Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 186 Interception

Chapter 186 Interception
An hour later, Lu Xiangsheng received the battle report that the Dushui Bridge had been occupied by the government and the passage to the west of Zhushan had been cut off.

Most of the five thousand thieves were killed or injured, and most of the rest fled to Huangmao Pass.Three officers and soldiers killed 130 and wounded 270 and five.

The casualties were mainly caused by the leader of the bandits who led more than [-] people to counterattack, but after the officers and soldiers withstood the counterattack of the bandits, the spearmen bravely moved forward, and soon defeated the bandits, and the leader died in the battle. middle.

Yang Maogong has already sent people to clean up the battlefield, and let the soldiers rest in batches after clearing the open space, ready to face any possible reinforcements from the city at any time.

After Zhang Xianzhong in the city received Sun Kewang's report, he immediately summoned people to go out to Ximen for support.However, due to the fact that the troops were scattered in the defense of the four-gate city wall, it took nearly half an hour to gather together. At this time, the subordinates who were on the lookout at the top of the west gate reported that the flag of the government and the army had been erected on the Dushui Bridge.

Zhang Xianzhong was both shocked and regretful.

At this time, he had already figured it out. The officers and soldiers deliberately hid their strength to prevent him from fleeing early. He shouldn't have followed Pan Duao's words to defend the county.

Now among the four gates, only the east gate has no sign of the officers and soldiers. To the east is the place where Luo Rucai and others from Fang County camped.

However, judging from the current situation, there is likely to be an ambush by the government in the east.I don't know if the messenger I sent to contact Luo Rucai and others has arrived in Fangxian County. If the people from Fangxian County don't come to pick me up, I will become a turtle in the urn.

Whether the adopted son is expected to be alive or dead is hard to determine now, this is his favorite adopted son, if he is broken in the battle, it will be like breaking an arm.

Restless, Zhang Xianzhong went back to the county government office, ready to discuss the next countermeasures with Pan Duao and Xu Yixian.

Luo Rucai and others, who returned to Fang County from Zhang Xianzhong, informed Zuojin King Lin Chenggong who was recovering from the current situation, and then got together to discuss what to do.

Among the leaders of this group of thieves, Lin Chenggong is the oldest and the earliest to rebel. Although there are only two thousand people under his command, they are all elite soldiers, and Luo Rucai and others usually take him as the leader.

After Lin Chengcheng listened to Luo Rucai's simple narration, he frowned and thought about it for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "I've thought about it for a long time, and Cao Cao's strategy is feasible. Now people should go to the west and north to investigate immediately, and the officers and soldiers must be Find out the facts; then send someone to Baokang to contact Chuang Tatian, his 5000 people can fight, and whether we fight or leave, we have to go with him!"

As several road scouting horses were sent out one after another, Luo Rucai and others ordered the troops to count the grain and supplies, prepare vehicles, and prepare to leave Fangxian County at any time.

A few days after Tanma was sent out, the direction of Zhushan in the west reported back one after another. There were no officers and troops along the way from Zhushan to Fangxian, and Tanma sent to the north had not yet sent back news.The people heading for Baokang had just turned around and brought back a message from Liu Guoneng: they are preparing food and supplies, and they can come to Fang County at any time.

At this moment, Zhang Xianzhong sent someone over first.

Someone came to tell Luo Rucai and other leaders that the army had arrived in the north of Zhushan City, and the number of them was less than [-].The Eight Great Kings invited all the leaders to lead the troops to Zhushan, and join forces to defeat the official army.

After sending away the people from Xianying, everyone gathered in Lin Chengcheng's tent to discuss the news sent by Zhang Xianzhong.

Lin Chengcheng said, "How do you guys read the letter sent by Huang Hu? If the officers and soldiers really don't have many hands, they really can fight!"

Old Hui nodded and said: "I also think I can fight! We have a total of 4 troops. If we are united, we can eat most of the officers and soldiers even if we lose some manpower! How much armor do we have to collect?" Weapons?"

Ge Liyan didn't answer Lin Chengcheng's words directly, but looked at Luo Rucai and said, "Cao Cao, what do you think? I always feel that my heart is not at ease! You can't believe everything Huang Hu says!"

Luo Rucai thought for a while and said, "I think it's better to send more scouts to check it out. If there are not many officers and soldiers in Zhushan, we will move the camp there, and we will go up to pick them up when Huang Hu and the officers and soldiers are almost beaten. Cheaper! Then send 1000 people to guard the road leading to Baokang. If the officers and soldiers are deceitful, we will immediately retreat to Baokang and join Chuangtatian. We don’t care whether Huang Hu lives or dies!"

Old Hui Hui said doubtfully: "Then don't let Chuang Tatian come over now? His subordinates are still quite capable! If he comes and goes to Zhushan with us, the chances of winning will be greater!"

Luo Rucai glanced at him and said, "You bastard! If there are fewer officers and soldiers, we and Huang Hu will be able to eat them, and we can grab more of the armor and weapons after we finish fighting! He's coming! , we will share a lot of supplies! If the officers and soldiers are cheating, we can still have a way out in Baokang!"

The old Hui Hui said nothing, he knew in his heart that he was the stupidest among them, and it would be better to talk less in the future.

Lin Chengcheng praised: "Middle! Just follow Cao Cao's orders! Lao He, you lead your troops to guard the road to Tongbaokang! Send out all the scouts! Let's prepare the army now, and move the camp as soon as we get news!"

Just when Cao Cao and others sent a few more scout horses and were about to move their camp to Zhushan, at the exit of Jieshan Mountain, which is more than [-] miles north of Fangxian County, a loud whistle sounded, and a horse of more than [-] The horse team came out from a narrow path.

This is a small team under Zu Kuan who does not accept at night, led by a team named Cui Sanyao, who is responsible for scouting the way for the team behind.

Cui Sanyao, who is big and strong, jumped off his horse and shouted towards a forest where he had just blew his whistle: "Your idiot, call Li Er, Wang Cheng will go to the front for you, and you go back and report the news, so that the general and the brigade can go out of the mountain with peace of mind." good!"

Following Cui Sanyao's shout, a war horse ran out of a woods outside the mountain, and four heads with distorted facial features hung under the horse's neck.The knight on the horse was only about 20 years old, his facial features looked very ordinary, his body was lean and strong, a large bow hung obliquely on his back, and a four-foot-long hammer was inserted in the side pocket of the horse.

This Ye Bushou, nicknamed Er Leng Zi, was named Li Bao. Despite his young age, he had only been in the army for three years, but his martial arts skills were rare.Li Bao, who was born as an Orion in Eastern Liaodong, is good at shooting arrows and has a lot of experience in ambushes by sentries, so he was selected to enter the night.

Li Bao urged his horse to rush to Cui Sanyao's side, then reined in his horse, and said with a smile: "Boss, I killed four thieves and spies! Li Er and Wang Cheng killed two of them!"

Cui Sanyao rolled his eyes and pretended to be angry and said, "Quickly get out of my way! Some local thieves have nothing to boast about! If you have the ability to take a few Jiannu heads, I will obey you!"

Li Bao pursed his lips and replied: "Our 10,000+ army is staying in the city, where can we go to find the heads of Jiannu? If we meet Jiannu, I will keep how many of them I can shoot!"

Cui Sanyao glared at him and reprimanded: "How can you talk too much about major military affairs?! Hurry up and report to the general!"

About an hour later, the officers and soldiers of the brigade came out of the depression one after another, and Zu Kuan's [-]-odd horse team walked in front.

He and Qin Yiming's Sichuan army were ordered to act as the left wing of the army.After setting off from Yunxian County, in order to prevent the army's marching route from being detected by thieves, they chose to go east first, and marched southward as close as possible to the area of ​​Xiangyang Prefecture. It took four days to reach the south of Jieshan Mountain.

After leaving the mountain, the army continued to march south. Zu Kuan, Qin Yiming, Gao Qixun and others checked the map by the roadside to discuss the next step.

Zu Kuan pointed at Fang County not far away with his stick-thick finger, and said, "The thieves are used to moving around and not used to defending the city. The order we received was to drive the thieves to Baokang, where there are Huguang officers and soldiers. Outflank; Qin Zongbing, take your subordinates to copy from Zhushan on the right to Fangxian, I will send Ye Bushou to help you find the way, and your department will send the thieves to escape to the south; I will lead the horse team to the north, this time In the middle, I will send someone to keep in touch with you, and once we arrive and find the bandit camp, we will launch an attack together! These local bandits are impatient, just don’t let the bandits get away!"

Qin Yiming and Gao Qixun nodded in response.

Although both Zu Kuan and Qin Yiming were given the title of Zuo Dudu Dudu, Zu Kuan also had the honor of Enyin's nephew in this promotion.This shows that the imperial court attaches great importance to Zu Kuan, so this action naturally focuses on Zu Kuan.

After Cao Cao and others from Fang County found out that there was no official army on the way to Zhushan, they started the whole team to Zhushan.

It's just that the sentry sent to the north for several days has not returned. Luo Ru, who has always been cautious, specially ordered that he must pay attention to the movements in the north.

The marching team of thieves dragged on for a long time, with more than ten thousand people stretching out for seven or eight miles.To prevent accidents, Luo Rucai and others divided their subordinates into teams of one thousand people. The front team traveled two miles, and the rear team followed up step by step.Doing so can minimize congestion and confusion on the road, but it will be too thin when encountering an officer with a superior force.

Before the thousands of people in the back team set off from the Fangxian camp, the thousand-man team in the front encountered the Sichuan army coming from the north.

Said it was an encounter, but in fact it was prepared to fight against the unprepared.

The thief's attention was focused on the front of the road, and the sentinels also traveled dozens of miles, which was much better than when they didn't pay attention to the horses at all.

Although to his right side, that is to say, the north side, the bandits also sent manpower sentries, but these sentries are nothing compared to the elite officers and soldiers who do not stop at night.

After dozens of breaths of conflict, more than a dozen gangsters were beheaded and killed, and Ye Bushuo, the officer and army, followed the trend and easily detected the gangsters' movements clearly.

Because there are too many rocks and shrubs on both sides of the official road in Zhushan and Fangxian County, it is not suitable for ambushes and then rushing to kill. Qin Yiming immediately sent Gao Qixun with 3000 people to intercept from the west, and he led 3000 people to go straight to the official road. The front team of the thieves cut off from the east and west sides and killed them.

Lao Hui led 1000 men as the vanguard and was at the forefront of the brigade. When he was about to approach Luo Yingshan, several sentries galloped back.Old Hui Hui rode his horse to meet him, and saw that the arms and shoulders of several sentries were shot by bows and arrows. Although their lives were safe, the blood loss made them pale.

"How many officers and troops are there in front? How far is it?" Old Hui asked sharply.

In this situation, it is no longer necessary to ask whether there are officers and soldiers in front, but how many people there are, and then decide whether to fight or flee.

"Master Ma! There are thousands of officers and soldiers blocking the way three miles ahead! There are more than a dozen young people who are sentry, and only a few of us escaped back!"

Hearing that there were thousands of officers and soldiers blocking the way ahead, Lao Huihui didn't say anything, and immediately ordered the rear team to change to the front team to retreat, and run away before the officers and soldiers could catch up.

Unexpectedly, before the messy team turned around, there were panic shouts from the rear team two miles away.

 Thank you for your support, everyone does not rest on the big weekend, but also reads my bad books, thank you everyone, please take your time.

  Thank you friends for your encouragement.

(End of this chapter)

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