Chapter 181
Huangmaoguan is located about [-] miles northwest of Zhushan County. It is an ancient pass at the foot of Zhushan. It is unknown which dynasty it was built in. The low walls of the blue stone base have basically collapsed.

Huangmaoguan, which was originally quiet and deserted, suddenly became extremely lively a few months ago.First, thousands of thieves came here under the leadership of Zhang Xianzhong, and began to set up camp at the foot of the flat and open mountain. Later, with the addition of Liu Wenxiu and Ainengqi, who participated in the war in Shouzhou, with many deserters, the deserted and uninhabited Huangmao People shouted and neighed all day long, and the noise was extremely loud.

Zhang Xianzhong first sent troops to break into the nearby Lianghe town, looted all the big gentry families in the town and killed them all.With the looted property, food and grass, he brought back the young and strong from the town and nearby villages to Huangmaoguan, leaving a small team to supervise the remaining old, weak, women and children to continue farming and pioneering.

He took a fancy to Zhushan's easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain, as well as the large number of fields along the nearby Zhuxi River and Dushui River.It can be used as a base for recuperation. You can send troops to plunder while operating. After the soldiers are strong, you can go east to attack Xiangyang and De'an Mansion, or go west to Sichuan to build a larger territory.

What he didn't know was that after the defeat in Shouzhou, Gao Yingxiang fled all the way west, passed through Yun County, more than [-] miles northeast of Zhuxi, and went straight to Shaanxi.

One of the two parties was busy looting the construction, while the other was only concerned about running for his life, neither of them knew the existence of the other at all.

After Liu Wenxiu and Ai Nengqi found Zhushan according to the original agreement, Zhang Xianzhong knew the history of the Shouzhou Battle and knew that he might go straight to Shaanxi.Hearing that Gao Yingxiang was defeated by several routes of officers and soldiers, Zhang Xianzhong laughed loudly, and the sullenness in his chest was swept away.

Sun Kewang, Liu Wenxiu, and Ainengqi were all very happy. The arrogance of Gao Yingxiang and his subordinates had already made them unhappy. After this defeat, it would take a few years before they regained their vitality.

Among the four adoptive sons, only Li Dingguo frowned and remained silent. After Zhang Xianzhong laughed, he couldn't help but feel a little strange when he saw his appearance. He asked, "Dingguo, why are you frowning? Dedicated to fighting and suffering, I am so happy to see him suffer now! Why are you doing this?"

Li Dingguo clasped his fists in a salute and said: "Father, my child is also impatient with high-level daily actions, this time his strength has been greatly damaged, and it will be even more difficult to make a comeback; but don't forget, father, the past few years have been going on. With Gao Chuang standing in the front, I don’t have to face the siege of the officers and soldiers when I donate the camp, so I have the opportunity to grow calmly! But now that Gao Chuang has suffered a disastrous defeat, I donate the camp without a hut to protect me from the wind and rain. Dedicating the camp to form a siege, this matter should not be considered in advance, please make a decision as soon as possible!"

Sun Kewang and the others fell into deep thought after listening.

What Li Dingguo said makes sense.Since the first month of the eighth year of Chongzhen, Zhang Xianzhong, Lao Huihui, Cao Cao, Ge Liyan and other bandit leaders led the crowd to attack Fengyang and burn down the imperial tomb. attack.After being defeated by the officers and soldiers several times, everyone had to disperse and flee for their lives.In desperation, Zhang Xianzhong led his people to Gao Yingxiang's command, in order to preserve the remaining subordinates.

"My son Dingguo thinks very far, he is really my good boy!" Zhang Xianzhong boasted sincerely.

Sun Kewang said unconvinced: "Father, I feel that Dingguo is too worried! Gao Chuang Shouzhou's defeat was not due to the bravery of the officers and soldiers, I think it was due to his own carelessness! If he had taken precautions early , Before the officers and soldiers closed the siege, they broke through Shouzhou and plundered away. One or two routes of officers and soldiers were determined not to defeat him! Now this Huangmao Pass is located in a remote place, and the terrain is dangerous. You know, it is absolutely impossible to encircle us like Shouzhou!"

Liu Wenxiu agreed: "Brother is right! Our country is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the officers and soldiers will not be able to get away if they come! But the second brother is also a seasoned speaker, I think we need to send more guards, so as not to be careless. The officers and soldiers took advantage of it!"

Ainengqi was silent at the side.Regardless of whether the officers and soldiers come or not, he only needs to obey the orders of his foster father.

Zhang Xianzhong nodded approvingly and said: "What the boys say is reasonable, wait for the order to go down, and send sentries far away along the surrounding official roads to prevent surprise attacks by the officers and soldiers!"

Sun Kewang nodded in response. He was in charge of the daily patrols and outposts. The east and north roads were the most likely routes for the officers and troops. Just send more people to these two roads in a while.

Zhang Xianzhong went on to say: "Since we offer our camp to stay here for a long time, we need to manage it well! One is to collect more food and grass, the other is to recruit soldiers and horses for logistics and training, and the third is to send people to Xiangyang to buy salt. Iron materials, by the way, inquire about some blacksmiths, carpenters and other craftsmen, find a time to catch his family, and make repairs for us. Wenxiu will do this! We need to send more people and bring more money ! Wenxiu has a lively mind, and is just right for such an errand!"

Liu Wenxiu received the order with cupped fists.

Among Zhang Xianzhong's adopted sons, Sun Kewang is brave and suitable for leading troops into battle; Li Dingguo is more strategic and suitable for training and leading troops; Liu Wenxiu is smart and suitable for dealing with the outside world;

Li Dingguo said: "Father, my son thinks that Huangmao Pass is dangerous, but the territory is a little narrow. If I want to expand the camp, I have to expand it around!"

Zhang Xianzhong said with a smile: "My family, Dingguo, will definitely be a handsome talent in the future, much better than my old Zhang! He has such a vision in his teens, and he will be fine when he grows up! Dingguo boy, tell me, we will take over What should I do when I come down?"

Sun Kewang glanced at Li Dingguo jealously: "This second child likes to sensationalize. How could such a character as the adoptive father not have planned in advance to ask you to be so brave!"

Li Dingguo clasped his fists calmly and said: "The adoptive father appreciates the award, the child is just thinking on his own, and I hope the adoptive father will give me a lot of advice when I say it!"

Zhang Xianzhong looked at Li Dingguo with a face full of satisfaction, his eyes were full of admiration: Li Dingguo will be the only son of his family who will achieve the greatest achievements in the future.Don't panic when things happen, calm and calm, and can always find a solution quickly. It is no exaggeration to say that he is both wise and brave.A few people said just now that he already knew in his heart that he had already planned to come here, but what he can think of when he is in his teens, these teenage children can think about it. This is what he is most happy about. .

Li Dingguo went on to say: "My child, I feel that we should divide our troops to the east and west, and attack Zhuxi County and Zhushan County respectively. By breaking these two cities, we can obtain a lot of wealth, food, grass and population. After that, we will follow the behavior of Lianghe Town in the early stage. Send people to monitor and urge the old and the weak to farm and open up wasteland. So far, I will dedicate all the large fields between the two counties to the camp! When a large amount of grain and grass are harvested next summer, the two counties will be completely stable. All the land belongs to my dedicated camp! There should be no problem in training tens of thousands of soldiers in the land of the three counties. Unless the government and army send more than [-] elite troops to suppress them, it will be difficult to stop the rise of my dedicated camp!"

Zhang Xianzhong nodded and said: "The words of Dingguo are very much in line with my wishes! Before, our rebel army was attacking everywhere, and we had no habit of staying in one place! Those high-ranking officials in the court called us thieves! Haha! This name It’s really wonderful! I also thought about it in my spare time, if I want to achieve great things, this word is not necessary! We have to learn from Emperor Zhu’s ancestors, we have to find a place to live and manage, and we have to be able to calm down You can make a lot of money in a muffled voice! This Yunyang Mansion is a good place, this time we will set up a foothold in this area, and we will talk about it after working with him for a few years in a safe and secure way!"

Then Zhang Xianzhong ordered that Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo lead 3000 old battalion elite soldiers and [-] ordinary soldiers to attack Zhuxi County to the west, and stay there to manage; Thirty miles away in Zhushan County, Ai Nengqi stayed at Huangmao Pass to guard the camp.

Both Zhuxi and Zhushan counties had no soldiers guarding them. Seeing the thieves coming to attack, the county government could only organize the young and strong to defend the city.Most of these young and strong people who have not been in battle are armed with sticks and farm tools. How can they stand up to the bandits' knives, guns, bows and arrows?The young and strong at the top of the city were basically collapsed at the first touch. Both cities fell in less than half an hour.What made Zhang Xianzhong even more happy was that when he led his troops to break through Zhushan County, two students from the county came to surrender in person.

These two were both county student members, one was named Pan Duao and the other was named Xu Yixian.The two are about the same age, both over forty.The two have always been in close contact, and they both boast of being highly talented, educated and rich, and they usually point out the country and encourage writing, but they have been unable to pass the government examination for decades.

The two did not look for the reason themselves, but agreed that the court was unfair, and those who got the first place in the rankings were all on the list after taking the path of Tuomen. Therefore, the two were extremely dissatisfied with the court, and they also felt extremely resentful in their hearts.

Although Pan Duao and Xu Yixian had no achievements in stereotypes, they both like to read miscellaneous books, especially books on military strategy and wisdom.After a long time, I gradually gained some experience in the matter of military exercises.

As the situation in Daming became more and more turbulent, the thieves seemed to be on the rise, and the two of them also had different thoughts. During private chats, they were extremely pessimistic about the prospects of Daming, thinking that its demise was inevitable.They all agreed that Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong are heroes of a generation, and they will surely achieve great things in the future.

According to the original historical trajectory, the judgment of the two people is very accurate. Daming did die at the hands of rogues in the end, and Zhang Xianzhong finally proclaimed himself emperor in Shu, and both of them did occupy high positions in the end.

But due to the extreme lack of information, what they didn't know was that a person who shouldn't have appeared came to this world, and the originally precarious situation had undergone tremendous changes.

When the bandits invaded the city and began to loot wantonly, Pan Duao and Xu Yixian, who had heard of Zhang Xianzhong's name for a long time, got together to discuss.Helping Zhang Xianzhong accomplish some great things with their wisdom and insight, maybe in the future they will be able to win a wife and son, and they will be glorious in the family from then on.

Zhang Xianzhong was overjoyed when he learned that the two scholars had come to join him, and immediately met them in the Zhushan County Yamen, and presented them with 500 taels of silver tattoos on the spot. For major events, the two gentlemen will be the left and right prime ministers and so on.

 Do you two know that Sun Kewang saved Zhang Xianzhong's life several times on the battlefield?Do you know that Sun Kewang's nickname is a wall?How can you save lives on the battlefield if you are not brave?Once Zhang Xianzhong was shot with two arrows by Zuo Liangyu, Sun Kewang rushed up with his cavalry to rescue Zhang Xianzhong, what is this bravery?History has many details, not just what people say.

  Add a few more words, Sun Kewang and the others are all under 20 years old now, and Zhang Xianzhong has not occupied the base area. You said that Sun Kewang is good at internal affairs. May I ask, is there anything he can do?At this time, all the thieves are constantly on the move, fighting against the government and the army, how to reflect their strengths in internal affairs?If he is not brave in battle, why did Zhang Xianzhong accept him as his adopted son?Could it be that Zhang Xianzhong knew that Sun Kewang would train troops after his death?
  Don't judge someone's performance when he was young by his achievements in history. Times change, and Qin Hui was not a treacherous minister when he was young.

  Thanks to the book friend 20180710145520425 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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