Chapter 326
Zhang Yixian called a little eunuch over after finishing his pretense, and after a few orders, the little eunuch took Zhang Yixian and Zhao Zhilong's famous thorns and went straight to Dongli Pavilion. .

On the other hand, Zhang Yixian discussed some old news with Zhao Zhilong with a relaxed face.

Half an hour later, the little eunuch who delivered the letter rushed back and told Zhang Yixian that the imperial envoy was not feeling well, and it was inconvenient to see outsiders. He would invite Eunuch Zhang and Uncle Xin Cheng to discuss matters when he was well.

Everyone in the hall knew that this was Li Banghua's excuse, but there was really nothing they could do about it. Seeing that it was noon, Zhang Yixian didn't intend to keep them for dinner, but just casually said something so that everyone should not delay their business. Zhao Zhilong got up together, bypassed the screen and went to the backyard to have a drink.Lu Weiqi and Yu Youwei had no choice but to get up and leave one after another.

In the afternoon of that day, bad news came one after another. Several middle and low-level officials from the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Households were taken away from the office and their homes by Jin Yiwei.And when it was time to go on duty in the afternoon, Lu Weiqi and other high-ranking officials found that there was Captain Jinyi swaggering behind him.When they returned to the mansion with trepidation all the way, they saw the figure of Captain Jinyi at the corner of the gate. These signs clearly showed that they were all under surveillance.All of a sudden, all the higher-ranking officials in the Nanjing officialdom were panic-stricken, worried that the Jin Yiwei outside the gate would be ordered to suddenly break in and take them away.

The reason for the current situation where everyone is in danger is those two terrible words: implicated.

The implicated crimes created by Taizu in several major cases at the beginning of the country were too terrifying.The Hu Weiyong case, the Kongyin case, and the Guo Heng case, in each of these cases, tens of thousands of people were implicated and their families were wiped out.Although these cases have passed for 200 years, their great deterrent effect on civil servants has survived to this day, and the main force handling these cases is the Jinyi pro-army who has been awe-inspiring since then.

Although the emperors of all dynasties after the Taizu did not have the ethos of implicating the nine clans, many innocent people were still implicated in many cases investigated by the factory guards.Imam liquidated the eunuch party at the beginning of his ascension to the throne, and then restricted the rights of the factory guards to the greatest extent, and relied on these two measures to win unanimous praise from Dong Lin Dong. However, it can be seen from various signs in recent years that the The factory guard who disappeared has been reborn, and its rise is unstoppable.

The factory guards, who are currently on the rise, need meritorious service most, because while performing meritorious service, they can bring huge wealth to the palace. The fat sheep just happened to be the target of Jin Yiwei, the evil wolf.

The more the officials became more and more frightened, they spent a miserable sleepless night with their eyes wide open in the dark. After being on duty the next day, there were several people with black eye circles and pale yellow complexions in every yamen.

Since the houses of important people were all monitored by Jin Yiwei, it was impossible for Lu Weiqi and others to get together to discuss countermeasures.No matter day or night, all officials in the city who have important interests in the South Zhili area have lost their freedom invisibly, and behind each of them there is a school captain in Jinyi who is following behind him, openly or secretly. And nervous.

At the same time, Jin Yiwei's arrests show no signs of stopping. Officials from several important ministries are taken away by Jin Yiwei every day. Although these officials are not high-level, they are terrifying Yes, everyone is worried whether they will be the next one to be caught.

After spending several days in fear, Zhang Yixian and Zhao Zhilong summoned the high-ranking officials who attended the meeting last time to the office. After everyone was seated, Zhang Yixian waved his hand, and a young eunuch handed out several books to the first-ranked officials. Lu Weiqi, Yu Youwei and others stepped back.

These inscriptions were originally sent by Li Banghua to the guarding eunuch's mansion. They were written by several censors who were patrolling in Shandong and prepared to submit them to the emperor. Therefore, it was first submitted to Li Banghua for reading.

The content of these titles is different, but the final direction is very consistent.After listing the various drawbacks of various temples in Nanjing, these censors of science and Taoism finally asked the emperor to abolish the small court in Nanjing, set up a new province in Nanzhili according to the region, and select officials from the court to serve, completely solving the 200-year-old government system. The imperial government's decrees were not smooth in Nanzhili.

The censors invariably hinted in the inscription: Since Emperor Taizong moved the capital to the north, in the past 200 years, the Nanjing court has gradually broken away from the control of the emperor and the court. Independent of the entire Ming Dynasty, there are already signs of the former Tang Dynasty town. If the imperial court does not take timely measures to deal with it, there may be unspeakable disasters in the future.In order for the emperor's Ming Dynasty to survive for generations to come, it is imperative to cancel the left-behind imperial court in Nanjing.

Of course, these inscriptions were all written by Zhu Youjian, and Li Banghua ordered several censors who were close to him to write them.

The inscription book was quickly circulated among the people in Nanjing for reading, and the little eunuch stepped forward to take the inscription book back and walked down the hall.

"What a poisonous strategy! Hehe! It's an unbearable disaster to kill people! It's the first time in 200 years that someone throws out such absurd theories! It turns out that all the previous things were just paving the way for this. Not drinking! Hehehehe! Good! Very good!"

Lu Weiqi sneered sarcastically.

Now the truth is out.

From the beginning of the strike in Jiangnan, until Li Banghua and Li Ruolian came to Nanjing successively, and then to Jin Yiwei's so-called words of wanting to make a fortune, until the arrest of people and ransacking their homes in the past few days, and the continuous pressure on everyone in Nanjing. The ultimate goal of the emperor is finally Shown up in today's title book.

For fear of unbearable disasters, this sentence directly cut off all the thoughts of non-cooperation in Nanjing.

For the emperor, as long as he finds any signs of threatening the country and the country, he will definitely immediately take the most extreme methods to completely destroy it.What everyone in Nanjing could have imagined was that once these inscriptions were delivered to the palace, there would definitely be countless well-armored officers and soldiers going south with the imperial decree.When that time really comes, it will no longer be a matter of Jin Yiwei selectively seizing people's homes. Under the ravages of iron and blood, many wealthy officials and gentry families that have existed for 200 years will be uprooted and completely perish.

If Jin Yiwei is a wolf, then those troops who destroy cities and villages and regard human lives as worthless are simple killing machines. Jin Yiwei uses ropes to grab people, while the army speaks with knives.

However, even if they understood the truth of the matter, everyone in Nanjing was helpless.This is an upright conspiracy, and the unspeakable disaster has given this conspiracy the most appropriate name.

Although Lu Weiqi's words resonated widely in everyone's hearts, no one echoed them. Almost everyone was thinking about the impact of this incident on themselves and their family, including Zhang Yixian and Zhao Zhilong.

If the left-behind court in Nanjing is abolished and a new province is established, then the post of garrison eunuch will no longer be established, and the garrison ministers will also disappear at the same time.Zhang Yixian will definitely be recalled to the palace, but it is unknown whether Xinchengbo's mansion will remain in Nanjing.

Zhang Yixian and Zhao Zhilong, who originally thought they could get out of the way and take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit, were also frustrated, but they didn't expect that the emperor's move was so decisive that almost no one in Nanjing was spared.

While everyone in Nanjing was worried about whether Jin Yiwei would continue to seize people's homes, they were also worried about their own future.Now it seems that the abolition is almost a foregone conclusion. If the emperor prevents Jin Yiwei from taking people again in order to appease the people, how should they arrange them?And once you go north and enter Beijing, how will your family business that depends on you develop and survive?
None of the people who had their own concerns said anything, the atmosphere in the hall was both strange and calm, and there was only one way before everyone in Nanjing: obey.Otherwise, he would either be immediately arrested by Jin Yiwei and sent to prison, or he would be killed after waiting for the army to go south.

(End of this chapter)

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