west of Henan Province and then gathered to loot their homes. It took a lot of time in the process.

When Gao Yingxiang fled westward, he didn't take into account the brigade of infantry and ordinary bandits. There were quite a few rogues living in several prefectures in the west of Henan. Serious impact on local security.

Lu Xiangsheng kept receiving reports from the chief officials of the prefectures and counties he passed by, saying that the bandits were resurgent, and hundreds of thousands of stocks gathered in the mountains and forests to cause disasters.

After checking the map several times, Lu Xiangsheng judged the purpose and movement of Gao Yingxiang's escape to the west, Lu Xiangsheng judged that the thieves might enter Huguang, recuperate near Yunyang with high mountains and dense forests, and seek opportunities to make a comeback after snatching up the thieves, or go to Xichuan to Shangluo Mountain area, Ready to wait for the opportunity to return to Shaanxi.

If it's the former, there's no need to lead the team to rush.Since the bandits are looking for a place to settle, they can follow up calmly with their own army.When the time comes to find the place where the bandits are entrenched, they will either attack or attack by force. I believe that the remnants of the bandits, who are like frightened birds, don't have much will to fight.

If the latter, then there is no need to worry.

Lu Xiangsheng knew from the Tang newspaper issued by the court that both Sun Chuanting and Hong Chengchou were in Shaanxi. When entering Shaanxi, it happened to be jointly attacked by Sun and Hong.

Since the situation was not urgent, Lu Xiangsheng stayed in Runing Mansion and Nanyang Mansion respectively for one month.During this period, he divided Zu Kuan and Li Chongjin into a team of [-] cavalry, supplemented by [-] infantry from the other three armies to attack in turn, and most of the other officers and troops took advantage of the situation to rest and recuperate.

Under the leadership of the brave fighters selected by the local government, the small team of officers and soldiers quickly attacked and killed the various gangsters who occupied the mountain as king.

Two months later, when Lu Xiangsheng led his troops to leave, the remnant bandits in Zhenshan, Zhenyang, and Biyang in Runing Prefecture, and Dengzhou, Neixiang, Xinye, and Zhenping County in Nanyang Prefecture were completely wiped out; Observing the traces left by the army, it was concluded that Gao Yingxiang's troops did not enter Shaanxi through Xichuan, but entered the territory of Yunyang Prefecture westward.

With the arrival of late autumn, the weather gradually turned cooler, but the light rain every few days also gradually decreased, and the road along the way became dry and firm, which was more conducive to long-distance marches.

When Lu Xiangsheng's troops entered the area of ​​Yunxian County, Yunyang Prefecture, Huguang from Nanyang Prefecture, they received a report from the local county government: there were indeed thieves passing by some time ago, but they did not attack the county seat, but after looting several villages Go west after passing through the north of the county.

Lu Xiangsheng immediately sent several teams of scouts to follow westward, and sent someone to inform Song Zushun, governor of Yunyang, to come to Yunxian to discuss important matters.

When the scouts dispatched a few days later returned to report one after another, Song Zushun, governor of Yunyang, arrived late.

According to the report from Tanma, they relayed in several teams, and after traveling hundreds of miles, they found traces of a large group of people passing by near Xiyangguan, and confirmed that the bandits had crossed the Baihe River and entered the territory of Shaanxi.

Just as Lu Xiangsheng leaned over to check the map on the case, Song Zushun leisurely entered Lu Xiangsheng's tent.

Song Zushun, who was nearly 40 years old, was a Jinshi in the [-]th year of Wanli. In terms of qualifications in the imperial examination and officialdom, he was much deeper than Lu Xiangsheng, who was less than [-] years old; When he occasionally talked about Lu Xiangsheng with his staff, Song Zushun dismissed him as a "lucky minister".

After receiving the notification from Lu Xiangsheng, Song Zushun was expecting to say that he would not come because of illness, but he held back his anger and came from Yunyang after being reminded by his staff.

Yunyang Mansion is only forty miles away from Yunxian County, and Song Zushun didn't arrive here until three days later.

He felt that Lu Xiangsheng should go to Yunyang Mansion to meet him, an old senior, instead of asking him to come here and wait for an interview.

Although Lu Xiang was promoted to the prime minister of the five provinces, Song Zushun believed that it was just a temporary assignment, and maybe one day he would be dismissed by an imperial decree if he failed to suppress the bandits.

After hearing the soldiers singing loudly, Lu Xiangsheng raised his head.Seeing the governor in front of him with a rich face and a gray beard, he couldn't help feeling in his heart: Yunyang is located at the junction of three provinces, and it has always been a remote place, so this old gentleman is like a rich man.

With a smile on his face, he cupped his hands and said in greeting: "But Senior Song is in person? It's polite to come in later!"

Song Zushun slightly cupped his hands and returned the salute with a smile on his face, "Don't dare to be a gift from the Ministry! My old man Song Zushun heard the Ministry's call, so he put aside all his official duties and rushed to obey orders! I don't know what important orders the Ministry has?"

Lu Xiangsheng was slightly displeased, and said in his heart: I respect you as a senior in the examination room, so I salute you first.Don't you think that this official, a senior member of the first rank, is lower in rank than you?
He slowly put down his hands, caressed the jade belt, changed into an official tone, and said lightly: "I was ordered by the emperor to be the prime minister of the military of the five provinces. I was chased to Yunyang after the defeat of the intruders in Shouzhou, so I sent someone to general Song Fuzhi summoned him. One was to ask Yunyang if he knew the movements of the bandits; Fuzhi prepares a thousand stones of food and grass for the army, so that the soldiers will not be unable to chase the bandits due to lack of food. This is a major matter related to the suppression of the bandits, and please Fuzhi take care of it as soon as possible, otherwise, if the task of suppressing the bandits is delayed, The Holy Majesty and the imperial court will blame you, but you and I can’t afford it!"

In fact, Lu Xiangsheng is not short of food and grass.In the past two months in Henan, not only did they take the unused food and grass that the thieves had robbed for themselves, but also the officials and gentry of Runing Mansion and Nanyang Mansion and the counties under their jurisdiction, in order to drive away the thieves as soon as possible. The extermination also donated a lot of food and salaries.

But after seeing Song Zushun's arrogant demeanor, he instantly decided to take advantage of this old guy.

Tell you not to take Lichen as a cadre!
Although the prime ministers of the five provinces only have military power, this power can be magnified infinitely in places where thieves are rampant, and anything related to the suppression of thieves can be used as a banner.If the local officials do not actively cooperate, Lu Xiangsheng will put up a memorial, and the officials who do not cooperate will basically be dismissed by the court, or even arrested by Jin Yi and sent to Beijing.

It's just that Lu Xiangsheng is generous and kind by nature, so he basically doesn't use this power to suppress others.If Hong Chengchou, Chen Qiyu and others were replaced, Song Zushun would be dismissed in an instant.Those two are not good at dealing with each other, and they are not as easy-talking as Lu Xiangsheng.

Song Zushun is also a veteran in the officialdom, how could he fail to understand the meaning of Lu Xiangsheng's words?
He was startled and angry, his face was pale and white, his rich old face was full of embarrassment.

But Lu Xiangsheng's words are not too much. The government army needs food and grass to suppress the bandits, and the local government is responsible for assisting in the preparation. This has been clearly ordered by the imperial court long ago.

Song Zushun was so angry that he could only bow his hands and reply: "This is a matter of suppressing thieves, and the lower officials should do their best! It's just that Yunyang is poor and the world knows it, and a few months ago, several thieves, such as Xianze, fled to Zhushan in the southwest. In the area of ​​Zhuxi and Zhuxi, the county towns and rural gentry were attacked everywhere, and the farmers who had lost their land gathered tens of thousands of people to gather in Yunnan. The lower officials had to order the counties to recruit young and strong to guard the city, and they themselves led thousands of guards to defend the city of Yunyang , I really have no spare energy to requisition food and send troops, and I hope that the ministry will understand the difficulties of Yunyang!"

When Lu Xiangsheng heard that Zhang Xianzhong was leading his troops in the southern part of Yunyang, he was also shocked: No wonder the main force of the bandits was not seen during the Shouzhou battle, and when he led his troops to sweep along the way, he did not see the flag of the bandits, so he had already hidden here!This thief is really cunning and difficult to control, and his fleeing to Yunyang should be a long-planned move!There are many poor farmers in Yunyang, which is more advantageous for them to recruit soldiers and horses, and confuse the people; it seems that the trespassers can't take care of it for the time being, and they have to kill the thieves first!

Thinking of this, he didn't bother to pursue Song Zushun's responsibility for evading food collection and dispatching troops, and asked, "Song Fuzhi, has he ever seen the banner raised by the bandits? Apart from the bandits, which group of bandits are entrenched in Yunyang?"

Song Zushun shook his head and said: "The Xian thief is the strongest, so everyone knows it. The rest of the other thieves are less powerful. There are rumors that they are nicknamed Lao Huihui, Cao Cao, and Liu Guoneng. These thieves are all in Fangxian and Baokang, not far from Yun. The sun is a little farther away!"

When Song Zushun saw that he really forgot about food and grass when he heard about the thieves, he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced: "Don't think that Ergui is a first-class product, you are still a little tender in the officialdom!"

But he didn't think that Lu Xiangsheng's move was dedicated to serving the country, and he disdained the infighting in the officialdom. He just speculated about Lu Xiangsheng from his dark heart.

Lu Xiangsheng returned to the case, leaned over to look at the map, and after a while straightened up and turned to Song Zusun, saying: "Song Fuzhi and return to Yunyang to guard, I will lead the army to the place where the bandits are located to suppress!"

Song Zushun returned to Yunyang Mansion triumphantly.The arrival of Lu Xiangsheng made him feel relieved, this time he can finally not be afraid of taking the responsibility of losing his land.Whether it is a thief or a thief, you, the prime ministers of the five provinces, will go and suppress them. I will drink small wines and write small poems.

After Song Zushun left, Lu Xiangsheng immediately summoned Zu Kuan and others to the tent to discuss the latest bandit situation and strategy for suppressing bandits.

There was a fierce dispute among the generals over whether to suppress Chuang or suppress Xian.

Zu Kuan, Li Chongjin, Qin Yiming and other generals believed that the trespassers had suffered heavy losses, and the main cavalry had been completely lost. On the way to escape to Shaanxi, due to factors such as lack of supplies, outbreaks of disease, and difficult roads, the remaining cavalry would not survive. one.This thief is a confidant of the imperial court, moreover, we defeated it, and we should complete our meritorious service in one battle. It is a rare feat to catch up and wipe it out completely. Feng Wife Yinzi pointed at the head of the thief.It would be unconvincing for others to pick the peaches.

However, Huang Degong, Yang Maogong and others believed that whether it was a thief or a thief, they were all giant thieves that must be suppressed.Now I don't care about the thieves who are in troubled places under my nose, and I just go to chase down the thieves for the selfishness of meritorious deeds and rewards. This is not what the imperial court should do.What's more, our army has stayed in Runing and Nanyang for too long, and it's too late to catch up. It's better to kill the bandits first.

Lu Xiangsheng understood the feelings of Zu Kuan and others.

Under his leadership, Zu Kuan and others confronted Gao Yingxiang several times, which lasted for about a year, and the casualties were not small.Now that victory is in sight, it is indeed hard to calm down to turn around.

But his own position determines that he must focus on suppressing thieves and reassuring the people, not on rewarding meritorious deeds.

However, if the order to suppress the Huguang thieves is forcibly ordered, although Zu Kuan and others will reluctantly obey the order, they will inevitably have resentment in their hearts, and it will be difficult to use all their strength in the ensuing battle to suppress the thieves.

Zu Kuan and Li Chongjin have been obeying orders under his command for a long time, from the initial rebelliousness to the present obedience wholeheartedly, Lu Xiangsheng has been very pleased.If something dirty happens because of this, it won't bode well for both parties and the subsequent suppression of thieves.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiangsheng comforted him and said: "All the generals have their own reasons. The intruders have indeed caused heavy damage to our troops. If we chase them in time, we should be able to fully accomplish their merits; but our army has spent a lot of time along the way. The thief is hard to find. Now the thief is close at hand. Since our army enjoys the imperial salary, we should relieve the imperial court. Therefore, I have decided to suppress the thief in front of me first! This official hereby assures the generals that if the thief In the capture of Shancheng, I will go to the court and say that it was the battle of Shouzhou that the generals fought hard to make the intruders lose their strength and fall; with my emperor's wisdom, I will never use meritorious ministers before It's all for naught!"

Although Zu Kuan and the others were still reluctant, they had been with Lu Xiangsheng for a long time. Over the past year, they had killed enemies side by side several times, and the two sides had formed a relatively deep friendship.Zu Kuan and the others also admired a first-rank official who was born as a genuine Jinshi who was able to put on armor and charge in person, so they didn't continue to argue.

Next, Lu Xiangsheng began to assign combat tasks to various ministries, this time focusing on suppressing Zhang Xianzhong's ministries first.

Li Chongjin, Huang Degong, and Qin Yiming launched an attack on Zhushan in the southwest.More scouting horses should be sent out. After finding out the bandit camp, the cavalry first rushed into the formation, and then Huang Degong's troops went forward to encircle and kill them.

He led the Tianxiong army and Zukuan tribe to outflank the bandits in Zhuxi from Baituguan in the west, and after defeating them, drove them to the direction of Zhushan.

 Today’s chapter is nearly [-] words long. Although I write one chapter a day, the number of words is equivalent to one and a half chapters of other people’s. Let’s get your tickets together!Kang Mao North Nose!

  This book friend, Gao Yingxiang was defeated by Lu Xiangsheng in Shouzhou and fled to the west. Then Lu Xiangsheng led his troops to repair and chase after him. It took a long time to wipe out the bandits along the way.Gao Yingxiang was exterminated by Sun Chuanting, and then he was escorted to the capital, and the imperial court distributed the pond report to all places. Doesn't it take time?Do you think you can know everything with just one phone call now? Lu Xiangsheng just didn’t receive the news. Can you read the book carefully and don’t mislead others. If I make mistakes like this again, why write a book?Lu Xiangsheng is in the vast mountains of the lake, so the messengers from the imperial court have to find him, right?Do you think the whole highway?Do you know the road conditions in the past?

(End of this chapter)

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