Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 189 The Folang Cannon

Chapter 189 The Folang Cannon
After Lu Xiangsheng learned that the thieves in Fang County had been defeated, he immediately ordered the west, south, and north sides to attack Zhushan County at the same time, and informed Zu Kuan and Qin Yiming in the east to prepare for the enemy.

The first to break through the city were the Shenji Camp and Wu Jun Camp at the south gate.

The twenty five-hundred-jin Flang machines of the Shenji Battalion were placed two hundred steps away from the south gate, and they took turns firing at the south gate.

When only a few projectiles hit in the first round of test firing, the gunners readjusted the gun positions and parameters. After the second round, most of the twenty cannons could hit the target directly.

The huge kinetic energy generated by a one-jin projectile can blast a big hole out of the city gate every time. Coupled with the extremely fast loading speed of the Frang machine guns, twenty Fran machine guns bombarded four rounds, and the heavy city The door is broken.

Since the officers and soldiers did not have ants attached to the city, the thieves on the top of the city could only watch helplessly amidst the bang of the cannon.Liu Wenxiu, who was in charge of guarding the south gate, ordered a thousand thieves to gather inside the city gate, preparing to fight the official army who was about to break through the gate.

As the sound of the cannons stopped, one hundred soldiers in iron armor from the Wu Army Battalion held giant axes and walked towards the city gate under the cover of shield bearers. Two thousand archers formed two square formations at fifty paces on both sides of the city gate. Take cover.

There were not many bandit archers at the top of the city. Seeing the officers and soldiers marching towards the city gate, under the order of the leader, they straightened up in fear and began to shoot arrows. After only one round of shooting, they were mercilessly shot by the officers and soldiers under the city. kill.

The officers and soldiers armed with giant axes arrived at the city gate safely, and began to chop the city gate with giant axes along the big hole blasted by the bullets. In less than a quarter of an hour, most of the city gate was completely split open. Only the two door hinges have not been damaged, but they have not hindered the passage of the army.

With the evacuation of the soldiers breaking the gate, one can see through the long city gate that the thieves in the city have already formed a thick phalanx, ready to fight with the officers and soldiers at any time.

A short trumpet blew suddenly, and a huge roar suddenly sounded. The Fran cannon that was still on the spot fired almost at the same time, and twenty projectiles roared through the door opening and crashed into the thieves' phalanx one after another.

Although the thieves have fought countless battles with the government and army over the years, due to various reasons, the government and the army have never used heavy firearms such as the Fran cannon in the suppression of the thieves, so the thieves simply do not know how to fight or avoid the cannon bombardment.What they don't know is that forming a dense and thick square formation within the effective range of the cannon is purely for the cannon to be used as a target for shooting practice.

Twenty direct-fired projectiles dented the thick thieves' phalanx inward, and took away the lives and limbs of several rows of thieves at once. Even the screams of blood and flesh were rarely heard, and most of them The thief who shot was killed on the spot.

The remaining thieves have been completely blinded, they have never seen the huge damage that firearms can do to humans.

Before they could recover their senses, the gunners quickly stuffed the second blunderbuss into the long slot on the back of the gun and ignited the fuze. In the blink of an eye, the second projectile flew towards the bandits who stayed in place with a loud noise. array.

After two rounds of bombardment, there were not many people in the phalanx of thousands of thieves standing still, and the remaining hundreds of thieves finally came to their senses and fled in all directions, howling and screaming.

In their cognition, fighting in battle is still a knife and a gun, and they have never imagined that they will be slaughtered so unilaterally.

The age of firearms has arrived, and the one behind can only be beaten passively.

The firearms of the Ming army have not lagged behind the West until now, but various reasons in history have led to a very low usage rate.

The participation of the Shenji Battalion left the thieves without any countermeasures and strategies, and had no choice but to collapse and escape.

Liu Wenxiu at the top of the wall was full of disbelief.He has seen the firecrackers of the government army before, and he knows that although they are powerful, those who are hit will either die or be injured, but their slow reloading and short range are their fatal weaknesses. Fighting, the gunners have no ability to resist.

But today's long-distance artillery bombardment completely overturned his previous understanding of the battlefield. In front of this sharp weapon, he suddenly felt how powerless and small he was.

The [-]-sword shieldmen from Wu Junying had already entered the city through the city gate. They were responsible for clearing the way for the [-] Shenji Battalion musketeers behind them. Kill the thieves on the road.

There were not many rogues guarding the south gate, but they were bombarded and killed hundreds of people just now, and the rest were frightened by the power of the cannons. Seeing the officers and soldiers attacking the city, the rogues panicked Without the slightest resistance, he fled to other places along the corridor at the top of the city.

Liu Wenxiu at the head of the city ran away long before the official army entered the city.He had to tell his adoptive father the news of the city's destruction as soon as possible, so that his adoptive father could make plans early.

Just as the South Gate thieves were defeated, the officials from the West Gate and the North Gate also ascended to the top of the city one after another by means of ants.Compared with the South Gate breaking into the city with almost no damage, the officers and soldiers of the other two sects paid the price of more than a hundred casualties each. Fortunately, Xianying has no experience in defending the city, and there are too few elites, otherwise the casualties of the officers and troops would be even higher. There will be more.

Just as the three-faced army broke through to the center of the city, the East Gate of Zhushan suddenly opened, and thousands of people rushed out of the city, driven by the rogues behind them, followed by groups of rogues, Zhang Xianzhong changed He was dressed in civilian clothes and mixed in the crowd, surrounded by a group of cronies and soldiers who also dressed up as ordinary people.

Zhang Xianzhong knew in his heart that the destruction of the city was only a matter of time, so after returning to the county government, he called a group of cronies to discuss how to break out of the encirclement and escape.

In order to attract the attention of the officers and soldiers, he did not know the leading soldiers who would guard the three gates.As long as these three sides are still defending, the official army will not mobilize a large army to stop him outside the east gate, and he will not care about the life or death of his adopted son Liu Wenxiu and other leaders.

Although there are officers and soldiers a few miles outside the east gate, they have already formed a formation, but in the face of the situation where the common people are mixed together, it is difficult for the officers and soldiers to choose.Zhang Xianzhong's bet was that the officers and soldiers would not dare to kill indiscriminately, so he would run into the surrounding mountains smoothly.

Before Zhang Xianzhong left, he sent his own soldiers to kill Pan Duao and Xu Yixian's whole family. Now he hates these two idiots very much.It is because of being obsessed with ghosts and listening to the words of the two useless materials that they ended up in the current situation.

If he had retreated to Huangmao Pass or fled westward, no matter how many officers and soldiers there were, they would not be able to trap him.

There is no regret medicine in the world, it is too late to say anything now.

After the thieves rushed out of the city, they dispersed the people, and then fled to Luoying Mountain and Fangcheng Mountain on the north and south sides, while Zhang Xianzhong, Ai Nengqi and others fled to Luoying Mountain in the south.

Zu Kuan and Qin Yiming outside the east gate had been ordered to wait for a long time.

The reason why Lu Xiangsheng gave the order to attack as soon as possible, and left the east gate for the thieves to escape, was that after a long time, the thieves would massacre the people in the city to vent their anger without retreating, or push the people to the top of the city as hostages.In that way, even if the thieves will be killed in the end, but because of the huge casualties of the people, it will not only hinder their reputation, but also give those courtiers an excuse to attack him, and many innocent lives will be buried here.

Although Lu Xiangsheng has been in battle for a long time and is used to seeing all kinds of tragedies, he has not become ruthless because of this, and his compassion for the people in the bottom of his heart is even deeper.

If Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting were to command this campaign, what they thought was how to gather and annihilate the bandits, capture and kill the bandits, and put aside the life and death of the common people.

According to the personalities of the two, with the number of troops in their hands several times that of the enemy, they must adopt a strategy of encircling them ten times, besieging the thieves in the city, and will not launch an attack until it is estimated that they have run out of food for a long time, at the smallest cost In exchange for the greatest credit, it can also win the favor of the generals and soldiers of various armies.

It's not that Lu Xiangsheng didn't think of this, but what he was afraid of was that the bandits would slaughter the people after they ran out of food, and then use human flesh as military food.Such cases are not uncommon in history, and with Zhang Xianzhong's sinister and ruthless character, he can definitely do it.In that way, even if he wins the thief in the end, Lu Xiangsheng will have a lingering shadow in his heart for the rest of his life. He will never forgive himself, and he will never allow such a tragedy in the world to happen before his eyes, and it will happen under his own leadership. of.

Seeing the bandits driving the people to block the way of the army's charge, Zu Kuan and Qin Yiming hurriedly got together to discuss countermeasures.

Qin Yiming said: "Marshal Zu, how about ordering someone to lead the people aside to make way for the horse team before charging?"

Zu Kuan frowned and said: "In this way, most of the thieves will flee into the mountains. If the thieves escape, our contribution this time will not be so great!"

Qin Yiming, who was cowardly by nature, said helplessly: "What should I do? The commander-in-chief always loves the people like a son. If he leads the army to charge at this moment, many innocent people will die. What should the court and the commander-in-chief blame afterward?"

Zu Kuan said indifferently: "If the bandits get away, they will go to other places to harm more people in the future! Killing the bandits is the most important thing right now, and I can't control many! The commander is also the leader of the army, how can he not know the priorities! Now I lead the troops Charge, you can cover and kill later!"

No matter what Qin Yiming's answer was, Zu Kuan turned around and walked to the horse, turned on the horse, stretched out one arm and gave a false chop forward, the soldiers around him raised the red flag and pressed it forward, and more than two thousand cavalry on both sides drove slowly The horses began to press forward.

Most of the panicked people ran eastward along the official road, when suddenly a dull voice came from a distance, and a cavalryman appeared in everyone's sight after a while.

Ordinary people have never seen such a big battle. Many people stood on the spot in shock. After reacting, more people began to spread out to both sides. People with a clear mind shouted: "Get out of the way!" Get out of the way!" "Come here, come here!"

The horses of the Liaodong cavalry quickly picked up speed, and rushed to the front of the crowd in the blink of an eye. At this time, it was too late to hide on both sides. The cavalry of four riders and one row rumbled past, and all the men, women, old and weak who stood in the way were hit. After turning over, it became a meat paste.

 Thanks to the book friend SHAJIA for the reward.Today, the computer network is down. I just finished writing this chapter, so my friends have to wait. Sorry.

  In other words, will I make everyone uncomfortable by writing like this?
(End of this chapter)

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