Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 327 Return to Beijing

Chapter 327 Return to Beijing
At about [-]:[-] this morning, outside the Desheng Gate in the north of the capital, a dusty horse team was running towards the capital at a constant speed, and pedestrians and vendors on the official road gave way to the side of the road.

When a few miles away from the city gate, the guerrilla leading the front row raised an arm high, and the horse team slowly slowed down the speed of the horse until they all changed to a state of walking in short steps, and half a quarter of an hour later they were in the city. A mile outside the door stopped.

Although the Jingying soldiers guarding the city wall had already received a notification that they were from the Shaanxi government army, in order to prevent unpredictable things from happening, they aimed their artillery and crossbows at the area below the city under the command of the superior officer. A small team of cavalry.

After reining in his horse, guerrilla Chen Qian dismounted and went to meet the military officials waiting at the city gate. Sun Chuanting, who was wearing a red official uniform covered with dust, sat on the horse and looked up at the towering and tall city gate of Deshengmen Lou, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

In the eighth year of Chongzhen, the scene when he was ordered to meet with His Majesty resurfaced before his eyes again. The scene of the Holy Majesty standing outside the hall to greet him in person has been forever engraved in his mind. His great courage and confidence inspired him to create miracles one after another.

While Sun Chuanting was sighing in his heart, a group of officials in various robes came out from the deep city gate and greeted Sun Chuanting.

The first person looked about forty, wearing black gauze on his head, wearing a red official robe, holding the jade belt around his waist with both hands, with a white face and long beard, a smiling face, and an excellent demeanor, which made people immediately see him. Can't help but feel a sense of intimacy, this person is Yang Sichang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

Half a body behind him was also an official in a red robe, with a high nose and deep eyes, and a serious face. This man was transferred from the prefect of Suzhou to the right hand of the Ministry of Rites by Zhu Youjian just to make room for Fang Wen. The servant, Huang Zhongyu, and the rest of the middle and low-level officials in turquoise official uniforms followed behind the two.

Seeing this, Sun Chuanting immediately got off his horse and straightened his black gauze hat with both hands. Sun Zhian, who jumped off the horse, quickly brushed the dust off his master with his hands.

Although Sun Chuanting didn't know any of the people on the opposite side, judging from the golden pheasant patch on the chest of the leader, the person who came was a second-rank official of the imperial court. Yang Sichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, has a very good reputation in the hall.

"But Sun Zhongcheng is in person? Sichang came to welcome Zhongcheng back to the capital according to the order. Qin is thousands of miles away, and Zhongcheng has worked hard for state affairs. Sichang is so polite!"

After the two stopped at a distance of a few steps, Yang Sichang was the first to salute with a smile on his hands.

Although the two are of the same rank, Sun Chuanting has a great reputation. He has made great contributions to Daming for more than two years, and was bestowed the title of Dongge University Bachelor by the emperor. No matter how you look at it, he is much better than Yang Sichang. However, Yang Sichang, who was born in a wealthy family, also had his own pride. In order to avoid the embarrassment of claiming to be a subordinate to Sun Chuanting, who was much younger than himself, he preemptively adopted the method of giving courtesy by name.

"My minister, Sun Chuanting, thanked the Holy One for his great kindness! Brother Lao Wenqiang is here to welcome you, Chuanting is ashamed! Chuan Ting has long admired brother Wenruo, who has the reputation of Jingwei, but it is a pity that he has always been on the same side! Today, I finally got my wish, and I am overwhelmed. Congratulations! From now on in the court, I hope that Brother Wenqiang will teach you a lot!"

Sun Chuanting also smiled and cupped his hands in return.

Although he has a straightforward and stubborn personality, he is not a rookie with no officialdom experience. Facing the humble and kind Minister of the Ministry of War, he did not assume a posture of taking credit for himself and being superior to others, but lowered his figure and used the difference in age Talk about friendship.

"I've heard rumors that Sun Baigu is stern, stern, and arrogant, but there is no such sign after seeing it. If other people in the court have made such great achievements, they would have looked up to the sky long ago. See You can't believe the rumors here! I don't know what it will be like to get along with each other in the future."

Yang Sichang's thoughts were spinning, but there was always a gentle smile on his face: "Sicichang is worthy of Bai Gu's praise! The holy eye is like a torch, and it is only when he can recognize such a great talent as Bai Gu among thousands of people that he is in danger. The situation has been completely reversed, and Bai Gu's talent is not as good as his successor! Come on, let me introduce you, this is Huang Hanzhi, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, and he is also here to welcome Bai Gu's triumphant return!"

"The next official, Huang Zhongyu, came here to welcome Sun Zhongcheng back to Beijing. Zhongcheng has worked hard all the way!"

Huang Zhongyu came over to salute with a blank expression.

He already knew that Fang Wen, who took his place, was recommended by Sun Chuanting. While feeling depressed, he also hated the two of them, but under the current situation, he had no choice but to see if there was a chance in the future. Take revenge for this.

Sun Chuanting slightly bowed his hand and returned the salute without exchanging too many greetings with Huang Zhongyu, then the group of mid-level officials from the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Rites went up to pay respects to this famous figure one by one, and Sun Chuanting accepted it calmly.

After the ceremony, Yang Sichang took Sun Chuanting's arm and walked forward with a smile, Huang Zhongyu followed a few steps behind, and then the group of officials followed.

The guards of the standard battalion brought by Sun Chuanting, under the leadership of the officials of the Ministry of War, detoured to the camp of the Yongwei Battalion to station and listen to the order. Only Sun Zhian and Sun Fugui followed behind the crowd with three horses.

"When the Holy Majesty knew that Bai Gu had arrived in the suburbs of Beijing, the crown prince and several senior scholars from the cabinet came to greet him, but after being persuaded by me, he dismissed the idea. Does Bai Gu have any blame on me?"

Yang Sichang smiled and said to Sun Chuanting.

When Sun Chuanting was still forty miles away from the capital, he sent someone to the capital to inform Yousi that he had arrived with his guards. Under the capital, it is easy to cause misunderstandings and disrupt the normal order of life in the capital.

After receiving the report, Yang Sichang went to the palace to report to Zhu Youjian, and asked for instructions on who should be sent out of the city to welcome him. Thinking of Sun Chuanting's great achievements in the past two years, Zhu Youjian's brain became hot, and he planned to hold a grand welcome ceremony for Sun Chuanting. To show his respect for this famous official.

After thinking about it for a while, he planned to let Zhu Cihong go out together with Wen Tiren, Yang Sichang and other important officials, but he was persuaded by Yang Sichang's words: "Does the Holy Majesty want to put Sun Baigu on fire?"

In fact, Yang Sichang didn't know Sun Chuanting, so he didn't need to care about whether Sun Chuanting became the target of public criticism because of this, but the matter of increasing the number of cabinet ministers was a certainty, and if nothing happened, he would add more to the cabinet.However, if Sun Chuanting was used to make a big fuss about the prince's appearance afterwards, the emperor would definitely regret his current decision, and maybe he would blame himself for not admonishing him in the first place, and would regard himself as a villain from then on. Then his career is basically over.

Sun Chuanting was taken aback when he heard the words, then stopped, and saluted Yang Sichang solemnly: "Brother Wen Wei's actions are indeed like a good minister in ancient times, and Chuanting thank you here! My emperor's kindness to Sun is also worthy of praise There is no way to repay the court!"

Of course he understood that Zhu Youjian's original intention was to show his kindness to everyone, but the method he wanted to take was inappropriate.If he hadn't been dissuaded by Yang Sichang, if he made any mistakes in the future, these things would be brought out and attacked.

Yang Sichang smiled and bowed his hands and said: "Why does Baigu have to be so serious? These are all trivial matters. As ministers in the same hall, we should pick up the missing items from each other and check for the missing items for my emperor. Always put the affairs of the court as the first priority, so that we can live up to the promotion of the sage. Grace!"

Sun Chuanting nodded understandingly with a smile, and he accepted Yang Sichang's favor in his heart.

While speaking, a group of people entered the city from Desheng Gate. Sun Chuanting's family had already answered the message, and sent the old housekeeper Sun Chengwen to wait inside the city gate with a brand new sedan chair.Sun Chuanting thanked Yang Sichang for his welcome and invitation to the banquet, and entrusted Yang Sichang with the manuscript, and asked him to pass it on to the Holy Majesty when he entered the palace to restore the decree. The bearer carried the sedan chair and went straight to the mansion in Xicheng.

 Thanks to book friend Lin Lingsu for the reward in 2018.

(End of this chapter)

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