Chapter 334
After announcing the candidate for the new governor of Shaanxi, the venue fell into silence, and everyone was thinking about the vacant position of Shuntian Fu Cheng.

Zhu Youjian glanced at everyone in the hall, seeing everyone's expressions in his eyes, and then continued calmly: "Hou Qing, the Nanjing household department has been withdrawn, but its official duties are heavy. If it is handed over to the I’m afraid it’s difficult for the households in the Nanjing government to take on their responsibilities; after I’ve thought about it just now, I intend to move the Zhejiang Cleaning Department of the household department to Nanjing as a permanent resident, so as to supervise the taxation of rice and grain in the south of the Yangtze River, what does Hou Qing think?”

What Hou Xun said just now reminded Zhu Youjian that the abolition of the Nanjing household department will cause some troubles.

The Nanjing household department directly collects taxes from the Zhili prefectures and the three provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Huguang. In addition, the Nanjing household department also has independent warehouses, grain depots and bank warehouses, but the tax collection behavior and tax amount must be reported to Beijing households in advance. One copy of the annual income and expenditure account is submitted to the imperial court, and the other is submitted to the Ministry of Accounts for record.

After the abolition of the Nanjing household department, the taxes of the three provinces of Huguang, Jiangxi, and Zhejiang, as well as the newly established Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, can be directly deposited with the capital. Hosted by Jiangsu Province.

Both Jiangsu and Nanjing are newly built. Although they will also set up Liucao and Liufang corresponding to the Six Departments of the Beijing Normal University, and recruit relevant personnel to start office work, but from a professional point of view, the professional level of these newly recruited officials is not the same as that of the Beijing Normal University. The bureaucrats of the Ministry vary greatly.

Most of the official staff in the thirteen clean-up departments of the Ministry of Households are descendants of their fathers. They have been doing business in the ministry for many years. He is very familiar with it, and he is well aware of some of the methods of corruption.It can be said that as long as they are serious, they will see through any tricks.

Every year, several million stones of grain are transported from one place in the south of the Yangtze River to the capital. Although these are mainly urged by the local government and the water transport yamen, they are also inseparable from the assistance of the Nanjing Household Department. However, the remaining volume is still beyond the control of Hucao and Hufang.

However, the middle and low-level officials in the Nanjing household department are basically hereditary ministerial affairs, and they have been integrated with the local gentry and wealthy merchants, using their power to wantonly embezzle money and food from the imperial court.

If these low-level officials are left in the local area because they are all scruples about moving them to the north, then this will only make these people act more recklessly, and they will naturally think that the court cannot do without them , and its behavior will be more confident.

Moreover, these warehouses belonging to the Nanjing household department also have an important attribute, that is, they exist in the form of Jiangnan strategic reserves. This rule was formulated after Emperor Taizong moved north.This is to prevent the occurrence of a series of disasters in the event of a major disaster in the south of the Yangtze River due to the temporary inability to raise and spend grain and rice supplies.

"What the Holy Majesty said hits the nail on the head. This strategy is the best move, and the veteran also thinks so. The branch of the household department is stationed in Nanjing, which is more conducive to straightening out the tax collection of the court; but the veteran has one more request, and that is Wang Sheng. The branch of the Household Department is allowed to retain some of the former officials of the Nanjing Household Department. After all, it involves so many warehouses and materials. Judging from the current manpower of the Zhejiang Cleaning Department, it is difficult to sort it out in a short period of time. I hope that this matter will be approved by the Holy One!"

Hou Xun played after bowing his hands and saluting.

"Okay! After Hou Qing went back to select the manpower, he immediately sent them to Nanjing to check and hand over with the relevant people. All the sergeants who guarded the warehouses will be retained. I will send the relatives to stay in the branch office to assist with daily official duties. Prevent accidents from happening!"

After thinking for a while, Zhu Youjian agreed to Hou Xun's request.The so-called Jinyi's assistance in staying in the Yamen is just to make it sound nice. In fact, Jinyiwei went in to monitor and deter these people, and to prevent corruption from happening to the greatest extent.

"Zhao Zhiyong, the former magistrate of Pingliang Prefecture, was diligent and diligent in his tenure. He often went to the front line to inspect and supervise the resettlement of disaster victims, open up wasteland and dig wells, and build water conservancy. These people deserve to be rewarded for their dedication to the safety of the people. I am determined, Zhao Zhiyong was specially promoted to be the governor of Jiangsu Province, with the title of Zuoqian Capital Yushi, and he will take up the post immediately after receiving the order! All the officials of Pingliang Prefecture have been promoted to one level since Zhao Zhiyong, and the post of magistrate was taken over by Zhang Wenwen, the prefect. The same applies to the following!"

Before Sun Chuanting asked Yang Sichang to submit the manuscript, he had already submitted the inscription. The content of the inscription was written by him on the way to the capital with the Qin army.

He knew that he would not have the chance to return after leaving Shaanxi this time, so he simply wrote down the list of available officials that he had secretly inspected on weekdays, as well as their political achievements in the past two years, so that For Zhu Youjian's reference when employing people.

This Zhao Zhiyong is the best in this list.

Zhao Zhi, who had just passed his [-]s, was used in the four-year pilot test of Tianqi, and after a year of government affairs, he was sent to Lantian, Shaanxi to serve as the county magistrate. He has never left Shaanxi since then.

Although he was gradually promoted to the post of magistrate due to his meritorious service in more than ten years, his life as a magistrate in the northwestern land where bandits are everywhere and hungry people are like ants is quite difficult.It can be said that most local officials in Shaanxi have already made preparations for their families to go to disaster at any time. Zhao Zhiyong had no choice but to try his best to appease and relieve the people under the rule, and try not to let more hungry people go to other places to join Rogue team.

Fortunately, most of the thieves in Shaanxi were concentrated in northern Shaanxi, and rarely went to Pingliang Mansion in the west. The reason is simple. Pingliang Mansion is too poor and has little money, so the whole Pingliang Mansion has been relatively stable for many years.However, with the rise of Huntian Wang, Renyi Wang, Ma Jinzhong and other giant bandits, Pingliang Mansion soon fell into chaos.

In the eighth year of Chongzhen, after Sun Chuanting went to Shaanxi and strangled all the major thieves successively, the northwest of Shaanxi was completely settled down.Immediately afterwards, Sun Chuanting designated Pingliang Mansion as the main area for resettling the victims, and went to Pingliang Mansion in person. Accompanied by Zhao Zhiyong and others, Sun Chuanting inspected the geography of relevant prefectures and counties on the spot, and formulated detailed measures for garrisoning the land and reassuring the people.

As a large number of disaster victims were guided in an orderly manner, countless money, food, and supplies also poured in, and there were also a large number of Jinyi school captains in fresh clothes and angry horses. .

Seeing that Sun Chuanting often traveled to various resettlement sites for the victims, Zhao Zhiyong and the officials of Pingliang Mansion dared not stay in the government office.Coupled with a large amount of silver rewards and subsidies, as well as the bright and dark surveillance of Jinyiwei and Yushi, under the influence of several factors, all the officials in Pingliang Prefecture were forced to invest in the huge project of Fumin farming and building water conservancy.

In the next two years, Zhao Zhiyong set an example and devoted most of his energy and time to Anmin.Driven by him, the officials of Pingliang Mansion followed suit one after another. They put down their dignity and devoted themselves to the practice of every link. All kinds of difficulties encountered in the field were quickly resolved in a short time.

After waiting for more than half a year, the summer grain harvest in Pingliang Prefecture in the second year was more than 200 shi, and the next autumn grain harvest was also more than [-] shi. , so that nearly [-] million victims have the rations that can support the summer harvest in the coming year.

With the improvement and matching of various water conservancy facilities, and the reclaimed fields have become mature fields, the summer grain harvest in Pingliang Prefecture in the ten years of Chongzhen has achieved a bumper harvest, with a total amount of nearly 40 shi. For autumn grain, the disaster victims in Pingliang Prefecture not only do not need external support, but also have a large surplus of self-produced grain.

It can now be concluded that the entire Pingliang Prefecture's Anmin Tuntian project has achieved great success, and with the increase in reclaimed land, in a few years, Pingliang Prefecture will become the big granary of the Northwest.

For Zhao Zhiyong's promotion and use, Sun Chuanting's recommendation is one aspect, while Jin Yiwei's information is more detailed. The combination of the two contributed to Zhu Youjian's appointment today.

(End of this chapter)

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