Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 190 Change

Chapter 190 Change
Huang Bin has now become a household name in Chang'an Town, but he has never seen a large workshop with hundreds of people, and he must be quite capable to be a steward, so the boss will take his fancy.When Huang Bin occasionally went to the street, everyone he knew would greet him politely from afar, calling him "Guan Shi Huang" respectfully, and Huang Bin was very happy in his heart.

Since the establishment of the workshop, Cheng Lin has handed over the entire management power to Huang Bin, and he has received a new task from the head office of the capital - to establish a Sihai bank in Hangzhou, and start to use the funds The business of lending money to small merchants.

Zhu Youjian came from later generations, so he knows how profitable the bank is.Although he doesn't know much about the financial industry, he still knows about the simplest and most elementary lending.

It is difficult to carry out the storage business for the time being, but since the purpose of the purchase and storage is to use the price difference between collection and release to obtain profits, it is sufficient to directly use the principal to lend.

This business is aimed at the source of huge profits that the wealthy merchants in the south of the Yangtze River rely on - usury.

Zhu Youjian's purpose is very simple, to use the strong background of Sihai Commercial Bank to reduce the loan interest to an extremely low level, break the monopoly of a certain group on the lending business, let more small merchants who need funds for development get benefits, and promote the entire manufacturing industry and Great development of commercial circulation links.

The current chief shopkeeper of the headquarters of Sihai Commercial Bank has become Gong Fanwu, and the two original shopkeepers will continue to work to assist Gong Fanwu in his work.

The development of both Changlu and Shouguang Saltworks is now on the right track. It is no longer necessary for Gong Fanwu, who has outstanding ability and outstanding performance, to stay in the saltworks.After selecting a reliable successor from Jin Yiwei, who was responsible for monitoring the safety of the saltworks, Gong Fanwu was recalled by Zhu Youjian to the capital to take up a new position.

As an emperor, it was impossible for Zhu Youjian to see a white body casually, which was not in line with etiquette.But for Gong Fanwu's outstanding work over the past year, rewards are indispensable.

As for what kind of reward to give to Gong Fanwu, Zhu Youjian once consulted Gong Yonggu's opinion alone. After all, Gong Fanwu was still his domestic slave, so he had to ask his master what the other party valued the most.That is to say, if you want to reward, you must reward it in your heart to have any effect.

According to Gong Yonggu, Gong Fanwu doesn't value money.He has a bold and unrestrained personality, and loves to make friends.Gong Yonggu has repeatedly talked about getting rid of his slave status, but Gong Fanwu said that he will not be separated from the Gong family in this life, and his children and grandchildren will go out independently if they have the opportunity.Gong Fanwu's eldest son has reached the age of his hair, and Gong Yonggu also hired an old scholar to teach him since he was a child. Gong Fanwu also placed high hopes on this eldest son, hoping that he will achieve something in the future.

As long as you know what it values ​​​​most, it's easy to say.Following Zhu Youjian's decree, Gong Fanwu was given the post of Jinyiwei Qianhu, and the eldest son entered the Guozijian to study.

This Jinyiwei Qianhu is just an honorary title and a status symbol. There is no school lieutenant under him.

The emperor's reward made Gong Fanwu grateful, especially the fact that the eldest son was able to enter the Imperial College made his heart agitated.

He learned from Gong Yonggu that the Holy Majesty wanted to restore the Guozijian to its status in the early days of the country, and would rebuild the imperial court’s strategy of selecting and employing people from the Guozijian in the early days of the country at the right time. There will be some development. As for the future, it depends on the individual's ability.That is to say, as long as the eldest son works hard on his own, it should not be a problem to obtain an official status, instead of being a slave like him.

After fully understanding the emperor's intentions through Gong Yonggu's report, Gong Fanwu decided to set up a ticket office in Hangzhou Prefecture first, and then promote it to other prefectures and counties after accumulating enough experience.

Gong Fanwu personally rushed to Hangzhou by boat. Accompanied by Cheng Lin, he saw the workshop in Chang'an Town. Drive the silk industry in Chang'an Town to have greater development.Then the two conducted detailed analysis and research on the issue of establishing a bank, and decided to start their business in Chang'an Town first.

The workshop that manages more than [-] people is too busy for one person, and Huang Bin is overwhelmed by all kinds of complicated things every day.After obtaining Cheng Lin's consent, Huang Bin recruited his family and relatives into the workshop.

He and his wife are responsible for the management of the workshop. The two uncles are responsible for the purchase of rice, noodles, rapeseed and other materials needed for the cafeteria. His parents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and the wives of the two uncles are in charge of the production of meals.

After going through all kinds of chaos at the beginning, after more than a month, the management of the workshop was gradually straightened out, and Huang Bin was not as busy as he was at the beginning.

The workshop workers left work one after another. After carefully inspecting everything in the workshop, Huang Bin asked his neighbor Lao Huangtou to be on duty at night before returning to his home not far away.

The women who came back early had already cooked their meals. Huang Bin's father boiled a few pots of rice wine. Huang Bin's father-in-law, two uncles, and Huang Bin's father and son sat around. Women and children eat in the back room.

Father Huang took a sip from the coarse porcelain wine bowl, put down the wine glass and said cheerfully: "The second boy of the Fan family is engaged to the youngest daughter of the Liu family in the future. I paid [-] Wen and a rooster; I thought about it, and it will be enough for me to pay back [-] Wen in the future. Ah Bin, what do you think?"

Huang Bin put down the chopsticks in his hand and replied: "Father, Fan Yun is very skilled. He even helps me repair the loom and do some odd jobs when he is free. Miss Liu is also a good worker with ingenuity; I also plan to support Xiao Fan. Come back, let's return the gift with a little more seriousness, I think, just give one tael of silver! He will work hard after he knows about it!"

The rest of the people at the table looked at Huang Bin in surprise after hearing about the one tael of silver, and Huang's father muttered, "Ah Bin, what are you talking about? One tael of silver! That's a lot of money! It usually takes a month or two for ordinary people!"

Huang Bin's father-in-law also said: "Ah Bin, although it is your family matter, I shouldn't add words, but this time the ceremony is too heavy! This is an engagement. If he gets married in a few days, how can you give it to me?" ?”

As soon as Huang Bin heard what his father-in-law said was reasonable, he opened his mouth and said to Huang's father: "What my father-in-law said is very true, then I will give you five hundred Wen, and I will give you a couple of congratulations when you get married!"

Father Huang wanted to persuade him again, but he swallowed the words again.

Although the life of the Huang family was good in the past, with a net income of tens of taels of silver every year, compared with this period of time, it is far worse.

As a steward, Huang Bin received five taels of silver per month, and a [-]% dividend at the end of the year; his wife is also a steward now, and the commercial bank pays her three taels of silver every month. Far more than the previous annual net income.

The old couple and the in-laws' family of six are paid one tael of silver every month, which would have been unthinkable before.

Hard work is nothing, you can't save energy even if you don't use it, and it's your ability to exchange it for money.

As long as this continues, the Huang family will become a rare rich family in the town in a few years.In Huang Bin's words, in a few years, they will also buy silk and satin robes for the old couple, and then hire a few maids and servants to serve the family. In the future, when people see him, they will have to respectfully call "Huang Laoyuanwai".

All of this was earned by his son, and his son must have prestige to speak in this family.No matter whether you are reluctant or not, you have to listen to your son, especially in front of your in-laws, you have to leave enough face for your son.

The matter was thus settled, and the family began to talk about other things.There is no saying that farmers don’t eat and sleep without talking, so eating and chatting will have a more family atmosphere, isn’t it?
Li Nian, Huang Bin's eldest brother-in-law, chewed his food and said, "Ah Bin, there is something I want to discuss with you. You can help me to come up with an idea. You have the most experience with our two families, and we all believe in you!"

Huang Bin hurriedly said: "Brother, let him say something! We are all a family, don't treat others like that!"

Li Nian glanced at Father Li and saw him nodding his head slightly, so he plucked up his courage and said, "I don't want to buy any more, I want to learn how to repair looms from you! There are [-] looms in the workshop, and sometimes they will break down in a day." Several fights, I think you are too busy to take care of this and that, and Fan Yunxunkong has to help you, won't it be easier for you if I learn it? Seeing that there are more and more weavers in the town , but there are only a few loom repairers, and sometimes they can’t get around by chance. If I learn this craft, won’t my family have more money? Do you think it’s possible?”

Huang Bin smiled and said: "This is a good thing! I am worried that there is no one to help me! It's not bad for big brother to have such a thought! Wait for the little brother to figure out who can replace you. After that, big brother, you can follow me, as long as you put your heart into it. , I will be able to get started within half a year! Hehe!"

Li Nian held up the wine bowl and said solemnly: "Ah Bin, I respect you a toast! My sister can find a husband-in-law like you, this life is a blessing! Our whole family will benefit a lot! The whole family will remember it Your grace!"

Li's father and Huang Bin's second brother-in-law next to him also nodded vigorously.The farmers are not good at words, but it can be seen from their expressions that Li Nian's words are also what they think in their hearts.

Huang Bin waved his hands hastily and said: "Brother, I can't afford to say that! After Ah Fen married, she respected her parents, cared for her children, and took care of the housework. Now she followed me into the workshop. This neighbor Who in Youshe doesn't praise that Huang Bin has found a good wife? I am also very satisfied! We are a family, helping each other to live a good life, this is what I think in my heart!"

The second uncle, Li Sui, said: "What Ah Bin said is true! If a family knows each other well! I am different from my elder brother. I like to do shopping. If the workshop grows bigger in the future, I will just do it! "

Huang Bin said with a smile: "Little brother listened to Cheng Yuanwai, the workshop must be able to grow bigger, and our salary will increase accordingly in the future! It's just that we have to do it wholeheartedly, and it's best not to steal and play tricks!"

Several other people expressed their opinions one after another. When they met such a good boss, they would never let others say no to them.

Huang Bin took a sip of the wine and suddenly thought of something, so he put down the wine bowl and asked: "Second Brother, I've been staying in the workshop all day, and I don't hear much about the outside world, you are out all day I have heard a lot of things about running around; I ask you, is there someone in this town who wants to open a big workshop, but it is someone who does not have much money in their hands?"

Hearing this, Li Sui held up his chopsticks and turned his head back and forth. He buys a lot of supplies every day, and he contacts many people. He can find out everything in the town.

After thinking for a while, Li Sui's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "I really think of a person! He often asks me how these people are controlled! Ah Bin, you should know this person, Fang Li! The same is true at home. There are several looms, and the people are pretty nice!"

 I think there will be more people reading in the evening, so I will post it in the afternoon in the future, so I can get more hits. Please be considerate.

  In order to take care of some people, don't talk about me in the future, just talk about me.Don't be picky, there are many big flaws in other books, and there are countless small ones.

  Thanks to Kai Kai Lingyun for the reward.

  Hui Longzi’s words: Now everything is in the initial stage, in the initial stage, first put up the shelf, and when it develops, there will naturally be various rules and regulations. It is not enough to engage in production and management by relying on personal morality alone. , although the moral standard of people at that time was much higher than it is now.

(End of this chapter)

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