Chapter 333
Wen Tiren and other members of the cabinet held an attitude of nothing to do with the two newly promoted bachelors.

Wang Yingxiong and Zhang Zhifa had long been prepared to abdicate at any time. They knew that they had long since lost their due status in the emperor's heart, so now they only hoped that when the time came, they would return home with a decent title. good.

Wen Tiren was not at all worried that his position as chief assistant would be replaced by someone else.

In his view, although the matter of adding ministers to the cabinet is a foregone conclusion, and the new cabinet ministers are all young and capable, his position will be quite stable in at least three to five years, and after five years, he will be a rare man. Years, it doesn't matter if you step back.

Wen Tiren also had a detailed analysis and judgment on the important ministers valued by the emperor in the Ming Dynasty.

Whether it is Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng, or Chen Qiyu, Yang Sichang, Fan Jingwen, Hou Xun, etc., these people currently lack the ability to control the overall situation, and also lack the ability to understand the holy will.In addition, they are all powerful and decisive people for a long time, and they have developed a habit of saying one thing and not allowing others to question or disrespect them. What kind of scenes will happen when this group of people get together.

Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng are both famous for their military exploits. They have been leading troops to fight all these years, and they have made little achievements in helping the people and governing the people.The cabinet is a place to assist the emperor in dealing with internal affairs. Now that the thieves have been wiped out and the establishment of the state is difficult to protect, the emperor's focus will definitely turn to the issue of peace and prosperity for the people in the Ming Dynasty. Will the two be able to achieve something in civil affairs? Not yet known.

Although Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu have both civil and military skills, they both have considerable flaws in their personalities.Needless to say, Chen Qiyu's ability, he has excellent vision and insight in military strategy, but after gaining power, he tends to be complacent, and then behaves in a panic, and soon there will be problems that people criticize. It is difficult for him to become the chief minister.

Sun Chuanting has risen rapidly. Although he has only been in Shaanxi for more than two years, he has already made great achievements in martial arts and martial arts. From today's daily words and deeds, we can find that Sun Chuanting is one of the most valued civil servants in today's world. He is also the most likely to become a civil servant. The first assistant.

But Sun Chuanting also has the defects of being too upright and inexperienced. This can only be improved after several years of experience in the cabinet, and it is absolutely impossible to be pushed to a high position in the short term.

Although Fan Jingwen and Hou Xun were good at internal affairs, they were good at various aspects, they didn't have the vision of commanding the overall situation, and they couldn't become the emperor's preferred chief assistant. They just gave the emperor more professional advice in specific fields.

Although Yang Sichang is good in talent, demeanor, and charm, but unfortunately his qualifications are too shallow and he has no special achievements. He is older than the celebrities Sun, Lu, Hong, and Chen in the eyes of the emperor. It is impossible to be the first assistant in this life. seat.

If he is unwilling to stir up trouble, he will probably be hated by his superiors in the end, but judging by Yang Sichang's slick methods, he will naturally recognize the situation and find his own place in the cabinet.

As for Zhang Guowei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and Feng Ying, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, the chances of joining the cabinet are very slim, let alone the chief assistant.

Li Banghua, who is far away in Nanjing, has the qualifications to be the chief assistant in every respect, but he is too loyal, and I am afraid that he will not be liked by the emperor. Zuodu Yushi is the most suitable person for him.Although the emperor valued him very much, he was afraid that he would not be allowed to enter the cabinet, at most he would be given an honorary title.

If Zhu Youjian knew Wen Tiren's current thoughts, he would definitely give him a thumbs up. Old Wen's guess was almost the same as what he thought.

In Zhu Youjian's plan, after the addition of cabinet ministers in the coming year, Wen Tiren's chief assistant will continue to do so for a long time. After Sun Chuanting and others sort out how to govern within a few years, they will also learn from it. After reaching the experience required by cabinet ministers, that is the time for Wen Tiren to become an official.

Sun Chuanting is indeed the best candidate for the first assistant in Zhu Youjian's mind.

It stands to reason that the position of chief assistant should be given to Hong Chengchou, who is more tactful and softer in his methods, but Zhu Youjian has an indelible psychological shadow on this minister who was included in the biography of the second minister, especially with Sun Chuanting and Lu Xiangsheng. Compared with the loyal and staunch officials, Hong Chengchou's image suddenly dwarfed a lot.

After considering from a longer-term perspective, Zhu Youjian believes that the current Ming Dynasty has just emerged from years of war and is still facing the harsh impact of continuous natural disasters.

At this time, what the top people in Ming Dynasty need is not the kind of conservative bureaucrats, but pioneers who are brave enough to take charge and enterprising. Sun Chuanting's temperament and ability just meet this requirement. As long as he has strong support from himself, With the joint efforts of all parties, we will strive to make the rudiments of great rule in the northern border of the Ming Dynasty appear ten years later.

In Zhu Youjian's plan, with the development of the times, the functions of some important ministries and departments must be fine-tuned so that their responsibilities can better adapt to the requirements of social development.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate, which is extremely powerful, is one of the first ministries that need to adjust its power.

While strengthening the supervision of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, it is also necessary to formulate corresponding regulations to restrict the rights of the officials.

Since the Tang Dynasty's Niu Li faction struggle, the civil officials of all dynasties have formed a bad style of attacking each other by using various means for their own interests, and the officials of all periods have played the most important role in these struggles .

Because the officials have a unique fighting attribute and privilege, that is, they can gossip about things.

This kind of privilege has been infinitely magnified by civil servants, and many unwarranted crimes have been generated out of thin air, and many famous ministers have fallen into this kind of attack with infinite malice.

Zhu Youjian agrees with the general view of later generations. He believes that the privilege of playing rumors is more like chasing rumors and making things out of nothing.

If this kind of evil government privilege is not restricted, then the future court will soon return to the old way, quarrels, insults, and personal attacks will be staged endlessly, and most of the courtiers involved in it will eventually be defeated Come.

The main rights of the officials will not be changed, but the right to act on rumors will be cancelled.

In the future, any minister must be impeached with definite evidence, otherwise it will be framed, which will be punished with the same crime.

Effective evidence is the basis of impeachment. Sufficient evidence must be given for each crime committed by the impeached person to convince the public.

When Li Banghua returns from Nanjing, this article will be implemented in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, so as to prevent people from using officials to attack political opponents, so that courtiers can spend their energy on handling government affairs instead of worrying about offending others in official affairs. hit.

Although the authority of the speaker is to supervise the officials, this most important duty has been selectively ignored by most people before.

The point of the supervisory officials is the courtiers' handling of their respective government affairs, rather than personal attacks on someone's personal morality. This must be made clear.

Ouyang Xiu, a famous minister in the Northern Song Dynasty, was one of the victims.

He was instigated by his political opponents to frame him for having an affair with his daughter-in-law, so he had to resign his position as a political adviser in shame and desperation. With his resignation, this false accusation came to an abrupt end, and public opinion was quickly censored. Calm down.

This is a typical frame-up, because in the end there is no evidence to prove that Ouyang Xiu has such immoral behavior.

Zhu Youjian would never allow such a vicious thing to happen in front of his own eyes. Anyone who dares to try the law with his own body should go to Yizhou to open up wasteland.

 Thanks to the book friend Sun Zheng for the reward.Back to book friend Zerubbabel's question, you reminded me right, I made some mistakes, thinking that everyone knows that Jiang in Jiangsu refers to Jiang Ning, hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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