Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 325 Coping

Chapter 325 Coping
"That's how things happened. This time, the Fusi Township envoy of the Northern Township of the Pro-Army came to Nanjing. This is a master who is more difficult to get rid of than Li Mengan! Our family and Uncle Xin Cheng made enough room for you to wait." It took time to figure out a countermeasure, put down his body and begged for everything, Li Ruolian just agreed not to take people by hand. Now the knife is on your neck, and there is no proper strategy. Judging from the aggressiveness of the army I'm afraid this matter will never be resolved! Our family and Uncle Xin Cheng have a detached identity, and it is absolutely impossible for this matter to implicate the two of us. The reason why we came forward to mediate is not because we have worked with you for many years. You can agree, no matter who you owed before, this time it will be written off!"

In the second hall of the guarding eunuch's office, Zhang Yixian and Zhao Zhilong sat side by side on the main seat, and nearly twenty high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Nanjing sat on the seats on both sides of the subordinate.The expressions on everyone's faces were also different, some looked relaxed and contented, but most of them looked very worried.

Lu Weiqi and others naturally understood the meaning of Zhang Yixian's last few words, and everyone present saluted Zhang Yixian and Zhao Zhilong to express their gratitude.Although I often scolded these two people behind their backs, but after all, I still have to rely on them now, don't I?
"According to Mr. Zhang, what should I do next? It is a common tactic of factory guards to implicate others, so there is nothing wrong with the so-called crimes. I am afraid that everyone here will not be spared! I read the books of sages and sages, served the king, disregarded my personal interests, and dedicated all my life's learning to Daming, but suddenly encountered this unreasonable disaster. Could it be that the so-called sage benevolent king is like this As? Since the sage is in power, why does he allow the eagles and dogs to commit crimes recklessly? Is there any reason for such evil government and evil deeds? Will the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty treat the gentry well and not compete with the people for profit? Will this disappear? Is it possible that today’s world wants to leave an eternal infamy in history? Can't it be above?"

After Lu Weiqi got up and handed over his hands, he complained impassionedly, targeting Zhu Youjian who was far away in the capital.

He has already seen it, saying that the Shangguan of the Jinyiwei Hall made arbitrarily asserted claims and wanted to be implicated, but without the emperor's acquiescence, would you, the emperor's servant, dare to make decisions privately?

The so-called factory guards made their own claims, just in order not to leave a bad name for the emperor.

"The subordinates are saying that they are subjugated to their own soldiers! Among the emperors of all dynasties, only those who have subjugated the country have practiced such evil policies! Competing for the interests of the people is the foundation of subjugation of the country!"

"Wei Ni's misfortune is not far away! His act of using factory guards to harm the world has been scolded by the world. Do you want to repeat his mistakes?"

"Mencius once said: When the king regards his ministers like brothers and feet, the ministers regard the emperor as his heart; when the emperor regards his ministers like dogs and horses, the ministers regard the emperor as the people of the country; Sharing the world with the literati and bureaucrats, the style of writing flourishes, why do you do the opposite today? What is its ultimate intention!?"

Lu Weiqi's complaints resonated with most of the people present, and many people got up and joined in the action of denouncing the faint king.

"Presumptuous! How courageous! How dare you speak disrespectfully to the emperor! What are you doing in your daily life? You don't know what to do?! Whoever wants to say a word of dissatisfaction with the emperor, we don't care about this matter! "

Zhang Yixian slapped the armrest of the seat and scolded loudly.

After all, he was the emperor's domestic slave. Although he was temporarily on Nanjing's side because of his interests, he still couldn't help losing his temper when he saw these bastards directly targeting the emperor.

Zhao Zhilong also frowned, with a displeased expression on his face: "How can you eat the king's salary and insult my emperor? Are these words and deeds like people who read sage books? Please respect yourself! If you can't bear it again With these words, Benbo will return home immediately!"

After seeing the attitudes of the two giants, the anger of the crowd was suppressed by force. Lu Weiqi sat down with a sullen face, feeling even more disgusted with Zhang and Zhao in his heart.

With a forced smile on Xu Wenyuan's face, he cupped his hands and said: "Eunuch Zhang and Uncle Xin Cheng forgive the crime. Everyone was so angry that they said nothing. In fact, they are still loyal to the present in their hearts. How to deal with the current matter remains to be seen." The two are in the middle to reconcile, so as not to jump on the beam and bully me to become a dominator over my head in Nanjing, which will also greatly damage the reputation of the two. According to what Eunuch Zhang said just now, it seems that there is still a sacred intention that has not yet reached this point. Right now, I don’t know what the Holy Majesty intends, but I think it’s best to maintain the status quo and wait for the Holy Judgment, and I still need to ask you two to communicate with the imperial envoy to avoid any accidents!”

Zhang Yixian snorted coldly when he heard the words. Although he knew that Xu Wenyuan intended to provoke, he still held a grudge against Li Ruolian's behavior today.

Just when he was about to speak, a hundred guards from the government office rushed in and reported loudly on one knee: "To Eunuch Zhang, I will take over my humble position and report back. Chen, the member of the merit examination department of the Ministry of officials, and Sun, the chief Captured and taken away by Jin Yiwei from the government office! I hereby report to you!"

After Zhang Yixian and Zhao Zhilong returned from Li Banghua's place, they also arranged for their subordinates to keep an eye on each vital part, so as to know at any time whether Jin Yiwei made any unusual moves. What they didn't expect was that the two had just received a guarantee from Li Banghua that they would not move lightly. , Turning his head, Jin Yiwei began to attack people.

"Back off! Go and keep an eye on Haosheng, and report as soon as something happens!"

The hundred householders turned around and left after saluting, but the news he brought back made everyone in Nanjing look pale.

Xu Wenyuan's face was pale, and the sweat on his back flowed down his spine.

Chen Qingshan, a member of the Examination Division, is also his close subordinate on weekdays, and Jin Yiwei successively captured all the people related to him. Does this indicate that it will be his turn soon?

Lu Weiqi got up and cupped his hands and said: "Eunuch Zhang and Uncle Xin Cheng, the imperial decree has not yet arrived in Nanjing, and the factory guards acted so recklessly, is it possible that no one in the world can stop their ferocious actions?! The job of supervising all the officials, how can the factory guard take people beyond his power in front of him? This move is against the rules of the imperial court!"

People in Nanjing didn't have much fear of Li Banghua's arrival. Although Li Banghua held the power to correct and impeach officials, and came to Nanjing this time with the title of imperial envoy, everyone was in the imperial court after all, and there were certain rules for doing things. If you want to impeach anyone, you have to follow the procedure.As long as everyone works together and puts out the usual grind of procrastination and prevarication, you are guaranteed to get nothing within half a year.

But the factory guards are different. This group of people has no rules to talk about. They don’t give you any chance to ask for help.

Seeing Jin Yiwei start to attack now, if he doesn't think about it, who knows if he will be the next one to be arrested?In desperation, Lu Weiqi came up with such an impossible solution.The current situation is very bad. If the entanglement continues, everyone here will be unclean, and it is very likely that they will be wiped out in the end. In desperation, they can only retreat and seek the court to handle the matter. A lot of time and space to make a fuss.

Yu Youwei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing, said: "The advice of this soldier is very in line with the rules. The courtiers should deal with it according to the court rules. How can they lie to others! This official thinks that we should go to Li Meng's secret place together to ask for an explanation. We must not allow the factory guards to run amok! Please also invite Eunuch Zhang and Uncle Xin Cheng to lead us to the imperial envoy Xingyuan to express our feelings face to face!"

Everyone in Nanjing also echoed the words, and those who were impatient had already stood up, and everyone in the hall focused their eyes on the two big bosses in the main seat.

Zhang Yixian and Zhao Zhilong looked at each other, pondered for a while, and then said: "Although Lu Butang's words are reasonable, but this matter is probably as simple as this, so many people go rashly, and it's not unusual for them to be turned away. Didn’t you lose Nanjing’s face? How about this, our family will send someone to inform Li Meng in the dark to see if he is willing to meet with you, it would be best if he agrees, if not, then our family You and Uncle Xincheng have to make another trip! Sigh, we two are heartbroken because of you waiting for this bad thing! Afterwards, you can’t forget the credit of the two of us when you wait!"

 Thanks to sister Jinmojin for the reward, sister, it’s better not to spend money, I now have a monthly manuscript fee of nearly 1000 yuan, and I am considered a rich man, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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