Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 185 Divide

Chapter 185 Divide
Zhang Xianzhong listed the various benefits of the joint venture, and tried his best to persuade Cao Cao and others to come to Huangmaoguan to jointly resist the encirclement and suppression of the government army.After careful consideration, Cao Cao, on behalf of Lao Huihui and others, stated that after returning to Fang County, he would lead his troops to move closer to Zhushan, in order to echo the offer of camp.If it is found that the official army is powerful, then people from all walks of life will join forces to resist the official army together.

After coming out of Huangmao Pass, where the camp was dedicated, he used to ride his horse to catch up with Cao Cao who was running ahead, and asked, "Lao Luo, why did you agree to join forces with Huang Hu? It was him who came to suppress the army. Let's turn around and leave." Just run into the mountains, where can the officers and soldiers find us?"

Ge Liyan also asked: "Cao Cao, I know you have a lot of tricks, but this time it is obviously not a matter of making money; if it is a joint army, don't we have to send someone to help him resist the official army? This is a business deal. Not worth it!"

Luo Rucai rode forward and said without looking back: "I, Cao Cao, is the one who suffers? Let's promise him first! Let's see the situation and make a decision!"

Lao Hui hurriedly said: "Lao Luo, that means we don't have to help Huang Hu?"

Luo Rucai slowed down the speed of the horse, sighed, turned sideways and replied to Lao Hui: "Old horse, even King Gao Chuang is in the hands of the officers and soldiers. I feel that if we don't help him, Huang Hu will be able to do it this time." How long will it last?"

The old man replied: "Huang Hu said that the officers and soldiers are no more than 2 horses at most. He said that there are nearly 2 people under his command. I think the Huangmao Pass is dangerous, and it is not easy for the officers and soldiers to break through. I think that as long as he can support it In January, the officers and soldiers will be exhausted after a long time, and it is not certain that they will withdraw when the time comes!"

Luo Rucai snorted: "If he is really strong, he still needs us to help? Let's go back and prepare first. If there are few officers and soldiers, we will go up to pick up the cheap when they are about to fight; if the officers and soldiers are powerful, we will Just run!"

Liu Guoneng firmly resigned Cao Cao's kindness to invite him to rest in Fang County for a night, and after breaking up with Lao Huihui and others, he hurried back with his own soldiers, and finally rushed back to his own camp in Baokang before dark.

As soon as he entered the gate of the camp, Wang Erwa greeted him in a hurry. After Liu Guoneng jumped off the horse, Wang Erwa walked up to him and said in a low voice, "Brother, Li Laosi is back! It is said that the governor Xunkong met him and called He came back and told Eldest Brother that if he really wanted to surrender, Eldest Brother had to go to Xiangyang in person to win! Eldest Brother, how can this be good?"

Liu Guoneng hurriedly said: "Where is Li Laosi now? Bring him here quickly, I have something to ask him!"

In the second hall of the Yamen of Xiangyang Prefecture, the governor of Huguang, Fang Kongzhang, who was about [-] years old, was sitting on the top chair, and his staff member Chen Tong was standing beside him.

There are two people kneeling in the hall, they are Liu Guoneng and Li Laosi who came from Baokang overnight.

After carefully asking Li Laosi about the scene and dialogue when he met the governor, Liu Guoneng, regardless of the objections of Wang Erwa and others, decided to take a risk and go to Xiangyang to meet Huguang governor Fang Kongzhang in person.

After instructing Wang Erwa and the others that if they could not come back within two days, they would immediately take Mother Liu and the people to the southwest and look for an opportunity to enter Shuzhong. Liu Guoneng took Li Laosi to nearly two hundred people overnight Xiangyang inside and outside.

When the two arrived in Xiangyang, it was still dark and the city gate had not yet opened, so they found a place outside the city wall to wait for dawn.

As the sky brightened, the heavy city gate slowly opened before the hour of the hour, and a group of soldiers came to line up outside the city gate, and began to check the pedestrians entering the city at the gate.After Li Laosi secretly handed over a few pieces of broken silver to the gatekeeper team officer, the two arrived in the city smoothly.

Since he had not yet been on duty at the Yamen, Li Laosi went to the home of the clerk who had spent a lot of money to get there last time, and informed him that his leader had arrived in the city, and asked him to report on his behalf.

The two waited bitterly at the scribe's house until about Si time, when a team of soldiers led by a team officer found them, searched them, and took them to the Xiangyang government office.

Fang Kongxuan on the main seat looked at Liu Guoneng who was kneeling in the hall, and asked in a deep voice: "Who is kneeling in the hall? Why are you here?"

Liu Guoneng kowtowed his head and replied: "Returning to the words of the elder, Liu Guoneng, a sinner, used his injustice to fight against the imperial court. Now he has repented and wants to surrender to the imperial court, so his relatives came to Xiangyang to show his sincerity!"

Fang Kongzhang said: "I sent someone to report that I wanted to surrender. I thought about it again and again, so I asked you to come to see his sincerity. If you have ulterior motives, you will not dare to come in person! Now, Er Now that you are here, it can be seen that you really have a heart of repentance! You can know that Lu Butang, the great scholar, has already known this official, and tens of thousands of officers and troops have arrived at Yunyang Mansion, and will launch a swift and fierce offensive against you in the near future. If you don’t see the opportunity quickly , It won’t take long for it to be wiped out!”

After hearing this, Liu Guoneng was both surprised and delighted.If he hesitates any longer and the imperial army arrives, even if he turns his back on the battle, Lu Xiangsheng will cut off his own head in order to prevent himself from surrendering, and it will be too late for him to complain.

Just a few days after Liu Guoneng asked to surrender, following Lu Xiangsheng's order, the officers and soldiers divided into three routes to outflank Zhuxi, Zhushan, and Fangxian.

According to Lu Xiangsheng's subordinates, Huang Degong and Li Chongjin from the right side of the official army attacked the bandits in the Zhuxi area, defeated them and rushed to the direction of Zhushan.

Qin Yiming and Zu Kuan's troops on the left attacked Fangxian County, and then drove it towards Baokang, and flanked the army led by Huguang Governor Fang Kongxuan on both sides, trying to annihilate it.

He himself led the Tianxiong Army and 2 people from the Beijing Camp to attack Zhushan head-on, trying to wipe out Zhang Xianzhong's troops and Zhushan.

Zhang Xianzhong deployed heavy troops in Zhushan County, trying to rely on the city wall to inflict heavy damage on the officials and troops.

When he heard that there were less than [-] officers and soldiers, Zhang Xianzhong was slightly relieved.

It seems that the officers and troops lost a lot in the battle of Shouzhou, otherwise why did there come so few troops?

Liu Wenxiu and Ainengqi had fled just after the battle of Shouzhou started, so they didn't know much about the battle situation at that time, they only said that there were several routes of officers and troops encircling them.

It seems that although Gao Yingxiang suffered a great loss in Shouzhou and was captured by the army, he still caused heavy casualties to the army.

Since there are few officers and soldiers, then send someone to inform Cao Cao and others, let them come to join forces, try to inflict heavy damage on the officers and soldiers in Zhushan, and then march to the middle of Shu.

Zhang Xianzhong didn't plan to go out to fight against the officers and soldiers. He had almost 3000 men under his command, and 1 people stayed behind at Huangmao Pass. Although there were thousands of old battalion elites among the [-] people in the city, they were not suitable for a frontal charge by the officers and soldiers.

If Cao Cao and others lead troops from the east, the officers and soldiers will definitely divide their troops to intercept them, and the officers and soldiers on the front will look like seven or eight thousand. If half of the troops are allocated to fight Cao Cao and the others, then he will take the opportunity to take the old battalion with him. People and horses went out of the city to fight with the officers and soldiers.As long as the formation of the officers and soldiers is broken, the remaining troops in the city can take advantage of the trend and kill them. If this is the case, a big victory may be just around the corner.

What he didn't know was that Lu Xiangsheng was afraid of scaring him away, so he deliberately placed a small number of troops in front.

At the front of the north gate where the officers and soldiers came, there were only 3000 troops from the Shenji Battalion and Wu Junying, and 2000 from the Tianxiong Army. Mao Yuanyi and Feng Xun each led [-] troops and passed through Luoying Mountain on the east side of Zhushan Mountain. They have already made a detour to the south gate of Zhushan, completely cutting off the road from Zhang Xianzhong's troops to the middle of Shu.

Although the Dushui Bridge five miles outside the west gate of Zhushan County is not very wide, it is the only way to connect the county with Huangmao Pass.

Zhang Xianzhong deployed 5000 people on the west side of the bridge near Huangmao Pass, led by Sun Kewang, to defend the small bridge to ensure that the passage for the people in the city to retreat to Huangmao Pass is unblocked.

Just when Sun Kewang received a report from the city saying that the officers and soldiers had arrived at the north gate, he sent a team of spies to the north to report in a hurry: nearly ten thousand officers and troops came from the north, so it was less than five miles away!
Sun Kewang didn't bother to find out where the officers and soldiers came from, and immediately sent people into the city to report, and immediately ordered to line up to face the north, ready to fight with the officers and soldiers.

Although he knew that his 5000 people were not necessarily the opponents of the official army, Sun Kewang had to face it.

The Dushui Bridge cannot be occupied by the officers and soldiers, otherwise the adoptive father in the city will not be able to retreat to Huangmao Pass.

Now I can only hope that my adoptive father can quickly send troops to support him. If I lead my troops back to the city, the road to the west will be completely cut off.

Not long after the thieves on the west of the Dushui Bridge formed their formation in the chaos, Yang Mao led the 2000 Tianxiong Army, Shenji Camp and Wu Jun Camp with [-] soldiers each to arrive.

Lu Xiangsheng's tactics were very clear. He separated Huangmao Pass from Zhushan County, eliminated the thieves at Huangmao Pass, and completely cut off the north, south, and west sides of Zhushan, leaving only the passage to the east.

Seeing the crooked formation of the bandits hundreds of steps away, Yang Maogong smiled contemptuously. After a brief discussion with the two guerrillas from Shenji Camp and Wu Junying, the two thousand musketeers from Shenji Camp divided into five rows and went forward. .The [-] archers of the Tianxiong Army are on the left, followed closely by [-] pikemen; the [-] swordsman and [-] pikemen of the Wu Army Camp stand in front of the right, ready to step forward at any time. Do shade.

Sun Kewang gave an order, and more than [-] archers of the bandits moved forward timidly. They walked dozens of steps and stood still, forming a small square formation, pointing their bows and arrows at the oncoming officers and soldiers.

The firecrackers and gunpowder used by the gunners of the Shenji Battalion have been improved, and their range and power have been greatly improved. The range has been increased from the original forty steps to nearly sixty steps.

When the gunners of the officers and soldiers were still seventy steps away, someone among the bandit archers had already shot an arrow in a panic, and the remaining five hundred or so archers subconsciously also shot long arrows.

The first wave of bows and arrows did not cause any damage to the officers and soldiers, and most of the arrows only pierced the ground in front of the officers and soldiers. The gunners of the Shenji Battalion were still marching forward in a neat formation.

As the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, the bandit archers kept throwing arrows into the phalanx of the gunners.Gunners wearing iron helmets with wide brims lowered their heads one after another to block the damage from the arrows falling from the sky. Only a small number of long arrows hit the target, but they did not penetrate the cotton lining worn by gunners with iron sheets. First.

The sword and shield hand from the Wu army camp on the right walked quickly to the front of the gunslinger, and raised a large shield to cover the bow and arrow of the bandit.After a sharp horn sounded, the musketeers stopped in their tracks, the front row of sword and shield hands lowered their bodies, and the first row of musketeers raised their fire guns and pointed them at the thief archers ahead.

After shooting five or six rounds, the thief archer saw the black muzzle pointing at him, and his sense of fear suddenly increased.The thief in the front row uttered a cry, turned his head and ran back, and the phalanx suddenly became a mess.

After a short horn sound, there was a roar like popping beans, and four hundred projectiles shot out from the muzzle, whizzing and flying towards the thief archer who was fleeing backwards in a mess.

Countless blood spattered from the crowd of bandits fifty paces away, and more than a hundred bandits were hit by the blunderbuss and fell to the ground.Except for those who were shot in the head and died immediately, the rest of the thieves who were hit by the blunderbuss did not die immediately. The huge pain made them roll on the ground and howl.

The gunners in the first row of Shenji Battalion quickly put away their firecrackers and retreated to both sides after firing. The second row stepped forward and immediately fired the firecrackers whose matchlocks had already been lit.

After two rounds of gunfire, nearly 200 of the more than [-] archers fell down, and the rest screamed and ran back to their camp.

The archers of the Tianxiong Army on the left had already lined up in the phalanx sixty paces in front of the bandits' formation. With the order from the sentinel, a thousand three-edged long arrows flew over the bandits' heads like a small black cloud. Then he turned his head down.

The soldiers on the right wing of the bandit formation fled in panic after three rounds of long arrow strikes, leaving corpses and wounded all over the place. With the sound of a long trumpet, the officers' spearmen bypassed the archers and rushed forward.

 I received a notice from the website, and it will be listed on the classification recommendation list on Sunday. I implore everyone to support, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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