Chapter 335 Arms
"Qizou Shengshang, since the newly established Jiangsu Province has already been selected as a governor, how should Zhou Linqing, the original governor of Yingtian, be installed? Please tell me, the second-rank officials are also important officials of the court, and they will easily attract criticism if they are idle for too long!"

Zhou Yun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, played a salute.

Apart from the few people in the cabinet, he is the one who has the least thought about the addition of cabinet ministers.

There has always been an unwritten rule in the Ming court: officials from the Ministry of Officials are not allowed to join the cabinet.

This is to prevent the Minister of the Ministry of Officials from using his power to abuse his personal interests and form a powerful force in the court, which will lead to the situation where the entire court situation is out of control.

"Zhou Linqing has made outstanding achievements during his tenure. He was awarded the title of Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and he entered the Ministry of Rites to handle official duties. The specific division of labor... Let Zhang Qing be responsible for the arrangement!"

Without even thinking about it, Zhu Youjian kicked the governor Yingtian into the Ministry of Rites.

Zhou Linqing also belongs to the Jiangnan vested interest group, so let those who benefit the most go to the Ministry of Rites to tear them apart.

Although the Ministry of Rites is a noble yamen, except for the three-year general examination, it does not have much power at ordinary times, and has little influence on the government affairs of the court.

He didn't have a good impression of Zhang Guowei, Minister of Rites.

Zhang Guowei's own ability is mediocre, and he entered the Ministry of Rites as a minister only because of the promotion of the former chief assistant Zhou Yanru, and then he was promoted to the position of minister in the constant turnover of personnel in the court.

This person is known for his hypocrisy in dealing with things. Behind his personable demeanor is the superposition of greed and shamelessness. He is a typical hypocrite.Although he didn't make any big mistakes, he had a bad reputation in the court, and most of his friends were members of the Donglin Party, and this time Zhu Youjian forced him into the Ministry of Rites, all of them were members of the Donglin Party .

Most of the officials in Ming Dynasty have one thing in common: they are good at infighting, but clumsy in governing.

For a little bit of personal gain, these people must try their best to fight for every inch of land, and the future arrangement of ceremonies in the Yamen should be full of drama.When they fight to the point of losing both sides, Zhu Youjian will get rid of them in one pot, the reason is that it is not decent for the court.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhu Youjian laughed secretly.

They were originally in the same group, but for the sake of power, they would still be beaten to death.

If there are outsiders, you will engage with outsiders, and if there are no outsiders, you will engage with your own people. Anyway, you can't be idle.

The official position is not lost, and the struggle is endless.

Those who intersect with each other with benefits will disperse when the benefits are exhausted; those who intersect with each other with power will lose their power; those who intersect with power will lose their power.

The words of the saint are the best portrayal of this group of people.

"Qi Zou Shengshang, the Ministry of Rites is a noble place, and the affairs of the Ministry are not complicated and difficult to manage. And now there are three ministers and directors, plus the Minister of the Ministry of Rites and the Minister You, it is far beyond the needs of the Ministry. ; Now the Holy Majesty wants to put Governor Yingtian in the Ministry again, and even the office will be difficult to reconcile! What exactly does the Holy Majesty intend to do?"

Zhang Guowei, who was already very dissatisfied with Fan Jingwen and Hou Xun's promotion to bachelor, couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his hand to face Zheng Wusha, stood up, and asked Zhu Youjian with resentment after saluting.

Last year, the emperor inexplicably added a right servant to the Ministry of Rites, in the euphemistic name of enabling the Ministry of Rites to better educate the world, so the reason for strengthening the Ministry of Rites is barely justified.

But now the Nanjing Ministry of Rites is going to be merged in. Although there is only one minister and one minister in Nanjing, there are now two ministers and four ministers.

Unexpectedly, this is not the end of the matter, and a former local official with the title of minister, three ministers and four servants in one ministry, how to deal with official affairs?Isn't this treating the Ministry of Rites as a chamber pot?
"Zhang Butang, please pay attention to your words! There must be a deep meaning in this arrangement of the Holy One. Besides, how to arrange the six officials is also a matter of the Holy Heart. How can I allow my ministers to be involved? As a courtier, how can I have resentment towards the Holy One? Here, Xian will definitely impeach you for a crime of disrespect!"

Before Zhu Youjian could speak, Wen Tiren, who was sitting at the top, looked at Zhang Guowei dissatisfiedly and said.

Wen Tiren's accusation made Zhang Guowei regret it in spite of embarrassment.

Before the exam this year, someone came to the door with Wen Tiren's famous assassin, but was rejected by the upright Zhang Guowei. Unexpectedly, today he was severely slapped by this self-proclaimed incorruptible chief assistant.

I had resentment when my mentality was out of balance, and my years of nourishing energy were completely lost in an instant, and I actually uttered complaints by accident, which was a big taboo for a courtier.Now not only is the hope of the cabinet minister completely ruined, I am afraid that even the current position is already in jeopardy.

Although the emperor's irritable, irritable and narrow-minded temperament has changed a lot in recent years, who knows if he will hate himself because of it, and how to ease his cheeks now.

"Hehe, how can I be such a narrow-minded person? The Ministry of Rites may be the reason for self-discipline and chaos, so I just said what I said indiscriminately. I will not bear hatred for my ministers because of this, hehehe!"

Zhu Youjian suppressed his anger, and spoke lightly with a warm smile on his face, secretly thinking in his heart: You must be like the ancient sages, when someone offends him or contradicts him, you will never get angry and always maintain your demeanor. It is necessary to show open-mindedness and generosity, and not express the joy and anger in front of the ministers.

Zhang Guowei's few complaints today made Zhu Youjian, who already had a bad impression of him, feel murderous in his heart.

While the emperor had a smile on his face, his eyes were piercingly cold, and the word "Ministry of Rites" in his words showed his attitude. He used to be a certain Qing.

After seeing Zhang Guowei sitting down with a pale face, most people in the hall felt gloating.

Wen Tiren's accusatory words were more like fearing that the emperor would not be angry, and they were directly provoking the emperor's anger.

This villain is too scary, if you are not sure about moving to him, you should try to stay away from him as much as possible.

"Yang Qing, what's the current situation in the barracks at the Shahou Station outside the Guanwai? How much food and supplies have arrived? Is there any shortage of other supplies?"

Zhu Youjian ignored Zhang Guowei, who was in a state of despair, and asked Yang Sichang, who was struggling with his beard and thinking.

"Qizou Shengshang, most of the barracks of Shahousuo has been completed. The main body of the barracks is mainly made of wood. Because there are many forests in the surrounding mountains, it is very convenient to use local materials; now some troops from the Yongwei Camp and the Beijing Camp have been stationed. Among them, the remaining part is expected to be completed before the end of this month. By then, the entire barracks will be able to accommodate more than 12 officers and soldiers. There are [-] warehouses built in the barracks for storage of grain, grass, materials and weapons. More than [-] grains have been stored There are [-] bundles of rocks and hay, more than [-] stones of bean materials, countless oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, etc., and some other military supplies. Follow-up grain and grass materials are being transferred in succession. It is complete enough to be used by an army of [-] for three months!"

Yang Sichang, who was in a trance, was taken aback when he heard the emperor's questioning. He quickly stood up and gave a salute, and then he unhurriedly listed the well-prepared data one by one.

"Who in the Ministry of War is currently supervising the work behind the sand? Have the new winter clothes, shoes and hats been prepared?"

Zhu Youjian continued to ask questions.

"Qi Zou Shengshang, the military barracks of the Shahou Army is now under the supervision of Zhang Shiqi, the Secretary of the Arsenal, and an assistant from the Ministry of Industry, Wai Lang, a member of the Ministry of Industry, and a number of officials to supervise and promote the speed. Today, from Shanhaiguan to Songshan City, the officers and soldiers wear winter clothes. All the shoes and hats have been distributed, and the rest of the capital’s Beijing camp has also been refitted. There are more than 1 pieces of military uniforms and shoes and hats left. The Qin army, Sichuan army and other guest armies have all the military resources and supplies!"

"Very good, Yang Qing handles public affairs with great care and attention, I am so relieved! The military department must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and don't miss any details! Let's stop here for today's discussion. Wen Qing will abolish the appointment after returning The matter is drafted, and the inner court will send it to the related party immediately after it is printed, let's go!"

 Thanks to the book friend 160808200758916 for the reward.Since the starting point is undergoing strict self-examination, in order not to violate the regulations, many sentences have been modified, which may affect everyone's perception, please understand.The other is to help promote a new book (The Rule of the Three Kingdoms), and book lovers who are interested in the Three Kingdoms can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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